The Guardian Trilogy

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The Guardian Trilogy Page 62

by Robin M Helm

  Standing beside Elizabeth, Xander could tell that David’s feelings only became stronger as both Michael and Gabriel smiled at him.

  Elizabeth, accompanied by Xander, then led the angels to her sister, brother-in-law, and friends. “This is my sister, Janna Bingley, her husband, Chance, my friend Charlotte Lucas, and her brother, Joshua. Michael, I’m sure you and Gabriel remember meeting Charlotte in San Diego when Xander had his biking accident.”

  As both Michael and Gabriel smiled at Charlotte and nodded, they heard her thoughts. My future children will definitely be taking piano lessons, or voice, or something artistic. Elizabeth has met the most interesting, beautiful people through her music. Jon. Remember that you love Jon, Charlotte. Well, I can admire the wrapping without opening the gift.

  Elizabeth continued, “And this is Niall, Xander’s best man.”

  Xander and the other men stepped back as the manager and sales clerk returned with the tuxedos. Based on her estimates of their sizes, she handed each man a tux. Because there were only four fitting rooms, Chance, Joshua, David, and Niall took their suits to try them on first, leaving the three larger, harder-to-fit men for last.

  Elizabeth nodded her approval as the men emerged from the rooms dressed in her choice: black, traditional, one button, satin shawl lapel tuxedos, vented, with satin beasom pockets, vests, black bow ties, and white tux shirts.

  “Very nice,” she said, looking to the other ladies who were smiling in agreement.

  The manager made notes concerning whose pants needed to be lengthened or shortened on the orders for Chance, Joshua, and David, but frowned when she looked at Niall.

  “This won’t do. We can work with the pants, but the jacket is too tight across the shoulders. Let me get a larger one,” she said, hurrying away while Niall shrugged out of his coat, and the other men went back into the rooms to change back into their own clothes.

  Chance, Joshua, and David returned to the group, handing their tuxedos, hung back on the hangers, to the sales clerk as Michael, Gabriel, and Xander took their tuxes into the vacant fitting rooms.

  The manager returned with another jacket for Niall just as Xander, Michael, and Gabriel were emerging from the fitting rooms. She went behind Niall and helped him into the jacket, and then came around the group of men to face them, shaking her head in dismay.

  “Gentlemen, we have a problem,” she said grimly. “We can make the pants long enough, and take in the waists on them, but even if we lengthen the sleeves on the jackets, they will never fit you as they should.”

  The four angels looked distinctly unhappy. While they had managed to stuff themselves into the jackets, none of them could move their arms, and the garments hung loosely around their waists.

  Xander said, “I have to have my dress clothes tailor-made. Nothing off-the-rack has ever fit properly.”

  She nodded. “I can certainly see why, though I can hardly believe that all four of you have the same problem. Your shoulders are unusually wide in proportion to your waists and hips.”

  Michael looked especially displeased, and even Gabriel and Niall showed disappointment.

  Elizabeth thought quickly. “Is there not anything you can do? We understand that we may have to pay more in order to get something that fits well.”

  The manager’s face brightened at once. “In that case, I think I have an idea. We have a warehouse here in Spartanburg. I can have larger jackets sent over immediately. If we can fit the shoulders properly, I have seamstresses who can alter the waists and hips to fit perfectly. The only catch is that you will have to buy the jackets. I won’t be able to rent them once they are fitted to each of you, because no one else in this area would ever be able to wear them.”

  Gabriel was happy with the solution and spoke quickly, “Can the jackets be sent over right now? We are not in this area very often, and we really need to handle this today if possible.”

  Michael added, “We will be happy to pay any extra expenses you incur for your trouble.”

  “Excellent,” replied the manager, happy to have found an answer to the dilemma. “I’ll call the warehouse now so that they’ll have several jackets in this style ready for each of you. If the warehouse can’t deliver them right now, my assistant can go pick them up while I phone a few of my seamstresses. I want them to do the actual pinning, because this job is beyond my skills. We can probably have your jackets and the seamstresses here in half an hour. Would that suit?”

