Entangled With The Heiress (Louisiana Legacies Book 1)

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Entangled With The Heiress (Louisiana Legacies Book 1) Page 4

by Dani Wade

  “But?” she prompted. Eyes up, bucko.

  “But I wasn’t sure whether this plan had been shared with you yet. Besides, I didn’t know the job was definite until this morning. I just flew in last night. It was simply...a tentative offer.”

  His logic was perfectly reasonable. He’d been right to wonder. After all, she hadn’t been told why he was here...or that he was here at all. Something she couldn’t fault him for, as much as she’d like to.

  So why did her suspicions linger?

  It didn’t help that a slight smile graced his lips, almost as if he were amused by all the questions. Defensiveness rose inside her, a desire to build a protective wall around herself, so he couldn’t see or touch or know any part of her that might tell him just a little too much about the real Trinity Hyatt.

  This was business only.

  She forced herself to focus on that. “Why would you come here just to consult in a situation like this?”

  He shrugged. “It’s what I do. Teaching people to run their businesses properly, or more efficiently, or simply to evaluate and suggest new processes. People who inherit businesses like you have are sometimes more in need of those services than most.”

  “Isn’t that kind of like ‘those who can’t do, teach’?”

  That sounded rude when she said it out loud, but maybe she wanted to push him away. Just a little.

  “Not when you’re as good at it as I am.”

  He said the words with a perfectly straight face. So why did she feel like he was insinuating something that had nothing to do with business?

  Determined to distract him, not to mention herself, she asked, “Do you usually conduct business by lying to people? The people you’re supposed to be helping?”

  He straightened, though his facial expression didn’t change. “I wasn’t lying. I just didn’t reveal everything right when we met because nothing had been decided upon.”

  Warning bells went off in Trinity’s head at his dangerous logic. They got even louder as he leaned over, resting his hands against the edge of the boardroom table, a wide smile appearing on his lips.

  Why did her heart speed up, just like it had earlier? They were only talking. She knew Bill, Richard and the butler, Frederick, were just outside. Frederick wouldn’t leave her unguarded with a stranger. There wasn’t any danger here. But the response had to be fear...right?

  Then Rhett spoke. “Besides, I definitely didn’t want to kill the mood with something as boring as business.”

  “If I had known—” Trinity sputtered.

  “You never would have spoken to me about art or beauty or feelings last night,” he finished for her. “All of it would have been off the table.” He leaned a little closer. “While I appreciate what you’re saying, I simply wasn’t ready to break the mood.”

  Implying he’d felt all or more of the attraction she had as they’d stood alone in the rotunda. But she had been willing to walk away because discussing those things with him made her feel much more than she should. Regardless of the fact that her husband had only been dead six weeks, and the fact that getting involved with anyone would give the press one more reason to flay her alive, Trinity was fully aware that she wasn’t experienced enough to handle a man like Rhett.

  He had the sophistication of a man who knew exactly what he wanted and exactly how to get it. She was completely naive by comparison—she knew that. Could she work with the businessman to stabilize the situation at the company and still give the fascinating charismatic version of Rhett a wide berth?

  She glanced down at his hands resting on the tabletop and frowned. She had to establish the rules as strictly as she could. It was up to her to set the tone, stake the boundaries.

  “Just how much is this consulting job going to cost me?” She had no doubt that this would come out of her portion of the inheritance.

  He frowned, as if he disapproved of her attempt to bring the focus back to business. But he didn’t back down. Instead, he gestured toward the scattered papers still littering the slick black surface of the conference table. “Does it really matter?”

  As much as she hated to admit it, he was right. She wasn’t in a place where she could bargain...not when the livelihoods of over 5,000 people were at stake.

  * * *

  When they left the boardroom, Rhett could feel Richard approaching them. Even if he hadn’t been looking, Rhett would have known by the way Trinity straightened. The way she gathered herself gave her almost another inch in height. Was she readying herself in defense...or to go on the offensive?

  Relief spread through him as Bill arrived, too, so Trinity wasn’t alone with Richard. Her feelings weren’t something he should care about—as a matter of fact, the more uncomfortable she was, the more likely she was to make a mistake. Which was to his advantage.

  So why was he worrying about her so much?

  His phone vibrated. Rhett glanced at the display before excusing himself.

  “Rhett here,” he said, connecting the call after walking a few feet away.

  It was his standard greeting for his business partner, a signal to Chris that Rhett had to be careful about his words because someone might overhear him.

  Once he was at a safe distance, he turned back around and met Trinity’s gaze. She didn’t immediately look away.

  Chris’s voice distracted him. “What’s this I hear about you wanting me to take over your job? Has some woman got you whupped already?”

  “In twenty-four hours?” His partner was way off base, though Rhett had the uncomfortable feeling this job wasn’t going to follow his usual patterns.

  “Well, it could happen,” Chris said.

  “In what universe?” The ribbing had the familiar comfort of a worn pair of jeans, calming Rhett’s concerns.

