Taming Keys: Charon MC Book 12

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Taming Keys: Charon MC Book 12 Page 2

by Wren, Khloe

  His knuckles were bloody in a way that showed he’d gotten in some shots before they overwhelmed him. I breathed through the tightness that had formed in my chest. I’d failed him. I shouldn’t have left him alone in that bar. Should have made sure he was standing with Bear and Ghost, or some of the other men from our crew, before I’d walked away.

  This situation had been avoidable. But I’d failed. I could have prevented the attack. I should have seen it coming. We all knew what that bar was like and Ace had been chatting to that pretty stewardess, who would have turned more than a few of the locals’ heads.

  Ghost’s voice pulled me out of my spinning thoughts for a moment.

  “I can see the thoughts running circles in your head, Keys. This isn’t your fault. We all gotta go take a piss at some point. Lay the blame for this where it belongs. At the feet of those fuckers who attacked him.”

  I nodded but didn’t say a word. Deep in my soul, I knew Ghost was right, but my mind was refusing to hear it at the moment.

  Monday 10 May 1993

  Bahrain Specialists Hospital


  We were pulling out tomorrow morning and I was torn. Part of me couldn’t fucking wait. If I never saw Bahrain again, it would be a blessing. The rest of me didn’t want to go. Not while Ace was unable to leave. But I couldn’t stay with him. I knew better than to even put the request in. Ace would be stuck here for at least a few more days before the Medevac would come in and transport him to the Lundstruhl Base in Germany. They’d do what they could for him there before he’d be shipped back to Walter Reed Military Hospital. From there, he’d end up back at his place in Spokane, where he’d be alone. Through the entire process he’d be fucking alone, and it gutted me but there wasn’t a damn fucking thing I could do to change it.

  At least I could take a small comfort in the fact he would soon be receiving the best care possible. The doctors here were doing all they could, but they weren’t as well-equipped as they were in Germany. I’d heard them talking earlier, saying how they doubted even the surgeons at Lundstruhl would be able to save his leg. But I knew they’d do their best to try.

  With a sigh, I scrubbed my hand over my face. Even if they managed to save the limb, I was sure Ace’s days of active duty were a thing of the past. He was in for a long rehab to fully recover from all the broken bones, and it was highly likely he’d never get full movement back in his right arm or leg. I really hated that he was going to be alone up in Spokane once he was done with hospitals. He had no family left and all his friends were like us—active duty Marines. I’d already decided that as soon as I could after this tour finished, I’d go visit him. See if I couldn’t talk him into moving south and joining up with the Charon MC. That’d give him a whole family who would have his back twenty-four seven. Even if he lost the leg and couldn’t ride, I’d find a way to get him in the club. Even if he never got voted in as a full patched in brother, he’d still have the club’s support.

  Standing from my seat, I paced across the waiting room, looking out the window at the desert. I never wanted to see sand again. I didn’t think I’d ever see it and not see Ace, with all his blood soaking the ground around him. Unfortunately, until the doctors finished doing their thing, I had to wait out here with nothing but the fucking sand to look at. The only windows the room had faced the desert. I could leave, go for a walk down to look out over the ocean. But that would mean leaving Ace. It was bad enough I couldn’t be with him in his room constantly, but I wasn’t about to leave the premises. Not until I’d be forced to later tonight, in order to prep for our departure in the morning. I looked down as I clenched my fists, allowing the burn from the cuts over my knuckles stretching to settle my thoughts. I’d helped deliver justice for what was done to Ace. That had to be enough.

  Ghost, Bear and I had still been in the ER’s waiting area when the six men we’d taught a lesson to had stumbled in to seek help for their injuries. They’d seen us and paled, two backing out of the building, obviously deciding it was safer to tend their wounds elsewhere than risk us finishing the job. We three had stood stoically, giving the remaining men cold stares until they’d been taken back and attended to.

  When by day-break, we hadn’t had a visit from the local authorities, we’d figured they’d chosen to not report what had happened. Wise decision on their part, since their initial attack on Ace was unprovoked. They wouldn’t want the authorities knowing about that part of things.

  Unable to look at all that fucking sand any longer, I spun around and jerked back in shock at who was standing there. My body slammed against the window hard enough it rattled in the frame. With a wince, I mentally kicked my own ass because I hadn’t been paying attention to my surroundings.

  “At ease, Marine.”

  The gruff voice of my battalion commander had me relaxing as my heart rate began to slow back down. He sat, indicating I should take the chair next to him.

  “Come and take a seat.”

  I couldn’t think of a damn thing to say to avoid having to speak with him, so accepting the fact I was probably in for a lecture at the very least, I made my way over to sit beside the older man. He cleared his throat before he spoke again.

  “I’ve read the reports and I’ve already spoken with Bear and Ghost. I want you to know that if you need to talk about it, my door is always open. Off the record, if you need it. Sadly, this isn’t the first time something like this has happened here, however, it’s certainly the first time I’ve heard of that a local has stepped up to help like this. I know Ace was your libo buddy, and that you’ve no doubt taken on the blame for his attack, but this is not your fault.”

