War Of Hearts: A Wicked Hearts At War Book One

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War Of Hearts: A Wicked Hearts At War Book One Page 6

by Mallory Fox

  “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” I hiss at him.

  “I don’t enjoy losing in business, so no.”

  Do something shameful and enjoy it.

  I gather my wits, pulling my lips into a grim line. “Your game failed. I’m not ashamed.”

  “Then you won’t mind my contact sharing this out to the world. Unless, of course, you want to do something for me…”

  My father’s favorite line comes to mind.

  Negotiate first. Burn the fuckers later.

  “What do you want? Do you want my father to stop marrying your bat-shit crazy mother? Because I hate to have to tell you this, but I have no sway in the matter of my dad’s love life.”

  “I would be impressed if you could pull that off. But no, I’m after something else.” He picks up his phone and taps away until I get a notification on my own device telling me I have an email. I open it and read it.

  “You have got to be kidding me.”

  “Sign it and we have a deal.”

  I stand up and grab my books off the table and the whole class looks up.

  The French teacher frowns at me. “Pearl, is there something wrong?”

  Seth quirks a brow, looking all too amused and all the more beautiful for it. “Is that a no?”

  I resist the urge to punch his lights out. That wouldn’t be lady like.

  When have you ever been a lady, Pearl Darlington?

  “Oh, it’s a no. Go fuck yourself and the horse you rode in on,” I snarl at him.

  “Only if the filly begs.”

  I flip him the finger and I’m out the door and down the hallway before the teacher or any of the students can react.

  Chapter 7


  From the view of the Tower Music Room window, the girls are walking back from the dinner hall. Pearl is leading them while two of her friends chatter behind her. Royce, one of my distant cousins, is stalking her from the other side of the quad. The sick fuck. Pearl hasn’t noticed him yet, but I have.

  She’s deep in thought and hot as hell.

  I can’t help but be reminded of the way she looked earlier… head held high, breathing hard, gloss coating her taut lips, fury laced with fear in her hazel eyes. She had my dick rock hard and my balls aching the moment she challenged me.

  That was a mistake.

  “… really going play games with this one?”

  “What?” I glance over my shoulder to where Stamford is lying on his back, blazer folded under his head while he smokes a big, fat spliff right in the middle of the music room we’ve commandeered. It’s still the middle of the day but it’s just a bit of bush, and no one comes up here except the music students to practice. Even the porter knows well enough to stay away. Who the hell is going to rat us out anyway? No one here would dare. Not if they want their own supply to keep coming.

  “I asked about the Darlington girl. Is she your latest victim?”

  “Tell Royce I want to see him.”

  “Royce is a fucking liability. And you didn’t answer my question?”

  “And I’m not going to.”

  I got what I wanted. But now that’s she’s playing my games, I’m starting to have doubts. This girl is not just any girl, she’s the sole Darlington heir, and that makes her definitely worth my time. The fact that she’s a toddler who thinks she can play with the big boys makes it all the more sweeter.

  You have no fucking idea, princess, what you’re getting yourself into.

  Charlie frowns as he puffs. “This is not just about getting your dick wet this time, is it?”

  “I keep telling you. She’s not my type.” Correction, she isn’t supposed to be your type. You like them humble and grateful, remember?

  “Really? It looked like you wanted to shag each other senseless. Although, I guess as she’s on her way to becoming your stepsister, that’s a little too close to home, even for you.”

  “I was merely playing with her,” I sigh, running my hand through my hair.

  “Merely?” he snorts. “You had me let Jonesy in so he could set up a secret camera in your room so you could film her. That’s totally fucked up. What is it with you two, anyway?”

  I shoot him a look. “Us two? What do you mean?”

  “You and Pearl. Why does your family hate the Darlingtons so much?”

  “They don’t. It’s… just complicated.”

