Fated Forgiveness (Kindred of Arkadia Book 4)

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Fated Forgiveness (Kindred of Arkadia Book 4) Page 1

by Alanea Alder


  Title Page




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven


  About the Author

  Other Books on Amazon

  Fated Forgiveness


  Kindred of Arkadia



  Copyright © 2020 Alanea Alder

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  This is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  P.O.Box 280

  Moyock, NC, 27958

  Digital ISBN- 978-1-941315-33-0

  Print ISBN- 978-1-941315-34-7

  Sacred Forest Publishing


  ~Omnia Vincit Amor- Love Conquers All~

  To those that Forgive, you’re stronger than you know.


  "Ahh, there's my puppy." The gentleman smiled from his chaise lounge as the wolf-shifter walked into the room.

  "Now, old boy. Where are all of my hybrids?" In the background, a wail filled with despair resonated through the house. The wolf-shifter shuddered.

  "Sounds beautiful, doesn't it? At first my pain expert had nearly all of them singing at once. It proved to be annoying. So now he is working through them one at a time. I get to enjoy each agonized scream as it erupts from the depths of their soul." The gentleman crossed one leg over the other.

  "I'll have them soon. There's nothing anyone can do, not even the council," the wolf said, staring at the floor.

  The gentleman snapped his fingers and watched as Payne stepped from the shadows.

  "I have a present for you. I love giving presents. Payne, if you would, please?" The gentleman nodded to his servant. The wolf snarled when a thick, black, leather collar was secured around his neck.

  "I am having a hard time believing you. So I am going to explain things to you slowly." He reached into his top pocket and pulled out a sleek, metal case.

  "You are going to get me the hybrids I desire or you get to enjoy your present." The gentleman calmly pressed the red button. Immediately the wolf shifter screamed and dropped to the plastic-covered floor, writhing in agony. The gentleman watched in fascination as the shifter twitched and jerked for minutes, whimpering and cowering until the effects wore off.

  "This is absolutely dreadful. I love it! Payne, we must order more of these," the gentleman said, accidentally pressing the button again. The smell of urine and feces wafted up to his nose. The gentleman sighed.

  "That was my fault." He watched as the wolf's spasms slowed down.

  "You have my neighbors to thank for this little invention. I watched them last week trying to train their dogs not to cross the property lines, and it hit me. Shock collars for shifters. I mean, it's so obvious I'm surprised no one else has thought of it before now. I hear that the pain a shifter feels from an electric current is a thousand times harsher than that of a human's, since you feel your own pain and the pain of your animal." The gentleman spun the remote with a childlike glee.

  "Now stand up. There's a good boy. Good boy!" The gentleman clapped.

  "Go get me my hybrids." The gentleman's voice was no longer happy and laughing but cold. Shaking, the wolf walked unsteadily toward the door.

  "Oh, and Devon?" The gentleman called out. Slowly the wolf turned to look at him.

  "You will not like what will happen to you if you fail." The gentleman scrunched up his nose. "Payne, can you please air out the room? It's a bit…ripe in here."

  The dark figure nodded and closed the door behind them. The gentleman sat down and eyed the red button. Unable to resist its allure, he pressed it again. In the distance he heard a howl of pain. Laughing, the gentleman relaxed against his lounger. Shifters were so much fun.

  Chapter One

  Liam lay back in his favorite lounge chair next to the pride's pool, enjoying the early morning sun. He refused to believe he was sulking. He was brooding. It was a more manly term. But, if he were completely honest with himself, he was pouting. His lion wanted their mate, preferably naked and begging for forgiveness. The man in him was still nursing a wounded heart and banged-up pride. Of all people, Sebastian should have felt safest with him, been able to come to him with his problems, but in the end he had been too scared. Only his fear for Rebecca's safety had forced him to reveal himself to the others. Liam sighed.

  He wished he were a painter or a poet so he could languish, but unfortunately for him, he had no patience to truly reflect on his feelings. Normally his emotions were happily surface level. He tended to lash out like his cat when he was hurt and purr when he was happy. But over the past two weeks he found himself wearing a stale smile when others asked how he was doing. His heart hurt and he felt raw. It wasn't like him.

  Liam kept replaying the moment in the apartment when Sebastian had shifted and his scent changed as he took human form. He had instantly recognized him as his mate. He frowned as he recalled the devastated look on his mate's face when he walked away. It still haunted him.

  Okay, he was terrified. Still, he should have come to me. But then again, I really don't know what he went through and I haven't given him a chance to explain.

  Liam scowled. He had been steadily avoiding the smaller man for the past couple weeks. In retrospect, it seemed immature and childish, but he couldn't help the way he felt. In the end, what he really wanted was to hold his mate and tell him everything was going to be okay. He wanted to assure him that if anyone threatened him again, he would happily gut them and leave them to die.

