The Guardian Trilogy

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The Guardian Trilogy Page 44

by Robin M Helm


  Xander was up by eight Tuesday morning, looking forward to another day. After greeting Gabriel, he began his morning with a short study of Ezekiel 28:14-19, opening his mind to whatever the Holy Spirit would reveal to him concerning the passage. As he sat at the table reading the passage, he was struck by its relevance to recent events. “‘You were the anointed cherub who covers, and I placed you there. You were on the holy mountain of God; you walked in the midst of the stones of fire. You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created, until unrighteousness was found in you. By the abundance of your trade you were internally filled with violence, and you sinned; therefore I have cast you as profane from the mountain of God. And I have destroyed you, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire. Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty; you corrupted your wisdom by reason of your splendor. I cast you to the ground; I put you before kings, that they may see you. By the multitude of your iniquities, in the unrighteousness of your trade, you profaned your sanctuaries. Therefore I have brought fire from the midst of you; it has consumed you, and I have turned you to ashes on the earth in the eyes of all who see you. All who know you among the peoples are appalled at you; you have become terrified, and you will be no more.’”

  As Xander meditated on the passage, he thought of Lucifer, the anointed cherub, whose forces had burned a large section of Atlanta on Sunday night. The very weapon of choice of Lucifer and Gregory, fire, would eventually consume them with everlasting torment. He read the passage again, noting that time seemed to shift in those few verses. To Jehovah, it was as if Lucifer’s demise had already happened. The prophecy concerning Lucifer’s defeat spoken by Ezekiel from God thousands of years ago would certainly happen, just as Satan’s fall from heaven had taken place thousands of years before Ezekiel wrote about it. He rested his chin against his knuckles as he thought, My Father does not wear a watch. The past, the present, and the future are all the same to Him. The idea fascinated him. He has no beginning nor will He ever end. He has always existed, and He always will be. The great I Am is infinite, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, and immutable. Xander bowed his head and offered praise to his Maker, giving thanks for his Father’s love and protection during the past two days, expressing his gratitude for the gift of salvation given to so many during those days.

  When he finished praying, his mind reached out for Elizabeth in the room next door, and he heard her thoughts as she threw a pillow at Charlotte’s head, waking her to get ready for their late breakfast. I’m so glad that Char is here. How like Xander to think of me and to know what would make me happy. He arranged all of this for me because he loves me. In some ways, I think he is constantly protecting me and those whom I love. I really think he would storm the very gates of hell for me.

  Gabriel heard her as well. She is very astute, Xander. Her mind comprehends much on a subconscious level. She knows more than she realizes.

  I hope that she will think of those things when I tell her what I really am. Xander’s thoughts were somber. If only she knew already. This knowledge is the only thing keeping us from perfect communion.

  When will you tell her? asked Gabriel gently.

  After the summer meetings end. I cannot chance alienating her during these weeks of ministry. Xander was quiet for a moment. I am praying that God will show me the right time and give me the words. I wish that I could tell her now. I am afraid that the longer I wait, the more betrayed she will feel.

  Gabriel made no response, and Xander knew by his silence that Gabriel agreed with him. He was caught in a terrible predicament. Waiting to tell her would make her feel that he had been deceiving her from the beginning, while telling her now might affect their usefulness during this important summer.

  I cannot tell her at this time. She may refuse to work with me after she knows, and I know that our Father wishes for us to minister together this summer. Many lives will be changed through SoulFire. I cannot do anything that might upset all the plans that have been made. Yet, I may lose her by waiting to tell her. His insides twisted into knots at the painful thought.

  I do not know how it will be accomplished, thought Gabriel, but I do know that all will be well in the end.

  I think you are right, Gabriel, but I do not look forward to the agony of being separated from her while she comes to terms with the knowledge. I do not know what she will do when she is told. I would desire that God would make a way in which we would not have to go through this fire; however, I submit to His will. Xander spoke with resignation.

