Nadia's Salvation

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Nadia's Salvation Page 26

by K. A Knight

  “I quit,” I admit, and he frowns, so I explain it and he listens, nodding here and there until I grab my coffee and sip it. “So...yeah, not sure what the hell I’m going to do, but I’m not going back.”

  “Okay.” He shrugs. “Like I said, whatever you want to do, I’ll help. You will find your passion, Brat, you’re extremely smart and talented, whatever you put your mind to, you will conquer.”

  I grin then, the nerves disappearing. “You mean it?”

  He takes in my expression and his lips tug down. “Did you think I’d care? I just want you happy. If this makes you happy, then I’m behind you. You should know that, and in the meantime, we still have a mission to keep you busy.”

  “Spidey, you softie,” I tease, and he grins.

  “Don’t tell anyone, I have a reputation to uphold.” He carries on eating, and when he’s done, he leans back. “How about you help me work through some of the bank statements of the shell company I found that link to the buildings, and we can make a map of the bars closest to their assets. Tonight, I think we should go back and listen out. See if you can get anything from Jamie.” He spits the name.

  “Yes, that sounds good!” I almost scream, excited to be involved again. I want to help in any way possible. I can play Jamie and get some information that might help us take them down sooner.

  He finishes his coffee, and we head upstairs and spend the next six hours working through bank statements. I add the location of the processing house into the map, and notice it’s close to Jamie’s club and another.

  It’s slow, tedious work, but it’s important to track down any other investments they might have bought while Keanu researches all the people he met the other day, as well as update Donald. He rings him, and when he answers, I hear a commanding female voice in the background, making him sigh.

  “One moment, Spider.” He must cover the phone, but we can still hear him. “Amelia, you can’t just come here demanding things, please give me a moment to finish this call, and then I swear I will answer all of your questions.”

  “Truthfully, Don, I want them answered truthfully. I’m not here as...acquaintances. I’m here on police business,” the strong female voice snaps. Keanu and I share open-mouthed looks and lean closer.

  “Of course, Lia, please, one moment,” he replies softly.

  “Don’t call me that ever again.”

  He comes back on the line. “Thank you for the update, Spider, I will be sure to see what I can find as well. Tell Nadia hello for me.” He hangs up and we’re both left gobsmacked.

  “Who’s Amelia?” I ask him and he shakes his head. “Wait, something you don’t know?” I grab my chest in shock.

  “Hardy har.” He rolls his eyes. “Donald is private and I respect that.”

  “Uh-oh, couldn’t find anything, could you?” I tease, and he grips the phone tighter.

  “Nothing,” he mutters, making me laugh. “Back to work, Brat.”

  “Yes, sir,” I mock and he groans, but we both go back to what we were doing.

  Four hours later, all I have is a whole lot of nothing, and by the frustration on his face, I’m guessing Keanu has the exact same issue. Sighing, I drop myself in his lap. “Maybe Jamie will know something useful, if not we keep looking. We need to find sure she wasn’t there?” I question for the fourth time.

  “I’m sure, Brat, I’m sorry.” He holds me closer. “Come on then, you better get ready. It can’t hurt to try, but you don’t dig too hard, just flirt, and don’t you dare go into his fucking office, or mission or not I will kill him...understood?”

  “Got it, Spidey.” I kiss him, leap up, and race off to get ready, excited to have a job I can do again.

  I’m dressed and ready in under an hour. I have to fight to keep Keanu off me, refusing his tempting offer to rip my skirt off and go back to bed. He keeps flicking looks at me as he heads to the club, and I can’t help but smile, knowing I look good in the crop top and leather skirt, even if he did pick it out. Clearly, from the bulge in his slacks, he likes what he sees.

  When we get there, he parks around the corner again and goes in first. I wait fifteen minutes before heading in, not searching for him, even though I want to. I can feel eyes on me, and I don’t know if they are his or others’, but I’m trusting they are Keanu’s. He told me he won’t be out of eyeshot all night, just in case anything goes wrong, but he’s trusting me. I know I need to get something, anything, useful. Alena’s life might hang in the balance.

