Cardinal: The Affinity Chronicles Book 1

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Cardinal: The Affinity Chronicles Book 1 Page 2

by K Kelly

  “Help,” I yell as I stumble and trip right into his arms. When I look up at him, he looks remarkably like the man in the subway.

  “Whoa! What’s wrong?”

  “There’s a gang in the subway and a man, and he told me to run.”

  The man laughs, and I notice he’s getting taller, thinner, and is starting to glow.

  I let go of him and move back. “What are you?” I ask.

  The man looks down at himself and frowns. “How did you do that, little human?”

  “Do what?”

  “See my true form.”

  This night just went from boringly normal to completely fucked up in no time flat.

  “Your true form? Mister, there’s a guy in the subway about to get his ass kicked by a gang. He told me to seek the light and the herd.” Someone must have spiked my drink, that is if I’d been drinking. “I need to go.” I look further down the street, but it’s all in darkness.

  The shopkeeper reaches out and touches me on the forehead, much the same as the man before him.

  “Oh, dear,” he exclaims.

  I flinch away from him and rub my forehead. I open my mouth to speak, and he holds up a finger. “Hear me, little one, the herd can’t protect you. The legion has your scent now. Run. And pray another race will serve you better. My brother should not have intervened. Look for the signs, for they will be all around you. Run!”

  I back up, take a few steps to the side, and run down the street away from him. The darkness feels like it’s closing in on me, and I’m sure there are evil things lurking all around. I pump my legs, scared beyond words, only concentrating on getting as far away from the subway as possible. Suddenly, I’m in the middle of Times Square, light, lots of it, and people surround me.

  How the hell did I get here?

  A hand clasps my shoulder, and I’m spun around. Standing in front of me is a policeman. I grasp his hand in mine, and just like before, he morphs into something else. Only this time it’s an angel, complete with wings and a halo.

  “I’ve been drugged!”

  He looks down and frowns. “Ma’am, I need you to calm down.”

  “What are you?”

  “What are you?” the policeman loud whispers as he leans into me.

  “My name is Angelica Adam.” I walk around him, touching his wings as I circle him. “Are you an angel? Am I dead?”

  Laughter erupts from a policeman not three feet away. “Well, that’s a new one! Tristan, she thinks you’re an angel.” The policeman flutters his hands and bats his eyelids.

  “Put a lid on it, Murphy! Clearly, she’s on something.” The angel grabs me by the elbow and leads me further away from his partner. “Whatever you are, stop it. If you project too much, everyone will see me, and that’s bad.”

  “That’s bad? Not everyone can see you?”

  With an exasperated sigh, he touches me on the forehead, but this time I pass out.

  Darkness claims me.

  There’s an annoying beeping sound which is pulling me from my slumber. I’m warm and cozy and don’t want to wake just yet. Someone grabs my wrist, and I open my eyes.

  “Ahh, you’re awake. Do you know where you are?” asks a woman in blue scrubs.

  “The hospital?”

  “Good. What’s your name?”

  “Angelica Adam. How did I end up here?”

  The nurse smiles at me. “The policeman who brought you in seemed to think you’d been drugged. We didn’t find anything in your system, your tox screen was clean. How are you feeling?”

  “Good, fine. How long have I been here?”

  She picks up my chart and scans it. “Four hours. Think you can stand?”

  I nod, and she helps me to get out of the bed. When my feet hit the floor, I look down at my hospital gown and frown. “Where are my clothes?”

  The nurse chuckles. “In the cupboard behind me along with your purse. I’m going to get a doctor to discharge you. While I do that, how about you get dressed?”

  I nod, and as soon as she’s out of the room, I frantically put my clothes on. I’m pulling on my shoes when the policeman pokes his head through the door.

  “How are you feeling, Angelica?”

  “What did you do to me?” I demand to know.

  He comes further into the room, making sure the door is closed. “How are you feeling?” he asks again, his eyes glowing weirdly.

