Viridian Queen

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Viridian Queen Page 4

by Dragon Cobolt

  Save that rather than a clit, L'Laya had a tiny tendril that wafted in the air, twitching from side to side, as if tasting the musk of her lover. Like a lizard’s tongue. The tip of that tendril glowed faintly – and that made it easy for Zeradar to reach down and begin to gently tease it between the tips of his long, knobby fingers. Sarah felt a tightening of her chest as a million years of feminine frustration tried to sing through her body.

  They have fucking guidance lights? Those lucky sons of-

  Then all thought was obliterated as Aiden’s thumb pressed to her clit and his tongue found her G-spot, circling her, stoking her already raging fire to the same rough temperature as a supernova. She threw her head back, shuddering, her leg kicking into the air behind Aiden’s head as she mewled. Her juices spurted into his mouth and Aiden drank her down – while L'Laya let out a trilling, alien sound as she sank down on the cock thrusting into the air. Her eyes closed and her fingers splayed out against her lover’s chest. Her own chest rose and fell as she panted – her breasts were high and firm and surrounded by a thin array of armored plating, making her look almost clothed, even without

  But she had nipples. They were so dark gray they were nearly black, and like a good lover, Zeradar was gently teasing them between his fingers, cupping and cradling his lover’s chest as she moaned and trilled atop him. Sarah, panting, whispered. “I need dick too.”

  Her palms mashed against snow as she threw herself forward and thrust her ass up into the air, her need so intense, so animalistic that any other posture would have been rank hypocrisy. She craned her head up, so she could watch as L'Laya rode her fellow Pro-Tas. Her gray ass cheeks clapped rhythmically as she bounced on him, her thigh bones so pronounced that they looked almost like armor plating. But her ass was soft and squishy around it. Sarah licked her lips, then groaned in pure bliss as Aiden grabbed onto her hips and hilted himself into her with an expert's smoothness. His green balls bounced against her clit and her thighs as he started to fuck her. Hard. His hips slammed against hers as he grunted, his head hanging forward, his teeth clenching. Sarah’s claws snicked out and gripped onto the ground under the snow.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” Aiden hissed, his hands squeezing her tighter while L'Laya’s trilling reached higher and higher pitches. Sarah’s eyes rolled back into her head as she felt her pleasure building, building, building. Her breath caught, her heart hammered in her ears, and her spine arched, driving her ass up against Aiden’s hips. She wanted his seed. It was an intense, visceral desire, born out of the fear and nervousness of the past day. Her claws tugged at the tips of her fingers as his driving thrusts into her rocked her back and forth, back and forth. But the wait was not long.

  “Sarah!” Aiden groaned and she felt his balls leap against her. His cum rushed into her cunt, filling her womb with pulse after pulse of his heat. At the same time, Zeradar moaned – an intensely human sound. His gray fingers gripped the round, cushy cheeks of his Pro-Tas lover – and his hips left the ground as his spine arched. While he had no balls to twitch or quiver or caress, Sarah could see the thick gushing of his cum, by the way that his cock twitched, and thick, white seed welled around the other woman’s cunny, dripping down his alien cock and onto the ground underneath them.

  Slowly, the two pairs began to come down from their highs. Sarah pushed her arms under her and managed to go from presenting to merely being on her hands and knees. She giggled, her voice a bit dazed. “Sorry, just...uh...” She blinked. “I just really needed some cock there for a second.”

  “Same here,” L'Laya said, her voice coming through her translation orb, which was currently whirling around and around Zeradar’s translation orb, as if the two had become a tidally locked pair of moons. Since she was using her translator, her voice sounded as calm as ever – but Sarah could see that the alien was dragging in deep lungfuls of air, her breasts heaving as she sat back. “Gods above it is cold but I do not wish to get clothed. I want to feel another quadfull of cum in my aching womb!”

  Very, very faintly, a voice whispered: “TMI.”

  Sarah looked up and saw the rest of the group was watching – with varying expressions on their face. Steve was looking mortified. Sexy Napoleon was grinning and giving her a huge thumbs up. Tex looked bored. Kellen looked as if he was taking notes. Hailee didn’t look like anything, since she didn’t currently have a face. Synth and Tasha were both looking on with interest, though Tasha was trying to hide it. And yet, somehow, the orb of quantum computing pieces that housed her intelligence still somehow managed to look quite smug.

