Lucky Forever: Texas Knights MC, Book 3

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Lucky Forever: Texas Knights MC, Book 3 Page 10

by Cee Bowerman

  And now, just hours later, my body so sore it hurt to move, and my pussy throbbing from overuse, I was ready to go at it again.

  “Morning, baby,” Rowdy smiled as he sat down on the edge of the bed. “Didn’t know how you take your coffee, but that smart girl of yours showed me. She also gave me tips and tricks on how to handle you first thing in the morning. If I didn’t know better, I’d think she might already like me a little bit.”

  “Oh, she likes you, believe me,” I told him as I pushed myself up to rest against the headboard. I reached out for the mug Rowdy held toward me and brought it up to my face for a long sip. “Considering that girl wasn’t raised around money, it’s odd that she just naturally knows how to do that nose in the air ‘you’re beneath me, peasant’ look. You’d get that if she didn’t like you. Hell, she loves me and I still get that look occasionally.”

  “Leia’s trick is to stare at you like she’s trying to set you on fire with her mind,” Rowdy chuckled. “I grounded her once and I’m pretty sure she singed my hair.”

  I studied his profile as he sat on the bed beside me, enjoying the freedom I had to just inspect every part of him in the light. It wasn’t as uncomfortable as I thought it would be, that morning after your first sexual encounter thing that usually happened. This felt comfortable and right and I didn’t feel at all shy when he noticed me staring at him.

  “What’s up?” Rowdy asked, one eyebrow up in question.

  “I’ve never thought that long hair on a guy was sexy until I met you,” I told him honestly. “And I can't figure you out. You’ve got the long hair and the earrings, but no tattoos. You live out in the country and enjoy your horses, but you ride a motorcycle and belong to a well known MC. Your house is immaculate, your sheets smell like they were washed yesterday, but your daughters room looks like a tornado came in and there were no survivors. You’re a sculptor who does work that could rival that of any found in a renowned art gallery, but you have a 1500-piece puzzle on a card table in the corner of your room and the picture on the box shows that it’s the Deathstar .”

  “I’m a conundrum,” Rowdy shrugged with a smile.

  “You really are!” I laughed and took another sip of my perfectly doctored coffee. “I don’t get it.”

  “I was raised here and grew up loving the fact that I can watch the sunset and sunrise both from my front porch. I love horses because they’re beautiful and elegant, but sturdy and tough at the same time, kind of like my motorcycle. I have long hair because I like it, except on mornings like today when it’s all in my face and I have to pull it back. I don’t have tattoos because I have never found one that could describe how much I love my daughter other than the old putting her name across my heart and I want something a little different than that. I like puzzles because everything has a place it belongs and there’s no doubt about where it goes, but I like sculpture because it’s like creating something out of nothing.”

  “See? A conundrum!” I laughed. “I like that there’s so much more to you than just a pretty face.”

  “I like that about you, too,” Rowdy said with a sweet smile. “Smart, funny, a good mom, a mama bear when it comes to protecting her baby girl, a beautiful face, those legs and thighs that I could just touch all day long, the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen, and an ass that just begs to have my hand on it.”

  “How is my pussy pretty?”

  “There is no ‘how’ when you’re trying to explain something beautiful. It just is.”

  “Your dick is gorgeous,” Sierra shrugged. “I guess I don’t know how to explain that.”

  “Well, the girls are going to be out in the barn for at least the next hour, so we could reintroduce your pretty pussy to my gorgeous cock and see how that plays out.”

  “When I was listing your attributes, did I mention that you're insatiable and a total monster in bed?”

  “No, you skipped over those two,” Rowdy said as he took my mug out of my hand and set both of our cups on the bedside table. “And I want to show you how much I love that pretty pussy of yours as I take you from behind while I worship that gorgeous ass with my hands.”

  “How is it that 10 minutes ago when I woke up, I swore it would be a while before I could do this again because I was so sore in all the right places, but you start talking and I’m wet and ready to go?”

