A Brush with a Billionaire

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A Brush with a Billionaire Page 8

by Lorana Hoopes

  Sam’s face heated. “Oh, no, not like that.” Her hand snaked up to scratch her head. Without her usual shower this morning, her hair felt greasy. “The hotel was booked, so he stayed in my guest room.”

  “Un-huh, I’m sure. It’s none of my business, honey, but you obviously want something, so what can I do for you? Did he forget to pay you? Come on to you?”

  Sam blinked at the cavalier questions and shook her head. “No, I… it’s not like that at all.” She took a deep breath and tried again, “Would you care for a cup of coffee? They won’t let us visit for another hour, so I thought perhaps you’d like company while you wait.”

  Julia shot another glance at the nurse before turning back to Sam with a fake smile plastered on her face. “Sure, that would be nice. It was an early flight.”

  “Great, let me get my bag.” Sam jogged back to the couch and grabbed her bag, shoving the pillow inside.

  Julia’s eyebrows arched in surprise as she returned. “You spent the night? I thought you said it wasn’t like that.”

  “When they called me last night, I didn't know if he had anyone else coming. I didn’t want him to wake up and be all alone. Plus, I had a reporter at my shop yesterday - I live nearby in Soda Spurs - and I didn’t want him hounding Brent. I actually have no idea if the reporter left, but better safe than sorry, right?” Sam shut her mouth to stop the rambling. Though there was more to the story, she didn’t feel comfortable sharing her feelings with Julia yet.

  Julia nodded, but her raised eyebrow showed she clearly didn’t believe Sam. Regardless, she followed her to the lobby elevator.

  Sam punched the button for floor three, relieved when the doors opened, and the sounds of the cafeteria greeted them. The breakfast rush was in full swing, but the women snagged coffees, muffins, and an open table.

  “So, how long have you been Brent’s agent?” Sam asked as she unwrapped her muffin.

  “Seven years. When I first met him, he was raw and impulsive, but motivated. I think Rachel helped with that. When she died, Brent sort of lost his way. Now, he keeps talking about wanting something different, but the Night Ranger movies sustain his wealth.”

  As Julia sipped her coffee, the first signs of emotion flickered in her eyes.

  “You care for him, don’t you?” Sam asked.

  “I do. He’s grown on me over the years. When I first received the call he’d been in an accident, my heart stopped, and not because he’s my best paying client, although that certainly doesn’t hurt. Have you heard anything?”

  “No more than you, I’m afraid.” She picked off a piece of muffin. “Does he have any other family? I hate the thought of no one being here for him.”

  “He does, but I’m afraid it’s not the best relationship. They didn’t agree with him going into acting. I’m not sure they’d even come.”

  “Oh, that’s awful.” Even though a distance had grown between Sam and her father after her mother’s death, she couldn’t imagine he wouldn’t show up if she were in an accident.

  “It is. I guess I’m the closest thing he has to family, and Tricia maybe, if the rumors are true.”

  “Rumors?” The word squeaked out as an icy cold sensation pulled at Sam’s heart.

  “Yes, his ex-girlfriend or maybe current girlfriend again. I can’t keep up. Anyway, she came to my office and stated she had urgent news he needed to know right away. Whenever I’ve seen a woman that adamant, it’s usually because she’s pregnant. I wonder if she got a hold of him before the accident.”

  Sam’s stomach sank. What was she doing here? Of course he would have a woman back home though she was surprised he never mentioned her. And it sounded like this was a perpetual cycle for him.

  “Well, it’s almost eight o’clock. Shall we go ask if they’ll let us in?” Julia downed the last of her coffee and folded her muffin wrapper into a perfect square.

  “You go ahead. I need to get back to work, anyway.” Sam grabbed her bag and pushed her chair back.

  “Okay,” — the puzzlement was evident in Julia’s voice — “well, I’ll tell him you stopped by then.”

  “No need. I doubt he’ll remember me anyway, but it was nice meeting you.” Sam flashed a wave before hurrying out of the room.

  Why God? Why did you bring him into my life?

