Torrid (Whiskey Run: Savage Ink Book 2)

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Torrid (Whiskey Run: Savage Ink Book 2) Page 1

by Hope Ford


  Whiskey Run: Savage Ink 2

  Hope Ford


  1. Katie

  2. Treyton

  3. Treyton

  4. Katie

  5. Katie

  6. Katie

  7. Katie

  8. Treyton

  9. Katie

  10. Treyton

  11. Katie

  12. Katie

  13. Treyton


  Trey and Katie’s HEA

  Free Books


  About the Author

  Torrid © 2021 by Hope Ford

  Editor: Kasi Alexander

  Cover Design: Cormar Covers

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.



  “See, you’re doing perfect. You’re a natural.” I clasp my hands together in front of me and stare down at Violet. I should probably call her Mrs. Chambers or something to keep some sort of professionalism going, but she’s already asked me to call her Violet like ten times. She’s struggled a little to nurse Josh Jr., but it looks like she’s getting the hang of it.

  I take a step back from the bed to give mom and dad a moment. Her husband Josh can’t take his eyes off his wife, and I hold my heartfelt sigh in. I would give anything to have a man look at me like that. However, it doesn’t look as if it’s in my cards. I’m a single mom that works as a nurse, and I have no time for dating.

  I busy myself in the corner and straighten up a few things. We’ve waited hours for the lactation specialist to come, and I know both mom and son were getting frustrated, so I jumped in to help. I’m not going to leave until I know they’re both happy. A few minutes go by, and Josh Jr. starts grumbling.

  I walk over to the bed and smile reassuringly. “He’s got a little tummy. He’s probably got his fill for now. Maybe if you burp him to release some of the pressure, that may help.”

  I wait for Violet to respond. Some mothers get downright upset when you offer suggestions and then some are happy and appreciate all the help they can get. I’m pretty sure that Violet is the latter, but I still hold my breath for her to respond.

  “Oh my gosh, Katie. What would I do without you? There’s so much...”

  I’m shaking my head as she pulls the sheet up to cover herself and then moves the baby to her shoulder. “You’ll figure it all out. You really are doing great.”

  I almost forgot Josh, her husband, was in the room. “Honey, I’m going to run out to the car and get the other suitcase with changes of clothes and things. Will you be all right?”

  Violet rolls her eyes, but still smiles sweetly up at her husband. “Yes, I’ll be all right. We’re not going anywhere.”

  Josh looks at me worriedly. “Can you stay with her until I get back? I don’t want her to try and get up or anything.”

  I have to almost lean backwards to look up into the face of Josh Chambers. He’s huge. And the look of fear on his face just doesn’t seem like a look he’s used to. I barely hold my smirk in. “Absolutely. I’ll stay until you get back.”

  He barely gets out the door, and Violet apologizes. “I’m sorry. You don’t have to stay. I know you’re busy. My husband is a little – forget that – a lot protective.”

  I laugh and try not to let the envy show on my face. “You’re a lucky woman. He loves you very much. Plus, I don’t mind staying. My shift ended a little while ago.”

  She gasps at the same time little Josh Jr. belches. Violet and I both laugh before she stops. “Your shift is over? You should go home...”

  She barely gets the words out when the door bursts open. “There you are. I’m telling you, Katie, you should ask him. It’s obvious he knows where to get good quality tattoos. I mean, look at him.”

  I blush from head to toe. My fellow nurse Jamie is sweet as all get-out. She’ll give you the shirt off her back, but she has no filter. I turn to Violet. “I’m sorry. My friend, well, she sometimes can be unprofessional.” I give a stern look at Jamie and then look back at Violet.

  Jamie just laughs. “Really, Violet doesn’t care.”

  “Oh, do you two know each other?” I ask Jamie as I look between her and Violet.

  Jamie waves her hand in front of her face and lifts her shoulders in a shrug. “Yes. We met last night.”

