The Hero

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The Hero Page 14

by Amelia Shea

  She didn’t bother saying anything. This would forever be the divide between her and Chey now. It was better to for her to keep their friendship and her relationship with Trax and the club, separate.

  “You okay?” Cheyenne asked.

  Macy nodded, glancing over at the clubhouse. “Is Rourke okay?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Macy drew in a breath. “Let’s just go home.”


  “What the fuck were you thinking?” Kase grabbed Rourke by the shoulders and shoved him back. He slammed into the wall with such force pain shot up through his spine. He barely felt it. He was zoned on getting out to the bar and finishing Hades, sending the bastard home in a body bag.

  The second he walked out from the hall, he saw her. Even in a large room packed wall to wall with people, he saw her. Rourke could sense her presence. What he witnessed made him explode. Another man with his hands on her, and aggressively? It didn’t matter who it was. All that mattered was hands on her.

  “That bitch never shows her fucking face in this place again. If she does, I’ll be the one throwing her ass out. You got me?” he shouted loud enough for the entire building to hear. Rourke trained his focus on his president.

  Gage stepped forward, attempting to play mediator. They had been friends for so long he knew that Rourke was about to go up against the president, and he also knew it wouldn’t end well in Rourke’s favor.

  “Listen, man. She’s not good for you. This thing with her, its shit has run into the club, and we can’t have that.” He pinned Rourke with a stare. “You know I’m right.”

  He was. The stunt Rourke pulled with Hades was going to take a lot of finesse to smooth over. This wasn’t just about him, it was the club, and club always came first.

  Rourke glanced over to the door and watched Trax walk in.

  “How we gonna handle it?”

  “Fuck if I know.” Kase jerked his head toward Rourke. “Motherfucker, you will fix this.” He pointed at him before storming out of the room.

  Gage stepped up. “Let me get Saint to talk to Hades.”

  Trax shook his head at Gage. “No, Rourke’s gotta handle it. A middle man will only increase the divide, especially if you get Saint in on this shit show.” He lifted his chin to Rourke. “Needs to come from you. An apology?” Trax cocked his brow. “You ever given one of those, you need a refresher on how to do it?”

  “Fuck you.”

  Trax snorted in disgust. “Yeah, you did, and all the rest of our brothers when you pulled that shit ten minutes ago.”

  Rourke had gone after the VP of a fellow charter. Not just any VP, but a respected ally of the Ghosttown Riders. To add insult, he’d done it in front of both clubs. He’d fucked up, though he couldn’t bring himself to be regretful. The motherfucker had his hands on Macy. He grunted in frustration and jolted up from his seat.

  Rourke passed Trax but turned slowly to face him. “She all right?”

  Trax furrowed his brows and cocked his head. Then he sucked in a breath realizing who Rourke was asking about.

  Trax jerked his chin. “Pissed off as usual, but she wasn’t hurt.” Trax glanced away.

  Rourke nodded and headed out the door without saying a word. What could he say? He had fucked them all by starting shit with Hades. There would be blowback for what he’d done tonight unless he made amends. He put a divide in the clubs and now he had to mend it. This was not his strong suit. Rourke lived without regrets and without apologies.

  He breached the hallway and scanned the bar. The partygoers from earlier had left. Only a few brothers from both chapters lingered. A scratch on the floor from a stool got his attention, and he braced himself as he watched Hades topple over the stool and rage toward him.

  “Let’s finish this, motherfucker. Sucker punching me your style, asshole?”

  Rourke was fully prepared to pay his dues for his fuck up. “I’ll let you take a shot.”

  “Let me?” Hades eyes widened, and he laughed without humor. His teeth were pinked out from the mixture of blood and saliva. “Don’t need a free shot, I’ll fucking beat your ass. Let’s go.”

  His brothers lined up behind him, showing solidarity. He didn’t expect anything less. He eyed the men behind him. Several of them he had been partying with not even an hour ago.

  The fight lasted only a few minutes before it was broken up. Rourke had taken a few unnecessary hits he could have been blocked. Apologies weren’t his thing…neither was schmoozing a situation. This was the only way to even out the fight.

