The Guardian Trilogy

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The Guardian Trilogy Page 17

by Robin M Helm

  Genesis 6:1,2,4

  September 2005

  Xander knew as soon as he followed Elizabeth into the Bennet home that the enemy had been there. The demon’s scent, the smell of evil, hung in the air – yet something was not right about the odor. He had not encountered anything remotely like it for many thousands of years. There was a faint human aroma mixed with the unmistakable stench of a dark one. He wanted to track the fiend through the house to find out exactly where he had been, but he could not leave Elizabeth unprotected for even a moment.

  Niall had noticed the evidence of an intruder as well. His nose was still stinging. Have you ever smelled anything like that before?

  It reminds me of many humans before the flood, and of the giant Goliath and his brothers, as well as the Canaanites, though it is even more potent. Keep very close to Lynne.

  Niall shuddered at the mention of the Nephilim. The ancient sexual sins of the fallen angels was a forbidden subject. They were so wicked that the Almighty had wiped all trace of them from the earth during the Great Flood, thus protecting Noah’s, and therefore Jesus’, bloodline from the genetic contamination of their iniquities. Demons again produced offspring with the human Canaanite women after the flood, and Jehovah had mandated the elimination of the idolatrous inhabitants of Canaan when Joshua led His people into the Promised Land. The mating of the dark ones with human women was a taboo which had stained and scarred the collective psyche of the light beings.

  Surely you do not think there is another Nephilim. I will be no more than an arm’s length from Lynne at any time. Niall felt as edgy as did Xander. He remembered the description of the Canaanites as told by the men who had been sent ahead to spy out the land for Joshua. Their words were recorded in Numbers 13:33. ‘There also we saw the Nephilim (the sons of Anak are part of the Nephilim); and we became like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight.’

  Xander and Niall tracked their charges throughout the house, all of their senses heightened to the extreme.

  Lynne and her daughter had just dropped Charlotte off after she and Elizabeth had completed their first day of college classes. A weary Elizabeth climbed the stairs and went directly to her room to put her bookbag by her bed. Xander noticed that the scent grew stronger as they neared her room. Once she opened the door and they stepped inside, the vile smell was overpowering. The thing has been here – in her room.

  She normally practiced her music before she began her homework, but this day she was bothered by something about her bedroom. Xander heard her mental distress. What is wrong in here? What is different? She began to look carefully around her room, sensing that things were out of place somehow.

  Elizabeth and Xander noticed several things at the same time. The framed pictures of Richard and her on the dresser had been turned face down. She shivered and felt the tiny hairs on her neck stand on end. Looking behind her, she saw that her clock had been moved from her bed table to the floor. Her bed looked as if someone had been lying on it. She tried to think rationally through her terror. The door was locked. Mom had to unlock the deadbolt for us to come in. Maybe I knocked the clock off and didn’t make the bed well. Did I lie down before we left for school this morning? I must have. Get a grip on yourself, El.

  Xander was beside himself with anger. He actually took form and lay on her bed. What audacity! Is this a challenge to me?

  The guardian knew that Lucifer himself had stopped the fallen angels from procreating with human women to avoid the judgment of the Almighty from decimating his ranks. Though a few demons still had sexual relations with human women, any woman who conceived from the union was murdered or forced to have an abortion. Lucifer knows the price for creating a halfling; surely he would not allow it. He reconsidered. Just how far would he go to harm Elizabeth?

  Elizabeth had nearly convinced herself that it was all just a figment of her imagination when she observed her windows. They were both wide open, though she was certain they had been closed and locked when she had last been in her room. She never opened those windows because of the air conditioning. They were actually painted shut. Nothing was missing, so theft was not a motive. It was almost as if the sole reason for the “tricks” was that someone wanted her to know that he had been there, undetected. Her sense of safety had been destroyed.

