The Billionaire's Adopted Family: A BWWM Billionaire Romance

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The Billionaire's Adopted Family: A BWWM Billionaire Romance Page 4

by Alexis Gold

  An hour later, it was done, and she had given him the entire adaptation. She turned around and looked up at him with a smile that spread into a grin when she saw the look on his face. He was completely in awe of what she had done for him.

  “I just can’t get over this.” He murmured with wide eyes as he began to grin too. He held his hands up in the air. “You did it! In no time at all. You did it.”

  “Well, it did take longer than that the first time I came up with it. It took me a whole day, not an hour, but since I’ve written it before, I knew what I was doing this time.” She laughed softly as she gazed happily up at him.

  He stared at her. “You remember everything that you wrote the first time, exactly as you wrote it?”

  She nodded and stood up from the chair. “I have an eidetic memory.” She shrugged. “It’s useful for things like this.”

  Alexander shook his head in wonder. “I bet it’s useful for just about everything!” He laughed softly and forced himself to look away from her. “Well, a deal is a deal.” He went to the drawer in the desk and pulled out his checkbook.

  Callie watched in total disbelief as he wrote out a check to her for two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. He double checked the spelling of her name and then handed the check to her. She felt like she might faint right there. She’d never held so much money in her life.

  “Thank you, this is really amazing.” She said softly as she folded the check and tucked it into her purse.

  “Are you kidding? I should be the one thanking you! Thank you! You just fixed everything for me. I’m not even sure that check is enough.” He laughed and gave his head a shake. “Listen, you’ve been serving me all night, can I offer you a glass of champagne? We can celebrate with a toast!”

  He looked like a giddy school boy, and she felt like a giddy school girl. “Sure! I’d love that! Thank you!”

  Alexander went to the bar and popped the top of a brand new bottle of champagne. He poured for them and then brought a glass to her. Holding his aloft, he toasted her with a wide grin. “To the incredibly brilliant and beautiful Callie Forrester, with the gratitude of the world at large, and mine more than all of them!”

  She laughed and raised her glass to him. “To the man to invented the app to begin with!”

  “We make a perfect team!” he added, and she felt the butterflies go crazy in her again as she drank her glass halfway down and looked into his eyes. She saw so much about him that she liked, that drew her in and intrigued her, and all of it made her want to know him more, and made her want him, period.

  They finished their drinks and she picked up her purse reluctantly, wishing that she could spend a little more time with him. He was quiet as he walked with her to the door. They stopped there, facing each other only inches away and she smiled up at him. He seemed enraptured by her, staring at her while trying not to.

  “Thank you, Callie. I know I’ve said it ad infinitum tonight, but you really are amazing.” He stared into her eyes and she could feel electric sparks firing rapidly all around them and between them.

  “I guess I’m not just a pretty face.” She laughed and teased him in a soft voice.

  He looked dumbfounded. “A pretty… no.” He said quietly with a subtle shake of his head. “Tony was right about one thing tonight. You are so beautiful,” he whispered and then swallowed hard. “But he was only looking at the outside of you.”

  Callie’s heart skipped a few beats and she lost her breath for a moment. All reason and rule disappeared from her staunch personal laws, and she blinked a few times and spoke just above a whisper as she leaned closer to him.

  “Would you mind terribly if I..” She closed her eyes and brushed her lips in feather softness against his. Her breath caught in her chest and her mouth caught on fire. “… if I…” she tried to say again as he leaned forward and barely touched his lips to hers.

  “Please…” he murmured against her lips as she reached her hands up to hold his cheeks and she kissed him tenderly.


  “Oh my god,” she breathed as he moved his mouth over hers, kissing her more hungrily with each touch, “is this really happening?” she asked no one.

  His breath was short as he moved his hands from her face to her arms and then her hands, lifting them to the wall behind her and pinning them there gently. “God I hope so,” he murmured as his mouth moved down her throat.

  She closed her eyes and felt her skin catch fire. It had been real ages since she was with a man, and she had forgotten that intimacy could feel so incredible, if she had ever really felt it so good at all. She couldn’t remember it ever feeling to her the way that it did as Alexander’s hands moved slowly down her bare arms to the sides of her torso, slowly, gently cupping her generous breasts as he kissed and sucked at her neck and moved his mouth lower to the blossom of cleavage showing above the line of her blouse.

  His mouth slowly canvassed the upper swell of her breasts and she moaned softly as his thumbs moved over her hardening nipples, massaging them. Fired burned its way from his mouth and fingers down through her all the way to her core, and she felt an unfamiliar ache begin to build there.

  Alexander brought his mouth back up to hers and kissed her as a parched man drinks in the sweet cool water of an oasis. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her up against his form, subtly moving what she could feel was a rock hard erection against her.

