The Complete Fenris Series

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The Complete Fenris Series Page 27

by Samantha MacLeod

  Nøkkyn made a sharp, strangled cry, and my head snapped back to him. He yanked the blonde woman’s head backward, revealing his engorged cock. It was slick with her spit and his juices, and it shimmered in the torchlight. The space between my legs throbbed.

  Nøkkyn pulled his arm back and slapped the woman. The sound echoed through his small bedchamber. The two women in front of us froze.

  “Dumb whore,” Nøkkyn grunted. His voice sounded pinched and rough. “My seed is not to be wasted in your mouth.”

  The blonde nodded, her eyes on the floor. Nøkkyn’s hand was still buried in her long hair; he yanked her up, forcing her onto the couch next to him. Then he stood behind her, grabbed her hips, and forced himself into her. She cried out as he filled her, then drove into her hard and fast enough to lift her knees from the embroidered couch. Her hands made tight fists around the back of the couch. I couldn’t see her face from where I knelt uncomfortably against the cold stone of the wall, but I was willing to bet she wore the same expression of determination she’d had when she wrapped her lips around Nøkkyn’s cock.

  A soft moan drifted above the slap of Nøkkyn’s thighs against the blonde’s ass, and I turned back to the women. They were facing each other now, and the dark skinned woman’s hand was flickering quickly between the pale thighs of the brunette. They had abandoned their kiss, and the brunette clung to her shoulders, panting and gasping. A moment later she made a soft, strangled cry of release that I would have recognized anywhere; how often had I made that same cry with Fenris as the glory of an orgasm washed over me?

  Nøkkyn cried out, sharp and loud. I saw his face contort with effort, as though he were in a wrestling match instead of making love to a beautiful woman. He staggered backward, wiping his hand across his mouth.

  “You,” he grunted, reaching for the brunette. “I’m pleasing all three of you tonight.”

  The three women did not react to this particular promise. Pleasing. What a joke. These women may take some pleasure from the stiff curve of Nøkkyn’s cock, perhaps, but I had no doubt their greatest enjoyment would be the gifts they gave to each other. Having their mouths rammed up and down on Nøkkyn’s manhood hardly looked pleasurable.

  Nøkkyn sank back into the couch and spread his legs wide. Wordlessly, the brunette who had just gasped with her own orgasm sank to her knees, licking and kissing Nøkkyn’s limp cock back to life. I watched the blonde and the dark skinned woman with wide eyes. Was it always like this, I wondered. Did Nøkkyn have them perform the exact same routine every time?

  The dark skinned woman pulled the blonde into her strong, elegant arms. She placed a delicate kiss on the red welt rising across the blonde’s high cheekbones. When their eyes met, something passed between them so tender and beautiful it made me afraid for both of them.

  Nøkkyn didn’t seem to notice. His eyes were focused on the ceiling, his hands thrust deep into the brunette’s hair. I turned back to the women, although watching their slow, deep kiss made my body tremble with heat. I’d never watched strangers kiss before, and I wouldn’t have believed how much that act could inflame my senses. I ached to run my own fingers across my lips, to imitate their tenderness. Or to sink my own fingers into the curls between my legs, to brush the lips of my sex, to plunge my fingers inside and bring some relief to the mounting need of my own body.

  The dark skinned woman gasped. The blonde’s hands had vanished between her legs. Now, she was rocking against the blonde’s body so fiercely the pearls strung across her hips and solid, muscular thighs were vibrating. Her painted lips parted, and her eyes rolled back. A moment later she came, almost soundlessly, her pleasure marked by nothing more than a gentle sigh. Their eyes met again, and they fell together in a slow, lazy kiss.

  “That’s enough,” Nøkkyn barked.

  The women froze, but Nøkkyn was speaking to the brunette. She pulled away from his cock quickly and moved to kneel on the couch. Swaying slightly as he stood, Nøkkyn came to his feet.

  “You want this cock, don’t you?” he panted.

  “Yes, my Lord,” the brunette answered dutifully.

  Nøkkyn grunted as he thrust into her. “I can fill you all tonight,” he growled.