  “I’m fine. I feel…” Truthfully, I feel fantastic. The way I’ve felt after a good meal and some sleep, only better, more energized. “I feel great.”

  He smiles at me and tilts his head to the side. “What are you?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “What race are you?”

  “I’m human, like you.”

  The policeman walks toward me and grabs my hand. He inhales then says, “Truth.”

  As I stare at him, he glows brighter, and I can see wings and a halo.

  Gasping, I pull out of his grasp. “You’re an angel?”

  He looks down, frowns, and looks up at me. “Angelica Adam, are you a witch?”

  “I beg your pardon? A witch?”

  He chuckles, and the noise is music to my ears.

  “I’m the archangel, Tristan, and you’re no ordinary human. Perhaps you are a half-breed?”

  I rub my eyes and slowly open them. Unfortunately, he still looks like an angel.

  “The nurse said there was nothing on my tox screen, but surely that must be wrong? I just heard you say that you’re the archangel, Tristan, and I can see wings, a halo, and you’re glowing.”

  “You’re glowing, too.”

  I turn around and stare at my reflection in the mirror stuck on the back of the bathroom door, and sure enough, a dark red light is all around me.

  “What does that mean?”

  “How old are you, Angelica?”

  “Today is my twenty-fifth birthday.”

  “For she’ll come into her power in her twenty-fifth year, and when she touches the dutiful, their true selves will become known to her. She will be all-powerful and guide us to redemption.”

  I frown at him. “Tristan, what was that?”

  “A verse from a very old book. I was beginning to believe you didn’t exist yet, here you are.”

  “I don’t know who or what you think I am, but Tristan, I need to get home. I need to sleep this off, whatever it is. Hell, I’m probably standing here talking to myself. This can’t be real.” I close my eyes and slap each side of my face hard. When I open them, Tristan is still standing in front of me, grinning at me like he’s won the lottery.


  “We need to get you out of here. Do you have somewhere safe to go?”

  “Tristan, I want to go home. It’s been a weird day.”

  As though I’m unable to stop myself, I reach out and touch his wing. The feathers are so soft, and a feeling of happiness invades my being. I sigh and look into Tristan’s eyes, and he’s grinning down at me. His wings move and encircle me, pulling me closer to him. I’m pushed up against his well-defined chest.

  “Umm, Tristan?”

  “Close your eyes and think of home.”


  “Shhh, Angelica, concentrate.” I feel his chest expand, and he slowly lets out a breath. “May I enter your abode?”

  “We’re in the hospital.”

  Tristan chuckles, and I feel warm and loved. “A simple yes or no, please.”

  “Sure, yes, please come in,” I say as I giggle.

  I take a deep breath, and he smells so good like freshly baked cookies or your favorite candy. The scent is overwhelming, but I can’t seem to breathe enough of him in. When I open my eyes, I’m standing in the middle of my apartment. Alone. My cat, Grace, is staring up at me. She walks toward me, hisses, and stops mid-step.

  “What is it, fat girl?” I ask her. Grace shakes her head, then continues toward me. “Do you know how I got here?” Grace meows and walks to her food dish. “Right, you d
on’t care.” I chuckle. “I think someone drugged me.”

  I look around my apartment, but I’m the only one here. When I check the front door it’s bolted from the inside, my keys are on the hook, and my handbag is in its usual spot.

  Did I imagine the last few hours?

  I look at the clock on the wall in the kitchen, and it says two in the morning.

  I left work at six, and now it’s two.

  None of this makes any sense.

  So I feed my cat and crawl into bed, fully clothed. I know it’s strange, but my clothes smell so good.

  Angelica Adam

  “Trust me,” says the voice in my dreams.

  I shake my head. There’s something he’s not telling me.

  “Give me your body,” the voice whispers.

  I can feel hands blazing a trail from my nipples to my most sensitive region. When he touches me there, I part my legs and let him ignite the passion that threatens to overwhelm me. My body is on fire, and all I can think about is the pleasure of this man’s touch.

