Nadia's Salvation

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Nadia's Salvation Page 11

by K. A Knight

  Leaning back so I can see her face, I wink and then return to scanning the room, but I trail my other hand up her thigh under the table. She obediently opens her legs for me as I caress her skin. She leans closer, biting and licking at my ear, getting her own back, and I tighten my hand on her leg, warning her.

  She carries on, her voice echoing in my ear. “Are you still watching him?”

  “Trying to,” I reply, and in punishment I cup her pussy under the table, causing her to gasp and rub against me, right here where everyone can see. If they looked closely enough, they would even be able to see what I’m doing under the table as we are higher up.

  Not that she cares, no, the brat spreads her legs wider and pushes herself into my hand as she purrs into my ear. “Good, you can multitask, can’t you?”

  Grinding my teeth, I scan the room again, splitting my attention between the woman pressed against me and the man I’m hunting, until suddenly, he stands up. I tap her pussy and pull my hand away. “Playtime is over, Brat, he’s heading to the toilet. Meet me around back with the car,” I order, trusting her to help me...a first.

  She nods and gets to her feet, pulling down her dress, and winks at me before tilting her head and watching the man retreat for a moment. “Don’t kill him, we need to question him.” With that, she saunters away and out the front door. I give them both a slight head start before throwing back my drink and standing. I button up my suit jacket and make my way through the crowd to the door at the back marked “Restrooms,” where our target disappeared.

  Passing through the door into a circular waiting area with chairs, I spot the white door labelled “Gentlemen’s” and push inside. It’s just as spectacular and over the top as the club, marble floors bending up into marble counters with golden sinks and taps. Two velvet chairs sit on either side of the golden mirrors above the sink and stalls, with giant wood doors and golden handles engraved with the initials of the club.

  I tilt my head, hearing him in one of the stalls. A grin slides over my lips, making me look sinister in the mirror. I enjoy this. The hunt, the capture. I love working with computers, I’m good at it, but sometimes you need some field work.

  The toilet flushes and the door opens. He blinks when he spots me, but nods and goes to the sink. I watch as he washes his hands and shakes them off before slicking back his hair, looking at himself in the mirror.

  Rolling my eyes, I step behind him, and when his gaze meets mine through the mirror, I smirk. “Don’t worry, I won’t ruin your face, much.”

  Grabbing his head, I smash it into the sink and watch as he falls to the floor unconscious. Straightening my suit, I slick back my own hair in the mirror before grabbing him and placing him under my shoulder in case anyone asks.

  Leaving the bathroom, I turn right, having checked out the layout of the club earlier and knowing it leads to the back. I open the first door and slip out, hoisting the dead weight, and pride erupts when I spot Nadia leaning against my jag, waiting for me. When she spots the man, she pops the boot.

  “Get in, Nunu.”

  Then she slips behind the wheel. Narrowing my eyes, I throw him in the back and slam it shut before opening her door. “Nice try, Brat, slide over,” I snap.

  She sighs but does as she’s told, and I unbutton my suit jacket and slip into the driver’s seat. “Buckle up, I’ll take you home.”

  “No,” she replies, and I look over at her as I pull from the darkened alley. “I’m going with you.”

  “I’m not going to sit down and ask him questions, Brat. I’m going to torture him,” I warn her, cool and calmly. She needs to know the truth, a part of me wants to shock her, repulse her until she hides away, but all she does is raise her eyebrow.

  “You think I didn’t know that?” She laughs and buckles up. “Drive.”

  I narrow my eyes but gun it. Nadia will back out. Once she sees what I do, who I am...she will run away as far and as fast as she can. I won’t hold back because she’s there. I need information and I plan to get it. She can be there if she wants, that’s her choice, but she has to live with that.

  A part of me flinches at knowing how she’ll react, that once she sees that side of me...what I’m capable of...she will never touch me again, never joke with me…fuck, she won’t even want to be in the same room. Our partnership will be well as whatever weird relationship we have going on.