  Was it as simple as that? The more he thought about it, the more he realized that he wanted his mate beside him more than he wanted an apology. Staying away from his sexy kitten wouldn't change the past. His mate hadn't set out to hurt him, so he could forgive him. His mate needed him, so he would go to him. They would have an honest discussion and get everything out in the open so they could complete their mating. Then Sebastian could move into the pride house and they could live happily ever after. Simple.

  Yup, it was good to have a plan. Find his mate, talk about what happened, bring him home, mate, and then find and kill the psycho that hurt his kitten. Rebecca had told him how Sebastian had
escaped the lunatic collecting hybrids.

  His grandfather had called him and Rebecca last week to update them on the case against the wolf Alpha Devon. Sentinels had gone out to Devon's pack lands and came up empty handed. No one in the pack had any knowledge of anyone being kept against their will.

  Sebastian's old Alpha testified, defending Devon, stating that Sebastian became mentally unstable when his parents were killed in a random shooting. Devon testified that Peyton was trying to get revenge against him for a bad break up. In the end, it was Sebastian and Peyton's word against two established Alphas.

  Rebecca had been warned sternly about shooting visiting Alphas, and that her next offense may have serious consequences. Liam shook his head as he remembered how he had to quickly jump the table to cover Rebecca's mouth before she said something to his grandfather they would both regret. Thank goodness it had been a conference call where he could do that, instead of an in-person visit.

  His grandfather adored Rebecca, but Liam knew that the old man shouldn't be pushed. They would find a way to deal with Devon on their own. He just couldn't shake the look of pure terror that had been on Peyton's face. If Peyton was that afraid, what must Sebastian be feeling as one of the ones who had been caged and abused? Liam felt a growl float up his throat at the thought of his mate in a cage.

  "I'm not going out there now, he's growling to himself again! Last week he nearly ripped Rex's head off when he asked about something benign like patrol rotations. Beau and Kaden have pretty much stayed in the game room to avoid him, y'all are not sending me into the lion's den, like literally!" Rian's voice floated out of the open kitchen window and down to Liam's ears. He paused mid-mental tirade and perked his ears up. Okay, he had to admit, he may have been a teensy bit hard to live with lately, but dammit, his mate had rejected him!

  "Rian, you and Damian have known him the longest. He probably won't gut you if you ask."

  They officially had his interest now. That was Rex. He was known to take his responsibilities seriously. He would not be participating in any of Rian or Damian's normal hijinks.

  "That only means I've had more time to piss him off in general. How about you, Talon?" Rian suggested.

  "No fucking way. I haven't been here long enough to discuss this with him. It has to be one of y'all who have been in the pride the longest." Talon's southern drawl was unmistakable.

  "Not it!" He heard Damian practically shout.

  "Damn it!" Rian cussed.

  Liam leaned back and closed his eyes behind his sun glasses. He couldn't wait to see what his pride was up to now.

  He didn't have a long wait before he felt a shadow cross his face. He opened one eye to see Rian standing over him, and he was wearing his damn Stetson!

  "You're wearing my hat," he said and closed his eye.

  "Liam, look, we know that you've been going through a rough time with Sebastian and all," Rian started.

  "You're wearing my hat." Liam interrupted without opening his eyes.

  "Yes, I know. Listen, the pride has been talking, and we want you to bond with Rebecca so that we are protected from outside challenges the way the pack is." Rian stared down at him, his hands on his hips.

  Liam let the growl rise up from his gut and out his mouth. He opened his eyes and pulled off his sunglasses.

  "Am I so damn untrustworthy that my own pride doesn't feel safe with me as Alpha?" he demanded.

  He saw Rian's eyes fill with compassion briefly before they narrowed in anger. He knew there was a reason why he didn't try to kill Rian on a regular basis, but he couldn't remember it at the moment.

  "Liam Aloisius Lewenhart!" Rian yelled, crossing his arms over his chest and sticking one hip out in a defiant position. Liam winced at the full use of his name. Only Rian and Damian knew his hated middle name.

  "Lions don't have betas, but if we did, I would be yours and you know it. So, you know I say this with all the love I have for you. You. Are. Being. An. Asshole!" Rian threw his arms up, exasperated, and Liam's mouth dropped. He was pretty sure he was the Alpha here.

  "Let's start with the pride. Did you ever stop to think that we were trying to protect you? You have given some of us the only true home we have ever known. You pay all the damn bills, and if anything happens, your life is on the line to defend us. How do you think that makes us feel? We want to keep you safe because you represent home to us and if being bonded to our little Rebecca cements that, then so be it." Rian waved his hands around. Liam stubbornly stared out across the lawn.

  "Now about your mate. That poor man needs you. Stop being such a drama king and go get him. You've made him suffer long enough. You're not exactly showing him how trustworthy and reliable you are by ignoring him and hurting him further. Now, go get him!" Rian pointed to the gate.