  “Give me your body,” he repeats as he sucks on my nipple.

  Heat is building within me, and I want nothing more than for him to take me over the edge. His mouth makes its way further down my frame, his kisses are divine, and when he gets to my pussy and licks me, I think I’m going to explode. His tongue plunges into me, and he sucks my clit. The feeling is amazing. His fingers dig into my hips, and I rock them to give him better access.

  “Say I can have you,” whispers the voice. “Tell me I can have your body.”

  “Yes,” I cry, desperate for release.


  “Yes!” My fingers entwine in his hair and hold him there as he licks, sucks, and probes me as the pressure within me builds.

  “Say the words, Angelica. Say I can have your body.”

  With release being my only thought, I nod.

  “The words.”

  This time he sounds angry, and I don’t want to disappoint him, but a small part of me wonders why? Why do I have to say the words? And there’s a noise, someone else is here. His mouth is back on me as he sucks, licks and his tongue plunges inside me. I’m so close.

  “Tell me what I need to hear,” he whispers.

  Then he sucks on my clit, and I’m done for, the orgasm washes through me, and I ride his face, holding him in place until I’m well spent. The aftershocks keep coming, and he sucks and licks, drinking me in.

  “Let me have you,” he whispers.

  I try to open my eyes, but I can’t. I feel his shoulders, and they are strong, hard, and there’s something else but it’s soft. I reach further down, and he’s covered in softness. Finally, my eyes open, and I’m alone in my bed with the radio on, completely naked and covered in sweat.





  “Ange! Are you home?”

  I sit bolt upright and look at my phone. It’s one o’clock in the afternoon. I’ve slept half the day away.


  I scramble out of bed, put on a robe, and run to my front door. I throw it open and standing there is my best friend and work colleague, Chris.

  “Jesus!” yells Chris. “I was worried about you. Why didn’t you answer your phone or come into work today? Or call? Or?” Then dramatically, he waves his arms in distress.

  I take a step out into the hallway, and he pulls me into a bone-crushing hug.

  “Chris?” I gasp.

  “Why do you have sex hair? Have you stayed home all day to have sex?” Then he whispers, “Is he still here?”

  I pull back from him, shaking my head. “No. I had a weird night, and I guess I overslept.”

  “I’ve called you a hundred times. Drew wasn’t at all happy you didn’t come in today, but it’s cool, I covered for you. I told him you were sick. Okay?”

  My face softens. Chris is my only friend. We met the first day I started at the magazine. He showed me the ropes and guided me to the best cheapest coffee in the city. Without Chris, I wouldn’t have anyone.

  “Let’s go inside. I’ll make us both a drink.”

  “Why do you smell so good, like… cookies or…” Chris pulls back and looks me in the eyes. “Oh no! Did you say yes?”


  “Did you give the angel permission?”

  I take two steps back from Chris. “What do you mean?”

  Chris hits himself on the side of his head and balls his hands into fists. “Fuck! Yesterday was your birthday, wasn’t it? You’re twenty-five!”


  Chris looks at me, a scowl on his handsome face. “I’m going to be in so much trouble. Why didn’t you mention it was your birthday yesterday?”

  “Why do you think I took twenty-five cupcakes to work? And why are you in trouble?”

  “Shit! I didn’t notice there were twenty-five. Did you fuck the angel?”

  I back further into my apartment, hand on the door frame ready to slam it closed. Chris’ features soften, and he sighs. Slowly, he unballs his fists and tries to smile. His face now looks incredibly sad.

  “Chris, what’s going on?” I whisper.

  “Angelica, please let me come in and explain. I was assigned to you. I had one job. Dammit! Just one job.” Chris holds up a finger, waving it in the air. “You’re my best friend. For a human, you’ve been a lot of fun.”

  For a human, you’ve been a lot of fun?

  What the hell does that mean?

  “I don’t understand,” I reply, shaking my head.