  “That is 100% luck on my part,” Rowdy yanked the covers down and exposed my naked body before he put his hand on my hip and rolled me over. He grabbed both of my hips with his hands and lifted me, positioning me with my knees on the edge of the bed. He pushed my legs until I adjusted them on the mattress with my knees pressed together and then I felt his breath against my sex right before he licked the crease in my leg where my ass met my thigh. I felt his breath again when he did it to the other side and I held my breath as I waited to see if he’d put his mouth on me. When his tongue touched my clit, I jumped and he settled me with his hands on my legs as I heard his shorts hit the floor at his feet.

  In one long stroke, he filled me and it was half pleasure and half pain. I stretched to accommodate him again and my muscles protested for a second until that full feeling took over and I wanted to beg him to start moving. Finally, he did, with sure strokes that were guaranteed to send me over the edge quickly.

  The sound of his hips slapping into my ass, his thighs slamming into mine, was loud in the room. I heard a moan and realized it was me making that primal noise and then I felt Rowdy’s arms come around me as he pulled me upright in front of him. He hit me inside at an angle I hadn’t felt before and with my legs squeezed together, the pressure on my clit was almost unbearable. Within just a few more hard strokes, I was coming apart in his arms. Just as the first scream left my lips, his hand moved up to cover my mouth as his cock twitched inside me. He groaned, long and low, as he kept moving his hips until my aftershocks had finished and his cock was soft inside me.

  “You know, I really really like the way you wake me up, Rowdy,” I gasped as he pulled out of me and then pulled my hips back so I had no choice but to let my feet hit the floor.

  “Well, I suppose it’s best to begin the way you want things to be and I’d like to wake you up every morning by fucking you silly. I’m glad you’re okay with that.”

  “I am totally okay with that.”


  “You’re one hell of a navigator, Miss Sierra,” Rowdy complimented me. “You got us through Austin traffic and all the way to our hotel without any backtracking or redirections.”

  “I’m so glad we’re here,” I moaned, ready to get out and stretch my legs. After our exertions last night and then again twice this morning, I was chafed and sore. An eight-hour car ride with two 11-year-old girls who had to pee every half hour had turned into an 11-hour car ride, and every muscle in my body ached. “Girls, let’s get up to the hotel room so I can finally let you two go to sleep.”

  “They zonked out about 15 minutes ago,” Rowdy laughed. “But that was a damn good effort on your part.”

  “Well, damn. I hate to wake them up after they just got to sleep.”

  “Give me a minute to check in and figure out where we need to go and I’ll come and carry them up one at a time,” Rowdy told me as he leaned across the console to give me a quick kiss. “I know you’re hurting, baby, and I’ll carry you, too, if you let me.”

  “I just might,” I laughed.

  I busied myself with putting the trash we’d acquired along the way into a sack and then turned around in my seat and reached into the back to gather up the girls' things that they had spread out during the trip. Rowdy was back in just a few minutes and drove us around to a door close to our room. I watched him gently take Lexi out of the truck and carry her inside and for some reason, I felt myself tearing up at the sight.

  I’d never dated anyone seriously enough for them to meet my Lexi and she’d never had a man around her that cared enough to keep her safe and sleeping while he carried her in his arms. I was happy with what I kne
w about Rowdy so far, but even if I never grew to love him romantically, I knew I would love the way he treated my daughter like she was his own flesh and blood. Her own uncle had never done that and he eventually even tried to kill her.

  I shook my head and pushed all thoughts of Jackson out of my mind. Lexi was safe from him now and so was I. Rowdy had promised that he and his family would take care of us and I already trusted his word. I could tell just by the way he talked to her and the gentle way he treated her that Rowdy would lay down his life for my little girl if that was asked of him.


  I watched as Shanda and Allie, Leia's aunties, walked away with Leia and Lexi. They were on their way to the Austin Children’s Museum for the day and would meet up with us later for dinner.

