Brought To Heel (Wayward Mates Series Book 1)

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Brought To Heel (Wayward Mates Series Book 1) Page 25

by Delta James

  “After I’m convinced you’re sorry for whatever behavior got you put over my knee, we will make up. You will enjoy that,” he said, smiling. He nuzzled her neck again and kissed her shoulder. “You have no need to fear me.”

  “I don’t want to be your mate. Choose another.”

  He chuckled. “That’s not how it works with fated mates and you know it. We are fated to be together. I will not allow your fear to keep you from being mine.” He moved his hand up her thigh and deeper between them. She tried to push it away. “Naughty mate. You do not push my hands away… especially when they are trying to comfort or arouse. Do not do it again. Do you understand?”

  She sat still for a moment and then nodded.

  “There’s my good mate. Are you still afraid?”

  “No, but I don’t want to be spanked. You already spanked me and it still hurts.”

  Jean-Michel chuckled again. “Good girl for answering me truthfully. Unless I’m spanking you for erotic reasons, when I do so I will leave some sting behind to remind you for a day or two that you displeased me to the point I felt I had to punish you. And if you don’t want to be spanked, I suggest you learn to do as you’re told and behave yourself.”

  He could feel her body stiffen as she started to rankle against what he’d said. His new mate was definitely a spitfire. He looked forward to bringing her to heel both in and out of their bed. “And who’s the arbitrator of whether or not I’m behaving?”

  “That would be your mate and alpha… me. Has it been that long a time since you were held accountable?”

  “You mean since the bastard beat me? Not long enough.”

  Darby could feel the anger roll off of him, but oddly enough not at her. “He was no alpha, nor was the bastard that sent you to him in settlement of his gambling debts. I suppose given your past, your fear is understandable. It does not excuse your behavior, but it does make me think that perhaps just the use of my hand instead of warming you up with my hand and then taking my belt to you is in order.”

  “You’d use a belt on me?” She began to struggle and squirm to get up off him.

  He smiled and held her fast. “Yes, beloved, when it is warranted I will take my belt to your bottom and will leave evidence of my displeasure behind in the form of welts. Your behavior in running away from Dylan, inciting two others to go with you, and then failing to heed my call are all things for which a naughty girl should receive a welting.”


  “Yes. Have I mentioned to you how truly beautiful you are?” he asked in almost a purr. “You have the most amazing nipples. They’re so large and become so erect and responsive. Is your pussy just as responsive?” he asked, dipping his hand back between her legs.

  “You’ll never know. I swear if you rape me, I’ll find a way to kill you.”

  “I would never rape a woman, any woman, and especially not my mate.”

  “If you hit me again, I will never agree to be fucked by you, much less have that knot thing jammed up in me so you can pump your cum into me.”

  “Such crude language from such a pretty mouth. Another area we’ll have to work on. But I will tell you this, after I spank you for your naughtiness today, before I mount and claim you, you will beg me to do so.”

  “I won’t,” she said, hoping that he could not tell she was becoming more aroused as she was forced to be such close proximity to him.

  The steely gaze he gave her was in direct contrast to the grin on his face. “You will, ma choue. And come the morrow, your pussy will rival your bottom for discomfort from my use.” The steel softened and was once again replaced by humorous glint. “As you seem to have resolved your fear, I think it’s time we get your spanking seen to so that I may enjoy the rest of the afternoon between your legs learning how you best like to be loved and mated.”

  She started to struggle again, but his strength was far superior to her own. He allowed her to gain her feet, but quickly spun her around and pulled her down over his knee. He braced her upper body on the bed itself and used his other leg to trap hers. She tried to flail her arms behind her, but he caught them neatly in his one hand and pinned her. He let her feel that he was in control. She stopped struggling.

  “Good girl,” he said soothingly as he brought his hand crashing down onto her buttocks.

  “You bastard!” she screeched.

  “Not true. My parents were happily mated for many, many years. They did not outlive each other by even six months. I don’t believe my father wanted to live without her. I never understood that until I sensed you were here.”

