Taming Keys: Charon MC Book 12

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Taming Keys: Charon MC Book 12 Page 12

by Wren, Khloe

  “I’ve come to realize almost everyone has suffered in some way or another. Life is not for the faint of heart. I think the club attracts those of us that have had someone try to break us. We can see that we fit here, that we’ll find the understanding and support we need to keep going, to grow into who we want to be. I hope you find that here too.”

  I rested a hand on her arm and stopped walking. She stilled as well and turned to face me.

  “You’re really not going to take me back to Houston?”

  Her expression softened. “Only if that’s what you want. You’re an adult, Mirabelle. You get to make the choice here. I know Scout offered for you to stay here as long as you liked, and that offer is still there. But I don’t believe this is the best place for you. In the evenings it can get pretty wild and I’m worried that’ll trigger your memories.”

  My heart sank at her words. This was my only option. But before I could say anything, she held her palm up to stop me.

  “Don’t panic. I have another option for you, but again, this is totally your choice and you can take as much time as you need to decide on what you want to do. Keys and I would like you to consider moving in with us. Our current place is a little cramped but we’re going to be looking at a new house soon that is much bigger. You’d have your own room and bathroom, and as much privacy as you want, but with us close by to help you with anything you need.”

  Tears pricked my eyes again and my throat closed up, clogged with emotion. I didn’t know what to say so I didn’t even try. Instead, I leaned into the older woman and resting my head on her shoulder, hugged her.

  “Oh, sweetheart.”

  She held me to her, running a palm over my hair and instantly I felt calmer. Donna’s maternal actions were soothing the ragged edges Godfrey and his friends had left on my soul. I didn’t need time to decide, I knew where I wanted to be.

  Pulling away, I wiped my eyes and smiled at her. “I’d love to take you up on your offer. But I can’t be a charity case, I need to work.”

  Donna indicated I start walking down the stairs and once I started moving, she spoke again.

  “I can understand that. Scout’s wife, Marie, owns a cafe here in town. She’s not here but one of the ladies who is, Mercedes, works for her. I’m sure we can sort out some type of job there, assuming you want to keep doing what you were before?”

  I nodded. “For now, yes. But I think maybe one day I’d like to go back to school and study. Maybe be a therapist or something. I want to help other people.”

  Donna grinned at me and my heart warmed at the look of pride in her eyes.

  “That sounds wonderful. You let me know when you’re ready to start and we’ll help you get it all sorted out. Now, let’s get you introduced to the other old ladies.”

  “Old ladies?”

  Donna smiled. “It’s what bikers call their women. It basically means wife, although some of the brothers don’t actually marry their old ladies. You’ll get used to the slang the club uses in no time.”

  I allowed Donna to lead me over to a table surrounded with women all chatting animatedly with each other.

  “Ladies! This is Mirabelle. I’ll let you all introduce yourselves, and, sweetie, don’t worry if you can’t remember everyone’s names. We’re throwing a lot at you at once, and none of us expect you to remember it all in one day.”

  The only one I knew besides Donna was Elizabeth, and she jumped up from her seat to wrap me in a hug.

  “I’m so glad you’re back safe with us! I swear, we’re not letting you out of our sight ever again.”

  Tears flowed down my cheeks as I held on to her. This woman was the reason I was here.

  “Thank you, Elizabeth. Without you, I’d still be back there. You saved me.”

  She gave me another squeeze before shifting back to look me in the eye as she held my hands.

  “Call me Bess. My dad is the only one who refuses to use my nickname now. And I’m glad I could help get you free—and Tabitha and Todd. I just wish I’d taken a closer look sooner. I should have dug deeper when your parents’ estate was being processed. It wasn’t right.”

  I gave her hands a squeeze before I pulled free. “You dug deeper when you could and I’m grateful. And a lawyer came to visit me a few times in Houston, she’s confident she’ll be able to get all my parents’ assets back to me. Eventually. But honestly, I’m just grateful to have my life back.”

  Bess’ eyes glossed over with tears, but she blinked them back.

  “Okay, enough mushy stuff! Come and meet everyone, then later we’re going to take you out. Cindy’s roller derby team is playing tonight and we’re all going to go watch her kick ass.”

  I had no idea what roller derby was, or who Cindy was, but I loved that these ladies were already including me as though I was one of their own. I’d never had close girlfriends but had always wanted them. I couldn’t believe it looked like I might have found a group that would accept me, issues and all.


  Six weeks later


  “Feels strange not being on the back of his bike, doesn’t it?”

