Fated Forgiveness (Kindred of Arkadia Book 4)

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Fated Forgiveness (Kindred of Arkadia Book 4) Page 4

by Alanea Alder

  Liam nodded and threw him the small bottle of lube. Sebastian turned around and dropped to all fours. He looked over his shoulder to see that as Liam worked Kent's entrance they both watched him. Both of his mates watching him made him harder than he had ever been in his life. Placing his chest on the floor, he reached behind him and pulled his ass cheeks apart. He heard moans behind him.

  "See that pretty pink prize, Kent? It's waiting for this huge dick of yours," Liam said, stroking Kent, his arm wrapped around his body as his other hand pushed three fingers in and out of his mate's hole.

  "You're going to fuck me real good, Kent. I can't wait to feel you inside of me." Sebastian groaned and speared his own channel with two fingers. He loved a little burn. He played with his ass as his mates watched.

  "Sebastian, you ready?" Liam asked. Sebastian looked behind him and nodded.

  Gently Liam pushed Kent down to his knees as Sebastian turned over on his back and spread his legs wide. Kent looked up at Liam, scared.

  "What if I hurt him?" he asked.

  Liam shook his head and kissed his lips softly. "You won't. He is ready for you. Don't worry, sweetheart, we'll take this slow." Liam helped Kent lean forward and push the head of his cock into Sebastian's tight hole.

  "He feels so fucking good." Kent dropped his head back on his shoulders.

  "More. I need more of that monster cock of yours. Pound into me, my mate," Sebastian whimpered.

  "See how prettily he begs, I think you should give him what he wants," Liam said, nodding. Kent pulled out before slamming his full length into his mate. Sebastian went wild under him. He snapped his hips forward.

  "You two are the most perfect sight I have ever seen," Liam whispered. Sebastian looked up to see Liam's eyes swim with emotion.

  "Kent, are you ready?" Liam asked, and Kent stilled his movements. Sebastian watched the bigger man nod slowly. Liam pushed Kent forward until he was on his hands and knees over Sebastian's body. Sebastian took advantage of this new position and captured his mate's lips. He reached up and ran his hands up and down Kent's back. He felt Kent tense.

  "Push out, it helps," Sebastian whispered. Kent opened his closed eyes and looked down at Sebastian. He grinned and then groaned.

  "See? Much better," Sebastian cooed.

  "More, Liam. It's okay," Kent said, in a strangled voice.

  Liam pulled back and pushed forward again until he was fully seated. He did this a few more times. Sebastian watched Kent's expression carefully.

  "Harder, Liam, he's good. Fuck us both," Sebastian demanded.

  Liam's eyes widened and he thrust into Kent's body, driving it harder into Sebastian.

  "Yes! Both of my mates fucking me! This is perfect," Sebastian shouted.

  Sebastian heard Kent's roar seconds before Liam's and then both men were biting down on either side of his neck. He felt his dick explode at the overwhelming sensations. He felt two warm spheres enter his body. Seconds later, he opened his eyes as he watched Liam sink his canines into the side of Kent's neck. With Kent's cock still inside of him, he gave into instinct and sat up to bite deeply into the other side of Kent's neck. When he tasted his mate's blood on his tongue, a new wave of pleasure swept through him. He pushed his hips up, trying to drive Kent's dick further inside of him. When the second orgasm was cresting both he and Liam pulled out of and off Kent. As soon as Kent was free to move, he flipped his Alpha over on his back, lowered his ass on his cock again, and began riding him frantically.

  Sebastian scrambled up and climbed between them. Liam sat up and helped support Sebastian's weight as Sebastian impaled himself on Kent's cock. It wasn't long before Sebastian felt another climax rushing towards him. When Liam's hand wrapped around his cock he screamed. He leaned forward and bit Liam on the right as Kent bit down on the left. He felt the mating bonds snap into place. He could feel not only his own pleasure but also Kent's and Liam's. They were truly one now.

  Kent's thrusts slowed down until finally everyone was shuddering and breathing hard. Sebastian crawled off of Liam and lay on one side, and Kent collapsed on the other side, both of them pushing close to their Alpha's warmth.

  "Not…so…bad…for a first time," Kent said, between gasps for breath.