  He lifted his mouth from hers reluctantly and gazed, heavy lidded, into her dark eyes. “Stay with me, please… don’t feel obligated, the business we did is done and it doesn’t have anything at all to do with this. You don’t owe me anything, but… if you want to, if you’re feeling at all like I am… if you want… more, please stay with me.” He leaned forward and kissed her again, losing himself in the kiss as he mumbled the word against her lips again, “Please…”

  As he kissed her she reached her hands up to his chest and began to unbutton his shirt, trailing her fingers down his chest as she opened each one, and when she reached his pants, he kissed her harder on the mouth. She unzipped them and they fell to the floor, leaving only his boxers. Feeling bold and fiery, she lowered her hand to his erection, sliding her fingers beneath the satin, and closing them around his shaft.

  “Oh god…” He grew breathless and lifted his mouth from hers, pressing his cheek to hers. “Come with me.”

  He let her touch him a moment longer, but then he took her hand in his and led her to the bedroom. He stripped his own clothes off, but he took his time slowly peeling her out of hers, revealing her voluptuous curves and lines slowly and tracing all of them with his fingers, his hands and his tongue.

  Callie felt as if everything in her was spinning with every touch of his, with every kiss, and when he laid her back on his bed, she felt like she was in some kind of impossible dream, seeing a face she had seen many times before in the media, so close to her, so intimate.

  “I need to taste you,” he said softly as he brushed his hands up the inside of her thighs and parted them. She stared in blissful disbelief as he brought his mouth to her core and began to kiss her, began to taste her there, began to run the tip of his tongue along her tender folds.

  It couldn’t be real, she thought, but there he was doing it, there he was sliding his tongue into her, thrusting it further and further, his mouth ravenous against her to the point that she had to close her eyes and push her head back into the pillows.

  Callie closed her fingers tightly in his golden hair and began to move her hips, pressing her body hard against his mouth. He only licked, bit, and sucked at her harder, and pleasure began to mount in her, building like a tidal wave, until it crashed all through her and she fisted his hair and cried out with her release, coming hard as her body trembled in his hands.

  She had barely begun to come back down off of the wave when he pulled her up to him and kissed her breasts, taking each in his mouth, cupping them and massaging them firmly. They knelt together, facing one another as he gorged
himself on her dark, hard nipples and slid his fingers down between her thighs, moving them swiftly over her and into her until she clung tightly to him and came again.

  He had made her come twice and she was trembling from both times, but she wanted more from him. She wanted all of him. Opening her eyes, she looked into his eyes as she pushed him back down into the bed, and he stared at her with pure wonder on his face as she brought her thighs over his knees and lifted his erection to her, massaging it firmly with her fingertips as she closed her full lips around it.

  She began to suck at the tip of him, moving her fingertips up and down his solid shaft, surprised at the massive size of him. She hadn’t seen many nude men in her life, but none of them were as endowed as Alexander. He moaned deeply and she brought more of him into her mouth, licking, sucking at him and rubbing him firmer and faster as she took more of him in.

  He began to pump his hips gently, and she saw him close his eyes and catch his breath. She sucked harder at him and he cried out with pleasure. She saw that it was getting intense for him, and she lifted her mouth from his throbbing hardness and positioned her body over his hips.

  Alexander opened his eyes and watched her above him as she began to lower her body down onto his rock solid erection, taking him into her inch by inch as they both held their breath. Her hands rested on the muscled wall of his chest, and he closed his widespread fingers tightly over her thighs, sliding them up to her rounded hips as she finally brought him at his fullness inside of her. They both gasped, and she began to rock over him, swaying her hips and moaning.

  He stared at her, unable to look away as he clasped her hips first, driving himself slowly all the way into her, and then bringing his hands to cup her breasts, drawing her down to his mouth so that he could close his lips and teeth around her nipples, making her moan with absolute pleasure.

  They moved together, doing their best to temper their building passions as they held fast and wrestled against one another in breathless, fiery surrender. Alexander brought her to her orgasms over and over again, until she was weak and blissful, heady and enraptured with him, and still he refused to let his own pleasure come.

  He moved in her from beneath, from above, and from behind, taking her in many ways for as long as he could, even as the gold light of the morning sun spilled in through the window and canvassed her dark skin in light, which only turned him on more.

  She was wrapped in his arms laying beneath him and he brought his mouth from her breasts to her lips where he kissed her for the millionth time when he finally could hold himself back no longer, and she held him tightly to her as he thrust himself to the very depths of her and made her come again, just from the feel of his orgasm exploding in her and flooding her with heat.

  She gasped and clung to him, her face pressed against his neck and his face pressed against hers, murmuring her name as he trembled and finally came still, laying at her side in the sheets. He leaned forward and kissed her mouth again; long and slow, and when their bodies parted, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

  Callie watched him for a while, not believing what had happened that night. She was sure that she was dreaming. It couldn’t be possible that she had just shared her body with such a beautiful man; a tech celebrity billionaire who had paid her a quarter of a million dollars to fix a program he had made; the whole thing felt entirely surreal to her. She glanced at the clock and knew that she had to go, though she didn’t want to. It felt to her like voluntarily ending the best dream she had ever had, and she didn’t want to do that.