  "You're wearing my…" Liam started.

  "Now!" Rian screeched, and Liam jumped up and headed for the gate leading to the driveway. It wasn't until he was in his car that he realized that he just let his "beta" order him around. He scratched his head. He was the Alpha, dammit. He started the car and grumbled the entire drive into town.

  * * * *

  "He'll never forgive me!" Sebastian lay his head down over his crossed arms on the table. Rebecca and Kate each leaned in and wrapped their arms around the shaking man. All three sat at their usual table in the diner. It was just after the breakfast rush and the diner was mostly empty.

  "Of course he will. Liam is one of the most wonderful men we know. He's just had a bit of a shock, that's all." Rebecca rubbed Sebastian's back soothingly.

  "Rebecca's right. Liam has the emotional depth of a teaspoon. It won't take him long to bounce back from this," Kate offered.

  Sebastian looked up hopefully. "Do you really think so?"

  Rebecca and Kate both nodded.

  "Pretty soon he'll be driving you nuts the way our mates drive us crazy." Rebecca giggled.

  "You have to admit it's sexy when they get possessive and growly," Kate countered. Rebecca nodded.

  "I wish Liam felt that way," Sebastian said sadly. He couldn't blame his lion for ignoring him. In his mind he knew that he could trust the man, but his heart feared the Alpha in him.

  Every single instance dealing with men in power had resulted in pain and horror, and he couldn't bear it if his own mate treated him the same way. But, even as he came to realize that Liam wouldn't hurt him, he started to fear his mate's reaction for deceiving him. It was a vicious cycle that continued until he had shifted to save his best friend. He could still hear Liam's accusing words.

  "You knew! You had to know!"

  Sebastian looked up to see one set of anxious violet eyes and one set of worried blue eyes watching him. His heart turned over. He had wonderful people as friends, people who cared about him, he couldn't let them worry about him so much. He reached up and patted each woman on the shoulder. They unwrapped their arms and sat back in their chairs, looking at him.

  "I…" he was about to say he would be all right, when Liam walked into the diner.

  Liam's eyes searched the room until they fell on their table. Sebastian couldn't help but stare. The man was simply divine. He was tall, but not as bulky as Rebecca's bear, for which he was grateful. He liked the way he could see Liam's muscles as they moved under his skin. He subconsciously licked his lips, and Liam's eyes widened. A slow smile crossed his lion's features. When he took a step forward and started coming towards them, it was with a definite swagger in his step. Was his lion showing off for him?

  Liam walked up to the table, grabbed a chair and sat down between him and Rebecca. He smiled at Sebastian, reached over and took his hand. Sebastian looked to Rebecca, then Kate, who were grinning like idiots at him.

  "Hi," Sebastian mumbled, staring down at the table where their hands were joined.

  "Hi, kitten." Liam lifted Sebastian's hand to his cheek and rubbed his face across it.

  "You're not mad anymore?" Sebastian asked.

  Liam shook his head. "I was hurt you
didn't come to me, but I never gave you a chance to explain why. I've been walking around out of sorts and snapping at everyone in my pride. We'll have a long talk later, but you're my mate and I'll support you. I'm going to stop acting like a grumpy-ass bear, because they are freaking annoying, and give you the chance to get comfortable with being with me, so I can understand your story. Besides, my lion is dying to mark you. He's been snarling at me for the past two weeks to be near you." Liam kissed Sebastian's hand.

  "Yes! Yes, yes!" Rebecca was pumping both small fists in the air and kicking her feet, laughing happily. Sebastian looked around the table and everyone was smiling at them.

  Liam turned to Kate and Rebecca.

  "Good morning, my luscious ladies. And how is my baby boy doing today?" he asked, making kissing noises at Rebecca's stomach, sounding like his normal self.

  Rebecca beamed up at Liam, obviously relieved at his familiar, laid-back persona. "Aleks said the next time you referred to his son as your boy he was going to choke the life out of you." Rebecca looked around, snatched up Kate's coffee cup and took a healthy swig.

  "I saw that! No more caffeine for you, Rebecca Arkadion, doctor's orders," Connor yelled across the diner. Rebecca winced and set the cup down, grumbling about stupid doctors and what do they know.

  Sebastian removed his hand from Liam's, winked at his mate before sucking up all the soda in his cup. Under the table he popped off the lid, then he reached across the table, grabbing Kate's mug. When Connor's back was turned, he carefully poured Kate's coffee into his soda cup and put the lid back on. He handed it to Rebecca, who started bouncing excitedly in her seat. She accepted the cup and held it in front of her.

  "Sebastian, you are the bestest!" She was about to take a sip when a large hand swooped in and grabbed the cup.

  "And no soda either. That has caffeine, too," Connor said, before taking the cup to the kitchen sink and pouring it out.


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