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Jake Page 15

by Harmony Raines

  “Don’t worry. With Max and Tad watching over them, they will be safe. And Heather and Josephine. Those two might not be she-bears but they are fiercely protective.” His words didn’t help, but then he hadn’t expected them to.

  His Porsche raced through the gathering dusk toward their destination with Lana and Jake both lost in thought. As he drove on, he went over the information on Amber and Sally. Milly was definitely Sally’s child. Fiona wouldn’t lie about something like that. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t also Elliot’s child. There was a chance he got a kick out of impregnating women. Jake fixed his eyes on the road as he took the next logical step in his thinking. Was there a chance that Ursula was also Elliot’s child?

  Yes, she was older. But who knew how long this had been going on for? Did Elliot even know about Ursula? Lana said her daughter had come home to have her baby and had never spoken of the father.

  A mixed-up web of secrets and lies, his bear said with distaste. How can a man behave in such a way?

  When we find Amber, we can ask her. And we will find her. Jake was convinced of it.

  And Kiki? His bear’s uncertainty was evident in his tone.

  We can only hope, Jake said.

  And try our best. His bear grinned. I like our new family.

  So do I. Jake glanced down at the GPS, they were close to the hotel he’d booked for the night. The plan was to check into their room and then grab a bite to eat before heading over to the address Fiona had given them. They weren’t going to knock on the door, they were just going to watch any comings and goings to see if Amber was living there.

  A stakeout, his bear said, sharpening his claws, ready for trouble.

  Yes. A stakeout, which means we need to keep a low profile and not let anyone get suspicious. If word gets back to Amber, then she might run, and we’ll get nowhere.

  I will behave. But his bear didn’t promise. And Jake didn’t trust him not to unleash his wrath if Elliot appeared.

  Do you really think he’ll follow us? his bear asked.

  I do. Jake looked in the rearview mirror, but no one was obviously following them. Or he’ll go for Milly. But since he knows where she is, it stands to reason he would follow us if he wants to find Amber.

  And since we left town so soon after Lana met with him, you think he’ll follow? His bear didn’t like the plan too much. It was risky. He would much rather be back at the house protecting the children.

  Max and Tad can take care of it, Jake assured him.

  “Are we nearly there?” Lana asked, she’d been dozing in her seat and looked tired and worn out.

  “Listen, why not just go to the hotel room and sleep? We can head over to Amber’s apartment tomorrow when we’re fresh and rested.” Jake’s need to protect his own mate overwhelmed him.

  “No, I’m fine.” She stretched and yawned. “I hate getting older. Ten years ago I’d be full of energy even at this time.” She glanced at her watch. “It’s only eight.”

  He chuckled. “I am looking forward to us spending cozy evenings by the fire snuggling on the sofa.”

  Lana laughed. “We are going to set the world alight.”

  “You know, I’m a fit and healthy guy but chasing around after Milly is the hardest workout I’ve ever done.” He grinned at Lana, loving the ways her eyes shone when her mouth curled into a smile.

  “Let’s get settled in the room and then eat. We can decide about the rest after. I suppose I’m just eager to see who is in the apartment.” Lana didn’t need to voice her hopes. Jake could guess. Lana hoped that when they visited the apartment, she would find her daughter.

  “I’m sure whoever lives there will still be there in the morning if we go early.” Jake preferred Lana to rest first before she faced what tomorrow might bring.

  She pointed to the sign on the side of the road. “This is our hotel?”

  “It is.” Jake indicated to turn left onto a long sweeping driveway that led to a large hotel.

  “It looks like a country club.” Lana ducked her head as looked out of the window. “I was expecting a cheap roadside motel.”

  “I’m counting this as our first date. I wanted to impress you.” Jake stopped the car in front of the ornate steps leading into the hotel. Immediately two men came to meet them.

  “Good evening, sir.” A quick conversation later and his Porsche was driven around to the parking lot behind the hotel, while the second member of the hotel staff took their bags to their room.