  It’s too late, there’s no going back now. Maybe it’s for the best, she would have left anyway, so it’s better it happens now before I do something crazy like allow her to become too close.

  I’ve been using the warehouse as a base for interviewing the people for this case, so I head there now, my tires crunching over the gravel. The night air is cool as I slip out, unlock it, and flick on the lights, illuminating the chair and my tools. I don’t look at her as I do, I leave her here and grab him from the boot before heading back inside, kicking the door shut behind me as I drop him to the chair and secure the straps around his wrists. When I look down, I spot Nadia securing the ones around his ankles. She grins up at me and gets to her feet as I step back and stare at him.

  “Wait in the car,” I command her.

  “No,” she snaps.

  Grinding my teeth, I look over at her and let my face go cold. “Fine. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Slipping out of my jacket, I fold it and pass it to her before rolling back my shirt sleeves until they’re at my elbows. She watches me and licks her lips, her eyes burning with...desire?

  I blink stupidly at her, but Henry’s groan brings me out of my haze of lust and I turn to him, ignoring her once again. I won’t pay her any mind. His eyes blink open, a trail of blood dripping from the cut across his forehead, which is swollen. They lock on me then flitter around and he starts to struggle, grunting and groaning as the chair rocks.

  “Where the fuck am I? Who are you?” he yells.

  “I’ll be the one asking the questions. The rules are simple, every time you don’t answer me, I will remove something from your body, understand?” I tell him, picking up my scalpel and holding it up to the light before putting it back and lifting my hand saw.

  He lets out a whine. “Please, please, let me go,” he begs, and when I look over his face is pale and his eyes are filled with tears. I sigh. I hate it when they’re weak and break so easily, makes it no fun, no challenge.

  “No.” I put the saw back and grab the hammer instead and bring it down on his knee.

  He screams, the sound filled with agony, echoing around the warehouse as I step back. “That was to show you how serious I am.”

  His head drops for a moment, his mouth slack as he vomits down his front before he lifts his head, bile and saliva dripping from his lips. He turns his head and wipes it on his shoulder before facing me with a glare. “Fuck you.”

  “That’s better.” I grin. “I prefer it when you fight.”

  “Keanu,” Nadia starts, but I throw her a glare, letting her see the darkness and hate in my eyes...the need, just how fucking twisted I am. She nods, pursing her lips, but doesn’t say anything else.

  I turn back to him. “Where were we? Oh yes, now. Tell me everything you know about the men paying you to drug woman and hand them over,” I begin, replacing the hammer and sliding it back into position before picking up the pliers next.

  His eyes widen, his breath stuttering out of him before he smiles at me cockily. “Don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “I was hoping you would say that,” I respond, before grabbing his finger and placing it within the pliers, I look at him then and squeeze. He screams before it cuts off as he faints and I step back, returning the pliers and throwing the tip of his finger away, my hands and forearms coated in his blood. Taking the lighter from the tray, I burn the stub to stop the bleeding, it won’t stop infection from getting in, but it will let him live long enough for me to question him.

  I look at Nadia as I wait for him to wake up, but she offers me nothing. Her face is blank, yet I don’
t sense fear in her. Is she not bothered by what I’m doing? Does she still think I’m a good guy, that I’m doing this for the greater good?

  Turning away, I take the towel and wrap it around his limp head and grab the jug of water next before pressing my hand into his broken knee. He wakes up with a shriek, the sound muffled by the material covering his face. “Once again, tell me everything you know.”

  He shakes his head vehemently, so I uncork the bottle and look at her. “Pull back his head,” I direct, and she hesitates before placing my jacket to the side and pulling back his head for me so he’s staring at the ceiling.

  Pouring the water over his face, I watch him struggle as it goes into his lungs, mouth, and nose. He chokes on it, his body jerking in the chair, and the whole time I keep my eyes on Nadia’s as she holds his head back. She swallows hard but doesn’t blink, doesn’t let go, and doesn’t hesitate.