  “Absolutely. Thank you for your trouble,” answered Xander, smiling at her as he wriggled out of the ill-fitting jacket. His brothers followed his example and took the coats off, handing them to the manager.

  The lady took the coats, handed them to the clerk to put away, and hurried to the counter to make her calls. After the first call, she confirmed to the group that the warehouse would send the jackets to the store immediately.

  They all moved to the couches at the front of the store to wait until the clothing and seamstresses arrived.

  Niall looked around at the group and spoke brightly, “I suggest that we make the most of the situation and use this time to get to know each other better.”

  Just what I was hoping for – an extra half hour in which I can make a mistake, grumbled Michael.

  There is a scowl on your face. Think about your expression and remember that everyone can see it, thought Gabriel.

  I will get right on that. Thank you, Miss Manners, returned Michael, refraining from glaring at him only with great effort. He looked at the floor in an effort to hide his face.

  Michael, with the utmost respect, lighten up, thought Niall.

  Roark and the other guardians were grinning openly, though the warriors never changed their expressions.

  Xander noticed Michael’s rigid posture and searched his mind for a topic that might distract him.

  David unintentionally came to the rescue. “Xander is something of a martial arts expert and has been training El. Do the rest of you know his style of fighting?”

  Xander smiled as he released his breath. “Michael taught me a great deal of what I know,” he said, nodding toward his brother.

  “How very interesting,” said David, looking at the tallest of the brothers. “Who taught you, Michael?”

  Michael lifted his head and fixed the older man with his gaze. “I developed my methods myself a long time ago. There has never been a time when I did not use my skills and seek to improve them. And my brother is being modest. He was already a master when I began to help him hone his skills; I merely added to his knowledge of the art.”

  “And what about you, Gabriel?” asked David. Everyone looked at Gabriel awaiting his reply.

  “I practice so that my technique does not suffer. I am always ready to do whatever is needed, though I rarely use my skills to fight. I find that the discipline required to maintain my fighting form helps me to control myself in other ways as well. Conflict distresses me, so I make peace whenever it is possible,” Gabriel replied. His sincerity shone from his azure eyes.

  Lynne raised a brow in surprise. “You have actually fought then?” she asked.

  Gabriel leveled a tranquil gaze at her. “Oh, yes. Sometimes it is unavoidable.”

  Xander interjected, “Mom, you must understand that because we are unusually large, others sometimes test themselves against us, trying to prove their superiority. We defend ourselves as well as others, but none of us prefers to fight. We would all rather live in harmony.”

  Speak for yourself, thought Michael. I would cheerfully unbody every demon in the universes.

  His warriors nodded and rumbled in agreement.

  Niall spoke softly. “Our Father wants us to live in peace, but He understands that fighting is necessary at times. We are careful to please Him before we please ourselves.”

  With that I will agree, praise His holy name, thought Michael.

  Praise His holy name, thought every light being present in agreement.

  “The respect with which you speak of yo
ur Father is commendable,” said David smiling gently. “He must be very special to command such love and loyalty in His children.”

  “He is,” replied Xander. “He truly is.”

  There was a lull in the conversation until Elizabeth spoke up.

  “Where do you want to eat tonight?” she asked, addressing the group.

  Chance spoke up. “There’s a Longhorn Steakhouse, a Red Lobster seafood restaurant, and an O’Charley’s nearby. At O’Charley’s, you can order steak, seafood, pasta, burgers, or salads. Janna and I like all of them. Do you guys prefer steak, seafood, or something ethnic? We also have Chinese, Japanese, Thai, and Mexican restaurants.”

  Janna added, “We really enjoy O’Charley’s, and they have a wider selection.”

  “Elizabeth and I have been there many times, and we’ve always enjoyed it,” said Xander, reaching for Elizabeth’s hand.