  I roll my eyes. Only Jamie thinks she “knows” someone when she met them less than twenty-four hours before. I grab a hold of her shoulders, ready to push her out the door when Violet stops me.

  “It’s okay. Really! Are you talking about Aiden and Gracie next door? I know them. They’re from Whiskey Run too, and you’re right, Aiden would definitely know about tattoos. He owns Savage Ink.”

  Jamie’s mouth drops open, and she whirls around. “See, Katie. It’s like an omen. You wanted a tattoo to sort of celebrate your divorce and show that dumba—” She looks at Josh Junior and alters her words. “—your dummy ex-husband that he can’t control you anymore.”

  “You’re not married?” Violet asks.

  I shake my head. “No, recently divorced actually, but I don’t really need a tattoo. It was just something I was—"

  “You’ve wanted one forever!” Jamie exclaims.

  I take a deep breath. I have to before I rear back and kick my friend in her knee cap. Violet doesn’t need to hear all my dirty laundry. “Aren’t you supposed to be working, Jamie?”

  Violet saves Jamie’s knee, though, when she comments, “You know, you really should get one if you want one. Especially if it’s something you’ve wanted to do for a while.”

  I shrug, and Violet gasps. “And I know the perfect person. He works at Savage Ink, and he is a great guy – I mean really talented. Write it down.” When I don’t grab for a pen or paper, Jamie is pulling a pad from her scrubs pocket. Violet nods at her. “Treyton Cree at Savage Ink. It’s in downtown Whiskey Run, and I promise, he’ll give you exactly what you need – I mean – want.”

  Jamie is smiling ear to ear and opens the door of the room. “I’m going to make your appointment. Thanks, Violet.”

  She’s gone before I can even talk her out of it. I swear sometimes she wears me out. “Thank you, Violet. Sorry about the interruption.”

  She’s smiling ear to ear. “No, don’t be sorry. I’m happy I can help.”

  Josh Junior starts to fuss just as his dad walks into the room carrying a suitcase as if it weighs nothing. “Uh oh, do I hear someone calling their daddy?”

  Violet and I both laugh. I walk over to the bed. “I bet he could eat if you want to try again.”

  Violet nods and pulls the sheet down and adjusts Josh Jr. on her chest. He starts to suckle without any problem at all. I walk over to the door. “Well, it looks like I’m not needed anymore. Just call the nurse’s station if you need anything.”

  Violet nods. “Thank you for everything, Katie. And make sure you call him.”

  I nod and slip out the door. I take a deep breath as I walk down the hall to the elevators already thinking of the one hundred and one things that I need to do tonight. Who has time to get a tattoo? Not me, that’s for sure.



  A part of me wants to roll my eyes watching Aiden and Gracie, but another part of me knows that they deserve to be happy. They are made for each other, and if that means I have to put up with all their public displays of affection, well, I guess I’ll do it.

  I clear my throat when t
heir kissing continues. “Really, guys, can you get a room or what?”

  Aiden’s smiling as he pulls his lips from Gracie. As a matter of fact, they both have a goofy grin on their face. It’s been like this for the last six weeks, ever since Gracie came back to Whiskey Run and had little Aiden Jr. Aiden and Gracie can’t seem to keep their hands off one another.

  “Yeah, bro. I can definitely go get a room. So you’ll take the rest of my appointments tonight?”

  “Fuck off,” I tell him good-heartedly. Savage Ink has definitely picked up, and I couldn’t imagine taking over his clients as well as doing my own. I nod to Gracie. “How you doing? How’s AJ?”

  “Good. We’re all good,” she says, wiping the smeared lipstick from her lips. I don’t even know why she keeps putting it on. Aiden can’t seem to keep his mouth off hers. “How about you? How you doing, Trey?”

  I grunt my answer, because that’s really all I’ve got. I mean I’m good, but like I said, I’ve been unsettled lately. “Good. I’m good.” I turn to Aiden. “The new hire is coming in tomorrow to start. I’m going to get Dawson to show her the ropes.”