  Oh, that made my body ache! Fenris took me from behind sometimes and, by the stars, I loved it. My body soared with pleasure when his cock was deep inside me. Sometimes he’d even grab my hair and pull my head back, both of us gasping with ecstasy. The brunette’s body didn’t shiver the way mine did when Fenris filled me, but it didn’t matter. That position, the sound of skin hitting skin, the heavy scent of sex in the air, it filled me with longing so sharp it was painful.

  I cast another look at the guards by the doors. If possible, their cocks seemed even harder than before. As I watched, the shorter guard ran his tongue over his lower lip. It may have been a trick of the torchlight, but it looked like his arms were trembling.

  Stars, it was good they were so far away. At this point, chained and half out of my mind with lust, I’d reach up and grab that enormous cock. I’d pull him to the floor, mount him, and drive my clit into his hips until I found my own gasping release.

  The harsh cry of Nøkkyn’s orgasm interrupted my thoughts. The brunette slipped off the couch as Nøkkyn collapsed, wiping his face with his palm. His chest was rising and falling rapidly now. The torchlight flickered off a sheen of sweat coating his body. He waved his hand in the air, and the three women embraced each other again. Both the brunette and the blonde began to kiss and nip at the dark skinned woman. The blonde’s hand drifted between her thighs; her breath came hot and fast between her painted lips.

  Nøkkyn shifted on his couch. His legs were spread wide, and he’d wrapped his hand around his cock, trying to coax it back to life. I watched, transfixed, as it stiffened beneath his fingers. The head grew scarlet, and the long, curving body stretched until his hand could no longer contain it.

  Nøkkyn raised his eyes, meeting mine. Heat burned in my gut. The space between my legs was slick and aching; my breath came fast and uneven. I turned away as quickly as I could, fixing my gaze on the cold stones beneath my knees, terrified Nøkkyn would be able to read even that quick glance.

  Because, stars help me, in that moment I wanted him. If he’d walked over to me, pushed me to the floor, and driven his stiff cock deep into my body, I would have moaned with pleasure. I would have pressed my hips into him, forcing my hot clit against his flat abdomen until I found my own orgasm.

  “You,” Nøkkyn growled.

  My heart thundered in my ears. My entire body burned, ignited by desire and terror. I sank my teeth into the wet, heavy gag in my mouth, struggling to regain some control over the reactions of my own needy, desperate body.

  A long shadow fell over my knees, and Nøkkyn grunted with pleasure. I looked up through the veil of my eyelashes. The dark skinned woman knelt on the couch, her gleaming ass cheeks spread, the slick, swollen lips of her sex on full display.

  Nøkkyn stood, shedding his dark robe. His body was hard and lean, his muscles like knotted rope beneath his skin. He turned to drive himself into the woman. I watched his ass and legs flex as he thrust into her. The coil of arousal in my stomach cried out for release. Lowering my eyes, I watched the other two women. They seemed to be holding each other up, running their hands over back and breasts, thighs and stomachs.

  The guards were watching them, their erections painfully apparent. The closest guard, the shorter man, had a spreading patch of dark liquid marking the end of his jutting arousal. It made my sex ache. Fenris’s cock wept like that when I teased him with my lips and hands, driving him into a near-wordless state of desperate arousal.

  I shifted against the hard floor, testing the pull on my chain. I wanted to run my hands up the guard’s legs, to feel his stiff cock throb under my touch. To take it into my mouth.

  Nøkkyn screamed. I jumped, turning back to see him collapse over the dark skinned woman’s back. His deep, gasping breaths filled the room. He swayed as he pul
led back from her. Their bodies came apart with a heavy, wet sound.

  “Three of you,” Nøkkyn panted. “Three in one night.”

  His eyes came back to me, flashing and victorious in the torchlight. I froze. Was this all for me? Was Nøkkyn trying to prove something?

  Nøkkyn turned to the guards and waved his hand, and the moment vanished. The tall, impassive guard opened the door, bowing low, and the woman in the red dress swept into Nøkkyn’s chambers. Nøkkyn sank back into the couch without a word. No one spoke as the three woman left the room, still moving gracefully, like dancers.

