Cardinal: The Affinity Chronicles Book 1

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Cardinal: The Affinity Chronicles Book 1 Page 8

by K Kelly

  “Angel, I want you to look at me first, and together we’ll face the witches. Okay?” She nods and slowly opens her eyes. “How do I look?”

  “Handsome, sexy, and… mine.”

  I grin down at her, and she gives me a small smile. “Good answer. Take a deep breath and then look at the others.”

  Angelica does as she is told. Her body goes rigid in my arms, and she shakes her head from side to side.

  “What is it?” I ask.

  “They have writing all over them. Some of the words look like they are pulsing. Can’t you see it?”

  I close my eyes, center myself, take a deep breath, and focus on Evie. The façade she projects to the world melts away, and I can see what Angelica sees. She no longer looks nice. There’s a sinister air to her now.

  “What do you see?” asks Evie.

  “Exactly what Angelica sees. There are words and symbols all over you. And you appear to be in muted tones like the light has seeped out of you.”

  Evie smiles and claps her hands. She turns to the other two, and they all embrace.

  “She really is the chosen one, isn’t she?” asks Gloria.

  “Indeed. And she’s in our coven,” exclaims Evie.

  I do not like where this conversation is heading and begin to move Angelica toward the door.

  With her back to me, Evie says, “Not so fast, Janardan. She might be your mate, but she’s in our coven. We’ll not let you take her from us.”

  “Evie, we came to you for answers, but I’ll not allow you to hurt Angelica. She’s mine to protect.”

  “Yes, the powers that be have definitely picked well when they chose you for her mate.” Evie moves away from us and pours herself a drink. “But Angelica is too valuable. We can’t let her go. Surrender her to us, and we won’t kill you.”

  “You think I’m that easy to kill?”

  The witches all cackle between themselves and nod.

  “You might be old, Liberator, but you aren’t immortal. You can be killed and easily.” Evie holds her hands up, chants something, and gives me an evil grin.

  A flash of light streaks across the room and hits me in the chest. It warms me but does not hurt. I snarl at Evie, pick Angelica up, and sprint for the way out.

  “No,” yells Evie.

  I keep going, and when I find the trap door, I jump up and out into the alley and keep running until I am miles away from them.

  I look down at Angelica, and she has her eyes closed.

  “Are you okay?” I ask.

  “How fast can you run?”

  I chuckle. “Faster than you.” I put her on her feet, and she looks around. “Angel, I don’t know what to do,” I admit.

  “Chris will know.”

  “The elf? I don’t know,” I say as I shake my head.

  “He’s my friend.”

  “I thought the witches would be on our side, but the power you hold within you is clearly too much for any one race.”

  “I don’t feel that different. Except—”


  “I don’t know, it’s like I can hear voices in my head. Maybe I’m going crazy?”

  “What are the voices saying?”

  Angelica shakes her head. “They’re all talking too quickly, and at once. They overlap. I can’t make out anyone in particular.”

  “Ring your friend. Ask to meet in Central Park where he took you for the cleansing.”

  “The cleansing?”

  “Yes, angel, the place you woke up naked and sticky.”

  “How do you know about that?”

  “Vampire senses,” I reply, tapping my nose.

  “Eww!” Angelica gets her cell phone out and hits some buttons and puts it to her ear. “Hello, Chris,” she says, and a smile lights up her face.

  I can’t help it. I snarl, and my fangs extend. I don’t like her being happy at the sound of the elf’s voice.

  “I’m fine! No, really…” Angelica pauses as she listens to him. “Janardan wants us to meet in Central Park where you cleansed me.” She nods her head and smiles at me. “No, now.” Angelica shakes her head. “Let us worry about the daylight. See you in thirty minutes?” She nods again and says, “Bye.”

  Grinning at me, she puts the phone back in her pocket and looks up at me.

  “I don’t like the elf.”

  “Chris is a good guy.”

  “The elf may have told the troupe about you by now. We should get to the park first to see if he’s sent anyone ahead to ambush us.”

  “Chris wouldn’t do that.”