  Rowdy and I were headed to our appointment at the Lottery Commissioner’s office so that he could turn in the ticket and then sign all of the papers necessary to receive the money. He was holding a packet of papers with banking information and looked over at me with a smile before he reached out and took my hand.

  “You ready?” he asked as he squeezed my hand.

  “I am,” I said as I let out a breath and looked up at the sky. “I hope our plan works.”

  “It will,” Rowdy assured me. “I promise I’ll keep you and Lexi safe from him, baby.”

  “Let’s do this,” I shook my head and then put my shoulders back. “I’m ready.”

  Rowdy pulled the door open and held it for me and within two hours, we were back outside. We didn’t have a bag full of money like I had always imagined being handed to lottery winners, but we had confirmation from our bank that a massive deposit had been made and it was being dispersed into the different accounts that Marcus had arranged for us.

  Now, each of our daughters had a sizable college fund that would take care of them through any degree they might want and then it would set them up well afterwards in case they wanted to buy a home or travel. Another account was there to the side, just in case Rowdy and I had more children so that we could disperse a trust to each of them also.

  I hadn’t thought of that scenario, but Rowdy had, which made me content to think that he most definitely saw a future between us that included the possibility of adding more children to our little family.

  My tiny little bank balance was giant now and I knew that Reagan would be working with Nicole on my wedding gift to Rowdy today, if he hadn’t finished it already.

  “Let’s take a picture,” Rowdy suggested. He slung the backpack he had carried with him off his shoulder and reached into it for a small digital camera. “I hated having to stand up there and smile while I was holding a check that was meant for you, but I understand why you didn’t want to have anything to do with it.”

  Rowdy stopped a couple on the street as they walked by and he asked them to take a picture of the two of us together on the steps in front of the government building we had just left. The lady agreed and took the camera from Rowdy with a smile and he dropped his bag down at our feet and put his arm around my shoulders to pull me close to his side. He and I both smiled at the woman and she took a few photos.

  With a laugh, Rowdy pulled me into his arms and dipped my back over his leg. He laid a kiss on my lips that made me quiver inside and I heard the couple in front of us laughing as the woman took a few more pictures of us. When Rowdy lifted me up and settled me back on both feet, I shook my head to clear it and watched as he took the camera back and thanked the couple for helping us.

  “I’ve got some stuff planned for me and you,” Rowdy said as he picked up his backpack and flung the straps over his shoulder. He took my hand and led me down the block to the parking garage where we had left the truck. “I asked the girls this morning for suggestions and they gave me directions to this art gallery that specializes in clay. They said that the artist has a small shop attached to it where he has one-of-a-kind jewelry. I thought that would be the perfect place to buy you a wedding set.”

  “That’s so sweet,” I smiled at him. “How did you learn to be so thoughtful?”

  “I’m playing all of this by ear, babe,” Rowdy chuckled. “I’ve honestly got no fucking idea what I’m doing. I’ve dated here and there through the years, but never had a woman sleep over at my house. I’ve never even kissed a woman in front of my daughter until you. So, let’s just say that I’m learning as I go with you.”

  “I’ve never let Lexi meet anyone I’ve been with either,” I said honestly. “I’ve never really dated anyone seriously.”


  “Lexi’s dad, but we were teenagers,” I shrugged. “Then all the stuff with Jackson happened and I’ve been hiding ever since.”

  “I’m a learning experience for you, too, then.”

  “Yeah,” I tiptoed up to kiss him before he opened the truck door for me. “A trial by fire, so to speak.”

  “Well, then we’re on even ground.”

  I stayed quiet as Rowdy navigated his way through Austin traffic to the area that one of Lout’s sisters had told him about. We finally found parking and got out of the truck to walk back to the gallery and he and I strolled hand in hand up the sidewalk window shopping together.

  I saw a painting in one of the windows and fell in love with it. I stared longingly for a minute and then pulled myself away from the window to pass the store. Rowdy turned me around and marched us into the gallery and spoke to the salesperson as I walked around looking at the other beautiful work on display.