  He shook his head as if to clear his mind. Enough! I will not dwell on this further and allow the uncertain future to spoil the present. We are together now. Xander thought of Jesus’ words in Matthew 6:34, Therefore do not be anxious for tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

  He closed his Bible, rose from the table, and headed for the bathroom to shower, shave, and dress.


  At Jonathan’s request, the hotel restaurant manager had extended the breakfast buffet hours so that the SoulFire team and crew could come down later. A private banqueting room had been set up for them with rectangular tables set end-to-end, and more substantial fare had been added to the normally light breakfast offering.

  Xander, Elizabeth, and Charlotte arrived at 9:30 and joined David and Lynne in the buffet line. Their guardians walked beside them as the warriors took up positions along the perimeter of the room. Jonathan and Dave were already seated, waiting for Xander and the others to eat with them.

  Xander held Elizabeth’s chair, and Jonathan stood, moving to seat Charlotte while David did the honors for his wife. Jonathan had met Charlotte several times during the spring when she had come with Elizabeth to some of their weekend rallies.

  “Good morning, Charlotte,” the young man said with a smile, holding the chair by his own for her, and then sitting beside her. “I’m so glad that you will be traveling with us this summer. I am hoping that you will agree to be a counselor. So many people came forward last night that several counselors had to speak with groups of ten people or more. I have asked many of the local pastors to volunteer and bring church leaders with them, and the response has been good, but I’m hoping that we’ll need more each night.”

  Charlotte replied, “El has been telling me about all that has happened since you and the team have been here, and I must say that you’ve had quite an exciting time. While I hope that we will not have fires in every city we visit, I am prepared for whatever may come and looking forward to being a part of this ministry for the rest of the summer. I would be happy to be a counselor, and I’d like to help in any other way I’m needed. Just tell me what you want me to do.”

  Jonathan nodded his assent and stood to bless the food. After they had finished eating, he opened the Bible he had brought with him, led the group in a short devotional and outlined the schedule for the day with them. When he was finished, the crew left the room to make final preparations before they left for the arena to have rehearsals. Jonathan, Charlotte, Xander, and the Bennets remained at their table, talking and laughing for a few more minutes, surrounded by their guardians. The warriors remained stationed around the room.

  The young evangelist looked at Elizabeth and Xander seated across the table from him. “I have been thinking. Perhaps the band that plays before the rally starts could handle the music for the invitation time so that you two could help with counseling. What do you think of the idea?”

  Elizabeth thought for a moment before replying. “I am open to whatever you need me to do, Jonathan. Xander do you agree?” she asked, glancing in his direction.

  He nodded at her, and then turned his head to address Jonathan. “Of course. We will help Thorncrown to prepare for tonight so that we can help you. Do you not think that Rev. and Mrs. Bennet would be a great help this week as well?”

  “An excellent suggestion, Xander. Are you two in agreement?” Jonathan asked, looking at David and

  As they nodded their assent, the front desk manager, Mr. King, entered the room, came to Jonathan, and tapped him on the shoulder. “Rev. Edwards, there’s a young man here to see you, and he seems to be very upset. Actually, he’s been here, sitting in the lobby since seven this morning. His name is Mark Goodman. He’s the reporter who broke the story about the churches and houses that weren’t burned Sunday night. I told him that you were very busy, but he insists that I ask you to see him.”

  Jonathan looked up and saw the reporter in the doorway wearing a look of abject fear. Glancing back up at Mr. King, Jonathan asked, “I know that you probably want to have this area cleaned. Do you have an empty room where we could talk for a little while?”

  “Certainly. The room next to this one will be vacant all morning. The chairs are stacked. Should I call for someone to help you?” answered Mr. King.

  “No, that won’t be necessary. The other men and I can handle it. Thank you.” Jonathan shook the man’s hand, stood, and walked to the doorway.