  I shook my head. “I failed him. I should have—”

  I stopped talking when he shook his head. “You’re allowed to go take a piss without holding each other’s hands, Keys. You did right by Ace. You grabbed Bear and Ghost and you went hunting for your missing brother. There’s no doubt in my mind that your actions saved his life. And the fact you didn’t kill every one of those bastards who took him was an unexpected blessing. I’m not sure we would have been able to keep you three from being arrested by the local authorities if you had.”

  I nodded. “We knew that and were careful to not kill anyone. Trust me, I wanted to. Pretty sure all three of us wanted nothing more than to wipe the floor with them. Make sure they’d never be able to pull shit like that ever again.”

  “From what I was told, it appears the men reported to the authorities they have no memory of how they were injured.”

  I shrugged a shoulder. “I figured as much, since I hadn’t been arrested yet. We saw them come in the night of the attack. Two of them turned tail and ran when they saw us here. The other four sought medical attention but stayed far from where we were in the ER waiting room.”

  He growled out his next words. “Fucking cowards.”

  “Basically. But we already knew that.”

  He sighed and looked me in the eye. “I’m sorry you can’t stay with him and escort him home. I know you want to because it’s what I’d want in your shoes. But unfortunately, that’s not in my control to permit.”

  “I know, sir. That’s why I didn’t ask. I understand how it has to play out.”

  He stood and clapped me on the shoulder. “I wish I could allow it, but my hands are tied. Know he’s in good hands and I’ll be making sure he gets the best of care. If you ever need to talk about what happened — or anything else — remember, my door is open.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  I watched as he strode away, my heart feeling a little lighter knowing I had his support. I loved the sense of comradery we had in the Marines, and in the military as a whole.

  Chapter Two

  Friday 10 December 1993

  Houston, Texas


  As soon as I could get away from the docks in San Diego, I’d headed directly to the airport. I’d been torn on who to visit first. Did I fly back to Texas to see my folks and Donna first, or over
to Washington state to check on Ace? In the end, I’d decided to head home first and caught the earliest flight I could get on.

  I figured I’d spend a day or two with Donna, then head up to see Ace and make sure he was doing okay. I scoffed at myself as I grabbed my bag off the belt at Hobby Airport. That was a joke. Ace was not okay. I’d rung him while I’d been waiting for my flight and he’d sounded off. The fact he’d told me not to bother coming to see him at all had some red flags popping up in my mind. I definitely would be heading up his way real soon.

  “Oh, honey!”

  When I heard my mother’s voice heavy with emotion, I grinned and dropped my bag as I looked around for her. Tears ran down her face as she broke into a run. Lowering down, I held out my arms and caught her tiny five-foot one frame against me when she threw herself at me. It had been a little over six months since I’d last been home, but it could have been two weeks and Ma would have still done this routine. She was the best mother a man could ask for.

  “Hey, Ma. It’s good to see you too.”

  “Oh, my boy. You’re home and safe. You’re not injured, are you?”

  She pulled back and held my wrists out to the sides so she could run her gaze over me, up and down.

  “I’m perfectly fine, Ma. I’m home because I have leave, not because I was hurt.”

  “Leave the boy alone, woman.”

  My dad gently shifted my mother aside and pulled me in for a back-slapping hug.

  “Good to have you home, son.”

  He had tears in his eyes too, and it was all nearly more than I could take.

  “I think we’ve given everyone here enough of a show, yeah? Can we get outta here?”

  With a stoic nod, my dad grabbed my bag before I could and led the way to the door. I nodded at the few people who thanked me for my service as I followed in his wake. As proud as I was to wear my uniform, I couldn’t wait to go home and get changed into civvies. Just be an average man again for a while.

  A man who was desperate to get to his woman. It’d been nearly eleven months since I’d spent my last leave with her. Donna had first caught my attention at a Halloween party the club had held two years back. Along with a few of her friends, the girls decided to be brave and come check out what the Charon MC was all about. From the moment I’d first seen her, I’d wanted her for my own and I made sure when the night ended, she was in my bed, beneath me.

  My dick jerked at the memory of her in her costume. Sexy as fuck in a skintight black t-shirt and matching jeans. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail and she’d even found some mirrored aviators. She was my very own Sarah Conner and gave me a whole new appreciation for the Terminator movies. It hadn’t taken me long to get her up to my room and beneath me. That had been one helluva night I knew I’d never forget. Then in the morning when I woke to the sight of her sleeping beside me, glowing in the morning sunshine coming through my window, I realized I didn’t want to lose what we’d started. That I’d wanted to see where we could go together.

  It was the first time I’d ever thought like that. Normally, I was like all the other single brothers in the club. One and done. But from that first night, that first touch, I’d known I wanted more from Donna. Now, nearly fourteen months later, I was actually thinking of not re-enlisting in January so I could have her by my side all the time. She’d finished her nursing degree last May, and was free to work anywhere in the country. Why not in Bridgewater? Her parents lived there. Surely, she’d want to come back home from Galveston at some point. A shudder of revulsion rolled through me at the thought of her living in Iron Hammers MC territory. They were a club of ruthless bastards and I knew nothing was outside the realm of possibility when it came to them. Every single day she’d been living there, I worried Donna would run across one of them and they’d see her beauty and want it for themselves.

