From Smoke To Flames— Amazon: A West Brothers Novel

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From Smoke To Flames— Amazon: A West Brothers Novel Page 29

by A. M. Hargrove

  “Mrs. West is doing great. What about Mr. West?”

  “He is feeling extremely horny. Ever since he saw his lovely Rose walking down the aisle, all he could think about was what she wore under that gorgeous dress she had on.”

  “Hmm, Mr. West is going to have to wait and see.” I ran a finger down his cheek.

  “By the way, what did Hudson mean by that comment when he handed you off to me?”

  “Ha! He tried to tell me you were a troublemaker, but I called him on it.”

  Pearson leaned back and gave me one of his curious looks. “And how did you manage that?”

  “Oh, I used a tidbit of gossip that Marin had shared with me.” I couldn’t keep the proud smirk off my face.

  “You’re not going to share?”

  “Okay. So, apparently…” and I whispered what happened. He threw back his head and let out an enormous laugh. All heads turned our way.

  “Oh God. I’m so glad I have that to hold over his head.”

  “It’s a good one, isn’t it?” I asked.

  “The best.” Then he kissed me. “How about we head to our bridal suite? I haven’t been with you in days and I’ve missed you.”

  “Good idea.”

  Montana was staying with Grey and Marin. Paige and Rick had offered, but Kinsley had begged for her to stay with them. She would fly home with the family and spend the week with them. We made sure it was fine, and the girls were excited about their spending the next week together.

  After we received a send-off with everyone blowing bubbles at us, we were driven in a golf cart decorated with “Just Married.” It was super cute. Waiting in our room was a bottle of alcohol-free champagne, fruit, and an array of cheeses, and desserts.

  We didn’t bother with any of it. Pearson wasted no time in unzipping me and ogling what I had on underneath, which was only the tiniest thong. It was white with tiny satin bows that tied on the sides. He pulled the little satin strings and the scrap of material fell to my feet. I was hoisted into his arms and carried to the massive bed.

  He took his time teasing me and kissing every inch of my body. By the time his mouth reached the juncture of my thighs, I was writhing. My fingers threaded into his hair and I jerked him closer to me as his tongue worked my clit and his fingers pumped inside of me. Over and over he teased until I begged him to let me come. He finally did as all the sensations came crashing into me. I fell into an earth-shattering climax, calling out his name. Before I could pull myself together, he was pushing himself inside of me, stretching and filling me.

  “Missed this so much, babe. I love your tight pussy. Now it’s officially mine.”

  I moaned at his words. “Missed this too. It’s always been yours, but I’m glad I’m now Mrs. West.”

  His mouth crashed onto mine and he kissed me. The rocking of his hips took me to a new height of arousal as he thrust inside me. I was getting close to another climax when he pulled my hand up over my head and linked our fingers. His mouth latched onto one nipple and sucked hard, then moved to the next as he continued to drive into me. God, he was amazing. All I could think of were the myriad of sensations my body was experiencing. When he slid his hand between us and his finger rubbed my clit, I was almost delirious. “Give it to me, babe. I want it all from you.”

  Hearing those words pushed me off the edge. My orgasm hit, and when it did, his came too. He groaned loud and deep as he poured himself into me.

  As he began to pull out, I said, “Don’t. I like you there.”

  He rolled us so we faced each other on our sides. “I like it there too.” I wrapped a leg over his hip. His fingers sunk into the flesh of my ass as he pressed us closer together.

  We ended up making out like a couple of teenagers. My face was scraped raw from his beard, but I didn’t mind. He ran the back of his fingers over my chin.

  “You’re a little red there.”

  “Chafed from kissing. But it was worth it.”

  “Can I tell you something?” he asked.

  “Anything. Anything at all.” He linked our hands together again.

  “My life wasn’t worth a damn. This includes before I started using. It was empty without your love, but I had no idea exactly how empty it was. All that time I spent chasing women and lying to myself about how I didn’t want to be in a relationship was because I hadn’t met the right person … I hadn’t met you. Then I started using and things turned to shit. Everything went up in smoke … my career, my dreams, everything I’d built. Until you walked into my life and changed everything. You lit a fire in my soul, Rose, and you boosted me up, made me believe in myself. But more than that, you helped me to understand the true meaning of love. Love isn’t seeing what’s perfect about the other person. It’s accepting all the flaws and loving them in spite of those flaws. You did that with me and helped me realize that’s what it’s all about. You lit a flame in me and as long as there is breath in my body and yours, that flame will keep burning.”