  He shrugs and blows out a huge cloud of smoke and then offers it to me. I decline. He knows I don’t do drugs anymore, but since he’s the school supplier he’s always offering some sort of drug or addiction out and doesn’t ask for anything in return. That’s Charlie for you. And that’s probably why we became friends. I once had an itch and he had the means to scratch it, and he needed a friend able to pull certain strings. I’ve also never asked why he does what he does, and I’ve never pressed him for an answer on it.

  We all have our little secrets.

  “Well one of us should just fuck her and be done with it,” Brompton chimes in from his position on the sofa. “I’m happy to take one for the team, if you can’t.” In his hands is a bass guitar which he’s been strumming the same chord on for the last hour. The wanker can’t even play but he insists on messing around with that thing most evenings we come up here.

  “No,” I say a little too quickly. But Baz, being the prick he is, doesn’t pick up on it and carries on. “Why the fuck not? Your sister’s practically begging for it.”

  “Stepsister. And not yet. The wedding is not until next week. Until then, no one touches her except me. No one,” I hear myself say.

  Stamford scowls. “So you are playing games, you tosser. I knew it.”

  In my pocket, my phone vibrates.

  Saved by the bell.

  “Excuse me.” I walk out of the room and into the stairwell, closing the door behind me to answer. I can’t ignore her forever.

  “My darling Seth, I’ve been trying to get hold of you since teatime. Have you been avoiding your dear mother?”

  “Not intentionally.”

  “Not intentionally, he says… like I haven’t been ringing every five minutes. You only get one mother, you know. I don’t care if you hate me right now, you answer the phone when I call you, do you hear me?”

  “It’s kind of hard not to.”

  “Don’t get smart with me, Seth. Now is not the time. Now tell me, before I regret calling, how is school?”

  “School is fine.”

  “And how is Pearl? Is she settling in? Are you making her feel welcome?”

  “Pearl is… settling in.” If you call it that. The image of Pearl lying on my bed, panting while she brought herself to orgasm, flashes to mind.

  “Good, good, you got my message? I know it’s late, but I wanted to tell you myself and you wouldn’t answer the phone. I don’t want any fuckups. Well, he doesn’t want any fuckups. I just want us all to get along. You’ll try, right… to get along?”

  I sigh down the receiver after listening to her drivel on, because it’s not often your only living parent tells you they’re getting remarried by telegram.

  “I got your message. The last time we spoke you told me it was over and then it’s announced all over the papers just as Pearl shows up in double French with a wedding invitation. Why didn’t you just send it by bullet? It would have been so much more effective.”

  “You’re mad at me aren’t you, for not telling you sooner,” she sing-songs it down the line, trying to placate me.

  “I’m not mad, I’m sorry for you. He’s going to bleed you dry. I dearly hope there’s a prenup. Please say there’s a prenup, Mother,” I say, my jaw tightening.

  “That’s not very romantic.”

  I can’t help but give a snort of disgust. “Oh, Jesus Christ, you’ve really gone and sold your soul to the devil this time, haven’t you? You stupid bint. Do you know what this will do to the takeover?”

  “Oh, the business again. The business will be bloody fine. I’ve already spoken to Grah
am about it.”

  “But not Grandpa?” I sneer.

  “I was hoping you would speak to him. He’s skiing in the alps, so I doubt he’s seen the news yet. I don’t want him to find out by reporter. Would you do it?”

  A flush of adrenaline burns right through me and I’m aware my voice is getting louder. I don’t give a fuck anymore. I’m done. So done with this bullshit. “Are you fucking serious? Do you have any clue what this will do to us? What they will do to you? You may as well slash your wrists now, it’d be less painful.”

  “You see, this is why I didn’t tell you sooner. I knew you’d react like this… you can be really mean sometimes Seth, really mean…” Her voice cracks and she tails off, no doubt to sob into a handkerchief.

  “For fuck’s sake, stop bloody crying. When are you—” But I don’t get to finish. She’s already hung up.