  And the huge, mechanical squid that floated about two feet off the ground, suspended on a cushion of shimmering agrav fields, was clapping every single one of its mechanical tentacles together. “Excellent! Astounding! What was that?”

  Sarah screamed and scrambled to her feet. “What the fuck is that!?” She asked, pointing at it.

  Aiden, who had yelped and fallen over at her sudden movement, sprang to his feet. “It’s okay, Sarah! That’s the guy who saved us – he grabbed us from high orbit and brought us all down together.” He gestured to the squid. “Sarah, may I present to you-”

  The squid writhed, then slammed each of its long tentacles into the ground, suspending itself in the air. “W.I.G 4498, at your service!”

  Chapter Three: Sarah Lies a Whole Lot

  Sarah had never heard of a Warform, Independent General. For her entire life, she had thought that the forces of humanity – er, of the corporations that ruled humanity – had been marshaled and led by the mighty Commanders. A Commander was simply a human being, but they were a human being that had been coccooed within a massive suit of advanced power armor. With the anti-matter flinging boom gun on one arm and a multipurpose nanotechnological construction device on the other, they could be dropped onto any planet at any time and construct an industrial base and an entire army of devastating combat robots.

  “I’m like that!” 4498 said, his tentacles whirring and clacking as he shifted his posture – using three of them to keep himself suspended above the snowy ground and flaring the rest out like a flower, almost like a kitten fluffing itself up to seem larger than it was. “But, you know. Skip the steps.”

  “So, you’re an...AI?” Sarah asked, dread building in her stomach.

  “Yup! I’m a beta level intelligence!” 4498 said, his voice chirpy and cheerful – which just made Sarah’s heart sink another step further. “I’m the only W.I.G that has landed successfully on this planet. Which I have termed...” The sleek, metal oblong of 4498’s main body half turned away, as if to give extra dramatic weight to when it swung back around to look straight at her, a glowing red iris popping open to shine a baleful light in her face. “ Commie Planet Two!”

  Sarah blinked slowly her head spines flexing in time with her slow, ticking thoughts.

  “Why two? Is this not the first communist planet that your kind has met?” L'Laya asked. Well, more accurately, her translation drone asked it. L'Laya and her lover had both slipped away using the unnerving method that the Pro-Tas used to vanish from awareness the instant they weren’t the center of attention. Sarah was still not entirely sure how they did that. They just did .

  “Well, yeah, but two makes it sound more spacy!” 4498 said. “Oh, you’re not a communist, right?”

  “Nope!” Sarah said. “Definitely not!”

  “Yeah, we’re just, uh, regular old, normal, not...communists!” Aiden said, his head bobbing.

  4498 angled the meter long length of his central body around to aim right at Aiden and Sarah. The red light of his central iris flicked slowly along their bodies, as if scanning them from their head to their toes. Sarah started to mentally count all the biologically and morphologically things that set her apart from human beings. Her enhanced strength, her regenerative muscle tissue, the extra organs, her paracasual quantum powers, the fact she was fucking green , that she had spines instead of hair. She had just gotten to remembering the tentacles bur
ied in her wrist that could genetically engineer an entire human being into a murder dog (if she wanted) when 4498 bobbed his body on his three tentacles. “Well, that checks out!” he said.

  Sarah breathed out a sigh of relief.

  “Now, since I’m safely on the planet, thanks to the mysterious distraction that happened right when my injection pod arrived. Oh! By the way, that’s what happened. I had just been activated by the United Nations, and they told me: W.I.G 4498,” his voice dropped to a gruff, more masculine voice. “ You are the only hope we have. Earth is about to be destroyed by the evil communists living on this star system. We’re going to launch you at them, and you need to wipe them out. All of them.” His voice pitched higher, to his more normal tones. “And I said all of them?” His voice dropped again. “ Yes, 4498. All of them.” His voice pitched up again. “Then I said: Wait, isn’t that a direct contravention of my Asmiov compliant substrate programming.” His voice pitched down again. “ Yes, we know, but you cannot allow a human to come to harm. Since there are only a few hundred communists, and there are billions of capitalists, that means that stopping them would save far more than not.” His voice pitched up again. “So, I said-”

  “We get it-” Aiden said, but Sarah clapped her hand over his mouth.