  “I should have brought an evening dress and my pearls,” Lana said awkwardly. “If I had some.”

  “Don’t worry.” Jake ducked his head and whispered in her ear. “You look perfect in whatever you’re wearing.”

  “How do you not have a wife yet?” Lana asked with a toss of her head.

  Jake caught hold of her hand and pulled her around to face him. “Because I have been waiting my whole life for the right person. You.”

  He slipped his free hand over her shoulders and rubbed his thumb along the nape of her neck. Lana shivered, her lips pursed as she leaned in for a kiss. Jake closed his eyes as their lips met and he threaded his arm around her waist, pulling her closer. He never wanted to let her go as her lips moved against his and the heat in his body grew until he was on fire. A small groan escaped his lips as their kiss deepened and Lana threaded her arms around his neck as if clinging on to him for support.

  “We should get a room.” Her breathy voice filled his ear as their kiss broke, but she didn’t step away from him.

  “A room and room service.” He tilted his head back and looked down at her beautiful face. “The rest of it can wait until tomorrow.”

  She nodded. “So that if Elliot did follow us, he can spend a night in his uncomfortable car?”

  His mouth curled up at one corner. “You read my mind.”

  “So you do think he’ll follow us?” Lana asked, the moment between them broken.

  Jake shrugged. “I don’t know, but I think we should be ready for anything.”

  “And leading him to Amber tonight and then leaving her unprotected isn’t a good idea.” She inclined her head toward the hotel. “Do they have a spa?”

  “Yes.” He took hold of her hand and led her through the large glass door into the hotel lobby. “I know a man who gives great massages, too.”

  “Are you that man, Jake Harrison?” she asked playfully.

  “I might just be.” He kissed her cheek and then went to the reception desk to check them in, leaving Lana to stand in the doorway looking out into the distance.

  As Jake signed them in and answered the polite questions of the receptionist, he could not stop his gaze from wandering back to his mate. He could stand here and watch her all day. And all night. Although he would rather spend the nights doing more intensely pleasurable things than just watching her.

  “Is that everything I can help you with, Mr. Harrison?” the receptionist asked.

  “Yes. Thank you.” He smiled at her as he collected his keycard.

  “Enjoy your stay.” The receptionist glanced at Lana.

  “We will.” He nodded, not caring if the receptionist thought he’d brought Lana here just for sex. He didn’t care what anyone thought of him. He’d had just about every name under the sun leveled at him during his business career, either to his face or behind his back.

  But we do care what people think and say about our mate, his bear reminded him.

  Which is why I’ve made a decision to step away from the business world. It’s time we retired and enjoyed what we’ve worked so hard for.

  His bear surged with happiness. More time to explore the mountains. Lana could come with us and we can hike for days and camp out under the stars.

  I thought you would like the idea. Jake approached Lana and threaded his arm around her waist.

  “This is a beautiful hotel. The views of the river are wonderful.” She rested her head on his shoulder as she gazed down over the well-manicured lawns that led down to a river that
wound its way toward the coast. Ferrymain was a ten-minute car ride away. But there was a trail that followed the river into town. If they had more time, he’d love to explore it with Lana.

  Perhaps they could come back when all this was over and enjoy everything the hotel and the surrounding area had to offer while spending time getting to know each other.

  He took her hand and led her to the elevator. “Come on, let’s go to our room and order room service.”

  Lana glanced at the receptionist who was pretending not to watch them. “Does she think we’re here for an illicit affair?”

  “I have no idea.” He pressed the button for the elevator. “And I don’t care.” He kissed her neck and inhaled her scent. “All I care about is you.”

  “That’s not true.” She stepped away from him as the elevator doors opened. “You care about your family, and especially Milly.”

  He followed her into the elevator. “But they are not here.” He pressed the button for the third floor. “And I know they are safe. So I’d like to concentrate on you and us. If only for a few hours.”