  Leaning over, she kissed his mouth once more, tenderly and slowly, and she whispered against his lips, “thank you, Alexander.”

  Then she made herself leave him and go to the bathroom to clean up and get dressed again. She straightened her hair and makeup and gave him one long, last look to remember the living dream before she left. She saw that his hand was on the pillow where she had been sleeping, and it made her smile wistfully to imagine that he was dreaming of holding her beside him.

  Callie sighed with happiness, bliss, relief, pleasure, and a little sadness that it was ending, and she slipped out of his room and left the hotel.


  Alexander walked into the small, upscale Italian restaurant nestled into a quiet neighborhood just down the hill from the Fremont Troll under the bridge. He liked the neighborhood, and he would occasionally meet his best friend Oliver around the different pubs or restaurants there, but it was Oliver’s turn to choose, and he had decided on the Italian restaurant.

  Oliver was already waiting at a table near the front window that overlooked the street outside. He waved to Alexander, and grinned. He had medium length brown hair and brown eyes, he was tall and slender, and he had a welcoming and warm demeanor that made everyone feel as though he was their friend, whether or not he was.

  Alexander gave him a hug and took the seat across from him. “Hey!” He grinned at him as he sat. “How are you?”

  Oliver shrugged. “I’m finer than a spring day in Georgia,” he quipped with a chuckle. As he took in the look of his best friend sitting across the table from him, he lowered his brow somewhat. “You look a little rough around the edges… I mean, you’re still enviably good looking, but, as your close, personal friend, I have to tell you I haven’t seen shadows under your eyes in a while.”

  Oliver leaned in closer and dropped his voice some. “You’re not hung over are you?” He asked in disbelief. “You’re never hung over.”

  Alexander shook his head and as the server appeared beside him, he looked up with a hopeful smile. “May I please get an espresso, a cappuccino, and a wine spritzer?” The server nodded and left.

  Oliver frowned. “What’s going on?”

  Alexander rubbed his hands over his face for a moment and then lowered them to the table as he reached for the water that the server had brought for him.

  “I’m not hung over.” Alexander sighed with a widening smile and a shake of his head. “I just had the most incredible night of my life. Hands down.”

  Intrigue washed over Oliver’s face. “Really? Do tell! I hope it was a girl. Please tell me you weren’t talking computers all night with another guy.”

  Alexander laughed and shook his head. “It’s like you know me.”

  “Imagine.” Oliver chuckled. “So?”

  “It was both.” Alexander answered with a shrug. “You know I was down here for a couple of days talking with Tony Barretti about the new app. He’s interested in a partnership and I’m chewing on that. Well, he thought it would be a good show of business machismo to haul me out to a strip club last night.”

  Oliver’s eyes went wide and he stared at his best friend; his mouth twisted in mock horror. “A strip club? Tony doesn’t know you at all, does he?”

  Alexander shook his head regretfully. “To be honest, I think that the strip club was more for his benefit than mine. It’s a wonder he didn’t get thrown out of there for being so crude. It was pretty embarrassing, actually.”

  Oliver nodded and listened intently. “So you were at a strip club with Tony. Ew. You know he doesn’t have a great reputation for being around women, right? Yeah. So then what happened?”

  “I didn’t know that before, but I do now.” Alexander admitted distastefully. “So we were there and our cocktail waitress came over to our table while I was trying to talk to Tony about the problems with the app, and he was drooling over her, although that was totally understandable. understandable, I guess.She is really… just… god she’s beautiful. He was just a pig about it.” His face darkened as he thought back to it.

  “Anyway, she saw me talking with him about the app and she whips her phone out and shows me right there that she’s come up with this unbelievably brilliant workaround for all of the problems that we’ve been having with the app, and I mean all of them. She figured out this brilliant fix for the whole thing. Like, my team- my whole team has been working like crazy on these issues for a month and she did it all in one day. I
was blown away. I’m still blown away.”

  He shook his head and looked up gratefully at the server who brought his drinks to him. They both ordered their lunches, and the server left. Oliver turned his attention back to Alexander.

  “Okay, continue. Beautiful girl, genius fix. Got it.” Oliver urged him as Alexander shot his espresso back in one gulp and then sipped on his cappuccino like it was ambrosia.

  “So I begged her to show me how she did it, and she couldn’t because she was busy. It was crazy in there last night. She was swamped. So I waited, of course-”

  “Of course.” Oliver agreed in absolution.

  “I waited for her to have some free time, but it didn’t happen until she was off the clock. By that time Tony was passed out and the bar was closing, so I had her follow me back to the hotel and we poured Tony into his room. Then she came with me back to my room.” Alexander was playing it all back in his mind as he relayed it, all the while feeling his heart beat faster and his blood begin to rush.


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