  Aiden shakes his head. “Bad idea. Dawson’s an asshole. He definitely doesn’t need to be her first impression. She’ll quit before the day’s over.”

  I hate to do it, but I’m going to. “Fuck, man. I’ve worked nonstop for the last six weeks. No offense, Gracie. I was happy to do it so Aiden could help you all get settled, but I need a break.”

  Aiden wraps his arm around Gracie’s waist. “You’re right. I know you’re right. I’ll be here when she gets here and give her a warning about Dawson before he completely traumatizes her. It’s good. You’re right. Take your few days off.”

  Gracie smiles at me warmly. “What are you planning to do with your time off?”

  I shrug my shoulders. “I don’t know. Maybe ride up into the mountains. Relax a little. I’m not sure.” The uneasy feeling returns; it’s almost like something’s about to happen, and I tense up at the sensation. “I’m going to head back and clean up. My appointment should be here soon.”

  I walk back toward my tattoo room to give them a little space. I can hear the bell on the door, but looking at the clock on the wall, I know it’s probably not my appointment – unless they’re really early. I busy myself cleaning up my station and getting everything ready. I hate down time more than anything. It gives me time to think about my future, and lately, that’s the last thing I want to be thinking about. It’s like I’m on edge all the time. Fuck, I probably just need to get laid. It seems like it’s been forever.


  I can’t believe I’ve let Jamie talk me into this. I’m an adult. A professional nurse. I’m a mother, for goodness’ sake. I shouldn’t be taking one of my rare nights off to traipse into downtown Whiskey Run to get a tattoo. It’s ridiculous. I should turn around.

  I turn on my heel but freeze with my hand on the door of my old Honda accord and take a deep breath. Why am I hesitating? Get in the car, Katie. But even as I think it, I’m releasing my hold on the car door, and I turn to look up at the neon sign that is flashing Savage Ink. I got the whole speech from Jamie before I left her to watch my son for a few hours. “You need this, Katie. It will be closure for you. Or a step in a new direction, I don’t know. All I do know is that you’ve always wanted one. Just do it.”

  I take a deep breath and take baby steps toward the door of the shop. I grip on to the handle and stare inside the front glass. There’s a man and woman embracing, and I recognize them from the hospital. They were the ones having the baby in the room next to Violet. I’ve already cancelled this appointment twice in the last six weeks. I tug on the door—it’s now or never.

  As soon as it opens, a bell jingles over the door. The couple stops kissing, but the man doesn’t release his arms from around her waist.

  The woman pats him on the chest. “Go ahead. I’ll help her. See you soon.”

  He kisses her again before walking off with a wink.

  She stares after him until he’s behind a door before turning back to me. “Hi. Can I help you?”

  I pull back my shoulders when what I really want to do is turn around and run out of the shop, but my mom told me a long time ago that sometimes you just have to fake confidence. My voice is steady without even a tremble. “Yeah, hi. I’m Katie. I have an appointment with Treyton.”

  The woman tilts her head. “You look familiar. Do I know you?”

  I laugh. “Yeah, I brought you some ice at Jasper Mercy. I’m a nurse. I was actually Violet’s nurse. She’s the one that convinced me I needed to come to Treyton to get my tattoo.”

  The woman starts to laugh. “Oh she did, did she?”

  I nod, not understanding her smirk. The woman gives me a little wave. “I’m Gracie.”

  I shake my head, stumbling over my words. “Sorry, I’m Katie.”

  No sooner do the words leave my mouth than a husky voice sounds behind me. “You made it. I was afraid you would have to cancel again.”

  I suck in a breath, not even close to being ready to understanding how that voice causes a tremble down my back or the fact that my nipples harden just by the timbre of a man’s voice. I turn slowly as if any sudden movement is going to spook him.