  Tears of joy filled my eyes and my heart was filled with such happiness I was speechless. When the words finally came, all I said was, “I adore you, Pearson West. Thank you for letting me turn your life from smoke to flames and my flame will always be lit for you.”



  * * *

  Groaning, I rolled over, or tried to anyway. My head clanged like the Liberty Bell—that is if it could still actually clang—and my mouth felt like a hundred possums had died in it. What the hell had happened? “Ugh, water. I need water.”

  “Hang on a sec, sweets. I’ll get you some,” a deep, sexy voice said.

  Wait a second. I had my own room. Who the hell was that? I opened one eye and saw a man’s naked ass climbing out of bed and walking to the small fridge. I might add, said ass was perfectly formed and sculpted with those hot indentations on the sides that flawless muscular men had. He bent down, grabbed two waters, and turned back toward the bed.

  Oh, fuck no. Please to God tell me I didn’t sleep with Evan Thomas.

  I lifted the covers ever so slightly and yep, I was bare-assed naked too.

  Ahh, double fuck. I was so screwed.

  Mr. Hot and Sexy Muscular Ass and Perfect Face and Body, Evan, slid back into bed and handed me a water, after he opened the bottle. “Here ya go, sweets. How ya feeling?”

  “Uh, er, not too good.”

  “Yeah, I kept telling you last night to take it easy on the Reposado, but you kept telling me it was fine.”

  “I did?” I mumbled into the sheets.

  “Uh huh. Your exact words were, ‘I’m a tequila expert, slick. Pass me that bottle.’”

  “I did?” I actually squeaked that time.

  “Yep, and that was after you kicked off your shoes dancing on the table. Then we could never find them. You jumped on my back, begging for a piggyback ride, slapping my ass the whole time, yelling, ‘Yeehaw. Giddyup.’”

  “Oh, God.” I buried my face in the pillow.

  “You were adorable. Pearson never told me how much fun his cousin was.”

  Suddenly, the pillow I was hiding behind vanished, and he was hovering over me. “Sylvie, you can’t hide from me.” Then his mouth dipped to kiss me.


  He backed away and asked, “What’s wrong, sweets?”

  “You can’t kiss me!”

  “Why not. After what we did last night, I wouldn’t think you’d be opposed to a little kiss.”

  Oh, God, what the hell did we do last night?

  “My breath smells,” I yelled, “like a bunch of dead possums.”

  He stared at me a second, then said, “I love dead possums,” right before he kissed me. This was no casual peck on the lips. This was the real deal—he even gave me tongue. Jesus, I needed to get him the hell out of here. Wait. What if I was in his room? Fuck, fuckery, fuck. How did I let myself end up in this situation? Oh, right. I was drunk off my ass.

  “Hey, sweets. Let’s get dressed and go eat. I’m starved. But
I’d love a little shower action first.” He took my hand and pulled.

  “W-wait. You have to fill in the blanks.”


  “I’m sorry, but my memory is a bit fuzzy.” I finally made that confession to him.

  Why, oh why did I do that? It was the worst thing I could’ve done. Instead of insulting him, he treated me to his woman-killer smile. It always had melted me. This time, my heart nearly combusted. Perfect teeth, lips, and a face to match, he was every woman’s dream. Dark hair, all tousled from a night’s sleep—or maybe rough sex—bright green eyes and that damn sexy body, made my vagina clench.

  “Sweets, you were crazy wild in bed.” He winked. “I’m talking my kind of woman.”

  What the hell did I do? I always considered myself tame between the sheets.

  “Um, would you care to explain?”

  His cheeks turned positively pink! Oh shit. That spelled trouble.

  “Yeah, well, first you jumped on the bed like a five-year-old. Then you stripped and jumped on the bed, and sweets, it was fabulous. Then you undressed me and made me jump on the bed, but you got worried my head would hit the ceiling, even though I tried to tell you it wouldn’t. And then …” he rubbed his face and looked very sheepish. What could I possibly have done?

  “What? Tell me!”

  “Yeah, you went down on me like a Dyson, and asked me if I owned a butt plug.”

  “I what?” I choked on the words.

  “Uh huh. And you wanted to know if I had any handcuffs to which I said no. Then you asked if I would spank you, which I did. Your ass was a lovely shade of pink. You wanted to know how good of a flogger I was. I admitted not good at all seeing as I’d never flogged anyone.”


  “Yep. Said you’d always wanted your clit flogged.”

  “Oh, my God. Stop. I don’t want to know anymore.” I wanted to crawl into a hole and die. Clit flogging? Where the hell did that come from?