  She received no answer as she exited the hospital and climbed into the truck. Tears pricked her eyes as she drove the half hour back to Soda Spurs, but she refused to let them fall. To keep her focus off her breaking heart, she ran down the list of work she still needed to do on Rose’s car.

  Chapter 13

  Brent groaned as his eyes opened. His left side burned as if on fire; and his throat was scratchy and parched.

  “Good morning, how are you feeling?”

  His eyes flicked to the right where Julia sat in a chair near the window tapping away on her tablet.

  “What are you doing here?” Brent's voice was quiet as the mere act of breathing sent a shooting pain racing across his chest.

  “You think I’d stay in Houston with my best client in the hospital?”

  “Ugh, did the doctors tell you what happened because I’m pretty sure I broke a rib.” He reached over to find bandages wrapped around his chest.

  “Do you not remember the accident?” Julia lowered the tablet and leaned forward, concern evident in her eyes.

  Brent smirked and tried not to laugh. “Relax, I remember the accident. I was asking if you knew the extent of the injuries.”

  "Are you worried about the next movie?" Julia asked, raising an eyebrow as she leaned back in her chair.

  “That is on my mind, but more importantly, I need to see a girl and tell her I care for her. I was on my way back to Soda Spurs before the accident.”

  “Brent, you need to get back to Houston. The studio wants an answer on the script.”

  Brent opened his mouth to speak, but Julia held up her hand, cutting him off. “I know you stated you wanted something different, but the money on this one is worth it. If you want to try something different after it, you can, but you should finish the Night Ranger series. I was going to call you and tell you to come back by Wednesday, but then I got the call about your accident.”

  “Julia.” Brent’s words came out forcefully enough that Julia shut her mouth and stared at him. “I’ll be happy to go back with you, but not before I tell Sam how I feel about her.”

  Julia’s face fell, and her fingernail tapped against the tablet in an unconscious gesture. “Sam wouldn’t happen to be a petite brunette who fixed your car, would she?”

  Hope flooded Brent’s body, masking the pain for a moment, and his eyes flicked left, hoping to catch a glimpse of Sam. “Yes, that’s her. Is she here?”

  A grimace crossed Julia’s features as her lips mashed together and her finger stopped tapping and began tracing an imaginary circle on the screen. “We had breakfast together, and she seemed really nice, but when it was finally visiting time, she left in a hurry. Said not to tell you because you probably wouldn’t even remember her.”

  That didn’t sound like Sam at all. “What did you say to her?” Brent grunted as he struggled to sit up, but the angry pain seared through his body. With a grimace, he fell back the few inches he had managed.

  Julia’s bottom lip folded in under her teeth and her eyes slid to the floor. “I may have mentioned Tricia coming to see you and my suspicion that she was pregnant since she was so adamant to see you. Is she?” Julia leaned forward again, eyes wide as if sharing a juicy bit of gossip.

  Irritation replaced the hope that moments ago had surged through Brent. “No, she isn’t, and I can’t believe you told her where to find me. She showed up at the cabin as if we’d never broken up and she thought she could just waltz in and hang out. There was nothing important to tell me; she simply wanted to sit around the cabin and suck up my energy.”

  Julia’s eyes widened, and her hand covered her mouth. “Brent, I am so sorry. I’ll help you fix it. I promise.”

  “If it is fixable.” He relaxed against the pillow as defeat took hold. Sam’s last boyfriend had cheated on her. Would she really believe he wasn’t doing the same thing? He would need a grand gesture to convince her.

  “Ah, good, you’re awake.”

  Brent swiveled his head to focus on the unfamiliar male voice. A short man with a receding hairline and a white lab coat stared back at him.

  “I’m Dr. King. Tell me, can you remember the accident?”

  “Yeah, some guy on his cell phone plowed through his stop sign and hit me. How bad are my injuries?”

  “You have a broken rib. That will be painful, but I’m not terribly worried about it. However, you were unconscious when you arrived and you had a concussion which is why we kept you here overnight.”

  “Well, I’m awake now and other than the pain in my ribs, I feel fine, so when can I get out of here?”