  He opened his mouth wide sliding his jaw with a crack as he took a seat at the bar. His face was slightly battered, but so was Hades’. Nadia slipped a wet rag on the bar toward him and backed away slowly. He didn’t need a mirror to tell him what her face was seeing. He looked like hell. But it had served its purpose. The clubs would recover and be back on track after a few beers. The stool next to him shifted, and he gave a side glance at Hades, who had fallen into it.

  He’d always liked the man he’d just fought. They’d ridden together a bunch of times, partied together, and fought together, usually on the same side until tonight.

  “Sweets, get me a beer.”

  Nadia rushed over, uncapping a bottle and sliding it to Hades with a sly smile. She turned around, and he could feel Hades’ eyes on him. Rourke slowly angled his head. The man was more bloodied than Rourke.

  “Wanna get something straight with you. I wasn’t gonna hurt her. Saw one of my guys getting rough with her, I fucking stepped in.” He cracked his neck. “Wanna know how your girl thanked me?” He cocked his brow. “Her fist in my face.”

  Rourke furrowed his brows. “She punched you?”

  Hades laughed and took a swig from his bottle. “Yeah, but she was scared shitless. Knew my guys were seconds away from losing it, so I grabbed her, was gonna take her outside and send her home.” He paused. “Then you fucking show up.”

  This night was so fucked.

  “We good?”

  Rourke nodded twice, keeping his gaze on the man next to him. Hades smirked lifting the bottle to his lips and took a swig.

  “Must be some pussy.”

  Rourke knew exactly whose pussy he was referring to. He tightened his mouth.

  Hades eyed him. “Not an old lady, man. Makes her up for grabs.”


  Hades snorted. “You been around long enough to know, they’re all up for grabs if they’re not claimed, brother.”


  “Yeah, well, I think you made it clear to everyone tonight.”

  He caught a shift to the side as Kase took a seat, glaring at Rourke. “Bitch is banned from the club so it won’t be a problem.”

  Chapter Eight

  She stared back at her reflection. She should have been in awe of the way she cleaned up. She looked friggin’ amazing with her hair, her makeup, and this damn hot outfit. Yet all she saw was a fraud. She could dress the part, but her heart wasn’t in it.

  Bryant from the finance department at work had asked her out a few times in the past, but she had a boyfriend at the time. When she ran into him in the café, he asked again. This time she said yes. After all, she was single now. He seemed sweet and was handsome.

  She caught her clock in the mirror. He’d be there in fifteen minutes. It was too late to cancel.

  “Hey. You look amazing, girl. Is that new?”

  Macy glanced down at her dress. It was new and overly expensive. It hugged her curves in all the right spots and accentuated her curves. It was perfect. Perfect but for the wrong guy. She bought it two weeks ago and had Rourke on her mind when she did.


  “He’s gonna freak when he sees you.”

  Macy nodded as she stared in the mirror. It felt wrong. All of it.


  She sighed. “He was right, ya know?” Her voice faded, and she gazed down at her shoes. The time away had put a lot of things into perspective. The way things
went down with Rourke was fucked up and disastrous, but he wasn’t entirely wrong calling her out.

  “What do ya mean?”

  She bit her lip and gave a small shrug. “Rourke.” She glanced up at Cheyenne. “He took the time to get to know me.” She drew in a breath and scanned the room. “I didn’t.” She shook her head and muttered. “Our date night? My mom called, and when I got off the phone, he asked me about her. He listened as if it was the most interesting thing he’d ever heard. And when he left? He wished me good luck on the promotion.” She snorted. “And I didn’t even know where he worked ’because I never asked.”

  It was a hard pill to swallow.

  “You really liked him, huh?”

  Yes. And she’d fucked it up.

  She closed her eyes and shook her head. “Doesn’t matter.”


  Macy shifted on her feet, setting her shoulders back and smiled, feigning any kind of eagerness for the date. “Don’t tell me I’m better off without him or he was a dick or anything else.”

  Cheyenne blushed and cleared her throat. “I wasn’t going to actually. I mean, you came at him first. Hell, if I was being yelled at, I’d strike back too. If anything, I thought what he said was pretty much on point.”

  Macy whipped her head and narrowed her eyes.

  Cheyenne widened her eyes and held up her hands. “I’m on your side. Team Macy forever.” She balled her fist and waved it above her head.