  I stare at the phone and then jam it back into my pocket. Rubbing my jaw where it’s aching from being clenched so hard, I resist the urge to punch the wall.

  It makes no sense. No sense at all. Why the fuck is she getting married to him?

  This is going to really fuck up everything.

  I take out my phone again and dial Grandpa, taking a deep breath while I wait for him to answer. When he doesn’t, I call the next best person—his wife.

  “Seth. He’s busy right now. Can I take a message?”

  “It’s about Nicole.”

  “Your mother?”

  No better way to say it other than to come out with it. “She’s been dating Graham Darlington in secret for the better part of the year.”

  Silence. There’s the sound of Constance clacking her nails on the table and nothing else. Grandpa isn’t with her or she would have put me on mute to speak to him. I wait a few more minutes.

  “Constance? Are you there?”

  “I’m here, Seth, I’m just thinking. How long have you known?”

  “Since I had a private investigator follow her. She told me it was over when I confronted her.” I can’t lie to Constance like I do with everyone else. It will just come back to bite me in the ass later.

  “I see. I’m guessing you’re telling me now because it’s not over?”

  “Worse. They’re getting married and they’ve already announced it. The whole world knows.”

  “I take it she hasn’t signed a prenup?”

  “No, he’ll get majority share. That’s his play.”

  “Where and when will this happen?”

  “Next Sunday at 1pm, Holy Trinity Chapel.”

  “I see. Thank you for telling me, Seth, I’ll pass the message on, but you should come out here for the weekend to tell him yourself. Your grandfather would like to see you.”

  Silence on the other end tells me she’s gone so I switch my phone off completely and shove it in my pocket. I can’t be fucked to talk to anyone right now.

  It also looks like I’m off to the south of France. I’ve been avoiding Courchevel for months and now there’s no excuse. I’m going to have to leave first thing if I want to get there in time. There’s going to be a massive blow out after this. It won’t be long until the blood-thirsty paparazzi come calling. There will most likely be a press conference on Saturday to mitigate any fall out for the up-and-coming wedding.

  And then there’s Pearl.

  She didn’t react the way I expected, not when she saw the pictures of herself. I was pretty much half-cut myself when I dared her to do something shameful, but I had left the room. I had no idea if she even would touch herself on my bed or not. It was only after when I looked at the stream that was sent to my personal cloud that I saw Pearl in her full glory. Christ, she’s fucking gorgeous. Tight, lithe body, pert breasts, long locks of hair begging to be wrapped around my fist. Just looking at the still on my phone has me reeling with all kinds of depraved thoughts.

  I thought she’d take one look her chosen shameful act and fold. I expected her to do whatever I asked. Instead, she told me to go and fuck myself. Not that I would ever release an image of Pearl like that to the world. That image of her is for my eyes only. Because what she did on my bed was not in the least bit shameful. It was fucking divine and no woman, especially one as beautiful or as strong as Pearl, should even be ashamed for such an act.

  But when all is said and done, I still need to bring Pearl to heel if I’m going to keep the family fortune from going down with the ship. If a few revealing pictures aren’t enough, I’m just going to have to get more ammunition.

  A lot more…

  Chapter 8



  So many ravens.

  Instead of heading to class, I’ve been watching them flock from outside the window next to the locker I’ve been assigned. It’s my second week here and you only have to glance up anywhere in the godforsaken school to see them hovering in the air or gathering on roofs and windowsills.

  Or pinned to a boy’s lapel.

  The boy walking towards me, flanked by lieutenants, has the same raven pin as me. Disgust crawls across his features when he sees me. I don’t know his name, but I know he’s a Montford. One of Seth’s many cousins who think they rule this school.

  I retaliate by turning my nose up and turning back to my locker. It’s a little disruptive to be in the same school as my family’s arch rivals. How am I supposed to work on bettering myself when I have to spend the whole time looking over my shoulder?

