Flag Cake Felonies (MURDER IN THE MIX Book 23)

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Flag Cake Felonies (MURDER IN THE MIX Book 23) Page 13

by Addison Moore

  “Well? How did Ambrosia respond—you know, in Jessie’s mind? Who did she steal them from?”

  “She said she didn’t have to steal them. That they were given to her by a family member of the author.” Bizzy takes a breath. “Lottie, she said the author was dead.”

  Chapter 14


  Now there’s a word that haunts me.

  After I finished up at the bakery and my feet felt as if they wanted to fall off, all I wanted to do was jump into Everett’s hot tub. But I didn’t forget that Bizzy and I had the idea to check out Ambrosia Whispers’ laptop. And I happen to know that the Ashford County Sheriff’s Department confiscated some of her personal things, and one of them was that slender ball—or should I say laptop—of potentially criminal knowledge. I wasted no time in hunting down Noah at the signing and asking for a glimpse of the ghostwriter gold, but he gave me a big fat no. He left me no choice but to turn up the volume on my womanly wiles.

  So, when Everett asked if I was up for a hot date, I said yes—but that it had to take place at Noah’s house. Everett wasn’t all that thrilled, but he said he wouldn’t miss whatever I had planned.

  Noah’s house is basically a wooden cabin that looks as if it were made of Lincoln Logs. Toby is the first to greet us as we walk through the door, with Noah standing a few feet away pulling a couple of cold drinks from the refrigerator.

  Noah glances to Everett before nodding at me. “Looks as if you’ve got a barnacle attached to your side, Lot. You should dump him before he goes into full stalker mode.”

  Everett’s chest thumps. “Weren’t you the one that put a tracking device on her car?”

  “Only to keep her safe.” Noah blinks a smile my way. He glances down at the sparkler on my ring finger and his smile slowly disappears. “I picked up a Mangias pizza. It’s on the coffee table.” He glowers at Everett. “Lottie and I like to eat pizza while snuggling on the couch. Maybe you can sit on the ottoman and entertain Toby?”

  Everett gives a dark laugh. “Is that what you’ve been doing with your free time? You’ll have to show me how it’s done.”

  “Okay, okay.” I hold my arms out in the event they decide to let their fists do the talking again. “Where’s the laptop, Noah?”

  Everett steps in. “Shouldn’t we wait for Bizzy? She seems to be keeping pace with you as far as the investigation goes.”

  Noah shakes his head. “I told Lot, no one else can know about this. And I don’t want Jasper looking down on me.” He glances my way. “I can see you have a hard time following orders.”

  “Everett isn’t anyone.”

  Noah chuckles. “Hear that? You’ve just been voided as a person.”

  “No,” I protest as I swat Noah. “I meant, he isn’t just anyone.”

  Now it’s Everett who’s chuckling. “Lemon, he accused you of not following his orders. I’d stay away from anyone trying to control your will.”

  Noah balks, “As if you’re not barking out orders at her in the bedroom.”

  Everett postures for war. “I don’t know what kind of canine antics you were up to behind closed doors, but I prefer to keep her purring.”

  Noah growls, and it’s apparent a war of cat-astrophic proportions is about to ensue.

  I spot a large plastic bag marked evidence sitting on the kitchen counter, and I head on over without hesitation.

  “You’ll need gloves.” Noah quickly provides me with a pair of purple latex gloves and helps me pull the laptop out. We head to the sofa and I get right to work, perusing Ambrosia’s files.

  “Just the usual fair as far as documents go,” Noah points out as he slings an arm around my shoulders and snuggles in close.

  I’ll admit, it feels natural like this. It even feels natural having Everett seated clearly across the way on the other sofa because this exact same scenario has played out among the three of us before. And yes, Everett is very much entertaining Toby with a rollicking game of fetch.

  Noah takes a breath. “I’ve done an in-depth analysis.”

  “I don’t trust your analysis, Noah. And if you’re smart, you won’t either,” Everett says. “What do you see, Lemon?”

  “I see a document labeled final copies and one marked works in progress.” I click into the works in progress first and note there are two folders in there. One for each of her new series. I click into the final copies folder and there are two folders in that one as well. “Huh, look at this. Under the folder marked final copies there are two more folders. One isn’t marked. And the other has the initials K.D.”