  Lana studied him closely before she broke out into a beautiful relaxed smile. “Okay. Why not?” She took a couple of steps toward him and slipped her arms around his neck. “I am willing to forget about everything just for an hour or two. Since there is nothing we can do about anything right now.”

  “I’m glad you feel that way.” He pulled her close and kissed her lips. She moved against him, her lips and her body fit against his perfectly. They were made for each other. “Especially since I ordered champagne.”

  “You did?” she asked. The elevator stopped and the doors slid open, Jake nodded as he guided her toward their room. “Are you trying to seduce me?”

  “I might be.” He used the keycard to open the door to their room, just as a waiter arrived from the other end of the corridor with a chilled bottle of champagne. “Here it is.”

  Lana giggled as she entered the room. “This is amazing.” She stroked her hand across the back of the plush cream sofa and made her way toward the window to look at the view. “I can see the ocean.”

  Jake held the door open for the waiter to bring in the champagne. He set it down on the small dining room table and Jake tipped him before closing the door behind him. They were alone at last.

  “The view looks pretty good from here, too.” He grinned as she rolled her eyes at his corny line. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself.”

  “I’ll let it go if you pour me a glass of champagne.” Lana took one last look at the view across the river to the town of Ferrymain in the distance.

  “Done deal.” Jake took the chilled bottle out of the ice bucket and popped the cork, accompanied by a small squeak of excitement from Lana as the champagne bubbled up inside the bottle, threatening to spill all over the carpet. Jake expertly poured the fizzing liquid into the two champagne flutes and set the bottle back in the ice to keep it chilled for later. Since they were not planning on going out again this evening, they could drink it at their leisure. Passing a glass to Lana, he held up his glass for a toast. “To us.”

  “To us, and all those we hold dear in our hearts.” Her face grew serious as she took one long look at the town in the distance. Then she took a sip of champagne and giggled. “The bubbles make my mouth tingle.”

  “I could make your body tingle in lots of different places,” Jake told her, his voice husky with desire.

  “Is that a promise?” She looked up at him through her lashes as she took another long sip of champagne.

  “It is.” He held out his hand for hers. “Shall we go and check out the bedroom?”

  “What about our luggage?” she asked, looking around. “Or has it already arrived?”

  He held up his glass and put a finger to his lips. “It’s on its way. The bell boy has just gotten out of the staff elevator.”

  She arched an eyebrow. “You can hear him?”

  “I told you I had super senses.” He let go of her hand and walked across the room where he stood by the door listening as the bell boy got closer. He let the man tap discreetly on the door before he opened it. “Thank you. Just put the cases down here, I can manage.” Jake gave the man a tip and then shut the door behind him. “Alone again at last.”

  He turned around, but the room was empty. Lana was gone.

  A moment of panic swept over him, but then he relaxed and let his senses locate her. She was in the bedroom. Perfect.

  Downing his glass of champagne and setting it down on the small table in the hallway, he bent down and picked up the suitcases. Lifting them effortlessly, he carried them across the sitting area and into the bedroom. Lana was lying on the bed, opening and closing her arms and legs as if she were making a snow angel. “This bed is enormous.”

  Jake dropped the luggage and crossed the room to the bed. “I should have asked for a smaller bed, so I don’t lose you in the night.”

  Lana rolled over onto her belly and rested her chin on her hand. “Lose me?” Her brow wrinkled. “I thought this was just my bed. I didn’t know you expected us to share.”

  Jake opened his mouth to speak, to apologize for... “You tease!”

  Lana burst out laughing. “You should see your face.” She curled up into a ball as she continued to laugh.

  “You are a cruel woman.” Jake sat down on the bed and kicked off his shoes before lifting his feet and scooting around so he was lying next to her. The nearness of his mate excited him, and her scent made his mouth water. He’d never wanted anything more than he wanted Lana. She was as precious to him as the air that he breathed.

  “Life would be dull if we didn’t make a little fun.” She stroked his cheek with the back of her hand. “And make a little love.”

  His mouth curled up at the corners. “I want to make more than a little love.”