  I’m not stupid, I know she’s been gone a long time and the likelihood of finding her is slim, but I can’t help but keep going, I can’t give up, I have to keep searching even if she never knows. I couldn’t imagine the thought that no one was looking for you, so no, I won’t give up. I will keep searching, fighting for her.

  I circle for a bit before getting a drink and deciding to hell with being subtle. I walk right by Christian and into VIP, and take a seat at Jamie’s usual booth, waiting as I sip the fruity cocktail, making sure to keep it in my hand the whole time. I’m extra cautious now after everything that happened to those other girls, just shows you can’t be too careful.

  I scan the crowd, relaxing and acting natural, even though I want to look for Keanu. Ten minutes later, Jamie heads my way, and I fight the urge to stiffen at the sight of him. Christ, I would have never known he was capable of something so heinous, even now I find it hard to believe. If I hadn’t seen it for myself, I wouldn’t have. I always thought he was a good guy, he worked hard to get his business going, and I would have even considered us think…

  He grins at me, slipping in close beside me, his own drink in hand. He’s in a suit tonight, looking dapper as ever, those blue eyes sparkling down at me. “Hey, hotness, what are you doing here?” he asks, his voice private, just for us as he drapes his arm over the back of my shoulder. I fight the urge to shiver in disgust, and instead I pretend he’s Keanu and grin, leaning closer.

  “I missed you. Can’t a girl just drop by to see her booty call?” I tease, running my hand down his chest, making his smile widen as he shivers under my touch.

  “She sure can, especially when she looks as fuckable as you do tonight,” he murmurs, sipping his drink and watching me with hooded eyes, his other hand playing with the strap of my crop top on my shoulder and pushing it down slightly. Shit, I need to get this moving before Keanu kills him or I’m sick from his touch.

  “Thank you, you look hot yourself,” I retort, wanting to gag so badly as his hand strokes down my arm. “Are you busy tonight?” I query and flutter my lashes. “I didn’t disrupt anything, did I?”

  “Feel free to disrupt anytime, hotness, you know that,” he replies, tossing back the last of his drink and relaxing back into the seat.

  “You look tired,” I remark, stroking his chest again. “Everything okay?”

  He frowns, looking at me strangely. Shit, did I push too hard? “I’m alright, just a busy week. That stupid, red-haired cop keeps coming back...Amelia something.” He waves it away.

  “Cop? What happened?” I inquire, looking fake shocked.

  He rolls his eyes. “Stupid woman thinks I have something to do with a girl that went missing here. Like it’s my fault she got that drunk and did something stupid, bloody cops haven’t got a clue. I can’t control what happens with every drunk college girl.” He snorts and I fight back my animalistic growl of anger.

  “How could you?” I reply, looking away and supping my drink. “Did she actually go missing here?” I press, faking shock again. “Do I need to be worried?”

  “Nah, hotness, I got you.” He grins. “Enough about the drama, did you come here to see me?”

  “Of course, why else would I be here?”

  He moves closer, moving my hair aside. “Want to take this to the office?” he murmurs into my ear.

  Luckily, Christian cuts in then. “Sorry, boss, we have, erm, a problem downstairs.”

  Jamie sighs, glancing at me and winking. �
�Wait for me in the office, I won’t be long.” He gets up and follows Christian, leaving me alone.

  Keanu told me not to go into the office...but maybe I could find something in there? Getting up, I pull down my skirt as I discreetly look around for him.

  “Toilet, now,” comes a hiss from behind me, and I watch as he passes me by as if he was never there. I wait for a few seconds, scanning the club before heading to the toilets. I hesitate, not sure which, but a hand darts out of the accessible bathroom and grabs me, yanking me inside, slamming the door shut and locking it. He pushes me to the door, keeping me pinned there as I grin at him.

  “No,” he growls, eyes narrowed. “I can’t protect you in there.”

  “Spidey, listen to me. I could look through his paperwork...his computer,” I suggest, and I see him fighting the need to send me in, knowing he wants what’s in there.

  “No matter what I say, you’re doing it, aren’t you, Brat?” he grumbles and I nod, smiling up at him. “Motherfucking woman, should have just got a dog like Max,” he mutters before sighing. “Fine, fine, I need you to copy anything you find onto this, and take pictures with your phone,” he orders, passing me a USB, which I hide in my boobs.