  Chris drops down onto one knee with his eyes downcast. “On my life and the blood of my clan, I promise, I’ll never hurt you. Please, Ange, let me in.”

  I move to one side and gesture for him to enter.

  “You need to invite me in,” he states.

  “Are you a vampire?”

  Chris chuckles. “No. But now you’ve come into your own, I’ll need an invite every time I try to enter your house. The other races should be the same.”

  “Please, come in, Chris.”

  He stands and moves past me so quickly all I feel is the wind as he rushes past. I shut the door and find him sitting at my dining room table, looking nervous.

  “H-How did you do that?”

  “I’m going to start from the beginning. I’m an elf. My real name is Eruaphadion… air-oo-ah-fahd-ee-on. In English, it translates to Christopher. I was assigned to you by the troupe, my clan, to protect and guide you through your transition.”

  “My transition?”

  “Would you like me to make you a coffee or tea?”

  “Chris, what the fuck is going on?”

  “I’m going to make tea. You smell like angel. Go shower. I promise to answer all of your questions. Remember, Angelica, I am your friend.”

  I look at him skeptically. I have no reason to distrust him, but he sounds completely bonkers. Chris stands, and I hold out my hand to him. He tilts his head to the side and then places his hand in mine. The person before me blurs, and I blink a few times as he gradually becomes taller, thinner, and his short dark hair morphs and becomes long dark hair. His ears lengthen and become pointy, his skin glows, and Chris has gone from a very ordinary-looking young man to someone so beautiful it’s almost hard to look him in the eyes.

  “Oh my God!” I let go of him and stumble back a few paces.

  “Ange, it’s okay. It’s me, Chris.”

  “No! Whatever you are, you’re not Chris.”

  “We have coffee every day at lunchtime at a food cart one hundred feet from where we work. I held your hair back at the staff Christmas party when you drank too much. We make fun of Drew, our boss, whenever he turns his back. I know your favorite color is light pink, so light it’s almost white. Your favorite scent is roses and that you save to buy it as you like to wear the one from that expensive boutique in Paris, and they make only one hundred and fifty bottles a year. I know—”




  Chris shuffles from foot to foot, and now that he’s in elf form, he makes it look graceful. How does he do that? I’m chewing on my bottom lip, and I can see he wants to speak but is doing as I ask.

  “I need to shower.” Chris nods. “I can’t trust you in my apartment.”

  “If I were going to hurt you, I’d have done so before now. I belong to the troupe, but you now command me.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “I’ll obey any command you give me.”

  “How do I know you’re not lying? You’ve lied to me for two years. And all these weird things are happening. Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Chris holds up his hands and nods. The movement is graceful, and there’s an air of regality about him. “I was forbidden to. We came across you by accident—”

  “Stop! Just stop.” I slump down in a chair, all my energy from before feels like it’s seeping out of me.

  Chris kneels in front of me and places two fingers on the middle of my forehead. “Oh, no! How are you feeling?”

  “I’m suddenly exhausted.” My eyelids feel very heavy.

  “Angelica… I need you to stay awake. Do you understand?”

  I nod, but his voice is becoming so soft. I try to focus on his mouth, and I can see his lips moving, but I have no idea what he’s saying. I shake my head a couple of times trying to clear the fog that’s invaded my mind.

  Chris leans down and picks me up. He carries me into the bathroom and puts me in the shower, turning on the cold water. I can feel it, and I know I should be shivering, and maybe I am, but sleep wants to claim me.

  “No. No. NO!” chants Chris. “Okay, don’t drown. I need to call someone.”

  My legs go out from under me, and I slide down the wall, my ass hitting the cold tiles with a splat. I try to laugh, but it’s all too hard. My body craves sleep.


  My phone is pressed to my ear, and I know I’m going to be in the worst trouble over this. Time moves so slowly for the humans. How am I supposed to remember that yesterday was her birthday, and that she’d be susceptible to the races? The phone is ringing and ringing, and I wonder if I’ve dialed the right number when a bored Felton finally answers.



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