  But mostly, their attempts at taking a shot at me have been pitiful. I’m beginning to think the boys here are all bark and no bite. I’ve had to deal with a few minor events such as someone stealing all my underwear, a dead squirrel in my locker, and finding bleach in my shampoo after swim class. I’m rich enough to buy more underwear and intelligent enough to know the stench of bleach when I smell it.

  Father was a little outraged when I informed him of what the boys here are doing, but I could tell he was distracted with Nicole. I could hear her in the background talking at him about the wedding the entire time.

  Why didn’t he tell me sooner?

  Daddy didn’t have an answer. Why would he? If he doesn’t answer to the board then he sure as hell won’t answer to me. But it’s all according to his grand plan… marry Nicole and maintain controlling share in both companies after the acquisition. Nicole is either dumb or playing her own game. Either way, having her for a stepmother is going to cause problems.

  My mind flits to the picture of her in the article and I have to admit she is beautiful.

  Just like Seth.

  Seth, who I haven’t seen since that day in double French. Not that I’ve been looking for him. I’ve actively been avoiding places where he might show up except for class. But I needn’t worry. He seems to have fucked off somewhere. A helicopter flew off on Saturday and that was the last I saw of him.

  And his blackmail.

  Damn, I’m such an idiot.

  Getting drunk around him… what was I thinking? I broke my number one rule. Don’t drink during a business meeting. Anything and everything involved with Seth is all business. There’s no way I’m signing the proposal Seth emailed over. My father would skin me alive. He might have a heart attack if Seth leaks those photos of me masturbating online, but he would sooner drop dead if I gave away shares in Darlington.

  Still, it doesn’t look like Seth has released the photos yet. I don’t know whether to be relieved or anxious he hasn’t. My hope is that Seth hasn’t shown them to anyone, and I can get them back from him by negotiating a trade. I don’t know what he wants besides my company, but there must be something. I have to find out. Although, what good is a trade when Seth could have copies stashed anywhere?

  At the thought of Seth, a dash of conflicting emotions have me wishing the ground would open up and I could fall into it and away from this bloody school.

  Everyone now knows about us… that I stayed in Seth’s bed the day before my father made his announcement that he’s marrying Seth’s mother. It’s like some huge jok
e around school that I mistakenly lost my virginity to my own brother. Ignoring the fact that Seth is not my real brother and that we didn’t even sleep together, everyone thinks it’s fucking hilarious.

  “Pearl Darling, do you think you’re one of us now? A raven?”

  Great. It’s one of Seth’s asshole cousins who run his stupid raven club.

  I don’t have to turn around to sense their contempt towards me. Now that my family has a chance to fuck with their takeover, the boys here, mostly Montford trash, have turned nasty. They must feel threatened. While my father was here, Darlington ruled. Not Montford. Darlington. Do they think I’m trying for the Montford crown here too?

  As if Darlington needs to take back an archaic institute as old as this.

  My father was the raven. King of the flock at Ravenwood. All the males in my family have been, according to legend. Only those who fit the mold—rich, good-looking, powerful—may take the throne. And all the benefits that come with it are yours for the taking. We’re talking lifelong connections and unhindered support and progression.

  We’re also talking about getting away with murder.

  I’ve heard the stories.

  I don’t need this patriarchal bullshit. Taking Montford International is enough.

  So why are you still wearing your father’s pin then?

  I don’t have a reason for that thought, so I stuff it way down somewhere I don’t have to answer and carry on with what I’m doing… swapping heavy chemistry books for heavy mathematics books.

  “Pearl Darling,” one of them says again. “Too scared to answer my question? Maybe you are scared. You’ve been hiding from us, haven’t you?”

  I turn to the asshole who keeps getting my name wrong. He must have run up the hallway to get here so fast. “I’m not hard to find. There’s only twenty or so girls in this hellhole.”

  The Montford dick with a partly shaved eyebrow snorts as I turn my attention on him, and his two goons each let out a snigger.

  “Monty Python and his merry men, is it? What the hell do you want?” I scowl.


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