  Macy squinted. “But?”

  She shrugged. “You were hard on him, Mace. You treated him like ya caught him getting a blowjob when all he was doing was sitting at the bar. Then you insulted him in front of his brothers. You were harsh and a bit…”

  “A bit what?”


  Macy’s cheeks blazed. “You sure you’re not on Team Trax?”

  “Come on…”

  “Well, I mean, I’m not seeing any support for my side here.”

  “You think about how it all went down, really think about it, and switch spots with Rourke, and tell me whether you would have reacted the same way as he did?” She sighed. “I just think you’re so set on him being the bad guy. Ya can’t see, maybe he’s one of the good ones. The kind of guy who’d chase after a woman who just told him to fuck off in a room full of men who respected him. Or beat the hell outta a guy who dared to put his hands on you. A guy who outranks him.”

  Macy turned around and refused to look at her. Partially, because she knew Cheyenne was right. She’d allowed her anger from work filter into something much bigger when she saw him with Rachel. In fairness, all he was doing was sitting next to another woman. Even if she was too close for Macy’s liking, Rourke wasn’t doing anything to betray her.

  “I’m on your team, right or wrong, I’ve got your back, Mace.” She pointed to the window. “Out there, I’ll always have your back, but when it’s just us, I’m gonna be honest.”

  “So, I’m the asshole?”

  Cheyenne chuckled. “Yup, this time. And maybe next time, he’ll be the asshole. Show me a relationship where neither person is ever an asshole, and I’ll show you something that’s not real.”

  Macy glanced down at her silver shoes. I’m the asshole.

  “Go on your date with this great guy and have fun. You deserve it. And maybe tomorrow you give some thought to what I said, or you don’t. It doesn’t matter ’cause whatever happens, I’m on your side, Macy.”

  “Yeah,” Macy mumbled.

  Cheyenne walked over and pulled her in for a hug. “I’m gonna grab some stuff. Wait for me, and we’ll walk out together.”

  She released Macy and started down the hall.

  “I’m the asshole,” she muttered, wishing she could get out of her date. Her heart wasn’t in it. It’s over, move on.

  Macy primped her hair in the mirror and grabbed her bag meeting Chey at the front door. After locking up, they walked down.

  They made their way to the path and past the bushes where the lot opened. The last thing she wanted to see was directly in her sight. Three bikes, two of them with riders on the back. Gage and Rourke had two scantily clad women on the backs of their bikes, and they were chatting with Trax who was standing next to his.

  Her eyes scanned Rourke’s passenger, which only infuriated the fire in her belly. Rachel clung to Rourke with her hands resting on his waist. She bit back the urge to run over and violently yank the twit from the bike. She balled her fists and aimed her glare at Cheyenne who seemed just as surprised as she was, seeing Rourke.

  Cheyenne jerked her head to Macy. “I swear they didn’t come with us. It was just me and Trax. He must have texted them we were here. I know Gage needed something.”

  Her stiff body shook in fury. She had done everything in her power to steer clear of these assholes, and now they were on her turf. Chey reached out, touching her arm. “I swear, Macy, I didn’t know he was here.”

  Macy took a breath, watching them, specifically Rachel and her wandering hands. Of all the people he’d have on his bike, why her? It stung. She had no right to feel jealous. She couldn’t be pissed, Rourke wasn’t hers, he never was.

  “It’s fine, I know you wouldn’t do that.” She drew in a breath. “And this is good. Seeing him with someone else just confirms we’re done. This is good.”

  It was a lie. None of this was good. Seeing him with her only shattered her heart even more. She glanced down at the concrete and bit her lip. I’m the asshole.

  “Do you wanna come over, show him what he’s missing?”

  Macy tilted her head and cocked one eyebrow. “I’d rather get my ass crack waxed than to be even feet away from him and her. You go, Bryant should be here in a minute.”

  “You sure?”

  Macy nodded then chanced a look over at Rourke and muttered without thinking. “He never took me for a ride on his bike.”

  “Mace,” Cheyenne whispered, moving closer.

  Macy waved her hand, shrugging off her comment. “It doesn’t matter. You go.” She forced a smile. “The sooner you leave, the sooner he will.”