  Jean-Michel began to spank her. If she’d thought the swats he’d given her thus far were painful, the spanking he was inflicting demonstrated a new level of pain. Darby kicked and screamed and tried everything she could think of to get away from him. She even tried going into that dark place she had with her previous mate where nothing he did could touch her. But hard as she tried, she could not escape Jean-Michel’s presence or his hand that continued to punish her backside. He focused mainly on the fleshiest part of her cheeks and only placed a few swats to her delicate sit spots.

  She endured blow after blow. She screamed, she cursed, and still the spanking continued. All the while he spoke soothingly to her. He reminded her that she was being spanked because she’d been naughty but that when it was over, all would be forgiven and he would bring her great pleasure. Finally, she quit fighting him and went limp over his knee. It still hurt and she could feel every swat.

  Darby started to quietly cry. “Stop. Jean-Michel, please stop. I’m sorry.”

  The minute the words left her mouth, the spanking ceased. “There’s my good girl. An apology will always get your spanking mitigated if not stopped. And what are you sorry for?”

  “You know.”

  “I do, but I want to ensure that you know what you should be sorry for. If you refuse to answer, I’ll go back to spanking and it’ll be at least another ten swats until I think about stopping. Do you want me to resume your spanking?”

  “No. I’m sorry for running away from Dylan and for getting Summer and Gina to go with me.”

  “And?” Nothing but silence answered his question. “Naughty mate.” He began once more to spank her.

  “God, no! Jean-Michel, please, I’ll say it!”

  “One—Two—Three—Four—Five—Six—Seven,” he counted out the swats. “Eight—Nine—Ten. Now what was it you were sorry for besides disobeying Dylan and causing trouble?”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t answer your call.”

  He began to rub her heated and painful backside in a loving manner. “That’s right. You heard my call and resisted coming to me. That was very naughty, wasn’t it?”

  “Yes,” she cried.

  Jean-Michel released her and helped her off his knee. He stood with her and cradled her in his arms while she quietly cried.

  “I hate you.”

  “No, you don’t,” he said, chuckling. “But you’d like to at least right now. I will start to work on remedying that and having you accept your true feelings. Come now, let’s get you into bed. The scent of your arousal calls to me.”

  He could feel her stiffen. “You don’t really expect me to just get on my back and spread my legs for you, do you?”

  He laughed again. “Yes, my naughty mate, that’s exactly what I expect. You can either willingly get in our bed, lie on your back, and let me have my way with you. Or I will put you back in the corner and then fuck you there as the end to your punishment. Perhaps once I’ve made you come for me three or four times, you will be more agreeable to getting in our bed, spreading your legs for me, and letting me pleasure us both.”

  He was a most curious man, this new mate of hers. While his face and eyes were shining, there was a core of strength and steel that she could feel herself being drawn to. She knew he would prefer that she acquiesce but would have no problem enforcing his will if she chose to be obstinate.

  “What’s it to be, mate? Corner or bed?”

  “I suppose bed.”

  He kissed her deeply for the first time, his tongue moving into her mouth to taste her and coax her tongue to do the same. He pulled her close and kept her where he wanted her by placing his hands lightly on her buttocks, causing her to wince and moan.

  He had expected her to offer resistance but when all he felt was supple compliance, he whispered, “If you’re going to be a good girl, I will let you have a pillow for your backside.”

  “That’s not funny. My ass hurts.”

  “Of course it does. You just got spanked for being a naughty mate. Just so you know, you’re going to feel my loving correction for a few days. Come get in bed, Darby. Let me show you the pleasurable part of being my mate.”

  He helped her into their bed. He was quite solicitous and made sure she was as comfortable as she could be. He then removed his jeans and boots so he too was naked. He turned back toward her and she glanced down at his arousal.

  Jean-Michel saw the panic in her eyes when she saw his fully erect cock. He knew she had been ill-used by her former mate… a fact Jean-Michel intended to make him answer for. He felt that perhaps Darby feared that she could not accommodate him and that he’d force her and that he too would hurt her.