  “I knew that,” Noah says as he glowers over at Everett. “I’m not sure what K.D. stands for, but I’ve combed through all the files inside that folder and there’s not a hint of what it could mean.”

  “I’ll tell you right now, I believe the initials K.D. belong to whoever wrote these books.” I open each file and scan over them, and true to Noah’s word, there’s no evidence of whatever or whoever K.D. could be inside them. Something strange catches my eye. “Noah, there’s a copyright page on the front.”

  “I saw that.” He points to the top of the screen. “It says to be filed.”

  “Yes, but look at the date at the bottom of the page. It says 1992 in parentheses.”

  “They all say that more or less. Every year is in the early nineties.”

  I glance up at him. “How old was Ambrosia? She couldn’t have been but a pre-teen in the least at this time. There’s no way she wrote these books.”

  Noah’s chest expands with his next breath. “She was born in eighty-five, so you’re right. She would have been less than ten when you consider the dates across the board on all of them.”

  “Noah, this is proof she didn’t pen these novels.”

  “I know. It very well could be, but we can’t be sure.”

  “I can be sure. In fact, I’m positive that whoever K.D. was, she was writing these stories.”

  “Was?” Everett catches the past tense reference.

  I nod. “At the signing, when there was talk of Ambrosia lifting anyone’s work, Bizzy pried into Jessie’s mind, and basically Jessie was saying that Ambrosia didn’t have to steal them. That a family member of the author gave them to her. She also said the author of these works is dead.”

  Noah stares off straight ahead as if absorbing this new information.

  “Jessie must know who K.D. was,” he says.

  “Maybe.” I shrug. “Or maybe that’s all she knew. She did say that Ambrosia took the secrets to the grave with her. I guess that means she took K.D.’s real identity, too.”

  Everett locks eyes with me. “Do you think Ambrosia’s killing is linked to K.D.?”

  “I don’t know,” I say. “But I have a feeling it is.”

  The three of us finish up our pizza, and Everett and I say goodnight to Noah.

  Everett pulls me in close as we hit my front porch.

  “You up for a sleepover with your husband?”

  “My place or yours?”

  “Lady’s choice.”

  “I vote we hit the hot tub and see where it goes from there.”

  His lips twitch with a smile he’s too stubborn to give.

  “I have plans on what happens from there,” he whispers. “You wouldn’t happen to have any whipped cream lying around, would you?”

  “You do realize you’re talking to a baker.”

  And just like that, we have a steamy, delicious night whipped with unbridled excitement.

  Chapter 15

  The Cutie Pie Bakery and Cakery is bustling after an early morning rush that nearly emptied all the shelves. But I don’t seem to mind one bit, for as exhausted as I am, I can’t help giggling and smiling. It feels as if I’m walking on air. A few times I actually worried that I had garnered the power to levitate.

  Lily tosses a dishrag over her shoulder as she leans against the counter.

  “Lottie, no matter how much we ramp up production of those flag cakes and their cute cupcake counte
rparts, we just can’t seem to keep them on the shelves.”

  “They are topped with fresh fruit.” Bizzy sheds a grin as she closes her laptop momentarily. I waste no time in filling her in on everything I learned last night at Noah’s. And right now, Bizzy is doing all the research she can before we head out for the day. Everett is taking us all out on his boat this afternoon, and both Bizzy and I are looking forward to a day of sun and relaxation.

  Bizzy digs into her third flag cake cupcake.

  “They’re practically healthy for you,” she moans through a bite. “There’s no arguing with the fact.”

  Bizzy has been here all morning doing research on Ambrosia Whispers, and I’ve been keeping her coffee mug filled to the brim and making sure her supply of flag cake cupcakes doesn’t run out.

  Lily sighs. “I’ll tell the kitchen staff to double the batches.”

  “I beat you to it,” I say. “In fact, I’m tripling them.” A long-drawn-out yawn evicts from me and causes Lily to narrow her eyes my way.

  “That’s the fourth time I’ve seen you yawn this morning. What gives?”

  Bizzy laughs. “I think the fact she’s getting up at four in the morning gives her a pass in that department.”

