Forbidden Love: Book 1 in the Mackenzie Series (Leave Me Breathless World)

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Forbidden Love: Book 1 in the Mackenzie Series (Leave Me Breathless World) Page 4

by Elizabeth Knox

  “Will you be walking me home again?” she asks, cheekily grinning in my direction. Over the past couple of days, she’s become a little more flirtatious. What she doesn’t realize is that I’m not interested. It’s simply more beneficial for me if she is alive. My plan won’t work without her.

  I look up from my paperwork into her deep eyes and nod. “Yes, we’ll be leaving in just a few minutes.”

  She whispers something in response but I can’t hear it. Instead, I see her walk around the bar and wipe everything down, disinfecting all the seats and making sure the tables are organized for the next day. I smile to myself, she’s making sure whoever opens has less work to do. Out of all my employees, she’s the only one that does that. Hell, Aemon doesn’t even do that. He’d rather just let the morning crew do it. Then again, he is a lazy fucker.

  “Are you both good here?” Aemon asks, walking out from the kitchen. We are, there’s no use in keeping him here. Everything that needs to be done, Amber can do in the next few minutes, or should I just call her Caprice.

  “Yeah, go ahead and get going. We’ll see you tomorrow,” I inform him and watch as he leaves out the front door.

  She and I are left alone in the bar for what seems like another twenty minutes. I told her I’d just be a few minutes, however, I didn’t realize how damning the paperwork would be. Out of the corner of my eye, I see movement on the street, which is uncommon at this hour. I take a gander around, checking our surroundings. Luca seems to be outside in the SUV like he normally is. Yet I can’t seem to shake this eerie feeling. My gut has never dissuaded me if something seems off, then something most definitely is.

  All of a sudden, there’s a loud crashing sound coming from the kitchen. I stand up off my barstool, prepared for anything that comes through the door. I look to my right and see her, a terrified expression across her face. I place my hand at my side, right against my gun.

  Footsteps become heavier and lumbering as they approach us. I look over to her, motioning with my hands for her to get down. As I said, she’s no good to me if she’s dead.

  She follows my instructions and doesn’t say a word. When the door opens, I’m shocked to see who is standing there. None other than the man who’s supposed to marry her— Sergei Kolosov.

  “I hear from good friends that my pet is here,” he states, eyes venturing across the space.

  I chuckle in response. “I can assure you nothing of yours is here, Kolosov.”

  He makes his way down the length of the bar and comes out the other side, spotting Caprice attempting to hide under a table. Sergei’s eyebrows raise. “You said that nothing of mine is here and yet there is my pet.”

  My eyes meet hers and I watch as fear spreads over her. My eyes don’t waver from hers as I speak. “No, Sergei. Caprice doesn’t belong to you. She’s mine.” Caprice’s eyes go wide as she discovers that I know her true identity. “Now, if you’d be so kind as to get the fuck out of my pub, that would be great.”

  The tank of a man disregards what I’ve just told him and starts to head toward her. Who does he think he’s dealing with? I tsk, aim my gun, and fire into his right shoulder. Caprice screams and I watch as the bullet stuns him.

  “I don’t remember asking you. Do it now, asshole.”

  He turns back to me and lets out a sinister chuckle. “You really think that you will keep her from me, Irishman? What is she to you anyway?”

  I think about what it is I’m going to say, realizing that I don’t have any better options. “She’s only my wife. Now, run along and fuck off.”

  “Wife? Someone went off and got married, did they?” He glares at her with all his might. No way in God’s name would I allow her to leave with him.

  I sternly speak up. “Don’t you look at her. If you want to speak to her, you go through me.” I won’t have him scaring her.

  Sergei cackles. “You have won this round, Irishman, but don’t think you have won the war.”

  “Are you going to make me shoot you again? Leave,” I hiss, venom lacing my voice.

  He heads toward the front door, passing Caprice. I keep my gun trained on him the entire time until he’s in the doorway. “I will be back, and I won’t be alone,” he states as the door shuts firmly behind him.

  “Oh my God . . . what was that,” she mumbles. I can hear her voice cracking through her words as she speaks.

  “Exactly what you witnessed,” I wittily respond. “C’mon, we need to get a ring on your finger before both our asses are fucked.”


  “Blood makes you related. Loyalty makes you family.”

  ~ The Don Consigliere


  “When did you find out?” I ask, shocked beyond belief at what transpired a few minutes ago. Liam said we needed to get going but I’m frozen in place and he doesn’t attempt to move me. I keep my hands positioned on the bar, trying to stop shaking. It’s been a little over two weeks and Sergei was able to figure out where I was. How? How did both of these men figure it out?

  Liam shuts his binder and approaches me with haste. “My father showed me your photograph last week when the rumors of your disappearance were confirmed. Imagine how shocked I was to see Amber’s face on my screen,” he states, obviously pissed that I lied. Although he did tell me the one thing he loathes more than anything is liars. However, I was lying to keep my head attached to my body. Hopefully, that’ll give me a little bit of leeway here.