  Dr. King blinked and made a tsking sound. “My, my, my, someone’s in a hurry. Do you have some place you need to be?”

  “Yes.” Brent shot daggers Julia’s direction. “I need to go convince a girl I’m not about to be a father.”

  The doctor looked from Julia to Brent and back again before shrugging and holding up his hands in a ‘none of my business’ gesture. “I can probably sign your release papers today if you can answer a few questions for me.”

  “Shoot.” Brent perked up at the idea of getting out of the hospital and seeing Sam again.

  “Full name?”

  “Brent Alexander McKasson.”

  To the left, Julia snorted. “Your initials spell Bam? How did I never know that?”

  Brent rolled his eyes and turned his focus back to the doctor.


  “November fifteenth.”

  “What day of the week is it?”

  “It’s Tuesday.”

  “Alright, you appear to be recovering well. You may have dizziness and a headache for a few days, but I don’t see any lasting damage. As for your ribs, take it easy. Do you do heavy lifting for your job?”

  “No worries there,” Julia piped up, “This is Brent McKasson, movie star. All he needs to do is deliver lines. He has a stunt double for the action scenes.”

  The doctor shot her a disapproving glare before turning his attention back to Brent. “Acting should be fine, but no weight lifting. And even though it hurts, I want you to move around. If you lie down too long, you could cause an infection. Try to breathe regularly. You’ve also got some cuts and other bruises, but the rib appears to be the worst of your injuries. I would say you were lucky.”

  “Thanks doctor.”

  “Can he fly? I really need to get him back to Houston by Friday,” Julia piped up from the chair.

  “Yes, he can fly, but don’t fill his schedule too full. He does still need rest. I’ll go get your release paperwork in order and have you out of here in a few hours.”

  As Dr. King exited the room, Brent turned to Julia. “I’ll fly back with you on one condition. When we get out of here, you are going to follow my orders to the letter. I need to know Sam understands what happened before I can leave town. You got that?”

  Julia nodded as she took notes on her tablet. Her lips pulled into a smile as he laid out his thoughts.

  “Where are we going?” Julia asked as she climbed into the rental car.

  “To the flower shop in Soda Spurs.” Brent pulled the seat belt across his chest and slid it into the buckle. “We are going to buy every last flower for Sam, and if that isn’t enough, then we’ll order in from the nearest town. We’re going to fill Norma’s diner, as long as she’ll let us. Actually, we better stop there first and make sure it’s okay.”

  “Okay, just give me the address.” Julia tapped the GPS to bring it to life.

  Brent offered a shrug in apology. “I don’t know the address. Just type in Soda Spurs and we’ll find it. The town isn’t very big, and once we get there, I should remember how to get there.”

  Julia shook her head as she tapped in the letters. “This girl better be worth it, Brent.”

  “She is.” He couldn’t contain the smile that spread across his face. “Believe me, she is.”

  Half an hour later, they pulled into the small parking lot at Norma’s. After exiting the car, Brent led the way up the short walk to the front door. He placed his hand on the handle, but paused before pulling it open. “I hope she isn’t eating here today.”

  “Is that a concern?” Julia asked, a hint of disdain in her voice.

  “It may not look like much, but trust me, the food is good.”

  Julia responded with a raised eyebrow, but she followed him inside.

  The inside was empty except for Paul, warming the same barstool he had been sitting at last time. Did the man work?

  “Hey, Paul, is Norma around?”

  “Course I am.” Her voice came from the kitchen and a moment later, she appeared in the doorway, wiping her hands on a towel. “I thought Sam said you left town. Wait, what happened to you?” In a few large steps, she halved the distance between them.

  Brent’s hand touched the cuts on his head. “I did leave, but then I realized I cared for Sam and was on my way back when I was involved in a car accident.”

  “Then what are you doing here?” Norma asked, crossing her arms. “Does she know you’re back?”

  “Not yet.” Brent shot a pointed look at Julia. “There was a misunderstanding at the hospital, so I have something I need to do first. Could I possibly take over your restaurant tonight for a few hours? I can pay you for any lost wages.”