  Surprising. Maybe she is stronger than I thought. Doesn’t mean she isn’t disgusted though. I bet if I reached out to touch her, she would jerk like he is right now. Tilting the bottle back up, I stop pouring and remove the towel and look down at him as he chokes and spits.

  “Ready to talk yet?” I ask coldly.

  “They will kill me! He will!” he howls.

  “And you don’t think I will?” I smirk. “Henry, we’re just getting started. I have over eighty tools here, one will make you talk, but your choice is how much pain and suffering you go through first.”

  He coughs up more water, his eyes red and bloodshot, but he finally agrees. “Okay, okay, I’ll tell you what I know.”

  I step back and nod at Nadia, who releases his head. I let him collect himself for a moment but soon grow bored. “Now,” I snap.

  “Okay, okay, they approached me a couple of months ago with an offer. They-they knew about…” He swallows and I narrow my eyes, so he panics, his eyes widening. “About me attacking a woman, she didn’t press charges, but they had pictures, fuck, they even had a video of it!” he yells, his voice cutting off in a cough before he carries on. “They told me they would release it to the press, it would ruin me. In exchange for their silence, all I had to do was slip a drug into a glass of a woman they picked.”

  I fold my arms, leaning back against the table as Nadia circles to my side. “How did you know which woman?”

  “They would text me, burner phone, I tried to trace it myself. They only messaged me a few times so far, then they would meet me out back and hand over some money to ensure my silence. That’s it, I swear. I never met them, fuck, I don’t even have a way to contact them or know a name!”

  “They targeted you, I’m betting they planned for you to attack that woman, used her as bait. Shit, they’re good. Planned this down to a T so if you got caught you couldn’t give them up at all.” I shake my head. “Anything else?”

  His eyes dart to the side and I raise my eyebrows. “There is,” I state.

  “I-I got brave one night and followed them, I watched them take the woman inside an old building on the other side of town, but when I went back the next day it was clear. I think they change locations continually. I spoke to the man last time he came, I asked what happened to them after.” He lowers his eyes then. “I swear that’s it.”

  “The girls where do they take them? What about Alena?” Nadia questions, angry now. I stop and watch her as she advances on the man.

  He laughs in her face, the sound bitter. “I don’t know an Alena, but you do, and I’m betting by now she’s sold or dead,” he sneers, laughing more, but freezes when she grabs his chin.

  “Brat,” I warn, but she ignores me. I step around to see her grabbing his tongue and holding it out of his mouth. “Ignore him.”

  She shakes her head. “No, he knows, I know he does. He’s not telling us everything so he can protect himself. I want to know.” Her voice gets stronger with each word and I don’t even see the lighter until she flips it open. My mouth drops open in shock as she flicks it on and holds it to the man’s tongue, burning it. He thrashes, a weird bellowing coming from his throat until she lets go and steps back, the lighter still on. “Tell us, now.”

  “They told me they sell the girls, they are selected because a buyer asked for them, not always but usually. Otherwise, they’re fodder, to be sold for the highest price. They have done this before, somewhere else, I can tell. They’re dangerous and everywhere.” He swallows again, lisping the words from the damage. “That’s all, I don’t know anything else.”

  “Then you’re useless,” I tell him calmly.

  Grabbing my gun, I shoot him point-blank in the head. The shot is loud and Nadia flinches, covering her ears as I steadily put my gun away and look at him. His head is jerked back from the force, and brain matter and blood are splattered everywhere.

  “We couldn’t let him warn them, this will send them a message, one that says we are getting closer. They might get desperate and slip up,” I explain.

  “What do we do now?’’ she asks, not looking at me, but at the dead man.

  “I need to speak to Donald. It’s clear they have the police under their thumb, even higher-ups, then we ding that building, and check it and the next club owner out. I’m betting it’s the same deal with them, but you never know what they might know.”

  “It’s too slow, you heard him, it will be too late for her,” she whispers, and turns her gaze to me. Drowning, that’s the look in her eyes.