  “The food was good, but the company was even better,” Elizabeth said, smiling at him.

  Charlotte laughed, “Ah, young love! We like to eat there, too. Don’t we, Josh?” she asked, ruffling his hair.

  “Well, if you gentlemen agree, I believe we have a consensus. O’Charley’s it is,” said David.

  It matters not to me. Unfortunately, food will be served at all of those places, thought Michael.

  If no food were served, it would be of little use to go there with the intention of eating, said Gabriel reasonably. We shall be fine, brother.

  Niall spoke for the group. “O’Charley’s is fine with us.” Step out of your box, Michael. Come out of that comfort zone and embrace the experience.

  Michael’s grunt was imperceptible to everyone except the angels.

  Charlotte looked sharply from one angel to another, and they all heard her thought. I could swear that there is a conversation going on that we can’t hear.

  Fortunately, the manager returned at that time. “If you will follow me back to the fitting area, the jackets and seamstresses are here.”

  Chance, David, Joshua, Janna, and Charlotte remained on the couches as the four brothers, Elizabeth, and Lynne did as she asked. With very little delay, the four angels were in coats that fit them through the shoulders while they hung loosely at the waists. Four seamstresses busily pinned the garments to ensure that they fit perfectly, checking the pants as well.

  Michael held himself erect, keeping his expression neutral while the woman touched him, pinning and prodding him. He had never before allowed anyone such liberties with his person. I am doing this for Xander and Elizabeth, he kept reminding himself.

  Xander smiled into the mirror, I used to feel the same way every time I visited my tailor, he thought. You become accustomed to it.

  I will not, replied Michael.

  You do not have to, brother, said Gabriel with patience.

  I doubt that we will be in any more weddings, Michael, added Niall.

  Elizabeth and Lynne closely watched the process, and at last proclaimed themselves to be satisfied.


  Xander and Elizabeth took Charlotte and Joshua with them to the restaurant, while Janna and Chance rode with her parents. Niall, Michael, and Gabriel had promised to meet them at the restaurant.

  After Xander and David had parked the cars, everyone walked together to the front door, closely followed by their invisible contingent of guardians and warriors. Michael and Gabriel walked up to join them as they entered the restaurant. The group waited as David went to the hostess and asked for a table for eleven. After a few minutes, a waitress came and led them to their table.

  Once they were all seated, the waitress took their drink orders, eight iced teas and three waters, and left them to peruse their menus.

  “What do you recommend?” asked David, looking at his daughters, Chance, and Xander.

  “Their baked potato soup is the absolute best, Dad,” replied Elizabeth.

  Janna added, “Mom, you’d probably like the California chicken salad. I usually order the ribs, but they’re too messy to eat in front of so many people.” Everyone laughed at her shy smile.

  Xander said, “I like the shrimp scampi, and the spinach and artichoke dip appetizer is excellent. Elizabeth and I share that when we come here.”

  “I always go for a juicy steak,” Chance said, grinning.

  It all sounds like a gigantic stomach problem to me, thought Michael.

  Try the soup and a salad, Michael. Stay away from anything too heavy – like meat or fried foods, replied Niall.

  I think you must be right, Niall, said Gabriel. I think I will order the baked potato soup with a side salad.

  By the time the waitress came back with their drinks and served them, everyone was ready to order. Xander watched his brothers in case he needed to help them, but soon saw that they had matters well in hand.

  As long as you eat slowly, you will have no problems, thought Xander. You have watched Elizabeth and me long enough to know how to use your utensils. I will be listening for you if you have any questions.

  Do not worry. We can do this, Michael answered, his natural confidence reasserting itself.

  I know that you can, replied Xander, pleased with Michael’s change of attitude.

  As her parents chatted with Janna, Chance, Charlotte, and Joshua, Elizabeth took Xander’s hand under the table and pulled it onto her lap. What are they thinking? she asked.