  “Stefan was really worried. He said you sounded funny on the phone,” Chris said. “I figured lust must have hit hard and quick.”

  “I’m impervious.” At least, he hoped so.

  “That’s what they all say.”

  Picking up the cue, Rhett and Chris said in unison, “But for us it’s the truth.”

  “Seriously, Rhett,” Chris said, his tone finally turning serious, “what’s the problem?”

  Rhett was silent for a moment, unsure how much to get into. In addition to the trio standing nearby, several board members still lingered across the anteroom near the impressive arched window. “Nothing I can’t handle. Last night was weird but I’m over it.”

  “That was quick.”

  Oh, the odd premonitions he’d had about Trinity were still there, but Rhett refused to cave into his feelings. “I’ve got it under control.”

  “You sure?” Chris asked.

  “Yeah. I have no doubt I’m gonna find something here. It’s just a matter of digging deep enough.” It always was.

  “Just be careful you don’t enjoy it too much.”

  Though the warning came with the territory, Rhett felt it on a much deeper level than usual. “I know better than to get involved.”

  “Hey, we all need a reminder sometimes. We were made to be cynical. Sometimes we just listen to our man parts more than our common sense.”

  Rhett knew better than to protest. That would just make him sound defensive.

  Apparently, silence made him sound guilty, too, because Chris kept up his lecture.

  “If it was just one time, life would be different. You and I both would be different,” Chris said. “But we were exposed to the truth too many times. Never forget your dad and Veronica...or Mickey and Tracy...or even Lily and—”

  “Uncle Joe,” they said together. They’d had this discussion many times before. Both of them had families littered with betrayal. Every couple Chris mentioned was an example. It had been a training ground for the work Rhett now did.

  “Dude,” Chris went on. “Anastas
ia taught you well.”

  The mention of his former fiancée was just another reminder for Rhett to harden his resolve. He was fully aware of how dangerous lust could be to a man. Especially when he was staring at the incredible silhouette of Trinity from behind. Her height might be an inch or two below average, but her curves were fully present and accounted for...

  And he was accounting for each and every one. He needed to take Chris’s words to heart and get his head in the game. “Roger that,” he said before signing off.

  Now Rhett could move on to the next stage in his plan to insinuate himself into Trinity’s life.

  He approached the little group just in time to hear Richard say, “At least you’re being sensible. It won’t do any of us any good if you ruin everything before we take over.”

  “If you take over,” Bill countered with a stern glance.

  Richard smirked. “It’s only a matter of time.”

  Trinity held still, not reacting to the men’s conversation, though her gaze remained on Richard’s face long enough for the man to actually fidget in his designer leather shoes. Impressive.

  “A little snag,” Rhett said, raising his phone to indicate the call.

  “Anything we can do to help?” Bill asked with a lawyer’s version of a polite smile.

  Rhett hoped so. “Can you recommend a place to stay? My secretary said the hotel wasn’t able to extend my reservation because of a convention or something.”

  Bill frowned in concentration, but Richard didn’t think for a moment. “You don’t need a hotel.”

  To Rhett’s fascination, Trinity showed her first touch of annoyance by pressing her full lips firmly together. Was she holding back a protest for what she could see coming? How would she feel if she knew he and Richard had arranged this ahead of time?

  Doesn’t matter, numbskull.

  “You can stay right here,” Richard replied gleefully. “Hyatt House has plenty of guest rooms. Right, Trinity?”

  When Trinity replied, she spoke with a little too much control. “Of course. There’s plenty of space here.”

  “And it will save you a few dollars, too,” Richard added.

  “I’m a little more concerned with how others might view Mr. Brannon living here with me, since I’m so recent a widow—”

  “Please, call me Rhett.”

  “You don’t have a reputation to protect, anyway.” Richard just had to step in one more time. Did the man have no tact?

  Once again Trinity’s face went completely still at Richard Hyatt’s insult.

  “Richard,” Bill rumbled in warning.

  But Rhett ignored his secret employer and focused entirely on Trinity. He clasped her fragile hand in his and raised it to his lips in an old-fashioned gesture. This gave him the opportunity to watch her guarded expression crack just enough, her eyes widening as his lips met her skin. He allowed only the briefest of touches before he pulled back and said, “Don’t you worry. I understand my job here, and my expertise is completely at your disposal.”

  Confusion mingled with caution in her expression. Not letting his satisfaction show as she puzzled over the double meaning of his words, he went on, “You have my word that my behavior will be completely professional. The gossips would find me completely boring.”

  For once, Rhett wasn’t sure that was a promise he could keep.


  Why did walking down the hall, Rhett at her back, make Trinity so uncomfortable?

  Not in the sense of being scared. It was more of an awareness that he was watching her, moving with her, that sifted through her skin into her very consciousness. It was craziness. She didn’t know this man at all. Keeping her distance was the best option, especially considering she’d be working with him starting today.

  She couldn’t get away.