  “I didn’t think the witches would try and take you from me, but they did. We need answers, and I’m not sure who to trust.”

  Angelica goes up on her tiptoes and kisses me. As she tries to pull away, I cup the back of her head and deepen the kiss. My tongue plays with hers, and she moans into my mouth.

  “Keep making noises like that, and I’ll take you here.”

  Angelica looks around at the buildings and people. “There’s nowhere private.”

  I pick her up and run to the top of a building. There’s no one around and begin to kiss her while my hands roam her body.

  “Janardan, where are we?”

  “Private,” I state as I kiss her neck.

  “We look so high up.”

  I cup her face in my hands and look her in the eyes. “We only have thirty minutes, angel. Let’s make the most of it.”

  My fangs extend, and I suckle and kiss her neck as my hands tease her body. When Angelica moans, I plunge my fangs into her, then undo her belt and jeans, and I touch her most sensitive parts. With each pull, she grinds against my hand, urging me on.

  I feel her pussy contract around my fingers as I continue to drink from her. Angelica cries out, and when I draw out every last aftershock from her, I lick closed my mark and put my forehead to hers.

  “That can’t have been very good for you,” whispers my angel.

  “I know it’s hard to comprehend, but I feel what you feel when I’m feeding. It’s not as good as burying my cock inside you, but it’s a damn close second.”

  My angel smiles at me. “Your turn next time.”


  “We should go.”

  I give her a nod and grab her around the waist. “Hold on.”

  With a wicked grin, Angelica kisses me. “I always do.”

  I chuckle and begin to run to our destination.


  The speed with which Janardan maneuvers through the city is terrifying. I close my eyes for most of it. I’ve never felt so loved or cared for. It’s like we fast-forwarded through all the awkward stages of our relationship and have gone straight into the love stage. In the space of a day, I can’t imagine my life without him. And deep down, I know Janardan feels the same way too. I feel unsettled if we aren’t touching, and when we do touch, my nerve endings want more. So much more.

  “Angel, you can open your eyes now,” says Janardan in a soothing tone.

  I crack open one eye and see we are at the place I woke up with Chris leaning over me. That all feels like so long ago.

  Opening both eyes, I take a step away from Janardan but keep his hand firmly held in mine. “Is Chris here?”

  Janardan smiles and looks around, nodding. “Yes, and he’s not alone.”

  “Chris,” I yell.

  In his projected image, Chris steps from behind a tree. I smile and wave at him as he approaches, giving Janardan a wide berth.

  “Hello, Ange. Word has spread quickly that the chosen one is among us, and the troupe sent more of my kind to,” Chris pauses as he seems to be searching for the right words. “Welcome you.”

  “Why do you look like the old you?” I ask.

  Chris frowns and looks down. “Habit.” He closes his eyes and morphs into his true self. “Better?”

  “I’m not sure. But if this is the real you, then you should always present yourself so. I want you to be comfortable.”

  Chris grin
s, and when he gets close to me, he wraps me in a hug. It’s not easy as Janardan does not release my hand.

  “I’m so glad you’re okay, Ange.”

  I pull back from him, grinning. “Why wouldn’t I be okay?”

  Janardan pulls me back against his body. I glance up at him and notice he’s scanning the area around us.

  “Chris, tell your friends to come out. They’re making Janardan nervous.”

  Chris laughs mirthlessly. “They’re making him feel nervous? Do you have any idea who he is? What he’s done? He’s as close to a monster as you’ll get.”

  His words hurt me, and I shake my head. “No. I know him, Chris. I can’t explain it, but I know his deepest darkest secrets, and he doesn’t scare me. Janardan isn’t the same man anymore.”

  Chris shakes his head, raises his hand, and five elves move out into plain view. I feel Janardan relax beside me a fraction. Chris looks over me to Janardan.

  “You’ve claimed her, haven’t you?”

  “Yes. It wasn’t planned. I couldn’t control myself.” At Janardan’s words, Chris’ face turns red. “I swear I didn’t hurt her.”

  “It shouldn’t have been you,” yells Chris.