  “You were planning to break into his office, weren’t you?” I tease, and he narrows his eyes, moving closer until we are sharing the same air.

  “Brat, if he touches you, so much as fucking mentions your body, he’s dead. I will be listening and watching, you are mine. Understood?” he growls dangerously, his hand coming out to grip my chin to force my eyes to his. “I will kill him, fuck the case, I will and it will hurt.”

  “Jealous much?” I purr.

  “Not jealous, love, possessive. Better remember that,” he whispers, before dropping his lips to mine, our teeth clashing with the force, almost cutting my lips with his need before he rips away, opens the door, and stalks out, leaving me there panting, my hand over my heart.

  Slipping out after him, I hurry to the office, not wanting Jamie to catch me in the act. Once I get to the top, I find it open and slip in, shutting and locking the door behind me. If he asks, I’ll just say I didn’t want anyone walking in while I was waiting.

  Looking around for a moment, I cut across the room to his desk and rifle through the drawers, splitting my gaze between that and the door as I take pictures of everything, not really looking at what they are before I find his laptop hidden in the bottom drawer. Pulling the slim, silver device out, I crack open the screen and wiggle the mouse. The fucking idiot doesn’t even have a password.

  The home screen has just one folder. Darting my gaze back to the door, I slip out the USB and plug it into the computer. “Come on,” I mutter, waiting for it to pop up. When it does, I drag all the files across and wait for them to copy, watching as the green bar crawls towards done.

  I can hear voices now, coming closer, the clank of boots on the stairs. Fucking shit! I stare at the bar, willing it to move faster. Just as I see the door handle turn, it pings done. Ripping out the USB, I stuff it down my breasts before putting away the laptop and shutting the doors softly, wincing at the sound and hoping he didn’t hear.

  A knock comes. “Hotness?”

  Rushing to the door, I unlock it and fling it open, pressing against the frame with a flirty smile. “Sorry,” I murmur, slightly out of breath, making his eyes narrow. “Didn’t want anyone walking in while you were gone.”

  He nods and slips past me, shutting the door as he tears off his tie, throws it to the desk, and stalks over to pour a drink. Standing there nervously, I bite down on my lower lip, trying to think of how to get out without rousing his suspicion. “Everything okay?” I ask, and he cracks his neck, looking at me with an arched eyebrow. “There was a problem downstairs?”

  He waves his hand away. “Oh, yes, fine, just some shipment issues.”

  Realising I’m just standing there nervously, I fake my confidence and stroll towards him, stopping just behind him, my breath wafting over his neck, and I’m conscious not to touch him. I have no doubt Keanu will kill him if I do. “Anything I can help with?”

  He turns then, leaning back against the bar as he runs his eyes down my body, catching on my breasts. “Distract me?” He grins. “You are good at that.”

  Taking the drink from him, I keep my eyes on his as I throw it back, making him laugh. He plucks the glass from me and puts it down, his hands darting out and gripping my hips, yanking me to him until I’m plastered against his front. My eyes widen and I hope he doesn’t see the panic there.

  This used to be nice, it felt good, his hands on me, his body against mine, but all I feel now is sick. To my very core, knowing he touched those women and then hurt them, sold them. I don’t know this man and my skin crawls from it. Slipping from his grasp with what I hope is a flirtatious smile, I hop up on the desk and kick my legs back and forth.

  “That cop must have really got to you if you need me to distract you,” I tease and he watches me, his eyes dragging up my legs. When Keanu does it, my pussy pulses, my body craving it, but when this man does it, all I want to do is cover up, cringing from his gaze alone.

  “Let’s not talk about business,” he snaps, and then seems to relax again. “Why talk at all?” He grins in a way I’m guessing is supposed to be seductive.

  Shit, Nadia, think.

  I watch him stroll around the desk and drop into his chair, sitting back and watching me. My eyes race across the desk, checking for signs he might have known I what I did when I catch on the partially opened drawer at the top. Fuck, did I not shut it?