  Xander pondered carefully each item which had been selected – both the manner in which those items had been disturbed and why those items were chosen. His anxiety grew as he began to see the symbolism. The picture of her with Richard was turned down – their relationship is threatened; the clock was moved – this is a perilous time for her; the bed was used – a sexual relationship is contemplated; the sealed windows were opened – the dark ones have access to her.

  “Mom!” she called, stepping from her room to the head of the stairs. “Please come up here. I want to show you something.”

  She hesitated at the door, not wanting to re-enter the room without her mother. Xander stood behind her, a gentle hand on each of her shoulders. Elizabeth, do not be afraid. I am with you always. Nothing shall harm you, as God is my witness.

  Lynne frowned slightly at the unusual request. Hearing the note of fear in Elizabeth’s voice, she decided that it must be important and hurried up the stairs with Niall close on her heels.

  “What’s wrong, El?” Lynne asked, looking at her daughter’s frightened face.

  “Come look. Someone’s been in my room.”

  Lynne went into the room and looked around as Elizabeth pointed out the things that were out of place. She picked up the phone by her daughter’s bed and called David.

  “David, can you come home right away? It looks like we’ve had an intruder, though it seems that only El’s room has been touched.”

  David and Roark immediately came home from the church. After looking through the house, he determined that nothing was missing, but David decided that he would still report the incident to the police. A policeman came to take the report and dust for prints, but there were none in the room except for those of the Bennet family and Charlotte Lucas.

  Roark read the minds of Xander and Niall, a horror-stricken look on his face. It cannot be.

  And yet it is. Xander smiled humorlessly at the policeman’s report. Of course there are no fingerprints. A dark one, or whatever this abomination is, does not leave such evidence behind.


  Xander was even more alert than usual, if that was possible, as Elizabeth, Lynne, and Charlotte traveled to Converse the next morning. Elizabeth and Lynne had not slept well, knowing that the sanctity of their home had been violated, and their fatigue only added to their stress. As soon as Lynne had stopped to collect Charlotte from her house, Elizabeth had filled her in on what had occurred the previous evening. Xander also spoke to Edward of the intrusion, warning him of the possible presence of a Nephilim.

  Niall, Edward, and Xander were edgy, and they barely nodded to each other upon parting ways at the college as they put their entire concentration on keeping their charges safe.

  Lynne and Niall headed to the tutoring lab as Elizabeth and Charlotte paused to speak to a group of students. After exchanging greetings with their friends, the two girls, followed by their guardians walked to the next building. Charlotte and Edward continued to her class, calling over her shoulder to Elizabeth, “I’ll see you at lunch, El. Try not to worry yourself to death, okay? I’ll text you between classes.”

  Elizabeth managed a small, nervous smile for her friend and walked slowly to her first class. She had always been able to discipline her mind, and she determined not to think of someone in her room, touching her things and lounging on her bed. It was Friday, and she had every reason to be excited and happy. She would focus on the good things instead.

  Xander listened to her mental struggle and was pleased that she had decided to think about the work she had to do and the good things that would be happening in the next few days. She blocked her anxious thoughts and cheered herself considerably b
y focusing on her weekend plans and instead chose to actively practice the precepts of Philippians 4:8-9, ‘Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything is worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things. The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in Me, practice these things; and the God of peace shall be with you.’ I’ll see Richard tonight at his football game, and we’re going to hang out at his house with Char and Billy afterwards. Tomorrow morning I can sleep in, and tomorrow night we’re going with the youth group to hear Louie Giglio speak in Charlotte; Chris Tomlin will be singing. Josh will be there, too. It’s going to be awesome! Sunday morning, we’ll be at church together, and we’re all going out for ice cream Sunday night after youth group.

  Xander rolled his eyes a little at her constant stream of inner chatter about Richard, but if it made her happy, he would bear it with good grace. She will not suffer if I can do anything to prevent it. I would gladly die to save her.