  “Honey, it’s a Tuesday night. Other than Paul here, there won’t be much business anyway. What do you have in mind?”

  “I’m going to buy every flower in Rose’s shop and fill this place with them. Do you think you could get her here?”

  “Sure, I’ll just tell her my truck broke down again,” Paul spoke up. “Happens about every two weeks anyway, so she won’t think nothing of it.”

  “That’s perfect.” Norma’s eyes danced as she rubbed her hands together. “I’ll call Fanny too and let her know to come over.”

  “I thought you didn’t have a phone.” Brent suddenly had the feeling he had been played.

  Norma laughed and shared a look with Paul. “Of course I have a phone, but I needed to know you were good people first.”

  Brent shook his head. Only in a small town. “All right, Julia here and I will go get the flowers. Just keep Sam away from here.”

  “Will do. I guess I better clean up a bit around here.”

  “Is that the nicest restaurant in town?” Julia asked as they climbed back in her rental car.

  Brent held his side as he chuckled. “No, but Norma serves good food and has been a friend to Sam. I’d rather surprise her here.”

  “I guess.” Julia did not sound convinced as she started the car. “Which way now?”

  Brent navigated the few streets to the town flower shop. The bell jingled above the door, announcing their entrance as they stepped inside. Rose, a petite redhead, glanced up from the front counter. “Hi, how can I help you?”

  “I’m not sure you remember me, Rose, but I was with Sam Jennings this weekend.”

  Rose’s eyes widened in recognition. “Of course, I thought you looked familiar.”

  “Are these all the flowers you have?” Brent glanced around the store. He wasn’t sure if these would even be enough.

  “No, there’s more in the back in refrigeration.” Rose’s words were slow and hesitant. “Why?”

  “I need all of them. Every flower you have. Arranged and brought over to Norma’s by six pm.”

  “That’s only a few hours from now,” Rose stammered.

  “Then hire some help. Money is no object.”

  Rose blinked at him. “You’re talking thousands of dollars. And that’s just in flowers alone.”

  Brent nodded. “That’s fine. I’ll leave you my credit card information and you can give the fin
al copy to my agent Julia here. Julia, meet Rose. Rose, Julia.” The two women exchanged a small wave.

  “Okay, let me see who I can get to come help me,” Rose said. “It may take me a minute to go through my contacts.”

  “We’ll be here.” Brent flashed her a smile as Rose shook her head and picked up the phone.

  “Lucky Sam,” she mumbled under her breath.

  Chapter 14

  Sam sighed as she finished her devotional for the evening. She hadn’t been able to keep her mind off Brent. Perhaps she should have stayed at the hospital, to make certain he was okay; however, the prospect of running into a girlfriend held no appeal for her. She had convinced herself that by throwing energy into work, she could forget about him, but she had failed miserably.

  Her fingers grasped her cell phone, hovering over the keypad. Surely, it wouldn't hurt to call and make sure he was okay. Brent would never need to know. After another moment of waffling, she took a deep breath and looked up the number for St. Joseph’s, punching the call button before her mind changed.

  “St. Joseph’s hospital, how may I direct your call?” The feminine voice on the other end sounded friendly, which bolstered Sam’s courage.

  “Hi, I was hoping to get an update on Brent McKasson. He’s a friend of mine who was in an automobile accident yesterday.”

  “Let me check.” The sound of clicking keys carried through the phone as Sam held her breath, waiting. “Ah, it appears Mr. McKasson checked out this morning.”

  Like a stone, Sam’s heart thudded to the floor. “Oh, okay, thank you.” She ended the call and stared at the screen. He hadn’t called her while in the hospital or after being released. She must have imagined his attraction then. Good thing I didn’t stay and make a fool of myself.

  The sudden vibration of the phone caused her to jump and the device tumbled from her hand and landed face up on the carpet. A local number showed on the caller ID, but Sam couldn’t place whose number it was.


  “Sam? It’s Paul. My truck’s broken down at Norma’s again. Can you come help?”


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