  “No.” Lily inspects me with suspicion. “Something is definitely up. I’ve worked with Lottie for a good long while now and she hardly gives a long blink, let alone a yawn. If anyone is wired for the bakery business, it’s her. What giv—” She sucks in a quick breath. “This is all Essex’s fault, isn’t it?”

  I try to wave off the idea, but that burning heat taking over my cheeks gives me away and now Bizzy is gasping, too.

  “All right, fine,” I whisper. “I’m exhausted because Everett and I happened to pull an all-nighter. Honest to God, I’d hate to be on the receiving end of his bench today. I can’t imagine he’s in a good mood.”

  Lily huffs, “Please, if he’s bouncing around and smiling like a loon the way you are, I’d say it was a good day to be a victim in Judge Baxter’s courtroom.”

  I bite down on a smile as I look to Bizzy. “That’s actually how Everett and I met. I happened to be a victim in his courtroom.” I give a quick wink.

  “Lottie Lemon.” Bizzy giggles. “You’re acting like a woman who is very much in love. Don’t try to deny it.”

  “Of course, I’m in love.” I blink back. “I mean, I’ve always loved Everett.” My voice begins to trail. “Of course, I love Noah, too.”

  Lily shakes her head. “You’ve been doing the deed with Noah forever, and I’ve not once seen you float around like a ghost of your former grumpy self.”

  “I’ve never been grumpy.”

  Lily shrugs. “Some might say you’ve never been in love until now.”

  My lips invert. “I don’t know. Everett and I are married, or at least we’re playing marriage. It’s as if being husband and wife has taken us to an all-new level. Things have definitely shifted for the two of us, in a brilliant direction.” Memories from last night come crashing to the forefront of my mind in heated jags. “But it’s like once things take a turn for the steamy with that man, I can never get enough. I’m insatiable.”

  Lily nods. “It’s a hard craving. I’ve been there myself.”

  Bizzy leans in. “That must be frustrating.”

  I shake my head. “Thankfully, Everett has a solution. He does this thing he calls the cure. It’s the only way to stop me from begging for more.”

  Both Lily and Bizzy stare at me with wide-eyed surprise.

  A nervous laugh bounces through me. “Okay, clearly I’ve crossed a line with the two of you. Forget I ever said that.” I glance down at my phone. “It’s almost time to head down to the marina,” I say to Bizzy. “You ready for an afternoon of boating and R&R?”

  “If by R&R, you mean doing an in-depth analysis of all the suspects, I’m in.”

  “I like the way you think.”

  Now if we can only put our heads together and come up with the killer.

  The Ashford Sherriff’s Department will like the way we think, too.

  The Lucky Lemon is a fifty-four foot cruiser yacht with three staterooms that just so happens to have both an indoor and outdoor kitchen and a full sundeck to soak in the rays. If there was ever any doubt Everett adheres to the adage go big or go home, this should dispel it.

  Honey Lake is a deep navy today, the sky is pristine, and the temperatures haven’t hit triple digits yet. The faint scent of hot dogs grilling somewhere on shore anoints the air with summertime goodness, and every now and again an eagle graces us with its presence as it soars overhead.

  Everett, Evie, Noah, Jasper, Bizzy, Macy, Alex, Georgie, and Carlotta have all piled on board. And in a somewhat odd turn of events, Sherlock Bones, Fish, and both Pancake and Waffles have joined in on the fun as well. Adding the menagerie to the mix was a part of Georgie and Evie’s collusion. And after observing the vast amount of water surrounding us, every cat on board has disavowed their allegiance to their humans. Pancake has pledged never to trust the girl again, and Waffles has found a permanent home in the cabin under the kitchen table. I’ll be lucky if either of my sweet cats speaks to me again with or without Bizzy around to break through the language barrier.

  Fish lets out a rather loud meow as we pick up a little speed and a refreshing breeze washes over us.

  Bizzy drops a kiss to the fuzzy feline’s forehead.

  “Fish says she’s going to miss the boys and that includes Toby, but she won’t miss the lake.”