  “Then let’s make a lot of love.” Her forehead creased as her eyes flickered down to his lips. “I’ve never really loved anyone other than my parents and my kids.”

  “Neither have I. But I love you, Lana.” He leaned forward and kissed her lips gently.

  “I don’t know…” She pulled back from him. “I don’t think I’m ready to say the words yet.”

  “Words are just words. When you’re ready, it’s fine with me.” He kissed the top of her head. “Even if it takes a lifetime.”

  She chuckled as she began unbuttoning his shirt. “I don’t think you’ll have to wait that long.”

  Jake caressed her cheek; his thumb brushed her lips before he leaned closer and kissed her once more. He wanted to get naked with his mate. He wanted to make love to her until neither of them could remember why they were here. For one night he wanted them to live for the moment in the moment.

  Unzipping her fleece jacket, he pushed it off her shoulders and she pulled out her arms each in turn, leaving her in a long-sleeved jersey shirt. Dragging the hem upward, he lifted the shirt over her head and cast it aside with her jacket as he concentrated on her beautiful, voluptuous breasts encased in silky pink spotted fabric.

  “If I’d have known my underwear would be on view, I’d have put something prettier on,” she confessed.

  “It would have been wasted,” Jake replied. “Since I don’t want to look at your clothes, I want to look at you, all of you.”

  “There is a little too much of me to look at.” Lana’s cheeks flushed pink. “I have not been naked with a man for a long, long time.”

  “You’re not naked yet.” He unbuttoned her black slacks and pushed them down over her thighs, his fingers hooked around her panty elastic and dragged them down, too. “Just your bra to go.”

  “Hey, this isn’t fair, you still have all your clothes on.” She propped herself up on one elbow. “How about you show me some of that super speed of yours and strip off while I watch?”

  “I can do that.” He rolled out of bed, although he hated to leave her side.

  All for a good cause, his bear told him bluntly.

laughed. All for a great cause.

  Unbuttoning his shirt, he dragged it off his shoulders and balled it up before throwing it to the floor. A smile crept over Lana’s face as he unbuckled his belt and then unbuttoned his pants. They slid down his slender thighs and pooled at his ankles before he took a step to the side and kicked them off.

  “And the rest.” Lana pointed at his shorts.

  “You don’t want to take them off for me?” he asked in his sexiest voice as he prowled back toward the bed.

  “Hmm. Do I?” She sat up on the bed and tucked her knees beneath her.

  Jake leaned forward and unclasped her bra, allowing her breasts to spill forward. “Much better.”

  Lana’s cheeks flushed pinker as she scooted forward and inserted her thumbs in the elastic of his shorts, tugging them down over his thighs. Her breasts wobbled as she moved and, unable to stop himself, he cupped one breast in each of his work-roughened hands.

  Her breath hissed through her teeth as she pushed his shorts down to his knees. He stepped out of them and then knelt on the bed, pushing Lana onto her back as he moved. She inched her thighs apart as he lay down by her side and he was torn between caressing her breasts and feeling the heat between her thighs.

  What was a man to do? He slid his right hand down over her soft belly and stroked her mound while he cupped her breast with his left hand. Her right breast would have to suffer the torture of his mouth instead.

  Licking her nipple with the flat of his tongue, it hardened into a stiff peak, which he sucked into his mouth eagerly, while his fingers dipped inside her intimately. He stroked her inner walls with his fingertips, grazing her sensitive skin until she whimpered softly. She needed to come, she needed release, but he wanted to be inside her when she came.

  “Make love to me,” she urged, and he moved to lie between her thighs, her hand stroking his hard length and guiding him into her.

  Jake had intended to spend hours on foreplay, he was trying to impress his mate after all. Instead, she wanted him. Right now. How could he deny his mate?

  Jake thrust into her, his hardened length filling her completely. She groaned and bit down on his shoulder as her inner muscles tightened around him. Jake slipped his hand under the small of her back and held her close as he flexed his hips, pulling out of her almost completely before thrusting into her over and over again.


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