  “Out of curiosity, is that a real thing? Clit flogging?”

  “How would I know? I’ve never heard of it until now.”

  “Weird. Ever since you mentioned it, it’s made me wonder.”

  My hand unconsciously reached for said clit. “Wouldn’t that hurt?” I asked.

  “No clue, seeing as I don’t have one. A clit that is.”

  “I have to go.” I tried to get up.

  “Sweets, we need to shower first. All that sex we had last night, we sort of reek.”

  Sniff sniff. The entire room smelled of sex now that he mentioned it. “Whose room is this?”

  “It’s yours.”

  Thank fuck. “Evan, what time is it?”

  “Nine thirty, why?”

  “Oh, shit. Oh fuck. Evan, I’m happy we had a great time last night and all, but I have an eleven o’clock plane to catch so I need you to leave. Now.”

  “Wow. I’ve never had to do the walk of shame before.”

  “Sorry, but I have to hurry. So, if you can get dressed and go, I’d really appreciate it.”

  “No problem. But Sylvie, one thing first. This thing between us. It’s far from over.” He dropped another kiss on my lips, flashed me a sexy grin and got out of bed. Damn, the guy was one sexy dude.

  But he was completely wrong. This thing between us was dead and buried. I would never show my face to him again, under any circumstances.

  He dressed and left. After he was gone, I wondered a lot of things. Did he use a condom? Was he clean? How many times did we do it? From the feel of things between my thighs, it was a lot. Damn, why did I get myself into this mess?

  The End

  Find out what happens to Sylvie and Evan in One Indecent Night … A West Sisters Novel … Coming late Spring 2019!

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  It takes a team and a mighty one to create a novel, and that includes all the readers who take a chance on me. So first off I’d like to thank every reader, including all you wonderful bloggers out there, who’s ever done that, whether you’ve been with me from the start, or if you’re a first timer. Thank you for taking a chance on me. It means the world to me. You are truly my inspiration to do this every day.

  Thank you to my book world besties, Terri E. Laine (my book wifey too) and Amy Jennings, who I chat with almost on a daily basis. You guys are my people and I love you ladies to pieces!

  Thank you to Harloe Rae for your continued patience and help. You have so much info and are willing to share, I can’t tell you how blessed I am to have you in my life.

  Thank you to my beta team. You guys are the greatest and I sincerely mean it! I would be a floundering fool without you.

  Thank you to Nasha Lama for several things—for being an awesome PA and web designer. You’re always there, taking care of the details I don’t know how to handle. And you make the most beautiful teasers ever. I’d be lost without you. For realz.

  Thank you to my editing team of Ellie McLove and Petra Gleason. You two are definitely a great duo and I appreciate you soooo much!

  Thank you Give Me Books for promoting this release. I love working with you ladies! You make everything soooo easy.

  Thank you to all the members of Hargrove’s Hangout. You guys are my people and I adore you!

  Letitia Hasser—what can I say? You have created a cover that’s ON FIRE this time. I drool when I look at it. Thank you!

  Follow Me

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  Please stalk me. I’ll love you forever if you do. Seriously.

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  Twitter @amhargrove1

  Instagram: amhargroveauthor

  Pinterest: amhargrove1

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  For Other Books by A.M. Hargrove visit

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  The West Sisters Novels:

  One Indecent Night (Spring 2019)

  One Shameless Night (TBD)

  One Blissful Night (TBD)

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  The West Brothers Novels:

  From Ashes to Flames

  From Ice to Flames

  From Smoke to Flames

  * * *

  Stand Alones

  Secret Nights

  For The Love of English

  For The Love of My Sexy Geek (The Vault)

  I’ll Be Waiting (The Vault)

  * * *

  The Men of Crestview:

  A Special Obsession

  Chasing Vivi

  Craving Midnight

  * * *

  Cruel & Beautiful:

  Cruel and Beautiful

  A Mess of a Man

  One Wrong Choice

  * * *

  A Beautiful Sin

  * * *

  The Wilde Players Dirty Romance Series:




  * * *

  Worth Every Risk

  The Edge Series:

  Edge of Disaster

  Shattered Edge

  Kissing Fire

  The Tragic Duet:

  Tragically Flawed, Tragic 1

  Tragic Desires, Tragic 2

  The Hart Brothers Series:

  Freeing Her, Book 1

  Freeing Him, Book 2

  Kestrel, Book 3

  The Fall and Rise of Kade Hart

  Sabin, A Seven Novel

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  The Guardians of Vesturon Series

  M. Hargrove, From Smoke To Flames— Amazon: A West Brothers Novel




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