  “Hello, Mr. Goodman. I’m Jonathan Edwards,” he said, extending his hand to the rumpled young man. “I’m sorry you had to wait for such a long time. I would have come down earlier to see you had I known you wanted to talk to me. Do you mind if these people with me sit in on our meeting? I’m sure you recognize El Bennet and Xander Darcy. Dave Branard is my manager, and the others are Elizabeth’s parents and her friend, Charlotte Lucas. Her father is a pastor, David Bennet.” Jonathan gestured toward each of them as he said their names.

  “No, I don’t mind at all,” he replied looking behind him nervously. He looked at Jonathan again. “I’m beginning to think there might be strength in numbers. Please call me Mark.”

  “My thinking exactly, Mark. These people will be able to help me with whatever your problem might be. I would appreciate their counsel, and I’d rather they would hear your story from you instead of second-hand from me.” Jonathan glanced back at the group looking at him expectantly from the table.

  “Let’s go next door,” said the young minister. “Xander, you, Dave, and David can help me set chairs in a circle for everyone. Mark has something he wants to tell us.”

  The group assembled in the next room, followed by the guardians and warriors, and the men placed the chairs in a circle as Jonathan had requested. Mark sat between Jonathan and Xander, agitated and twisting his hands in his lap.

  Mark looked apprehensively around the room, and David spoke to calm him. “Mark, you are safe here with us. You seem to be distressed, and there is a reason you came to Jonathan. Tell us what is wrong. Perhaps we can help you.”

  The words burst out, flooding from the young man as if a dam had been breached. “I think I must be losing my mind! Last night, I heard about all that went on at your rally, and at the time, I didn’t believe it. But something happened to me last night, and I don’t know where else to go for help. If you can’t help me, I don’t know what I’ll do.” Tears began to flood his cheeks as he struggled to speak. Xander reached over and placed his hand over Mark’s hands. He could hear his thoughts, and he knew that Mark had every reason to be terrified.

  Gabriel moved to stand at the shoulders of both men, placing one hand on Xander’s shoulder and the other on Mark’s. Another guardian flew slowly through the walls and stood by Gabriel.

  Xander spoke calmly in a reassuring voice, “Mark, nothing you can say will surprise me. I will believe whatever you tell me, and I think that the rest of the group will believe you, too. We can help you. We want to help you.” Xander moved his hand to Mark’s arm.

  Mark gulped and accepted the tissues that Lynne had pulled from her purse and offered him. He wiped his face and took a deep breath.

  “I don’t know if I dreamed it or not. It seemed so real. I was asleep in my apartment, and there was a hissing sound beside my bed. I looked, and I saw a huge rattlesnake coiled there. His head was as big as my two hands together, and he rose up above me. He must have been as big as an anaconda, but he had rattles. I could hear them. When he looked at me, I couldn’t look away from his eyes. I could hear him talking, but his mouth wasn’t moving. Did you hear what I just said? I could hear a snake talking. He was evil, and his voice slithered around in my brain. I am crazy.” He put his head in his hands, and the tears ran through his fingers. Xander laid his hand on the man’s knee as Jonathan put his arm around him. Lexus stepped up closely behind his charge.

  Dark Spirit, said Michael ominously from behind Elizabeth. The other angels nodded, their faces grave.

  “You are not crazy, Mark.” Jonathan spoke gently. “What did the snake say?”

  Mark put his hands back in his lap, gripping them together so tightly that his knuckles were white.

  “It sounds like a story from mythology, or literature. It made me think of Doctor Faustus or ‘The Devil and Daniel Webster.’ I know it sounds like I’m making this up, but I swear that I’m not.”

  “It’s okay, Mark. Nobody thinks you’re making anything up. Tell us what the snake said.” Jonathan looked at him with trusting, peaceful eyes, and the reporter believed him.

  Mark looked behind him, turned back to them, and then whispered, getting louder with each sentence, “He said that if I would give myself to him, he would make me rich and famous and successful. And – he said that if I didn’t, I would die. Oh, my God. He wanted my soul! He was the devil, and he wanted my soul!”