  I move out of Janardan’s arms to grab Chris’ hands, and he immediately calms down.

  “It shouldn’t have been him,” whispers Chris.

  “But it was. Is. I feel like I’ve found another part of me that I didn’t know was missing. But I have so many questions, Chris. The witches were of no help. They were going to kill him and use me for their own devices. Chris, can you help me? Us?”

  Chris’ face softens. The other elves make no move to come closer.

  “Truth,” says Chris.

  I nod. “Truth.”

  Chris lets out a shuddering breath. “The troupe can help. Now that you’ve been claimed, it will make it harder. The clutch will lay claim to you.”

  “No,” says Janardan forcefully. “I’m a rogue vampire. I’ve never pledged to Levi and the clutch.”

  Chris draws his eyebrows together, then smiles, smoothing out his frown. “So, she didn’t pick a race, Ange picked you. This is good. This is very good.”

  “Why is it good?” I ask, completely confused.

  “For the prophecy is coming true.” Chris puts his forehead to mine. “Come with me to meet our king. He will answer any of your questions, truthfully.”

  I look over my shoulder to Janardan. He places a hand on my shoulder and drags me back into his frame.

  “Chris is right, the elvin king will hold many answers.”

  “I still don’t like you,” states Chris.

  “He’ll grow on you,” I reply.

  “Like a fungus?”

  Janardan growls, but I giggle.

  “Don’t tease him. Janardan’s patience isn’t infinite. Lead the way.”

  Chris smirks and moves out into the open ground, the other elves draw in around him. All bar one elf avoids eye contact with me. The one who is brave enough to meet my gaze quickly looks away. I look up at Janardan quizzically, and he shrugs, shaking his head slightly.

  “Give me your hand, Ange.”

  “I’m coming with her,” states Janardan.

  Chris looks thoughtful. “Okay. We’ve never had one of your kind in our city before. I don’t know how the royal guard is going to handle this. Stay close to Angelica and pray they don’t shoot you.”

  “Charming,” replies Janardan sarcastically.

  Chris holds out a hand to him. “Okay, let’s get this show on the road.”

  Janardan kisses me on the temple, and grasps Chris’ and my hand.

  “You okay?” I ask.

  Janardan gives me a small smile. “So long as we do this together, I’ll be okay.”

  “Oh, enough already. Clear your minds,” says Chris tersely.

  The other elves move in, encircling us. The air around us shimmers, and the ground we are standing on vibrates, then I feel like I’m falling. It all takes a blink of an eye, and then I’m in the most beautiful garden I have ever seen. All the colors around me appear brighter, and the fragrance that invades my senses is potent.

  “Prince Eruaphadion, why have you brought this abomination into my realm?” booms a man clad in armor with his sword drawn.

  Chris moves in front of Janardan, and I place an arm around his waist.

  “Apologies, Captain Woodland. He’s the mate of the chosen one, and neither would come without the other.”

  “That does not explain how he’s able to stand here in broad daylight. He should be nothing but ashes.”

  Captain Woodland advances toward us, and I drag Janardan back.

  “Captain! Stand down!” yells Chris as he turns to face us. “How the hell are you able to be out in broad daylight? I can’t believe I didn’t notice that until now.” Chris looks annoyed with himself.

  I only have eyes for Captain Woodland, who is moving past Chris, eyes glued to Janardan.

  Janardan drops down to one knee. “I’m hers, and she’s mine. I’ll not hurt her or anyone here for as long as Angelica draws a breath.”

  “See, Captain… he’s given his word.”

  “The word of the Liberator does not hold much value,” sneers Captain Woodland.

  “Okay, buddy, you’re going to have to go through me if you want to hurt Janardan. I’m not as fragile as I look.”

  I assume a fighter’s pose, and Captain Woodland and Chris both stare at me with disbelief, then Chris, the bastard, begins to laugh. Captain Woodland cocks his head and looks from Chris to me.

  “You both protect this vile creature?”

  “Seriously, if you call him names one more time, I’m going to bitch slap you.”