  “Gotcha.” She leaned in, hugging her and stepped back with a grin. “You look hot, Mace, seriously. Bryant’s a lucky guy.”


  She turned her back, not wanting to see them when they finally looked over. Rourke hadn’t spotted her, but it was only a matter of time. The last thing she needed was to see him gloat. She glanced at her phone. It was five to seven. Five minutes earlier made her wonder if she seemed too eager. Unfortunately, there was no going back. If she left now, Rourke would probably think it was him and his whore she was running from. She opened her phone and checked her page. The sound of a starting engines made her aware, it was Trax’s bike, and they’d be leaving now. She gazed up to the sky and mouthed, “Thank you.”

  Fortunately, they wouldn’t have to pass her to leave, and with her back facing the exit, she wouldn’t even see them. She listened as the bikes took off. She shoved her phone in her bag and glanced around the lot. Her car was parked in its usual spot. Maybe she should have met him at the restaurant. Usually, she did, but with Bryant, he insisted on picking her up. His gentlemanly gesture was new for her, but she agreed.

  The rumble of the motorcycles echoed across the lot. She glanced over her shoulder and jolted forward when she saw Gage and Rourke’s bikes heading toward her. What the hell? They were supposed to leave with Cheyenne and Trax. She heard the bikes slow down and idle next to her, only about five feet away.

  You’ve got to be kidding me?

  Now what? She could pretend she didn’t know they were there but that was beyond ridiculous. Anyone with half the hearing could hear these bikes a mile away. She drew in a breath. Fine, he wanted to be an asshole, he could go right ahead. He was nothing to her anymore. She slowly turned her body to face them. Gage’s bike was closest with a blonde dressed in a bikini top and shorts riding up her ass. The red lipstick on her overly done lips was almost comical.

�Well, look at you, short stack,” Gage said with a grin. She ignored him and gazed over at Rourke. He didn’t say a word, but his scowl was speaking volumes. Rachel’s hair hung over his shoulder as she leaned forward. The smirk on her face had Macy balling her fists and fighting back her tears. Don’t you dare cry. She shifted her gaze to Rourke. He was no longer staring at her. He was half turned and speaking to Rachel. Macy watched as the woman pulled her hands away from his waist and settled back, no longer hanging on Rourke. When he faced forward, his gaze lifted to meet her stare. She turned her head.

  “Date, huh?” Gage asked.

  “Yeah.” She turned her back, refusing to look at them.

  The sound of a car had her glancing over their heads and slowly smiling as the sleek silver car rolled up. It stopped just past Rourke’s bike, and all eyes including her own were locked on it. The car parked in the lot and the door opened. She silently pleaded to a higher power, “Oh please God, let it be him, just let it be Bryant, and I’ll never ask for anything else ever again.” She grinned when Bryant appeared and glanced over the roof of the car. She quickly moved past the bikes as he rounded the back.

  “Hi there. Wow, you look beautiful.” He smiled, completely ignoring the bikes and its occupants.

  “Hi.” She was giddy. Not so much for Bryant but for Rourke who would be watching her drive away with him and his pretty fancy car. It was petty. And she didn’t fucking care. She had to suffer watching him with Rachel. This was payback. If he even cared. Bryant opened the passenger side door, and she heard a female voice in awe. “What kind of car is that?”

  Bryant glanced over and smiled. “It’s a Maserati.”

  She took the opportunity to look over and see their faces. The girls were impressed. Gage was not, he looked disgusted. Rourke had a harsh scowl deeply embedding his forehead. She smirked and waved while mouthing, “It’s a Maserati.” She winked at him then immediately slid into the car.

  When the door closed, she said a silent prayer. “Thank you.”

  Three hours later, she was vehemently regretting her decision not to drive. The dinner had started out great, then it all went to hell once they got to the bar. Bryant had gone from a suave and classy nice guy to a handsy, douche prick as soon as the drinks started flowing. She had twice excused herself to hide out in the bathroom. How was she such a poor judge of character with every man she encountered? She was heading back to the bathroom, though this time was not for a faux escape. She had become very hot in the last fifteen minutes and slightly nauseous. It was strange because she felt fine then when she came back and finished off her drink, the hot flashes started, and her head got woozy. She stumbled forward through the door and braced herself by the sink. Something’s not right.


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