  Liam pulled Kent down close and kissed the top of his head before doing the same to Sebastian. "Not…bad…for round one." Liam said. Sebastian and Kent moaned.

  "You're cleaning the office later. I don't know how I'm going to get any work done knowing what we did in here." Kent yawned.

  "Totally worth it." Liam chuckled.

  "Round two, then food?" Sebastian asked, sitting up and resting his chin on his hand.

  "Sounds like a plan." Liam nodded.

  "It's good to have plans," Kent grinned.

  Chapter Four

  Later that afternoon, Liam was relaxing by the pool. Sebastian was basking in the sun on his left and Kent had moved the umbrella over so it shaded his lounger to his right. Kent had an open folder in front of him as he reviewed the pride's accounts. Rian and Damian had their heads together at the pool bar mixing up some drinks, and Rex was working the grill. Just another typical day at the pride house.

  "What did you four end up doing to Gilberton?" Liam asked.

  Rian shrugged. "What makes you think we did anything?"

  "Because I know you." Liam laughed as Rian began to grin mischievously.

  "We bought some colored sidewalk chalk from the grocery store and showed the kids how to make rainbows. It was pure coincidence that it was outside Bobbles and Things." Rian's eyes were bright and innocent, completely belying the troublemaker within.

  Liam threw his head back and laughed. "If anyone needed more color in their life it's that old bastard." Liam relaxed, feeling happier than he had in weeks. He turned his head to watch Kent.

  "If I gave you a blow job, would you put the paperwork away and relax?" Liam asked casually. Peripherally, he saw Sebastian's head pop up. When he cracked open one eyelid Kent was staring at him with his mouth open.

  Kent quickly recovered and smiled down at Liam. "You relax enough for the both of us. However, if you insist," he said, pointing down to where his swim trunks were starting to tent.

  Liam laughed, and for the first time in a long time he didn't feel weighed down. Just as he was about to lean over to his waiting treat, his cell phone rang. Sighing, he answered.


  "What is this I hear about you being a fag? It's bad enough that you have disgraced the Lewenhart name, but you let those two queer friends of yours turn you gay? I knew I should have killed those two when I had the chance. I'm going to call your grandfather and take over the Lewenhart pride so that you don't ruin our family name with your degrading and sinful ways," a loud angry voice shouted through the phone.

  "Nice hearing from you too, father. How is mother?" Liam asked in a tight and controlled voice.

  Kent and Sebastian leaned forward and each placed a hand on Liam's thigh in a show of support.

  "Don't ask about your mother with the same mouth that you use to suck cock, you aberration!" his father screamed.

  "Is that Lamar Lewenhart on the phone? Can he claim the Lewenhart name anymore since he lost the dominance fight? I can never remember," Rian asked as he, Damian, and Rex stood in a semicircle around Liam.

  "Tell that demon spawn not to talk to me. Pack your things, all of you, I am going to the council. Since Liam has decided to be queer, he won't be able to produce an heir for the Lewenhart line. The title and the house will revert back to me," Lamar yelled.

  "Listen here, you closed-minded, cold bastard. I challenged you and won. I am the Alpha of the Lewenhart Pride and this is my motherfucking home. Go ahead and go to the council, Grandfather hasn't changed his mind about supporting me and the way I run this pride. But let me make one thing crystal fucking clear," Liam said, standing to his full height.

  "You come down here and threaten my pride and I won't let you live this time. I will fucking end you a
nd mail your body pieces back to mother in a fucking cooler are you hearing me, Lamar Scotts?" Liam roared into his cell phone, the lions around him roared their response. Liam had deliberately used his father's post-dominance-challenge name, Scotts. It was his mother's maiden name, and a true sign of his loss in status.

  "This isn't the end, I should have killed you as a cub!" His father screamed before the line went dead.

  Liam yelled wordlessly as he threw his phone in the pool. He then turned and went into the house alone. He should have known better than to believe that he'd be allowed a moment of peace.


  Sebastian looked at Rian and Damian, they wore identical pained expressions on their faces.

  "It's sad that they have paid him more attention in hating him after the dominance challenge than he ever received from them growing up. Go to him, he's going to need you," Rian said with tears in his eyes.

  They found him pacing and snarling to himself in the master bedroom.