  “I refuse to apologize. I did what needed to be done to ensure not only my safety but my sister’s as well,” I hiss. I must admit I’ve gotten quite a backbone since being out of my father’s grasp. If there’s one regret I have, it’s not doing this sooner.

  His eyes widen but I stare into his emerald green orbs. “I would never ask you to apologize for doing what kept you safe. I’m pissed you lied, but I completely understand your reasoning in doing it.”

  Wow. I have to confess I didn’t expect this sort of reaction. “I thought you were going to yell at me for not being honest.”

  Liam chuckles lowly. “Considering the circumstances, I’d be a damn tool to act that way. Now, we need to get going. I wasn’t joking when I said we needed to get a ring on your finger.”

  I draw my brows together. “W-wait. You were serious?”

  Liam grabs the briefcase from the bar and slides his binder inside before he zips it up. “What part did you fail to understand?”

  I think for a moment before responding. “I assumed you were only telling Sergei that to keep me safe. My only question is why you’d want to keep me safe in the first place.”

  Liam gives me the impression he’s going to laugh as his face shifts into a smirk, but he stops himself and speaks instead. “I’m afraid telling a fib to a man who is notoriously known for being a ruthless pig isn’t on my to-do list, love. It would only be a matter of time until he and every business associate in our world discovered we aren’t married. Even more than that, I’d be known as a liar, and if there’s one thing I’m not known for, it’s that.”

  I think about arguing with him, telling him this isn’t the way out of this situation. But I know I’m wrong. Quickly analyzing our options, which are shit, to begin with, I know we don’t have any other choice. If I’m going to stay out of the hell of a reality Father prepared for me, then I’d better take Liam’s hand and go do whatever it is he asks of me. I’m scared because I don’t know him. I know small parts of his personality and want to believe he isn’t a demon underneath all that handsome . . . but who the hell knows anymore.

  Liam makes his way toward me and motions with his hand for me to follow, so I do. As usual, Luca’s SUV is sitting out front and he rolls down the window. “I was wondering when your asses would think clearly. Get in the damn, car. Now.”

  Liam opens the door to the back seat and I climb across to the other side, buckling my seat belt as he gets in and shuts the door behind him. “Drive to Father O’Sullivan’s cottage. Caprice and I need to handle some business.�

  Luca drives, raising a brow in the rearview mirror as he stares me down. “Caprice, hmm? I believe we only know one Caprice on our radar and she’s an Italian mafioso’s daughter.”

  “Yes, I’m Caprice DiGiovanni, okay,” I snap, rolling my eyes. I’m beyond frustrated because none of this was part of my plan. I didn’t expect to be caught this early on, and especially not under these circumstances.

  “Well, someone’s a spitfire,” Luca comments, glancing over to Liam, who has his attention directed outside the window. He’s staring up at the lights that illuminate downtown Dublin.

  Luca drives for about ten minutes until we’re outside of the city. Suddenly, everything becomes dark from the lack of buildings. You can see light from a distance in smaller towns, but the country is very close to the city here. I muster up the courage to speak and turn to Liam. “Who is Father O’Sullivan?”

  Liam redirects his attention from the window over to me, looking me over with glowering eyes. “He’s my family’s priest. We’re heading to his home now so we can get this enormous mess handled quickly. After he marries us, I’ll take you to the Mackenzie estate.”

  Whoa. This is all a bit much to handle right now. I knew I would be kept safe being in Ireland, but I never imagined Liam Mackenzie would be doing this. He’s really sticking his head out on the line for me. I’m so wrapped up in my mind that I’ve forgotten about the one other person who could be in danger. “We have to go back and get my sister,” I stammer out, looking to Liam with worry-filled eyes. “Alessandra is back at the apartment. If Sergei knew I was working for you, there’s a chance he could know Alessandra is here too. I have to assume he knows everything . . . and I can’t let my little sister get back into my father’s clutches.”

  Silence fills the SUV until Liam clears his throat. “Luca, I need you to turn around and head back to Caprice’s flat. We need to grab her sister before we can go.”

  “Boss, I don’t think it’s a good idea. It’s much safer for me to drop you off at Father O’Sullivan’s since we’re only a minute away. Please, don’t compromise your safety. I’ll go get the girl and bring her back before you two tie the knot.”

  “I hate to admit it, but he’s right,” I tell Liam. If we both go and something happens to him, I’m fucked regardless. “How far away are we, Luca?”

  Luca abruptly turns. “We’re heading down his driveway now. I’ll drop you both off and go to your flat to retrieve your sister, Miss DiGiovanni. I’ve already notified Bishop and Shaun to meet you here.”

  “When did you have time to do that?” Liam asks him in an aggravated tone.

  “I’m a man of many talents, Liam. Surely, you knew that since you’re the one who hired me. Now, get the hell out of my vehicle so I can go check on the girl.” Luca comes to a stop in front of a small cottage and turns toward me. “What is her name?”