  She knew for a fact that there was only one room ready at a moment’s notice inside Hyatt House, and it was directly across the hall from her bedroom.

  So much for keeping her distance.

  Rhett’s voice interrupted her obsessive thoughts. “I appreciate you letting me stay here on such short notice,” he said.

  So polite. Why was he being this nice to her? He had to be working with the enemy. That thought stopped her in her tracks, and she whirled around to face him.

  “Did Richard know why you were here before I did?” she demanded.

  She caught an expression of surprise he probably didn’t want her to see, considering how quickly it disappeared.

  “I saw you speaking with him at the event last night.”

  Rhett was quiet for a moment longer than she expected, which made her want to squirm. But she refused to let herself. Now that she’d started on this road, there was no reason to back down.

  Finally, he said, “I was introduced to him last night, but Larry was the one who initially contacted me. Look, I know this situation is highly unusual. You want to learn more about the businesses. Let me help you do that...and be seen doing it. For everyone’s sake.”

  His words made sense. Still, she had to stay on guard. He was too convenient, too accommodating, too—attractive.

  “How much can you teach me? And can you do it in enough time to make a difference with the press?”

  He inclined his head, as if approving of her questions. “Right now, I’m at your disposal. Let’s just evaluate where you are, what you’ll need, and go from there. I have to know more about you.”


  “I need to know how you learn, what you need to learn, what will put you on the fast track to success.”

  “That sounds...” Trinity suddenly realized she was rubbing at her temple and forced her hand down to her side. What it sounded like was way too much one-on-one time with this man.

  “Good, right? Trust me. This process will lead to good things.”

  That she wasn’t so sure of. She only made it a few more feet down the hallway before gesturing to an open door. “This will be your room.”

  Rhett stepped to the door and glanced around before turning back.

  But that gave her a few seconds to observe the way his suit jacket fit his wide shoulders. The slight curl of the black hair brushing his collar. The confident stance that said he was in control, even in these unfamiliar circumstances. She hated to admit her toes curled a little.

  It had to be the weariness from all these weeks of constant turmoil, stress and being under observation. She was plumb worn-out, as her mother would say. That was all.

  As he turned back to her, she adopted the most pleasant version of her hostess smile she could manage under the weight of the exhaustion slowly descending over her. “Your luggage will be brought up when it arrives. Luncheon will be on the back patio in an hour.”

  A tempting half smile appeared on his sculpted lips. “You don’t have to feed me, too.”

  She spoke before thinking. “My mama would have a fit if I didn’t feed a guest.” Hearing her country twang peek through brought her up short. “Besides, it’ll save me money, right?”

  Wow. This exhaustion was weakening the very facade that had gotten her through the last six weeks. Try again. “I apologize. That was inappropriate of me.”

  “No. I understand where it came from.”

  Though she resisted it, she could feel both her body and spirit soften as he gifted her with a look of understanding. “Still, I apologize. My only excuse is I’m very tired. I would normally never make a guest feel unwelcome. Please join me for lunch.”

  “I imagine this has been a very stressful time for you.” His hushed tone urged her to confide in him, and for just a moment, Trinity wanted to. She knew she couldn’t, she most definitely shouldn’t, but it was more tempting than she would admit to anyone.

  Why was he saying all the right things? Trinity needed to get away from the whirling suspicions clouding her
brain before her tightly held control cracked wide open.

  “Let us know if you need anything to get settled in,” she said as she slowly backed away.

  “Thank you, Trinity.”

  The way he said her name had her scrambling across the hall to her own room and into the en suite bathroom. She had to get away. His gaze had been searching, seeing way more than made her comfortable.

  With shaking hands, she opened the taps and let cool water run over her wrists. Closing her eyes, she refused to look into the mirror before her. What did Rhett see when he looked at her? A gold digger? A helpless widow about to ruin her dead husband’s legacy? Someone pretending to be more capable than she was?

  Then the more dangerous question: What did she want him to see?

  That one she refused to wrap her head around.

  Maybe it would be best to lie down for a little while before she had to face him again. Getting some rest might tamp down the mood swings and give her a more solid perspective. Normally Trinity was the one logical, proactive person in the room. She just needed a few minutes to process everything that had happened in the last twenty-four hours.

  She reached above her head to remove the pins from her hair, breathing a sigh of relief as the weight fell from her scalp. Then she unbuttoned her suit jacket. As she walked back into the bedroom, she shook the heavy length out and pulled the hem of her camisole from the waistband of her skirt.

  “Trinity, I—”

  To her dismay, Rhett stood at the open door. His brows were raised high as he took in her disheveled appearance. Even though she was fully clothed, something about his look made her feel closer to naked than she’d ever been in a man’s presence.

  “What are you doing in here?” she demanded, pulling the two sides of her jacket closed in an attempt to feel more secure.

  His gaze followed the gesture, then traveled up to her loose hair. He cleared his throat before saying, “I had a question and saw you come in here. The door was open.”


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