  I clench my eyes together because I’m not ready. Oh my God, Katie. Open your eyes. You’re such a moron. I’m chiding myself just as I feel a large, warm hand wrap around my arm. “Are you okay?” Shit. Busted.

  I nod and unclench my eyes. Once they’re open, there’s no way I could close them again. There’s just too much to look at. If this is Treyton Cree, there’s no way I’ll survive having his hands on me. I do a quick look up and down, but that’s enough to know that he’s way out of my league. He’s built. His arms are muscled, and there are tattoos peeking out of the sleeves of his too-tight black T-shirt. When I finally get up to his face, I take in his stubbled chin, soft, full lips, and eyes so blue I swear it’s like looking into the sky.

  His mouth is moving, but it’s like he’s talking to me from a tunnel instead of only six inches from my face. I shake my head. “Sorry, I’m sorry – what did you say?”

  His lips lift in the corners in a smirk. “I was asking if you’re all right. You spaced out there for a minute.”

  I laugh, and it turns into a snort just as I bring my hands up to my face to cover it. Good night. I shouldn’t even be allowed in public. “Yes, I’m fine. But this is a bad idea. Sorry... I should go.”

  I turn to leave, but his big hand comes out and grabs my arm again. “No, stay. Let’s just talk. We can talk about the tattoo and what part of getting one makes you nervous. If you still don’t want one, you can leave.”

  My hand goes to my chest. “Shoot, right.” I open my purse and dig around for my wallet. “I should at least pay you for your time since I canceled so late.”

  Again, his hand touches me, but this time it wraps around my hand that’s holding the strap of my purse. “No, that’s not it. It’s a free consultation. No strings.”

  Gracie has been standing here the whole time, her head going back and forth between us, and her eyes lit up in mischief as she says to me, “Really, Trey is great. He’s one of the good ones. You can trust him.”

  I nod. “Okay, I mean sure. I’m already here,” I say, but what I really want to do is run out the door.

  Trey stands aside and opens his palm to point toward the back. “After you.”

  “It was nice seeing you, Katie. I’m leaving, Trey,” Gracie calls out to us.

  “Bye, Gracie. Be careful,” Trey says as he follows behind me. “Second door on the right.”

  I keep walking and turn into the open door. I go across the room and sit in the chair, holding my purse in my lap as tight as I can. When I notice my knuckles turning white, I make myself stretch my fingers out, and I drop my purse onto the chair next to me.

  Trey walks in and leans his butt against the big chair in the room. I’m assuming by the looks of it, it’s the cha
ir that people sit in when they’re getting a tattoo. He crosses his arms over his chest, and I force myself to keep looking at his face instead of the hard muscles of his arms. “You’re nervous.”

  I start to laugh, but then, for fear of snorting again, I stop suddenly. “Yeah, a little.”

  “Is it the pain? Because it’s really not that bad. And depending on where you want it, we can try it so you can see what it’s all about. I’ll stop if you say stop.”

  I shake my head. “It’s not the pain.”

  He’s looking at me with his head tilted to the side. He’s searching my face for answers. “Well, what is it?”

  I shake my head, not wanting to say. Maybe he’ll drop it. Maybe if I change the subject. “How long have you been tattooing?”

  He laughs. “You’re nervous that I don’t know what I’m doing? I’ve been tattooing for over ten years. I graduated from college in art design, discovered I could make more money off tattooing, and became a licensed tattoo artist. I follow every safety and sanitizing guideline. I attend conferences to keep up to date on new techniques, and—”

  I interrupt him. “I wasn’t worried about your skills or anything. I mean, how could I? You’re like a walking billboard of your talent.” I can feel my face heat. You didn’t have to say all that, Katie. But the smile he gives me makes my embarrassment worth it.

  He stands to his full height and walks toward me. He picks up my purse that’s on the chair next to me and hangs it on the hook on the wall before dropping in the seat next to mine. “So it’s not the pain and it’s not that you’re worried about my skills. What’s stopping you then?”


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