  “Go on! Tell us every detail!” she said, hurriedly.

  Aiden shot her a look. From behind 4498’s bulk, she could see that her three Commanders were all looking completely shocked. Even Space Belisarius, who was normally unflappable and cynical to the core, was looking as if his whole universe had been rocked. Sarah pursed her lips, then whispered to Aiden as 4498 started to tell them about every single step it had taken to get him crammed into his insertion capsule while doing a unique and specific voice for each and every single technician he talked too. Not by actually simulating their voices, no. He just pitched his baseline voice differently each time.

  “This guy’s going to glass Haven unless we stop him,” she whispered. “Stopping him requires buying some time. I need you to start sneaking everyone into the Pro-Tas airship and flying them back home. You need to get everyone in Haven to safety. I have a plan.”

  Aiden nodded, subtly.

  “So then, the first guy said: Listen, you badly coded hacked together piece of shit, shut the fuck up and just get into the capsuel.” 4498 said, bobbing happily. “And I said: Well, wait, whoa, hey, hey! Whoa! Hey! I may be just a beta level intelligence, but I still need a window, I mean how would he feel if he was just put into a box and fired into space without even a window? So then, the third guy started to talk about metal density and stressors and heat plumes and then the fourth guy threw up his hands and said: Fine! I’ll go and get a goddamn webcamera, I have three in my fucking desk! And the first guy said-”

  Behind Sarah, L'Laya was activating the self-modifying functions of her scoutship, the belly opening to reveal several extra seats, literally extruding them out of the golden material the ship was made of. As the passengers got strapped in, Sarah nodded, humming softly. “Really? And they never put in a window?”

  “No!” 4498 exclaimed.

  The scoutship behind Sarah whirred, ducted engines blazing to life. The brilliant blue-white flare of the thruster exhaust kicked up flurries of flash steamed snow, which whipped around Sarah’s thighs and back, ruffling her head spines with tiny flakes of wetness. The scoutship kicked into the air, then fired on the main engine and, with a screaming howl like the damned souls of hell, shot off and towards the south. As it vanished over the horizon, 4498 cocked his whole body to the side and Sarah took a quick count of heads to make sure that everyone had gotten away.

  Wow. They’d even managed to get Hailee’s AI core onto the scoutship before flying off. Nice. Sarah smiled at 4498, who had looked back at her.

  “...where was I?” he asked.

  “Uh, putting in the window,” Sarah said.

  4498 bobbed his whole form on his tentacles. “Got it! So, they never put in a window, fired me at the planet, and I almost got shot out of the air, except that another ship arrived at the same time. That one got shot out of the air, and I fell to the planetary surface and managed to snag some of the wreckage. But that turned out to be the escape pods.” He sighed. “Anywho. Uh. Why did everyone leave?”

  “Uhhh...reasons!” Sarah said, nodding hurriedly. “Do you have a base?”

  “Do I!?” 4498 asked, then turned around on his tentacles. He paused, then turned back to face her. “No, not yet, actually. But you can watch as I make it!” He said, then started to move forward. His body had some agrav generators inside the smooth surface – enough to let him skim along the ground by undulating his tentacles rather like a squid might. This let him zoom off at shocking speed, Sarah having to jog to catch up with him as he crested the small hill that everyone had been sheltering behind. Even without the communication and radio network that Sarah had had access too when she had been first altered into a hybrid, Sarah felt her instincts telling her that this was definitely a good site for a base. She could see the metal rich veins of rock, peeking out of the ice and the snow, and saw the broad, flat expanse of level terrain that could be used for construction with minimal effort.

  Sarah felt a momentary glow of pride at her hard earned expertise. Then she blinked as 4498 brushed against her, like an overeager puppy. She remembered her construction drones with a tiny pang – even more so when 4498 said: “Oh! Oh! Watch this!”