  "Liam, what do you need?" Kent asked, standing in the doorway, his arm wrapped around Sebastian.

  "A new family!" Liam shouted.

  "Okay, how many cubs do you want?" Kent asked, his voice sensible and gentle. Liam halted in his pacing and turned to stare at Kent.

  "What?" Liam asked, shocked into stopping.

  "You want a new family, that's easy. You already have me and Sebastian as mates. Rian and Damian as brothers. Aleks, Rebecca and Kate as best friends. We can find a surrogate and start having cubs of our own. Our own family," Kent said, stepping into the middle of the room, Sebastian walked in beside him.

  "Babies?" Liam asked, suddenly breaking out into a huge grin, the hurtful words from his father temporarily forgotten.

  "An entire houseful. Don't think I haven't noticed how much you dote on Lucas and Landon. We can have as many children as you want," Kent continued.

  "They won't have grandparents," Liam said bitterly.

  Sebastian snorted. "That's a lie. Ma and Pa would snatch our kids up in a heartbeat and claim them, and you know it. They love you like a son," Sebastian said.

  "Our kids?" Liam repeated a goofy smile on his face.

  Kent and Sebastian finally closed the gap to wrap their arms around their mate.

  "Yes. Family are the people who love you no matter what. We have that. Pride and Pack. Vampires and Bears. We have people who care about us, those are the ones that matter," Kent explained, kissing the side of Liam's neck. Sebastian rubbed his face against Liam's chest.

  "How are you so even-keeled all the time? It's like nothing ever gets to you," Liam asked. Kent smiled sadly.

  "I've never really lived life. My childhood was boring, no drama, both of my parents loved me until they died. I went to college, graduated, and kept my nose in the books. It was safer that way. But it also means I've led a very hollow life until mating with the two of you. If all of those years of being alone, of being the objective party, means I can be the rock in the storm for the two of you, then the years of walking around feeling empty and screaming silently are worth it." Kent closed his eyes and rested his head on Liam's shoulder.

  Liam held Kent's head to his shoulder and kissed his forehead.

  "We can try new things, anything you want," Liam whispered.

  "I'm happy just being with my two mates. This is what I always wanted." Kent pulled Sebastian so that he was pressed between the two of them.

  "You are the only family I need. Fuck!" Liam exclaimed suddenly. Kent and Sebastian looked at him, surprised.

  "We need to let my grandfather know that Lamar is going to try and stir up trouble. You guys go ahead back outside. Since I threw my cell in the pool I'll call my grandfather from the office, I'll be out in a few minutes." He smiled at their worried expressions.

  "Go on, I'm fine, really. After we eat we'll head to town so we can all get cell phones. Don't think I hadn't noticed that neither of you had one." Liam wagged a finger at them.

  Kent shrugged. "I never had anyone to call," he said.

  "Me either." Sebastian agreed.

  "Well, I don't like that you're not able to call me in an emergency. We'll hit Johnny Five's then maybe get some ice cream. I know a certain kitten who loves Butter Pecan." Liam leaned forward and kissed Sebastian's forehead, who blushed at the simple kiss before Liam turned his face to Kent, kissing him gently on the lips.

  "Don't be long." Kent said. Kent took his hand and they left the bedroom. On their way downstairs Sebastian could only hope that Liam truly understood how much he meant to them.


  Liam took a deep breath before heading to the office. He walked in and shut the door. He sat at his desk and marveled at the difference between his work area and Kent's. His was littered with candy wrappers and snack foods. Papers were piled carelessly, precariously balanced in haphazard stacks. His filing cabinet was filled with food and there was a weird stain on the corner of his desk. Kent's desk was immaculate. He had a beautifully organized work area, where the papers were stacked neatly in letter trays in color-coded folders. His filing cabinets held actual papers and there weren't any strange, foul smelling stains on his desk. Yup, Fate knew what she was doing with this mating. Shaking his head, he reached for the phone and dialed his grandfather's number.

  "Lewenhart," a gruff voice answered.


  "Liam, you wouldn't happen to be calling because of your idiot father, would you?" Lachlan drawled.

  Liam sighed. "He said he was going to return to Arkadia and take back the pride." He pushed an empty candy bar wrapper around his desk with the tip of his finger.