  “No, you can’t think like that,” I argue, stepping closer and grabbing her chin tightly to keep her from looking at him. “We will find them, this was the first big break through, that’s all.”

  “And when we find the people in charge?” she inquires, searching my eyes.

  “We kill them,” I answer.

  Chapter Seventeen


  We don’t speak that night. I go back to my room, not that I can sleep, the events of tonight replaying in my mind. Did I really do that? The moment he killed that man, I should have been shocked, horrified even...yet it didn’t bother me. That’s what’s really weighing on my mind, my own mortality. The death, the torture of that man didn’t affect my soul or feelings towards the man down the hall, which just keep growing. In fact, seeing his power, his made me hot.

  Am I really that twisted?

  Shouldn’t I care, shouldn’t I be disgusted? Revolted that he could do that to another person and not blink? That look in his eyes haunts me, the utter coldness. There was nothing there but darkness and death. I didn’t realise until tonight how utterly entwined his soul is with the shadows. He isn’t just a killer, he is death itself. It’s his life, his purpose, and nothing will ever change that, and God save those who get in his way.

  Yet, it doesn’t change anything. I still want him, need him, crave him. Maybe that makes me as fucked up as him, or maybe my gammie’s death has messed with me more than I thought. I simply don’t care anymore, grabbing the first thing I can to find purpose. To find an anchor in this world.


  If I went to his room now, would he turn me away or welcome me with open arms? Could I survive it if he did? I’m not sure that’s the only reason I stay in here. I might be crazy and fucked up, but I don’t have a death wish, at least I don’t think I do.

  But the thing is, I’m finally starting to see under that cold iceberg exterior and what I am seeing is sending me running, but not away from him...towards him. I haven’t felt this alive, this useful in a long time and I need that.

  I need him.

  The thing is, he’s trying to push me away by maintaining that façade, yet it’s slipping, and I’m going to keep digging until I crack it—what will I find? Maybe I could ask Donald a little bit? Because what if the truth terrifies me? What gets me killed?

  Those are the thoughts that flit through my mind until I finally fall into a restless sleep, his lips tasting mine and his hands reaching for me through the darkness of the night...searching...taking…

  “What is this
? A hospital?” I ask, as we stand in the elevator. He had gotten up early, and fed and dressed me without really speaking or looking at me, then he led me to the car and a hospital? He parked underneath and entered the elevator, and I followed like a good girl, his hand on the base of my spine. His touch burns through my jacket, branding my skin like it always does.

  “Serenity,” is all he says, his voice as aloof as always, so I do what I do best, I press him. I lean into his side and grin up at him.

  “No shit, is this like your super-secret headquarters? Do I need to swear on a bible or take a blood oath?”

  He looks down at me, those green eyes sparkling, and his lips tip up in a smile and I almost squeal that I placed it there. “Yes, and dance naked under a full moon chanting,” he quips, and my mouth drops open in mock shock.

  “Y-You made a joke, dear God, I’m starting to rub off on you, aren’t I? Next thing we know you’ll be smiling and laughing like a normal human,” I tease, and he rolls his eyes but keeps me close as the door opens.

  I blink in surprise at the reception area it opens into. Men and women are milling about in various uniforms...clothes and weapons openly displayed. I see an Asian woman showing off a sword to a chubby little man in the corner who grunts in respect.

  Keanu guides me over to the desk where a perky blonde is waiting, and when she spots Keanu, her eyes widen. I can almost see how scared she is as she scrambles for something, but he bypasses her with a wave of his hand and goes to the elevator, pulling out his phone and pressing something. Just as quickly, it opens, and I arch my eyebrow at him and he winks.

  “Trade secrets,” he whispers, as he leads me inside and we start to ascend again.

  “You’ll have to kill me?” I joke, and his face goes dark as he suddenly backs me into the wall of the elevator and presses something on his phone. We come to a jerking stop, the lights turning red above us, and my eyes widen as they cast him into shadows, the colour highlighting his face like a bad devil costume.


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