  Elizabeth was distracted by her mental monologue and failed to notice a young man followed by two extremely large men hurrying from the alley between two classroom buildings and quickly walking straight towards her on the sidewalk. The youngest of the three was on his cell phone and had turned his head as a group of girls called his name and waved at him. He was waving back and smiling at the coeds when he and Elizabeth collided. She dropped her books, and they bumped foreheads as they both bent down to collect them.

  That was no accident, thought Xander. He saw her and turned his head on purpose so that he could run into her. He looked closely at the two men behind the boy. He knew them; they were personal guards to Lucifer. Why are they taking human form to guard him? Does he know who they are? Who is this young man? Xander fixed his impenetrable gaze on the guards and stepped more closely to Elizabeth. They showed no fear of the guardian. Their faces were carefully expressionless. They obviously do not want a fight. They are not threatening Elizabeth in any way. Why are they here? To guard this boy?

  “Oh, I’m sorry! I wasn’t paying attention.” Elizabeth began, raising her eyes to the most beautiful being she had ever seen. She immediately stopped talking and stared at him, mute. His jet black hair was just a little shaggy above his amber eyes, his full lips were sensual, his nose was straight and perfect, and his lightly stubbled jawline was strong and firm. He had the longest, blackest eyelashes she had ever seen. He was tanned, muscular, and superbly healthy; there was no physical flaw in him at all. Her eyes roamed over his face for she could not absorb so much male perfection in just one look. As they both straightened up, he seemed to keep getting taller. He looked like a bodybuilder and moved with catlike grace. She wanted to touch him to make certain that he was real.

  Xander was surprised to find that he could not hear the boy’s thoughts. In all of time, there had been only a few humans whose minds were closed to him. There was something strangely familiar about this young man. Then, a breeze stirred and he caught his pungent smell combined with those of the two demons. This human was in Elizabeth’s room yesterday. He must have had his guards with him. That would account for the mixture of scents. The guardian’s eyes became steely as he clamped his hands on Elizabeth’s upper arms.

  Gregory could not read Elizabeth’s mind, but he did not need that ability to know what she was thinking; her thoughts were written clearly across her stunned face. He smiled with the full wattage of his personal charm turned solely on the innocent girl, and she caught her breath. He was even more glorious when he smiled. Just when she thought he could not possibly get any better, he spoke, and his voice caressed each word, as if he said them only for her. There was no one in the world except for the two of them.

  He handed her the books he had retrieved for her. “No, it was entirely my fault. You must allow me to make this right. Let me buy you lunch today?”

  She wavered; she couldn’t seem to manage a coherent reply.

  “Umm . . . I promised to meet my friend, Char, for lunch.”

  “Then we’ll be a threesome. I’ll take you ladies wherever you’d like to go. Do you think she would mind if I joined the two of you?”

  Elizabeth, think of Richard, said Xander into her ear, a little desperately. The fact that he was willing to remind her of Richard underscored in his mind that the situation was precarious.

  “Ah . . . I don’t know you, do I?” Elizabeth’s instincts finally kicked in. What am I doing, ogling a total stranger? I have a boyfriend, named – what is his name?

  His name is Richard, Elizabeth. Richard.

  “We haven’t been properly introduced, but that’s easily taken care of. I’m Gregory Wickham. We can get to know each other better over lunch – with your friend, of course.”

  “Uh . . . I’m El Bennet.” And I’m usually more articulate than this. She blushed. Richard! His name is Richard!

  “So, El, are we on for lunch?” Gregory was beyond smooth, and he had no doubt of being accepted. No human had ever turned down any request he had made. This girl would be no exception. Using his considerable magnetism, he held her stare.

  Say ‘no,’ Elizabeth. Please walk away.

  She did not seem to be able to look away; his eyes were locked on hers. She suddenly remembered to breathe.

  “I guess – if it’s okay with Char. I’ll text her after this class. I’m going to be late if I don’t hurry.”

