Reflection Point

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by Adam Elias Zain

  Sirens. Police. Ambulance. Blue lights flashed, bouncing around Molly’s house. There was a peculiar air. Death; so close, so near.

  “It’s ok baby, it’s ok,” Molly’s mother cried, as she squeezed Molly’s head against her bosom. “He’s gone now, he’s not here, not here.”

  The garden gnome was on the drive, smashed, in three pieces. Mrs Hockle wept, with her left hand buried in her soaked, curly, dark brown hair.

  Her right hand was covering her mouth, as she sobbed, and blubbered, in disbelief and despair.

  And there lay Mr Hockle, on the cold concrete drive, eyes rolled upwards, half open, half shut. Motionless. A pool of blood was collecting near his head.

  The red mist took over. He lost his composure to fury, and on this treacherous stormy night, it was Mr Hockle who ended up dead.

  Headmaster’s Office

  I know I started it, I know it was my own fault

  I kicked him in the shin, because I didn’t want to lose

  So I thought it would be best to stand and keep silent

  And look down towards the floor, at my scruffy, shabby shoes

  I know I started it, I know it was my own fault

  A pencil poked in the eye must have really, really hurt

  So I thought it would be best to stand and keep silent

  And look down at the buttons of my scruffy, hand-me-down shirt

  Modern Languages

  Mother/Wife: Have we lost touch with our daughters?

  “So hw did u find it?”

  “SAL saw it n thot OMGYG2BK”

  “I wz lyk GGOH ASAP”

  “IK I red ur mind n thot SLAP”

  “She wz soo OTT”

  “IKR I wz lyk OMG”

  “She went yaa baby”

  “I thot naa baby”

  “She wz bein a ryt PITA”


  “Wen she sed BRB GGP”

  “I thot IG2R”

  “IK I wz lyk G2G2”

  “Bt it wz TFF”

  “Lolz it wz TFF”


  Father/Husband: There’s your answer.


  There’s a knock on the door, I wonder who it is

  Then there’s another knock, so I ask who it is

  “It’s Joe! Let me in!” he cries

  So I open up for Joe, he lights up my eyes

  You see, Joe is my good friend; he’s an annual visitor

  Always comes around about the same time, always around New Year

  He comes with advice and he comes with inspiration

  He comes with plans that have no room for a complication

  He sits down, takes his hat off, “Fix me a cuppa, will ya?”

  No questions asked, I make him some tea, no sugar

  Sweet enough, he says he is, and the way he’s treated me, I wouldn’t disagree

  Been like a brother, taken care of me, not let the streets get the better of me

  Sipping on his tea, it’s time to get down to business

  He asks, “So how did we do?” Time to share the money between us

  Money that I’d earned over the past year or so

  By executing the plans, drawn up this time last year by Joe

  The nature of our business makes most people raise an eyebrow

  And you’ll probably do the same, as I’m about to tell you now

  We take money from people who we deem not to deserve it

  We borrow it, permanently, so we’re not obliged to return it

  International business bosses, unappreciative tycoons, corrupt world leaders

  We’ve got the media under wraps, so they can’t even report us

  We borrow from billionaires, and chip-shop owners alike

  Doesn’t matter who you are, like lightning, we can strike

  If you haven’t earned it, it’ll be gone in a flash

  But we give it to those who need it, living in dumpsters amongst the trash

  So we don’t feed our greed, even though we take our cut

  We do it for the greater good, and help those who are poor and lost and hurt

  I believe we make a good team, Joe and I

  We’ve helped so many people that would otherwise just wish to die

  But who on earth is Joe? And what on earth does he do?

  Joe is the voice in my head, my conscience, and together, we make dreams come true

  Police Interview

  I don’t see why I’m here

  When the doctor spoke, it was clear

  He said, “All right, shoot”

  So I fired in his foot

  And he frantically rang you, sir


  Does that feel all right?


  Let me know if you feel any pain


  This will just feel a little uncomfortable


  But won’t be too hurtful in the main


  Just going to prod around a little


  All looks fine here, and here


  You seem to brush quite well


  And this side, too, is all clear


  So is it this one that’s causing the ache?


  Ah, so this one is committing the crime


  We’ll have to arrange another visit for that


  And we’ll take care of it in no time


  Take these painkillers for now


  I notice you’ve not really had much to say


  I’ll see you next week, we’ll book you in


  It’s been nice talking to you anyway


  Two Apples Sitting in a Basket

  Green one: Have you heard some people pay hundreds of pounds for an apple?

  Red one: They sure must eat a lot of apples.

  Green one: No, they pay that for one.

  Red one: One apple?

  Green one: Yes.

  Red one: Hundreds of pounds?

  Green one: Yes.

  Red one: What the heck?!

  Green one: Yes.