  He slid into bed with her and pulled her close. “Do not fear my knot, sweet. You are not ready for that level of pleasure at my hands. Before I knot you, I will have removed your former mate’s marking from your body and replaced it with mine.”

  He eased her onto her back. She was uncomfortable and frightened… understandably so. He began to kiss and nuzzle her, speaking to her in a language similar to French. The hands that had earlier proved to be hard and unrelenting were now soft and sensual. Everywhere they touched her skin, she quivered.

  His passion was restrained but palpable. Her body began to respond to his of its own accord. Her nipples had continued to harden until they were now sore and she was quite sure that he would find her dripping with need when he parted her legs.

  Darby found he was an excellent kisser and soon was actively participating. His hands began to move down from her head and neck to stroke her back and then to fondle her breasts and nipples. She moaned as he played with her—alternating rolling her nipples between his thumb and forefinger and tugging them with a bit more force.

  Once he had his hands on her, the small well of desire his mastery over her during the spanking had created began to grow. He coaxed her body out of the frozen state in which it had existed for so long. Darby could feel the tickle between her legs begin to steadily increase.

  He moved his body down hers so that he could suckle and tweak her nipples with his mouth on one breast and his hand on the other. Darby’s body came alight with response and she arched her back, pushing her breast more deeply into his mouth.

  As he continued to play with her breasts, one hand stroked down her body until he parted her legs and with it her lower lips. In Darby’s experience, nothing good had ever come from anyone being around or playing with her most feminine spots. She began to become uncomfortable and tried to push him away.

  Jean-Michel growled at her. “What did I tell you about pushing my hands away?” When she failed once again to answer him, he pinched the nipple with which he’d been playing.

  “That hurts, Jean-Michel.”

  “It was supposed to. Did you not hear my question, mate? Were you so lost in your own passion that you couldn’t formulate an answer?”


  “Then answer me. What did I tell you about pushing my hands away?”

  “Not to do it.”

  “That’s correct. This is the last time I will give you a warning. Do it again and you’ll find yourself across my knee for some additional discipline. If you don’t like something I do to you then you may tell me after we’re done, but you don’t just tell me no. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes,” she said sullenly.

  Jean-Michel laughed at her and went back to using one hand to fondle her breast while his mouth captured the other and increased her arousal level substantially. She wanted to resist him; wanted to deny that he was rekindling a part of her she had long thought dead. He moved his hand down her body, stopping to massage her pelvic area just above her mons. When he felt her relax, a single finger made its way through the blonde hair at the apex of her thighs and found her clitoris. He touched it and she moaned loudly. She put her hands on his as if to push him away again. This time when he growled, she moved one hand up to grasp his forearm and the other she left on top of his, putting pressure on his hand to rub her harder.

  He continued to lay claim to her body as he watched anxiety give way to arousal and pleasure. When he moved his hand past her clit to her velvety opening, he could feel her thighs relax and allow him greater access to her core. He slid a finger up into her. As he did so, her hips arced up to take him more deeply. Jean-Michel began to stroke her first with one finger and then with two. She was incredibly wet.

  Jean-Michel watched as Darby closed her eyes. He felt her hips begin to move in rhythm to his fingers stroking her inner walls. He smiled as he realized she was fast losing her grip on reality. Instead she was being consumed by the web of sensuality he was weaving. He wondered if she’d ever experienced the level of sensuality she was obviously capable of feeling. He could feel the electricity of her desire playing across her skin.

  Jean-Michel ceased fondling her breasts and propped himself up on his elbow to be able to more fully enjoy watching her succumb to her passion. He nuzzled her neck and whispered in her ear telling her how beautiful she was, how he adored her, and how happy their life would be together. He doubted the words registered as she seemed intent only on the sensations he was creating by fingering her.