  “So, son, what are your plans for your time home? And how long do we have you for this time?”

  I shifted my focus back onto my parents and my father’s hopeful expression as he waited for my answer. They knew I was up to either re-enlist or separate in January. My father’s question was his subtle way of asking me about it. But I couldn’t answer them on that because I hadn’t made a decision yet.

  “Well, after we have dinner, I’m planning on heading down to Donna. I also need to make a trip up to Spokane to check on a buddy who was badly injured on this last tour. At this stage, I’m not sure how long I’ll be home, but at least through to the new year.”

  My mother turned in her seat to face me. “Are you thinking of leaving the Marines, Ben?”

  She, and occasionally Donna, were the only people on the planet who called me by my given name. I held her gaze and gave her as much truth as I had to give.

  “I’ve been thinking about it. This last tour… some stuff happened that changed things. I need time to process it all.”

  Her expression showed her worry for me. “Does this have something to do with your friend up north?”

  My heart clenched as I thought about Ace again. Something wasn’t right with him, and I didn’t mean his physical issues. My phone call to him earlier weighed heavily on me.

  “Yeah, it has a lot to do with him.”

  “Well, whatever you decide, you know your father and I will support your decision. We’re both just so proud of you, sweetheart.”

  I smiled at both my folks. They were the best. Always there for me, no matter my decisions. They hadn’t even judged me harshly when I’d told them I was joining the Charon MC.

  “Thanks. That means a lot.”

  Galveston, Texas


  I peeked out the curtain again and Liz, my housemate, laughed, making me blush.

  “Babe, you’ll hear him coming on that bike of his. Sit down and relax.”

  I turned to glare at her, but she wasn’t watching me. She was completely focused on running a strip of tape over the top of a box. She was moving back to Colorado over the Christmas break. She’d come down to Galveston to do her nursing degree, and we’d become fast friends and soon decided to share a house together, rather than stay on campus. But we’d both graduated this past May, so our lives were moving on.

  “I’m gonna miss you.”

  She stopped and gave me a sad smile. “Me too, babe. But we can always call and write to each other. And visit. It’s only a two-and-half-hour flight between Denver and Houston.”

  I nodded as I blinked away the sting behind my eyes. Thankfully, before she could say anything else that would send me into full-on tears, the rumble of a Harley filled the air and instantly my sadness evaporated.

  “And that’s my cue to vanish for the evening!” She came over and gave me a hug. “Have fun with your man.”

  She slipped back into her room and her door clicked shut just as Keys’ bike’s engine stopped. Pushing all thoughts of Liz aside, I flipped open the lock and pulled the door open as fast as my fumbling fingers would allow. Once outside, I ran toward him. Tears blurred my vision as he stopped and held out his arms. I threw myself against him, certain he wouldn’t let either of us fall.

  His rough chuckle as he caught me and spun me around had never sounded so good. I sobbed as I buried my face in against his neck and took in his scent—leather and citrus from the cologne he wore. Ever since that Halloween party two years ago, that scent had meant home and safety to me. I’d even gone and bought a bottle so I could sniff it when I was really missing him. I’d fallen for this man within hours of first meeting him. And as proud as I was of him serving as a Marine, I missed him and worried over him every second we were apart.

  “Shh, darlin’. I’m here now. I’ve got you.”

  With a hand on my ass he lifted me, and I automatically wrapped my legs around his waist, not wanting to let him go for even a moment. From the way his body moved, I knew he was heading back toward the house, but I didn’t bother raising my head until after he kicked the door shut and flipped the deadbolt. He paused for a minute, lookin
g around.

  “You moving?”

  “Not me. Well, not yet. Liz is heading back to Denver in a little over a week.”


  I wasn’t sure whether that was a positive or negative sound but didn’t care at the moment. I’d worry about it later. Right now, I wanted to be skin on skin with Keys, so I could run my hands over him to make sure he hadn’t been wounded on this last tour. Unwrapping my legs, I planted my feet back on the floor then took his hand. He followed me without comment as I led him to my bedroom where I shut the door then turned to him and started stripping him. The need to see he was unharmed consumed me.

  “Whoa!” He gripped my hands and pressed my palms flat against his chest. “Donna, baby, what’s going on?”

  I shook my head, trying to tug my hands free. “I need to see that you’re okay. I need to check.”

  His worried expression melted into one of calm, of love.

  “Ah, sweetheart.”

  He released my hands so he could cup my face between his palms. Lowering his lips to mine, he gave me a gentle kiss that lit me up from head to toe. Damn, but I’d missed him.

  “Darlin’, I’m fine. No new scars this time for you to inspect.”

  He kissed me again, longer, deeper and I melted against him, sliding my hands up around his neck to hold him to me as he devoured me. With a groan, he pulled back, and I lifted up on my toes to follow him, wanting more of his kisses. With a rough chuckle, he buried his face in against my neck and wrapped his arms around me, holding me tightly against him. He stayed that way, holding me immobile for long enough I started to get concerned.

  “Keys? You sure you’re okay?”


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