  Chris buckles over, clutching his stomach, laughing with tears streaming down his face. Captain Woodland looks perplexed and slowly lowers his sword.

  “Hmm, my son finally returns home with a vampire and a human,” says a man in a very bored tone.

  “Father,” exclaims Chris as he grips the man’s forearm in the form of a handshake, arm shake.

  “Eruaphadion, why are they here?”

  “Aran, it’s good to see you.” Chris turns and sweeps his arm toward me. “This is Angelica Adam, the chosen one. And unfortunately, her mate, Janardan.”

  “The Janardan?” asks the king in a slightly interested tone.

  “Yes, my lord, the very same.”

  “Hmm, this is disconcerting.” The king waves Captain Woodland off. “Enough, Captain. Come, Angelica, Janardan, walk with me so we might sort out this mess.”

  Aran tilts his head directing us where to go and walks away with Chris right beside him. I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding.

  “Are you okay, angel?”

  “That was all very intense. Are you okay?”

  Janardan stands, brushing off his pants as he does. “We should catch up before the captain decides to end me.”

  I glance over at the captain, and although he has put his sword away, he appears to be pondering Janardan’s words. I grab Janardan’s hand and drag him toward Aran and Chris. When we catch up to them, Chris glances at me and smiles. I return it with one of my own. Aran sits at a long table and gestures for us to sit as well. I look over at Captain Woodland, but he doesn’t join us. Instead, he positions himself behind the elvin king.

  “Are you sure she’s the one?” asks Aran.

  Chris nods and looks at me mischievously. “Yes, my lord… on her twenty-fifth birthday, her powers came into effect. Unfortunately, I missed the beginning.”

  “Why did you not bring her to me immediately?”

  “There was an incident with the angel, Tristan.”


  I feel my face burning red, and Janardan lets off a low growl.

  “We don’t really need to talk about that right now. Let’s just say the angel poisoned me.”

  Aran chuckles and raises his eyebrows. “I see. So, the angels thought to claim you, but it se
ems the vampire beat them. Interesting.” Aran has one arm bent and tapping his lips with his hand, studying me, then he turns his blue gaze to Janardan. “And you… how do you have a white aura? And how is it possible for you to be in the sunlight?”

  “I believe it’s Angelica. I feel connected to her like no other, and her blood is like nectar.”

  “You’ve fed off her? The chosen one? How is it your eyes aren’t black and the taint of the crave isn’t upon you?”

  Janardan shakes his head and reaches for my hand under the table.

  “I don’t know. I believe it’s because she’s the chosen one that all this is possible.”

  Aran slams his hand hard on the table causing me to jump.

  “Fear not, little one, this is all mystifying.” Aran turns his gaze to Chris. “Go fetch the tomes on the chosen one.”

  “There are tomes?” asks Janardan.

  “Yes, of course. We kept them from the other races. We have suspected many to be the chosen one over the centuries. You’re the one closest to the written word so far.” Aran’s eyes flick to Janardan. “And the fact that the vampire is in the sun and not afflicted by feeding on you would suggest that all this is true, but I’d still like to consult the written word.”

  “So, there’s been others like me?”

  “No,” replies Chris immediately. “None have been able to do what you can do.”

  “But what have I been able to do?”

  Chris smiles. “You see me in my true form, and I suspect there have been others besides the angel. And you had an elf, a lycan, and a vampire sit down at the same table. That hasn’t happened in an age.”

  “That doesn’t prove anything. We were all hungry,” I say earnestly.

  “No, Angelica, it was you. All I wanted was to be near you. The lycan and the vampire were both tracking you. Why do you think that was? And you and the vampire both saw red birds.”

  “His name is Janardan, stop calling him the vampire. It’s not nice, Chris. How would you like it if I called you the elf all the time?”

  Under the table, Janardan squeezes my hand a little tighter, and when I glance at him, he smiles.

  “Angelica is right, Chris. You should call him by his name. Now, go fetch me the tomes,” demands Aran.

  “Why can’t you say books? Tomes sounds very stuffy,” I ask, which causes the elvin king to bark out a laugh.


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