  Red one: Are they made of gold?!

  Green one: No.

  Red one: Then why?!

  Green apple: All sorts of other shit. But not gold.

  Then, there was silence.


  Benjamin had never plucked an eyebrow in his whole thirty-eight years of life, but today he did.


  And a clean shave. Hair styled. Well-groomed.

  New socks. Black.

  Even new underwear. Black.

  White shirt. Brand new white shirt. Pressed.

  Elegant cufflinks. Gemstone. Black.

  New tie. 100% silk. Windsor knot. Black.

  Even the tie clip comes out today. Special.

  Best suit from the wardrobe. Three-piece. Savile Row. Black.

  Leather belt. Leather shoes. Black.

  Just polished. A long inhalation through the nose. That smell.

  Handkerchief. Pocket Square. A fine watch. A fine pen. Black.

  Everything looks nice in black.

  A quick spray of the trusted fragrance.

  “Hurry up Ben. It’s only a parent-teacher interview,” called Genevieve.

  A final glance in the mirror. All set.

  “Oh my, you do look handsome!” she exclaimed.

  “All for you, my dear. All for you.”

  Poor Genevieve.

  The whole world could see her husband’s attraction to Miss Finchley.

  Even Graham, their nine-year-old son.

  Except Genevieve.

  Poor Genevieve.

>   Everything looks nice in black.


  Except the soul.

  Three of the Clock

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  If I could just let go of everything in my head

  Just let go of all the thoughts and ideas and possibilities

  Just stop worrying about how I’ll earn my daily bread

  And instead, just rely on my instinctive capabilities

  If I could just let go of the little that I have achieved

  Just let go of it all, drop it, and never look back

  Just stop worrying about how I may be perceived

  And instead, just wander stray from the pack

  If I could just let go of the luxuries I depend upon

  Just let go of the things that have always been here

  Stop worrying about what might happen if and when they’re gone

  And instead, step into the dark, and live a life without fear

  Then, and only then, can I say I am free

  Free from the barriers and cages that society has laid down on me

  Free and liberated, from any obligation or responsibility

  Free to do as I please, and free to let the world just be

  Maths Tutor

  Mrs Wu is a Maths tutor

  She has several pupils under her

  She remembers specific facts about each

  And uses these facts to help her teach

  Alisha has braids that are blonde

  Allisha is the shortest one

  Elisha enjoys playing in the rain

  And Alysha is the biggest pain

  Alicia owns a dozen tortoises

  Elicia wants a dozen porpoises

  Aliesha likes the colour brown

  And Allesha always wore a frown

  Alecia is the adrenaline junkie

  Alesha has a one-legged monkey

  Aleesha lives in a historic mansion

  And Aleisha is interested only in fashion

  Eleisha is fascinated by planes and trains

  Allicia wants to work on cranes

  Aleasha loves to daydream and doze

  And Alycia likes to pick her nose

  Allicia never wants to work

  Alischa dreams of driving a truck

  Ellisha insists on feeding her cat

  And Alishia is the spoilt little brat

  And that is a list of all the students

  Whom Mrs Wu teaches, with great prudence

  And if you ever happen to meet the wonderful Mrs Wu

  The pronunciation of each, she can demonstrate too

  Paediatrics Clinic

  Four-year-old Tilly had two pigtails. She was not in a happy mood.

  “Tilly, Tilly Jones,” called the experienced doctor.

  “No, I’m not coming,” grumbled Tilly, sulking away.

  “Come on, Tilly. Let’s talk to this nice doctor,” attempted mother.

  It was clear that Tilly would not shift, so the doctor tried a trusted trick.

  He put his fun-face on, “Come on in Tilly, I have some cool toys to show you.”

  Tilly looked away in disgust. “What’s he doing playing with toys, mother?” she asked.

  “Hasn’t he got work to do?”

  Hear Me Out

  Miss Moss, a 24-year-old hypochondriac, went to Mr Chang, the audiologist. She was suffering from tinnitus.

  After Mr Chang completed his examination, Miss Moss asked him, “So, have I got a tumour?”

  He offered a scan for her peace of mind,

  But he was so confident that all was fine,

  He said, “I’d be laughing if you had a tumour.”

  Mr Chang spent the next hour and a half explaining what he meant by that comment to Miss Moss.

  Mr Chang spent the next day and a half explaining what he meant by that comment to his boss.

  At the end of that day, he was awfully tired.

  He came mighty close but, thankfully, he didn’t get fired.


  My daughter got some homework

  To write a poem describing her old man

  It’s now 4am and she’s fast asleep

  And I’m sat with a pen in my hand

  She only asked for help

  Since I enjoy putting pen to paper

  So…wait a minute! I’ve just realised

  She’s getting me to write it for her!