  I watched Nøkkyn, wondering what was expected of me. My sex still throbbed with arousal, and I couldn’t stop glancing at the guards. Stars, how I wanted to take them both. My hands crept to my stomach, brushing against my skin. Shivers traced their way down my spine. It wouldn’t take much, I knew. A few thrusts of my fingers, and I’d find my own silent release.

  Still, I hesitated. The look Nøkkyn had given me burned in my mind. If he turned to find me frigging myself, I’d really seem like a whore. And the very thought of a look of satisfaction on Nøkkyn’s hard features made my stomach turn. My hands stayed where they were, folded across my chest, clenching Týr’s ruined shirt over my breasts.

  Nøkkyn sighed and pulled himself to his feet. Without the distraction of three naked women before me, I had time to examine his body. His back and arms were crossed with thick red bands of scars, and I had time to wonder about their origin as he stumbled into the great bed on the far side of the room.

  “Draw the curtains,” he barked.

  The guards walked to the bed. The shorter guard came so close I could smell him, a sort of heavy, thick tang. My heart fluttered, and I clenched my hands together. He pulled the heavy red velvet curtains closed, then extinguished the torch near me. The torches on the far side of the wall went out as well, leaving only the pale gleam of moonlight through the windows. Without a word, the guards resumed their vigil by the doors.

  Relief and excitement flooded my body. Hidden by darkness and muffled by the gag, my hands dropped to my sex. I tried to picture Fenris as I thrust against myself, pinching my swollen clit, but Fenris’s dark hair and strong body faded like mist. Instead, I saw the unforgiving curve of Nøkkyn’s cock, the clench of his muscles as he pounded the women bent over his couch.

  My climax came quickly, drowning thought and making me whimper into the heavy gag. My entire body stiffened, then sagged against the stone wall. Once it was over, my gut churned. How had that monster Nøkkyn driven me to such desperate arousal? Why had I pictured him as my orgasm swept over me, filling me with velvet pleasure?

  What was wrong with me?

  Tears welled up behind my eyelids and slipped down my cheeks. I let them fall.


  I hadn’t realized I’d fallen asleep until I was jolted awake. The bedchamber was dark now, and low rhythmic snores emanated from the heavy, red velvet curtains around Nøkkyn’s bed. My legs throbbed when I shifted and stretched. I’d fallen asleep leaning against the wall. I bit down on the gag to keep from making noise as I tried to rub some feeling back into my burning, prickling legs.

  Something moved in the room. I froze. Patches of watery, silver moonlight lay silent across the thick rugs and silk couches of Nøkkyn’s bedchamber. My eyes adjusted slowly to the low light, making out the black shadows of furniture. I turned toward the door closest to me.

  The short guard was gone. A flicker of apprehension danced up my neck. What was going on? Was I about to witness an attack on King Nøkkyn?

  A low, soft moan came from the far side of the room, deep in the shadows. I turned. My breath caught in my throat.

  At first I thought the guards were struggling. It would explain the moan, the way their bodies twisted and pressed together. But, no. They were far too silent and delicate to be fighting.

  Another flush of heat tightened in my gut. They were not fighting, these two guards who’d had to stand stock-still and silent as their cocks throbbed with desire. Not fighting at all.

  With a low rustle, their intertwined bodies shifted into the moonlight. The tall guard faced me, his hands were sunk into the hair of the shorter guard. Their lips pressed together in a deep, hungry kiss, and their hips moved as though they were dancing beneath the moon. As I watched, the taller guard’s hand left his partner’s dark tangle of hair and dropped down his silvery tunic, cupping the shorter guard’s ass. Someone groaned in appreciation, although it was impossible to tell where the sound had originated.

  Heat pulsed through my core, winding the coil of arousal tighter. It was as though I’d gone back in time to watch Fenris and Týr kissing in the firelight, but this time the scene before me was tinged with risk and danger. If Nøkkyn awoke to find his guards like this, I had no doubt they’d both end up on poles along the castle wall. Stars, I wondered, was it worth the risk?