  I smiled over at Zara as I set down the bowl of salad I’d just brought out. The club was on a poker run and she was right, normally I’d be on the back of Keys’ bike, but today I was sitting out so Mirabelle could have the experience.

  “Yeah, but I’ve had decades of enjoying the thrill of it. I’m more than happy to sit this one out so Mirabelle can go have some fun.”

  There were a number of old ladies here at the clubhouse helping to set up the barbecue lunch and chasing all the kids. The club had been having a baby boom for a few years now and it was showing. Toddlers running around, babies cooing or crying, and even a couple of old ladies about to add to the growing next generation of Charons.

  “She seems to have settled in well. She’s fit right in at Marie’s.”

  I nodded as I followed Zara back to the kitchen. “She has. Especially now we’re in the new place and she has her own bathroom. She’s come so far. Cindy’s been teaching her how to roller skate. Y’all taking her to that match of hers apparently sparked an interest. She’s always happy when she comes home from working at Marie’s. I’m glad she’s fitting in so well. She’s also been spending a lot of time at the gym.”

  Zara nodded. “She’s Mac’s star pupil in the self-defense classes. She wants to be strong and independent, which is great.”

  I nodded. “I know she mentioned to me after we’d first rescued her that she wanted to get into counseling, but I’m not sure she’ll get through the course work with her memory issues. I think she’s realizing that too. She’s mentioned a few times this past week about becoming a personal trainer.”

  Zara grinned. “That would be great. We need a female instructor in there. Mac hasn’t been able to find one. And helping people get strong and healthy will fulfill her desire to help others. I think it’s a great idea. I’ll mention it to Mac so he can look into courses so she can become certified. The memory thing is something we can work around. It doesn’t have to prevent her from living a fulfilling life.”

  Considering Zara managed to live a full life even though she had narcolepsy and cataplexy, I didn’t doubt she’d help Mirabelle learn how to cope with her own mental issues. As I’d known it would, the club had rallied around Maribelle to give her everything she needed to thrive.

  “Getting her out of that facility was definitely the right move for her. I’m seriously wondering about whether we shouldn’t move Tabitha out too, but Keys told me she’d refused to leave so long as her brother was there. And it’s definitely the right place for him.”

  Zara sighed heavily. “That poor boy. So young to have had his world so horrifically torn apart. It’s a fantastic facility, and if he’s got the willpower to fight, they can help him do that. Just look at Sparrow. To see her now, you’d never guess what she’s been through. Hopefully Tabitha can overcome her guilt. I know she still blames herself for God
frey ever getting his hands on Todd.”

  Last year Mac and Zara had adopted Sparrow, a teen the club had rescued from a mob-run stable in L.A. She’d been sold into sexual slavery by her own mother to pay her drug debt. But the girl didn’t have any quit in her and had made good use of her second chance with Mac and Zara. Their toddler, Cleo, loved her new big sister, and Sparrow clearly thought the little girl hung the moon. Sparrow was on the back of Mac’s bike today and Cleo had thrown a fit when she’d seen her big sister ride off with her daddy.

  “Where is Cleo? I can’t hear her screaming anymore.”

  Zara rolled her eyes. “Lord save us from that one’s temper. She wore herself out crying until she fell asleep. Hopefully she’ll stay that way until they get back. She’s gonna be hell until she’s old enough to go out with Mac, and then we’ll have to set up a schedule or something, so they get equal time on Mac’s bike.” She frowned. “Maybe I should put my own name on the damn thing so I get a turn too…”

  Silk laughed and hip checked Zara as she walked past holding her son, Raven’s hand.

  “Don’t you worry, Zara. Sparrow will be riding her own bike in a few years, same with Mirabelle.”

  Zara groaned. “Don’t say that! I worry enough as it is.”

  Silk chuckled. “Well, don’t think too much about what Cleo will do when she’s a teenager then.”

  “The thought is enough to send me grey.”

  The rumble of Harleys filling the air ended our conversation as we all made our way through the clubhouse to watch them come in through the front gate.


  Besides Em, I’d never had anyone other than Donna on the back of my bike. Until today. When we’d first taken off for the poker run earlier, it had hit me that it wasn’t Em, that it would never be her again, but those thoughts were soon pushed aside when I looked in my mirror and saw Mirabelle’s face. The wide grin as she closed her eyes and put her face in the wind.

  This woman might be nearly thirty years old, but she was young at heart. Even with all the shit Godfrey had put her through, she still shone. Just like Donna, Mirabelle had an inner light that could light up the whole world. It had been dimmed when she’d first come to live with us, but over the past six weeks, she’d grown stronger and more sure of herself, and now that light was shining brightly for all to see. And I wasn’t the only one to notice.