  I thought he was just going to ask for the price of the painting, but when I turned around, I saw that he was standing at the counter putting his credit card into his wallet as the sales clerk wrapped the large canvas for shipping.

  “You bought it?” I whispered in shock. I had seen the prices on some of the other pieces and knew he must have spent a fortune on that one large painting.

  “Wedding gift,” Rowdy shrugged. “Now you have to figure out where to hang it before it gets to the house.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered as I put my arms around him. “Thank you so much.”

  “I can’t splurge like that very often because I’m saving to buy the house, but this is a special occasion.”

  “We’ve got plenty of money, Rowdy,” I laughed. “I’ve never been able to say that before. It feels odd.”

  “You’ve got plenty of money,” Rowdy shook his head seriously. “That money is yours, babe. I’m not going to spend it for you and I won’t let you pay for everything either. This is a partnership.”

  “Well, I’ve got the next 50 years to change your mind then, don’t I?” I raised my eyebrows and stared at him, trying to look at least a little threatening. I realized it didn’t work at all when he laughed at me and dropped a quick kiss on my lips.

  “You can try.”


  “He was so funny,” Shanda laughed as she pointed at Rowdy. “Leia walked up with her little tooth in her hand and held it out to him and he almost passed out.”

  “I wasn’t ready for that at all,” Rowdy looked queasy even now, years later. “The books said that it usually happened when they were five or six. She was four years old!”

  “He always had a book close by,” Allie told me. “I think he read every parenting book the library had to lend.”

  “You read books about taking care of Leia?” I asked him, my heart going a little soft at the thought of him studying up on what to do as a parent since he had no idea at all.

  “He still does,” Leia told me. “He explained the birds and the bees to me and used this book he’d been studying to make sure he gave me all the facts and details. He wanted to make sure I knew what was right and wrong so no one tried to take advantage of me like my birth mother did to him.”

  The table was quiet suddenly and I could tell that Leia was embarrassed as was Rowdy.

  “Well, I told Lexi about the same thing but I didn’t use a book,” I laughed. “I probably totally messed up. She seemed even more confused when I was do

  “Maybe Rowdy should give me the talk again, Mom,” Lexi laughed. “He can use his book and explain with facts and details instead of starting stuff with ‘when you’re in love’ and calling body parts by funny names.”

  I rolled my eyes at my daughter, but was proud of her helping to break the tension after Leia’s admission to our little group.

  “I’ll show you the book,” Leia told Lexi. “He showed me where he put it on the bookshelf and said I could use it for reference if I had any questions I wasn’t comfortable asking him. It was really funny when he was talking. His face was so red and he stuttered a lot.”

  “Why do I feel like this is just the first of many times that I’ll have the two of you ganging up on me?” Rowdy asked the girls with a laugh. “I’m outnumbered.”

  “Then you and Mom should give us a baby brother,” Lexi said with a nod. “And a baby sister. I want to do her hair.”

  “I vote the same. I want one of each,” Leia agreed.

  “You know that’s not how it works, honey,” Rowdy started to explain.

  “I know, I know. The egg is fertilized by the sperm and at that point, it’s already a boy or a girl. The sex of the baby is determined by the sperm. I remember,” Leia rolled her eyes. “But we can wish, right?”

  “Positive thoughts,” Lexi told her. “We’ll just have to push the positive thought out every time we get near your dad, so when they do ‘the business’, it knows what to make.”

  “The business,” Shanda laughed. “That’s awesome.”

  “I didn’t have a book!” I laughed. “I didn’t know what to say! She asked me how it worked and I told her.”

  “We’ll look at the book when we get home,” Leia told Lexi with a nod. “I’ve got this.”

  “Oh, my God,” Rowdy propped his elbow up on the table and let his head fall down so he could pinch the bridge of his nose. His eyes were squinted shut and I heard him mutter, “I’m not ready for this at all.”


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