  Her breathing became more shallow and lost its depth and rhythm. Jean-Michel could feel as the well of her desire began to gather and center in her core and then to spread throughout her whole body. All she could do was feel his fingers deep within her stroking and coaxing long-held dormant sensations to life.

  Jean-Michel pumped her harder and faster and then added his thumb playing with the nub between her legs. The touch there was her undoing. Her pussy spasmed around his fingers, her toes curled and she arched her body in response. She climaxed, grinding her groin against his hand. She opened her eyes and looked at him in wonder. He removed his fingers from her sheath but left his hand resting between her legs.

  “Has no man ever pleasured you, my beloved?”

  “Nothing like that,” she whispered. “Once in a while in the past year or two I’ve been with a human, but no, nothing like that. Will it always be like that?”

  “No,” he said and then laughed at the look of disappointment on her face. He leaned down and kissed her. “It will get better.”

  He rolled over on top of her, putting his knees between her thighs, and kissed her mouth. His tongue stroked the inside of her mouth the same way his fingers had stroked her sheath. He rose from her body and began to rain kisses down her torso. He stopped to suckle her nipples and then to suck the entire areola surrounding them. Without thought she bowed her body to push her breast deeper into his mouth. She grasped his forearms and writhed beneath him. He took the time to ensure both nipples were fully engorged and her arousal reawakened. This time when he reached between her legs, she offered no resistance. As he settled himself so that his mouth would now be able to pleasure her, she stiffened.

  “Please, no. If you have to shove your cock in me, just do it.”

  He chuckled, which caused her to try to squirm away from him. His muscular arms wrapped around her thighs and holding her lower lips parted for him prevented that. She struggled to get away, but he held her fast. Jean-Michel could feel her body at war with her emotions and memories. He could see and smell her arousal. He had felt its abundance come to life under the ministrations of his fingers. He vowed to help her body’s needs conquer her painful memories.

  “Remind me to work with you on your pillo
w talk, beloved. It could use some work. Did you forget that I told you that before I mounted you that you would beg me to do so?”

  “That won’t happen.”

  He lowered his head. Right before sucking her clit into his mouth, he murmured, “Ye of little faith.” As he wrapped his tongue around her and sucked, her hips surged up. Darby felt her body’s desire for him spiral out of control. Her pussy ached with emptiness but began to pulse in need of him. As he sucked the nub between her legs, she felt another orgasm crashing down upon her and cried out. He allowed her to experience its full power. As she relaxed he began to suck and nibble on her again. Now when she squirmed it was not to get away from him.

  Darby experienced her second climax in a haze of feeling centered solely on his mouth and what he was doing. She vaguely recognized that her hips were moving in rhythm to his ministrations. With his mouth full of her, Jean-Michel could only make encouraging noises, but that seemed to reassure his mate; she reveled in her pleasure.

  Jean-Michel nuzzled her clit and kissed it lovingly. He turned his attention to her molten core, which was dripping with her desire. He plunged his tongue into her to taste her sweet honey and was rewarded when she again pushed herself against his face. Jean-Michel lapped up her honey as she continued to produce more. He thrust his tongue up into her and swirled it around. He could feel her inner walls clamping down and pulsating a deep and old rhythm. Jean-Michel ached for her and he repressed the knot that desperately wanted to form. He longed to replace his tongue with his cock and plunge in and out of her.

  Darby clutched at his head. While earlier she wanted only to be away from him, now she wanted to pull him closer. She had never experienced such a pleasure in the arms of any man, much less an alpha male. His only intent and goal seemed to be to see how much pleasure he could elicit from her at his hands, tongue, and cock. Once again, her breathing became shallow and electricity flowed throughout her. She could feel her pussy spasm as she climaxed again, crying out his name.

  When she’d come back to him, she looked down to see him still cradling her thighs between his arms and his chin resting on her mons as he grinned up at her. She couldn’t help but smile back at him. While she’d experienced some sexual pleasure, and even orgasmed by her own hand, never had a man brought her anywhere close to that level of sensuality or gratification.


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