  “Don’t let me hold you up. I wouldn’t want to make you late and get you into trouble. Just give me your cell number and I’ll text you in a couple of hours to get your answer. I hope you won’t disappoint me. I hate eating alone.” He pouted just a little.

  Oh, please! thought Xander.

  “Do you have anything to write on?”

  “Just put your number in the palm of my hand. You already have me in the palm of yours.” He held out his hand to her, palm up, and one of the men behind Gregory handed him a pen which he gave to Elizabeth. He could have written the number as she said it, or remembered it with his perfect recall, but he wanted her to touch him.

  He is very good at this. Xander groaned internally at his come-on line, but Elizabeth missed his meaning entirely.

  “Who are your friends?” she asked, hesitating, looking at the unfriendly men.

  “Those are my bodyguards. Dad is very protective.” Gregory chuckled lightly.

  “Bodyguards? Are you a prince or something?”

  “Or something. You’re going to be late if you don’t go ahead and write your number.” He extended his hand closer to her.

  No, Elizabeth. Do not do it. He is leading you into a trap.

  She paused for a second, ignoring that voice in her head for the first time in her life, and then wrote her cell number on his palm.

  “We’ll have to stay here on campus,” Elizabeth said. She was not about to get into a car with those two creepy goons, and as gorgeous as Gregory might be, or maybe because of how gorgeous he was, she did not quite trust him either.

  “That’s fine. Whatever you want, El,” Gregory said without missing a beat, though he would rather have taken her somewhere with more ambience and privacy.


  Of course Charlotte agreed to meet Elizabeth and Gregory for lunch, given Elizabeth’s description of the young man. There were a few male day students at Converse; however, the student body was overwhelmingly female. Having lunch with a guy at the school was a rarity, but this meal could prove to be a high point of Charlotte’s year.

  The girls met Gregory in the dining hall, and Charlotte was glad that Elizabeth had told her in advance about his amazing good looks; otherwise, she would have stuttered like an imbecile and embarrassed herself to no end. As it was, she barely managed to say hello and give him her name. Edward heard her mental confusion and looked at Xander with a frown. Who is this guy? And look at his escort.

  He must be important to Lucifer. Those two belong to his guard.

eth was as stricken with his movie star looks as she had been the first time she had seen him.

  I have never known Elizabeth to be so taken with how a young man looks. She is usually very sensible.

  For the first time in his long existence, Xander wished to appear in human form to be seen. Elizabeth would have a reaction to him similar to the one she was having for this human boy, and he well knew it. Gregory might be more handsome than any other human male, but human women had always found his appearance to be pleasing as well.

  Gregory already had a table set for them and pulled out their chairs in turn, insisting that they wait to be properly seated. He was charm personified. His bodyguards sat at a nearby table, watching with interest and admiring the work of their master’s son. Xander and Edward stood beside their charges, arms crossed.

  “I hope you don’t mind, but I had some lunch brought in for us. I don’t eat cafeteria food. Do you like Sonny’s Brick Oven Pizza?”

  “Yes!” the girls said together, laughing.

  “Are you kidding? You’ve saved us from the dining hall for a day. Awesome!” Charlotte exclaimed. “My digestive system is very impressed!”

  Before they ate, both girls bowed their heads for quick, silent prayers of thanksgiving for the food. Gregory looked at them, smiling sardonically, thinking they were thanking the wrong deity, but he remained silent. While the Chief Guardian could not read Gregory’s mind, Xander fully understood his expression.

  As they chatted through the hour, Elizabeth and Gregory found that they had much in common. Gregory was also majoring in music, they were the same age, and they were both juniors. Elizabeth had done the course work for the first two years while she was in high school, and Gregory had taken CLEP tests for all courses except for those he needed in music. As they compared schedules, they found that they would have many music classes together. In fact, they were to have a piano performance class that very afternoon, and with that newly discovered coincidence, they compared notes on the pieces they would play if their professors called on them.


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