  We were now back at the clubhouse, enjoying the lunch the women had put together for us while we’d been riding, and I could see a couple bastards watching my girl.

  “You gonna deal with that?”

  There was some humor laced though Scout’s voice, but I wasn’t feeling it.

  “Just you wait another ten years and it’ll be Ariel that has men drooling over her. We’ll see how fucking funny you think this shit is then.”

  Scout laughed. “That girl can already hold her own. I worry for the men she sets her sights on, not the other way around.”

  “I’m hoping Mirabelle’s cut will keep any of the fuckers from actually approaching her.”

  As soon as possible, I’d gotten Mirabelle a cut with a daughter of the club patch. That patch screamed that if you wanted to even touch the one wearing it, you’d better be thinking forever and not a one-night stand.

  “That’ll keep our boys off her, but I’m not so sure about the Cowboys. Want me to have a quiet word with them?”

  The Satan’s Cowboys MC was a big club up north whose umbrella we technically came under. Several of their crew had come down to join in the poker run and at least two of them were eyeing Mirabelle in a way I didn’t appreciate.

  “I already had a word with Maverick. He said he’d tell his men her history and that she was protected.”

  Scout nodded. “I’ll still keep my eye on them.”

  “Who we keeping an eye on?”

  Mac strolled over with a couple of bottles of beer that he handed to us both before he took a swig of his own.

  “The men eyeing my girl.”

  Mac turned to take in who we were talking about. “Oh, yeah. If they keep that shit up they’re gonna get their asses beat.”

  “Damn straight.”

  Mac chuckled, “Not by you, old man. Have you seriously not noticed?”

  I glared his way. “Not noticed what?”

  Scout was smirking and trying not to laugh, so clearly he knew.

  With a growl, I switched my glare from Mac to Scout. “One of you better tell me whose ass I’m gonna have to beat.”

  “Nah, man. It’s way more fun this way. I can’t believe you haven’t seen it. Guess he’s been careful when you’re around.”

  I narrowed my eyes at Scout, the club president. A man whom I thought was my friend.

  “Just you wait. One day it’ll be Ariel who has a secret admirer and I won’t tell you shit.”

  He smirked at me again. “I’ll just make sure I teach her how to shoot. That way, she can take care of it herself.”

  Mac laughed. “Don’t let him fool you. He’ll be squirming as bad as you are now. Ah, fuck. Dammit.”

  He turned and strode across the yard and I spun to see what had set him off. When I saw Sparrow sneaking closer to where Jazz was standing with a couple of other brothers, I forgot all about Mirabelle and her apparent harem of admirers and got ready to watch Mac go papa bear on either Sparrow’s or Jazz’s ass.

  “He won’t touch her. I think everyone in the club has pulled that boy aside to warn him she’s too young.”

  “Don’t look like he’s the one doing the chasing, brother. That girl’s got a crush going on.”

  Scout nodded. “That, she does. Good to see her behavin’ like a normal teen. And that’s why I ain’t telling you who’s watching Mirabelle. He knows the rules. She’s a daughter of the club. If he steps up publicly to make a claim on her, we’ll know he’s serious. Until then, he’s just letting her be a normal fucking teenager. And much like Sparrow, your girl needs to be free to do what young, single women do, brother. No matter how much you want her not to.”

  I frowned as I took another swig of my beer. “It’s not that I don’t want her to, it’s that I don’t want her getting hurt.”

  “Pain is part of life, my friend. None of us are immune, and we all fall at some point. But like you and me, she now has this whole club at her back to kick her ass if she forgets to get the fuck back up when she does.”

  Heat flashed through me at his words and I took another swig of beer to give me a minute.

  “Thanks for that. What you and Mac did that day? Probably not only saved my marriage, but my life.”

  Scout clapped me on the shoulder. “Just sorry it took us so long to see how bad you were struggling, brother. Should have kicked your ass years ago.”

  “Better late than never, Prez.”


  Silence fell between us as we watched Mac drag his adopted daughter away from Jazz and back over to the other single women. I couldn’t help but think Mac had better get used to that because Cleo was gonna be a hell-raiser when she was older. But we’d all help keep her in line and safe, because that’s what the Charon MC was all about. Protecting our family.

  I’d never been happier, or prouder, of the patch I wore than I was today.

  More Charon MC books are coming in 2021! Arrow, Bank, Keg and maybe even Jazz will get their stories told real soon.

  * * *

  For all the links and information to the first 11 books in the series, head over to www.khloewren.com




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