  They are nervous about eating, but they will be fine. They have done very well so far. He spoke with pride, and his brothers, hearing his thoughts, smiled.

  Yes, they have been impressive. I am marrying into a very distinguished family. She squeezed his hand and winked at Niall.

  Charlotte, seeing Elizabeth wink, tilted her head and watched her friend closely. One day, I will know what is going on with them. I can just feel the undercurrent. Fascinating.

  Xander, listening carefully to Charlotte, began to talk aloud with Elizabeth about the upcoming rally in Jacksonville.

  Though the two of them put on a convincing show, he knew that Charlotte was not fooled. She continued to gaze at them with a small smile.

  Go ahead. Try to divert me, Charlotte thought. I know when I am not hearing the whole story. Don’t I, Xander?

  He looked quickly at her when he heard his name. Too late, he realized his mistake and returned his attention to Elizabeth.

  Charlotte smiled enigmatically. I knew it! You can hear me. You can hear all of us, can’t you? Elizabeth knows it, too. But how does she hear you? I will know the answers to my questions eventually, Xander. Don’t worry, though, my friend. Your secret is safe with me.

  Chapter 6

  “I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things for the churches.”

  Revelation 22:16

  Wednesday dawned, and Xander was glad to have the last weekend in October coming up, because SoulFire Ministries was scheduled to be in Jacksonville for their final rally of the year. Both he and Elizabeth needed a respite from the constant wedding planning, and the additional sight of Gregory all over the television news had made the two of them uncharacteristically edgy.

  Since they could not escape Gregory’s image whenever they were in public, Xander had finally decided that rather than trying to avoid seeing his enemy, it would be better to use the media feeding frenzy to follow the halfling’s activities. With that in mind, he did something that he had never intended to do: he bought a television for his townhouse.

  As he and Elizabeth watched live coverage of Gregory giving a speech on a cable news station one evening while they ate dinner together, Xander commented, “The only thing that is growing faster than Gregory’s reputation is his ego. Every time he speaks, I have a mental image of his father, Lucifer, saying his five famous ‘I will’ statements just before Jehovah ejected him from heaven. It appears that the son is definitely following in his father’s footsteps. Next, he’ll be saying that he is greater than God. Maybe he will invite me to join him, as his father once did.”

  Elizabeth looked at h
im in amazement. “Lucifer asked you to join him?”

  He raised one perfect brow. “Oh, yes. He wanted Michael, Gabriel, and me to rebel against Jehovah with him. Lucifer thought that together, we could draw enough followers to overpower God Himself. He wanted us to rule the universes with him.”

  Elizabeth stared at him. “How could he have ever thought you and your brothers would do such a thing?”

  Xander chuckled darkly. “Lucifer is very good at deceiving himself. He actually believes that he will defeat the Almighty Himself in the end. He truly thinks that he will unseat Him and take His place. Lucifer has obviously convinced Gregory to join him in his quest against Jehovah, and Gregory is vain enough to think that they can dethrone the Ancient of Days. He believes his own press releases.”

  Michael glared at the television. Can we never be free from the image of that preening fool?

  Gabriel was listening intently to Gregory’s speech. It is a shame that so much talent and beauty should be wasted.

  Elizabeth grinned and answered, “Yes, as much as the general public and the media are impressed with Gregory, I believe that he is actually even more impressed with himself. He always was rather proud and cocky.”

  Xander arched an eyebrow. “Rather proud and cocky? He is full of pride and conceit. He has no thought beyond advancing himself and his own agenda. Lucifer may think that he can control Gregory, but I have my doubts.”

  Elizabeth looked surprised. “But aren’t their goals the same?”

  “For right now, they are. However, if a moment comes in which Gregory must choose between what he wants and what Lucifer wishes, Gregory will choose what he thinks is best for himself.” Xander spoke with confidence.

  “And how will Lucifer respond to that betrayal?” asked Elizabeth.

  “Only God Himself knows the answer to that question,” he answered.


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