  Jumping off the desk, I head towards him, sitting back against the desk and shutting the drawer with my ass. When it clicks and he looks down, I press my heeled foot to his crotch with a smile, distracting him. “Why not just show her the CCTV footage from the club? You have it everywhere, right?”

  He sighs and rolls his eyes. “Yes, even in here, though don’t worry, hotness, this goes to my personal computer at home, it’s not linked to the club cameras.”

  Fuck. I go cold. Does that mean he can see that I was in here snooping? There’s a glint in his eyes, a mean one that I don’t like. I swallow hard.

  “And my phone,” he adds, watching me carefully, waiting for what? Me to slip up? Drop to my knees and start crying? No fucking way. We are playing a game now. I know he’s seen me in here and he’s waiting for me to break.

  Instead, I toss my hair over my shoulder and dig my heel in deeper, making him grunt. “So you watch our sexcapade over and over?” I purr, just as my phone vibrates. Keeping my eyes on him, I drag it out and check my texts.

  Spidey: Fake a text saying you need to leave.

  “Oh no,” I gasp, and his eyes narrow. “Jamie, I’m so sorry, we’re going to have to do this another day, my friend got in an accident.”

  He leans up, pushing my foot away none too gently. “Is that right? Is she okay? Going to a hospital? How did she text you?”

  I blink at the onslaught of questions. “I don’t know,” I reply shakily, letting my nerves leak through to make him think it’s real. “I’m so sorry, I’ve got to go!”

  He grips my hand holding the phone, hard, digging into the bones until I gasp in pain, my eyes flying to his. “I hope she’s okay, come back tomorrow? I have something to show you.”

  It’s an order, not a question, and we both know why. If I come back tomorrow...I won’t be leaving. Not on my own two feet. The friendship we had is broken. He knows, and I’m betting he’s thinking I’m working for someone and wants to get rid of the dead end.

  Nodding shakily, I dash to my feet and get the hell out of there, feeling his eyes tracking me all the way out the door. When I pass it, I rush down the stairs, my heart hammering as I push through the crowd and then break outside, shivering in the cold.

  Feeling like I’m being watched still, I duck my head and turn to the car park, speeding up my steps, my heels loud on the pavement. All the while I’m praying Keanu is in the car, waiting. When I spo
t the jag, I take a look over my shoulder to see a man there, Christian. He’s watching me from the club door, I wave a hand and slip around the corner, running now that I’m out of sight. I smash into the car and yank open the door, relief flooding through me when Keanu’s face appears.

  “Get in, now!” he yells, and I leap inside. The door isn’t even shut before he’s peeling away, his hands gripping the wheel tightly. “Fuck, he saw you, he went downstairs and I followed, his phone went off and he started swearing. He told Christian to tell the men he had a new girl for them, and she would be coming down soon, after he found out what she knew.” He looks at me. “Your cover is blown, Nadia, he knows you’re on to him, and he wants to make you disappear.”

  We spin around a corner and I crash into the door, watching as he checks the mirror to see if we are being followed before slipping between lanes, zigzagging.

  “I figured as much,” I say, blowing out a breath, trying to calm my racing heart. “What do we do?”

  “We lay fucking low, we can’t be too careful. You don’t go home, you stay in mine and don’t fucking leave.” He smashes a fist into the wheel. “Should have never let you go in there.”

  We pull into a car park then, into the shadows not illuminated by the streetlights, and he turns to me, the car still running, analysing me. “Did he hurt you? Touch you? Tell me the truth, Brat.”

  Swallowing hard, I pull the USB from my breasts, his eyes tracking the movement. “I got this from his computer, pictures too,” I murmur to distract him, and pass it over, but when he goes to take it, he freezes, his fingers tracing my wrist.

  Fuck! That’s the wrist Jamie grabbed.

  Eyes wide, I watch him turn it over and brush the red mark. No doubt it will bruise. I wince in pain and he must notice, his eyes go cold, his body vibrating with tension. “He’s a dead man.” He robotically turns to the wheel and I know he’s going back to kill him.

  “Spidey,” I start, but he stops me with a cold glare, icing through me to my very core.

  “No one hurts what is mine and gets to live,” he snaps.


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