  The men parted for a minute, and my chest tightened with disappointment, although I understood why they had stopped. They were both panting, their chests rising and falling rapidly. The tall guard’s distant, unfocused expression was gone, and he was staring into his partner’s eyes with an intensity that rivaled the sun. I could only see the shorter guard’s back, and his hands coming forward, reaching around the tall guard’s waist.

  Oh. As I watched, he unfastened the tall guard’s belt and pushed his tight, pale pants down to his knees. The guard’s stiff cock bobbed in the moonlight. Heat surged between my legs. The short guard brushed the head delicately with his fingers, and the tall man’s entire body shuddered. He said something so soft and low I couldn’t make it out. The men came together again, the tall guard’s arms wrapped around the shorter man’s shoulders.

  I could hear them breathe. They were both panting now; the tall guard had turned his face to his partner’s neck to stifle his moans. My leg tingled as I pressed myself further into the shadows. I bit down on my gag, waiting for the last remnants of pain to evaporate, driven out by the fire of my arousal.

  My fingers were on my sex almost before I realized what I was doing. The shorter guard’s arm moved down between their bodies, and my fingers pressed against my clit, up and down, following his rhythm. Their tight pants revealed the curve and sway of their leg muscles, the way the short guard’s ass clenched as he thrust his hips against his partner. I thrust my fingers deeper into the wet heat of my sex, imagining the cock I’d just seen in the moonlight, how its hard length would feel against my fingers, then my lips, then buried deep inside me, shooting out its seed into my hungry body.

  The tall guard grunted, his words muffled against his partner’s neck. They moved apart, just for a moment, and I saw the silvery stream of the guard’s seed shoot across the room. His face rocked backward, his eyes closed and, for just a heartbeat, he looked like a man who had seen Val-hall itself.

  I realized I’d been holding my breath, my fingers frozen in place above my aching clit. The men turned back to each other. The tall guard wore a soft smile on his face as they fell into another embrace. The two men kissed for a long time, slowly and tenderly. My hips rocked against my hand as I watched.

  The tall guard dropped to his knees. I could see his face in the moonlight, still smiling as he fumbled with the belt around his partner’s waist. Then the short guard’s pants came down, and his cock jumped free. I almost moaned. It was shorter, but thick and glorious, nestled in a bed of dark curls.

  Still smiling, the tall guard ran his lips and tongue over its hard length. The short guard brought his fist to his mouth, biting his own fingers to quiet his moans. His legs jumped and flexed, reaching for his partner’s mouth. My hands moved delicately across my sex, imitating the tall guard’s slow torment. I could feel my climax building, achingly deep and slow somewhere within me, but I hesitated.

  The tall guard seemed to be in no rush. He licked and kissed the shaft, then the head, until even I could tell the short guard was trembling on the verge of rele
ase. His frantic, panting breath filled the room, joining with the sounds of Nøkkyn’s rhythmic snores. A moment later he whispered something low and soft that sounded like please.

  The tall guard grinned at him. For a moment they held still, their eyes locked, the air between them humming with longing and desire. When the tall guard finally moved to take his lover’s cock between his lips, he did so slowly, with infinite care. The short guard moaned so loudly I jumped, casting a look to the velvet curtains to be sure they hadn’t awoken Nøkkyn. When I looked back, the short guard’s head was thrown back, and his hands gripped the tall guard’s shoulders as if he were afraid he might fall backward without the support.

  I could hear them. They were quiet, yes, but when I held my breath, I could hear the watery noises of the tall guard pleasuring that thick cock, their little gasps and suppressed moans. My fingers moved faster. My climax swelled inside me, looming like a summer storm, enormous and unstoppable.

  The short guard gasped, his entire body stiffening, and I came like a thunderclap. I was grateful for the gag in my mouth, because I cried out in ecstasy and relief. Even with the gag, I was certain the guards would have heard me if they hadn’t been otherwise distracted. I sagged to the floor, although the collar around my neck kept me from falling. The tall guard stood, and the couple fell into each other’s arms. For a long time they embraced, running their strong hands over each other’s back and arms as they shared a low, whispered conversation. Their voices were so soft I couldn’t make out their words.


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