  The Bogey

  The sticky, slimy rolled up ball

  Of a horrid green, grimy bogey

  This mix of muck, full of filth

  Oh why oh why is it so tasty?

  Strong Girl(3)

  So you chose another girl. You don’t want me to be a part of your world.

  That’s fair enough, that’s your decision.

  I would have done so much for you. Everyday I thought about you.

  But you don’t want me, that’s your decision.

  I’d ring and text you everyday. You just kept pushing me away.

  But I wouldn’t take the hint and I kept on trying.

  Plenty of days when you wouldn’t reply. So many times you made me cry.

  But I wouldn’t take the hint and I kept on trying.

  It was clear that you didn’t want me, but I couldn’t control the feelings inside me,

  And I just didn’t want to let go of something I never had.

  You never said we’d ever be together, but I just wanted it to be us forever,

  And I just didn’t want to let go of something I never had.

  And now, like I say, you’re gone. Tomorrow, I’ll wake up to a new dawn.

  I’m lost and heartbroken, and I don’t know what I’ll do.

  The tears in my eyes just keep flowing. How will I ever keep on going?

  I’m lost and heartbroken, and I don’t know what I’ll do.

  The blood inside me is boiling. The thoughts in my head are raging.

  Please just tell me this is a nightmare and not really happening.

  I could hurt you so badly right now, and believe me, that’s an honest vow.

  Please just tell me this is a nightmare and not really happening.

  I had it all figured out, everything that we were going to be about,

  But you just had to smash my dreams into tiny little pieces.

  The wedding day and how our kids would look, the honeymoon and the holidays we’d book,

  But you just had to smash my dreams into tiny little pieces.

  You took it all away from me, and it all just feels like a tragedy,

  And I don’t know if I can ever look you in the eye again.

  I don’t blame you for what you’ve done, and I don’t blame you for your decision,

  But I don’t know if I can ever look you in the eye again.

  You know you were always on my mind. I was ready to give you all of my time.

  I just wanted to spend the rest of my life with you.

  But you didn’t want the same, so it’s just myself I’m going to blame.

  I just wanted to spend the rest of my life with you.

  I would return even after you treated me like a stranger. It was a weakness in my character,

  But I will learn from this and move on.

  I lied to myself that one day you’ll want me, and now I know this will never be,

  But I will learn from this and move on.

  Yes, you broke my heart. Yes, you tore my life apart.

  But I’m way too strong to break down to this.

  I know exactly where I stand, and I may need a helping friend’s hand,

  But I’m way too strong to break down to this.

  I’m young and I’m beautiful. I’ve got qualities that are wonderful.

  And I’ll pick myself up and start again.

  I won’t start bitching about you. In fact, I’ll probably never even talk about you. />
  I’ll just pick myself up and start again.

  A joyous life awaits me. No man can suppress me.

  And my life will go on, and so will I.

  For this strong girl, this is just a little test, and this strong girl wishes you the best.

  And my life will still go on, and so will I.

  Two of the Clock

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  Children of War

  Who is in the right?

  Is there anyone who isn’t wrong?

  The facts get hidden away

  When murder has come and gone

  The spared children live in hope

  For a better day, to live a better way

  For the day murder gets murdered

  But the murderers still pay

  The terrorists, the anarchists

  The just Lord has knowledge of all

  And indeed they will be judged

  And then will be their downfall


  Why do people spend so long deciding? What’s in a name?

  Why not just give them a number, the order in which they came?

  I often ask the parents, “Is there a reason for that name?”

  Many give anecdotal reasoning, or that the grandparents chose the name.

  I actually happen to believe that the name holds great significance.

  It is a decision not to be taken lightly, one of profound importance.

  The name becomes part of their character, holding great influence.

  So indeed, do take your time deciding. It is a sign of being good parents.


  I have a friend by the name of Amelia

  Believe it or not, eggs are her phobia

  Threaten her with an egg

  And she’ll cry and beg

  But why fear eggs, I have no idea

  Where’s Your Head At?

  When you put your head down

  You can get a lot of things done

  I choose to hold my head up high

  And I get jack all done

  I fear if l put my head down

  It might not really help anyone

  So I choose to hold my head up high

  And, still, not help anyone

  One of the Clock

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  Mysterious Traveller

  A Welsh girl with English parents was given an Irish name

  She attracted a lot of attention when to the Paps of Fife she mysteriously came

  Known by first name only, her mesmerising eyes captivated people around her

  And she used this to her advantage, as she became a purposeful sorcerer

  The village mayor resided at the foot of the hills, by the river

  Criminal and corrupt were his activities, and many locals would suffer

  Oft they came begging to Niamh, to help somehow, perhaps cast a fatal cantrip

  Niamh pondered, contemplated, whilst from her goblet she would gently sip

  A few months on, two fishermen came across a body in the waters


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