  Jonathan kept his voice very soft and even. “What was your answer, Mark?”

  “I told him – I said I needed to think about it. The snake said he wants my answer tonight. He’s coming back, and he’ll kill me!” Mark began to sob again.

  Xander patted his shoulder. “That was very good, Mark. You gave yourself time to get away. I know this question will sound strange, but you have to answer it before we can help you. Do you want to accept his offer?”

  “No! I don’t want to give myself to him! My grandmother took me to church with her every Sunday when I was a child. I know what it means to sell your soul to Satan. What good is money or success if I spend eternity in hell? Only God can help me now. I want what you all have. I want Jesus in my life, but I don’t know how to ask Him. Can you help me?” The young man was begging, pulling on Xander’s arm, and then turning to Jonathan.

  “Yes, we can. You came to the perfect place for help, Mark,” replied Jonathan, smiling at him. The evangelist led the newsman down the familiar Roman road, turning in his Bible to Romans 3:23 and reading the familiar words. “Mark, this verse says, ‘For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.’ Do you believe that you have sinned?”

  Mark nodded and answered, “Of course. I have lied, cheated, and done many other things that are wrong.”

  Jonathan smiled at him and turned to Romans 6:23. “The Bible says here, ‘For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.’ Do you believe that you have earned spiritual death, eternal separation from God for those sins?”

  “That’s what my grandmother taught me. I do believe it, though it never bothered me until last night,” Mark replied.

  Jonathan turned to Romans 10:9-10 and read, “‘That if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved; for with the heart man believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.’ Mark, do you believe that God took human form, died on the cross, and rose from the dead in payment for your sins?”

  “Yes. I know that He did.”

  Jonathan flipped back through the pages in his Bible. “Mark, probably the most well-known Scripture verse is John 3:16. Did you learn that verse in your childhood when you went to church with your grandmother?”

  Mark nodded mutely.

  “Let’s all say it together,” Jonathan said, looking around the circle. Together, the group recited, “‘For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him
should not perish, but have eternal life.’”

  Jonathan continued, “Mark, God wants you to be in His family. He loves you so much that He sacrificed His Son for you. His Son willingly died in your place because He loves you so much. Do you want to accept His free gift of salvation?”

  “Yes. What do I have to do?” he asked.

  Jonathan laughed gently. “You have already done it. You have believed, accepted, and confessed Him. Would you like to kneel with us and pray, thanking Him for your salvation?”

  Mark went immediately to his knees, and everyone in the circle joined him. His guardian, Custodio, took his position behind his charge as he prayed.

  Mark looked at Jonathan who knelt beside him. “I don’t know how to pray.”

  “Just talk to God as if He were here, because He is, Mark.”

  Mark took a deep breath. “Dear God, I believe in You, and I want to be saved. Thank you for sending Your Son to die for me. Thank You for saving me. Amen.”

  There was complete human silence for a moment as the assembled angels rejoiced, humming and glowing brightly in praise to the Jehovah-Yasha.

  Mark looked up at the circle of smiling faces. “Is that all?”

  Xander patted his back, chuckling. “Yes, that is all. It is so simple that it confounds the wise. There is nothing you can do to earn salvation. It is a free gift that needs only to be accepted.”

  Mark smiled, though he was still anxious. “I belong to God now. There is nothing to fear?”

  Elizabeth spoke up, remembering the night of terror she spent in her room a couple of years before. “There may be things that frighten you now, but you can always trust God to take care of you, Mark.”

  They all stood, remaining in the circle.

  Xander, hearing his thoughts and knowing that he still fought with his fear, spoke again. “Mark, if you do not want to stay alone at your apartment, you can stay here. There are two double beds in my room, and you are welcomed to use one of them for the rest of the week if you wish to do so. I can promise you that you will be safe. The snake will not come here.” His voice was confident and strong.


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