  “Aww!” Evie coos as she scoops up the fluffy cat. “I think Fish and Sherlock want to visit Honey Hollow as often as they can. Or better yet, maybe we should visit Cider Cove.” She looks to Bizzy. “Speaking of that sleepy seaside town, is Grady still single?”

  Grady is a twenty-something who works for Bizzy, and during our stay at the Country Cottage Inn, Evie grew more than a little infatuated with him.

  Bizzy nods. “I think he’s planning on staying that way for a while. He sure gets a lot of attention from the girls.”

  Evie sighs. “With a face like that, you can’t blame the girls. He’s like catnip for our souls.”

  Carlotta butts her shoulder to Evie. “More like your hormones.”

  Jasper raises the drink in his hand in Everett’s direction. “Spectacular boat. It’s inspiring me. Although, I’d have to mortgage my soul to get one as luxurious as this.”

  A dull laugh thumps from Noah. “What he’s trying to tell you, Everett, is that it’s overkill. You don’t need a yacht to cruise Honey Lake. You need a speedboat. Don’t worry, Evie. I’ll pick one up so you can have some real fun.”

  Everett doesn’t look fazed by Noah’s dig.

  “I’ve already got my eye on one.” Everett toasts Noah with the refreshment in his hand. “If one boat is good, two boats are better.”

  Noah gives a wistful shake of the head. “Spoken like a true Baxter billionaire.”

  Macy plucks her lips from Alex’s face—the two have been conjoined by the mouth since we took off almost an hour ago.

  “Wait a minute.” Macy’s voice is tight and curt. “You mean to tell me you look like that and you’re a billionaire?”

  “Hey”—Alex catches her gaze—“I’m in finance. I make men like that for a living.”

  Macy moans and gets right back to work, sharing both her saliva and her oxygen with him.

  Noah groans, “I’m about to toss a blanket over them. Or better yet, toss them overboard.”

  Carlotta waves him off as she looks to Georgie. “Don’t mind, Foxy. He’s not used to going through a dry spell. Maybe Judge Baxter could give you some tips? He waited on the sidelines for Lot Lot until what I’m sure felt like kingdom come.”

  Jasper looks to Everett. “That’s commendable. I would have done the same for Bizzy.” He winces. “Although, I’ll admit, I’m glad I didn’t have to do the same. I’d lose it if there was another contender in the picture. A very real homicide would be on the table.”

/>   Bizzy coos as she cuddles up next to him. “You’re it for me.”

  I can’t help but make a face.

  Geez, thanks, I want to say.

  Poor Noah.

  I bet he’s the one that wants to jump overboard right about now.

  Bizzy takes in a quick breath as she looks my way.

  “But Lottie is irresistible.” She mouths the word sorry my way. “It’s not a surprise she’s got a surplus of suitors. Speaking of things that start with the letter S, let’s talk suspects.”

  Nice save. I give her a little wink.

  Georgie grunts, “I handed you the killer on a silver platter and you turned her loose. It’s clear that ageism is at play here.”

  Carlotta belts out a laugh. “Don’t worry, Gray. While they plot a way to catch their killer, we’ll plot a way to catch a good time on your last night in Honey Hollow. That’s coming right up.”

  Georgie moans, “Did you have to remind me? There are some things I genuinely appreciate about my selective memory, and not remembering that I have to leave you is one of them.”

  Sherlock barks and threads his way through Evie’s ankles.

  Jasper reaches over and gives his snout a scratch. “I don’t think this boy wants to leave either. I think you’ve got a true friend, Evie.”

  Sherlock barks once again and Bizzy laughs. “He says he’s a friend forever.” She looks my way. “First suspect?”

  “Let’s go with Jessie Lane,” I say as I pull out my phone.

  “Is she a suspect?” Jasper asks.

  Bizzy nods. “She is now that she didn’t disclose to Lottie and me that she knew Ambrosia had someone give her a majority of those manuscripts she published.”

  Georgie snaps her fingers. “I bet Jessie is the one who gave them to her!”

  Bizzy and I exchange a glance before shaking our heads.

  “She would have been a toddler when most of those books were written if the date on the copyright page is right.”

  Bizzy takes a breath. “Of course, the copyrights were never actually filed, but that doesn’t change the fact those dates are there. I’m thinking the dates resonate as true.”


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