  "He's blowing smoke. It's against our laws to issue a challenge after you have already lost a dominance fight. What did you say to him?" Lachlan asked.

  "That if he came down here and threatened my pride I would kill him and send his body in pieces back to Daphne in a cooler." Liam mumbled. A short bark of laughter came through the phone.

  "Liam, never ever doubt you are my grandson. I don't know what went wrong with your father, but you are more than making up for it."

  "Even though I have two male mates?" Liam asked quietly.

  "Wait, two? I heard about Sebastian, but nothing so far about a second mate."

  "I just recently found out. Kent is also my mate." Liam found himself holding his breath as he waited for his grandfather's reaction. He was not prepared for the gales of laughter from the other end of the phone. After a couple minutes, he started to get offended.

  "Grandfather!" Liam yelled to get his attention.

  "I'm sorry, Liam. It's just that he is perfect for you. He's your complete opposite when it comes to logistics. Now I know your reports and paperwork will be on time. That man is meticulous when it comes to his work." Liam was shocked to hear pride in the old man's voice.

  "You don't mind that I'm gay?"

  "Liam, I could care less what you do in bed. You have turned the Lewenhart pride into a shining example of what it means to be a lion. I couldn't be prouder. Now, enough of this emotional stuff. I told your young man Kent that I needed your stance on pride-to-pride transfers. Now I know he told you my message, which means you are behind in your work again. I need it by tomorrow morning, Liam." Lachlan growled. Liam rolled his eyes as he smiled.

  "I'll get it to you by morning."

  "Good. Talk to you later."

  "Good-bye, Grandfather." Liam replied.

  "Bye, son." Was the gruff response. Liam teared up as he put the phone down. Kent and Sebastian were right. He had his own family.

  * * * *

  "Liam, seriously? This is like your fourth phone this year. It's only June! What are you doing? Eating them or something?" The small, dark-haired man exclaimed.

  "Sorry, Johnny, my temper got the better of me, the latest phone is lying at the bottom of my pool. Whatcha got that's new?" Liam asked, looking over the cases.

  "Not much since last month. Did you want to stay with an iPhone?" Johnny asked.

Liam nodded. "I also need to get my mates phones. Johnny, this is Sebastian Wakefield and Kent Fieldings," Liam said, smiling at his mates who were drooling over the phone case.

  "Nice to meet you guys. If you ever need anything electronic, I'm your man." Johnny grinned, blowing his long bangs out of his eyes.

  "Sounds like you stay busy." Kent chuckled.

  "Shifter males with tempers and no patience, yeah, they don't mix well with technology." Johnny rolled his eyes.

  "Can I get an iPhone, too?" Sebastian looked at Liam hopefully.

  "Let's all get the same phone," Kent suggested.

  "Okay, Johnny, three iPhones it is." Liam took Sebastian and Kent's hands.

  "Okay, give me about an hour to activate these for you. Will that be okay?" Johnny's green eyes blinked up at Liam.

  "Yeah, that's cool. We're heading to Ashby's anyway to grab some ice cream."

  "Great, have fun." Johnny grabbed three small phone boxes and headed over to his computer. Liam led his men out the door and down the street towards Sweet Nothings. As they walked in he heard an irate female voice above the larger-than-usual crowd.

  "I don't want a vampire serving me!"

  "Miranda, please. Look around, I need the help. All they are doing is scooping the ice cream," Ashby pleaded, pointing to David and Daniel, who both wore crushed expressions on their faces. It seemed that David and Daniel's foray back into town wasn't going well. Liam looked at Kent and Sebastian. Both wore concerned expressions. He let go of their hands and stepped forward, walking to stand right next to Miranda at the counter.

  "Sweet! David and Daniel are working the counter, now I know my sundae is going to be awesome. Mix it up crazy like you did last time," Liam said in a playful, relaxed voice.

  "You know them, Alpha?" Miranda asked. Most of the customers looked on, curious.

  "David and Daniel? Of course I do. These two are not only fabulous at mixing up new combinations, but they are super smart IT guys. I'm thinking about getting them to do a pride website." Liam said looking at a surprised Miranda. He leaned down and acted like he was about to tell her a secret.


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