  He undulated through the air to the first of the metal outcroppings. Several of his tentacles whirred and clicked, unfolding their tips to reveal blunt tipped nozzles. Waves of shimmering, green nanotech began to gout out of the nozzles, forming the familiar wireframe of a half-completed structure in a few seconds. Soon the frame filled out and then colorized as the nanites finished their task of constructing a metal extractor. The extractor whirred to life, the top spinning like a dervish as it drilled into the rock. 4498 began to wriggle and dance in the air, bouncing from side to side.


  Sarah smiled, despite herself – but the back of her mind was getting worried. At this rate, 4498 would finish constructing a base in the standard time for a human Commander - roughly an hour or two. From there, it was a short hop towards blowing the whole of Haven to kingdom come. She had no doubt that the leftists that lived there would be able to shoot down a shocking amount of his airplanes. But they were just people, using their own personal weapons. 4498 would be using the force of the modern state: Nanotech forges building an endless stream of self propagating weapons, without fear, morale, or need for a logistic supply line. They would begin to overwhelm Haven within minutes or hours and then…

  Sarah snapped her fingers. “Aha!”

  “What?” 4498 asked, having constructed a trio of wind power generators, their whirling blades making an almost subliminal hum as they caught onto the howling screeches of the winter gale. He wriggled over to Sarah, his red iris shining right into her face. “Did you think of something?”

  “I diiiid!” Sarah said, nodding. She smiled at 4498. “So, W.I.G 4498! Do you want to be able to fight the communists more effectively?”

  “Do I?” he asked, then laughed. “Of course. They’re evil.”

  “Right,” Sarah said, nodding, doing the mental math. It took the scoutship a few hours to fly back, then a few hours to evacuate the colony to a safe distance, then an hour to build the base, then a few hours for 4498’s airforce to arrive. She could do this. “The best way to defeat communists is to understand them.”

  “That does make sense,” 4498 said, reaching a tentacle up to rub against the shiny belly of his sleek, oblong body. “But how could a sane person hope to understand such depravity! Communists...” He paused, his iris whirring slightly as if he was furrowing up his brow. “Do bad things.”

  “I have a unique view into their twisted minds,” Sarah said, her voice solemn. “And do you know what communists do all the time?” She leaned in close, whispering softly. “They fuck .”

  “...what?” 4498 asked.

  “Communists are easily the most horny people I’ve ever met,” Sarah said, nodding sagely. Heh, she thought. This poor droid isn’t even human shaped. I bet if I get him even trying to process the basic functions of sex, I’ll get him into a recursive loop faster than you can spit. She grinned. “So, all you have to do is get your mindset into the same mindset as someone who likes to reproduce sexually. And has a dick. Or a pussy. Or both!” She nodded. “Yeah, knowing how one might have both would definitely help you defeat them.”

  “I...I...” 4498 began to buzz slightly. His tentacles wriggled, his frame shivering a bit. “Okay! I’ll try!”

  He drew his tentacles flush with his body and Sarah grinned to herself as the iris turned from red to a deep, sea blue – indicating a kind of shut down mode, she was pretty sure. She turned away and sat down on the snow, settling in as she felt her rump crush some of the white powder down. She marveled at how she was able to enjoy sitting on the cold, now that she was used to it. It was still less cold than a vacuum, and her body had adapted to that, after all. And if 4498 broke out of the thought-loop, she could just ask him to divide 1 by 0. And if he got out of that-

  “Ahh!” 4498 said, his tentacles flaring out. “This is taking too long! I have a better plan!”

  “You have a- whoa !” Sarah squeaked as one of his tentacles looped out, wrapped around her ankle, then effortlessly lifted her into the air. Another tentacle arced up, then prodded at her sex – teasing her with the rounded, silvery tip. She squeaked and kicked her leg. “Hey! 4498! What the fuck are you d- hhhnnngg !” She groaned as his tentacle plunged into her sex with a slick, smooth movement. Pleasure exploded along her spine as her sex tightened around the sleek, slightly cool tentacle. Her back arched and Sarah opened her mouth, closing her eyes as she lost all sense of self and place for a moment.


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