  “Alessandra. She’s not trusting because of the situation we’re in. Tell her I sent you and that I said fiducia.” I doubt Luca knows it, but the word I’ve told him to repeat will cause her to trust him. I unbuckle my seatbelt and open the door, hopping out. I see Liam do the same from the other side and venture around the car.

  Luca still has his window down and speaks to me. “Don’t fret about your sister. I’ll get her.” I can’t even respond before he takes off with the speed of light, racing down the long driveway.


  “When I count my blessings, I count you twice.”

  ~ Irish Proverb


  I want to say I didn’t see this coming, but I did. There was something about Caprice that never lined up for me. A lot of private security wouldn’t have ever asked their boss about the new hot bartender. However, I’m not like every other man in my field. I’m a bit of a nosy bastard if I do say so myself.

  I didn’t waste any time rushing over to where I’ve driven alongside Liam and who we all now know as Caprice when he’d walk her home after her shifts. In all honesty, it took me longer to get the two of them out to Father O’Sullivan’s cottage.

  I park my tank of an SUV around the corner from Caprice’s flat in case someone beat me to the punch already. I hop out of the car and shut the door quietly while placing my hand on my gun, cautiously approaching the flat. I see the door is busted open, hanging by only the bottom hinge.

  This alone causes goosebumps to cover my body. Without a doubt, I know trouble is ahead. “If I can’t have Caprice, maybe your dear old daddy will throw you over in my direction. Now, get over here!”

  I take in a breath, aggravated with hearing another word mentioned by that son of a bitch from earlier. I saw the way he left Maeve’s and knew he was trouble. More importantly, when I didn’t see this man enter the pub, I knew something was wrong. He’d already exited at that point and Liam was inside talking to Caprice, packing up his shite and heading in my direction.

  “Get away from me!” a young woman screams, obviously in distress.

  I hastily run up the stairwell and head into the danger zone. Glancing around, I see a younger woman with wavy, chocolate brown hair who’s about the size of my pinky finger with a pair of mosquito-bite-sized tits screaming at the oversized middle-aged buffoon. They say Spanish women are the feistiest, but after seeing Alessandra, I’d tend to disagree.

  I raise my gun, pointing it directly at Sergei. “You know, I’m pretty certain my boss told you to get the hell out of Ireland. If he didn’t, please allow me to speak on behalf of the Mackenzie family.”

  “They do not own the entire country,” Sergei spits out.

  With my thumb, I pull back the safety on my copper-plated pistol. “I will add another hole to further ruin that white dress shirt of yours. Don’t test me, old man.”

  “Who the fuck are you anyway?” Sergei asks, glaring at me from across the room. I keep my eyes trained on his face, but I don’t miss the way he’s going for his gun. Alessandra is pressed up against the wall, fear embodying her.

  “You don’t need to know who I am. What you need to do is step away from the young lady and get the fuck out of Ireland. I don’t like repeating myself. It really makes me a bit trigger happy. I’m betting you don’t want that to happen, considering you’re already up there in years. It must be hard when the ladies deny you.”

  Sergei scoffs, pulls up his gun, and fires in my direction. The heat of the bullet whizzes past my right cheek, barely missing me by an inch. “Alessandra, get over here! Your sister sent me,” I holler, firing at Sergei. I have eighteen rounds before I run out so this girl needs to hurry up. My dumb ass didn’t bring another magazine in from the SUV.

  Alessandra still has her back glued to the wall, arms holding her firmly in place as her eyes dart between me and Sergei. She’s trying to figure out what to do. It would be stupid of her to trust Sergei considering what I overheard, but I’m a stranger. I’m gonna bet her sister didn’t tell her what she was doing either as far as working for the Mackenzies goes. For the life of me, I try to remember that damn word Caprice said to me before I left. “Caprice sent me. Fiducia!” I yell, hoping I pronounced it correctly and didn’t just say something completely different.

  Alessandra jolts herself from the grip fear has on her and runs in my direction as I keep firing at Sergei. She runs down the stairwell behind me. I stop firing for a moment, head down the stairwell myself, and grab the girl's hand as I lead her in the direction of the car. Sergei catches up to us as we hop in my car. I look back, firing away as we speed off.

  “Oh my, are you okay? You’re bleeding.”

  I keep my eyes fixated on the road as I take Alessandra to Father O’Sullivan’s cottage. There’s no telling if Sergei has friends on the lookout for us so I need to ensure we get there as soon as possible. “I’m fine,” I say, dismissing her.

  “You don’t look fine. Your arm is bleeding really bad.” Out of nowhere, I feel intense pressure on my left arm. Looking over, I see she’s taken off her cardigan and has it bundled up, trying to stop the bleeding
. I don’t know what comes over me, but I can’t stop staring at this woman who seems to have so much compassion for other people. She literally took the shirt— or sweater thing— off her back to help me, a complete stranger.

  “Lass, you can take your sweater back. Don’t want the blood to stain it,” I mutter, looking back onto the road before I veer us off it.

  Alessandra scoffs. “I’d rather have a ruined cardigan than a dead body. How else am I supposed to repay the man who saved my life?”

  “I didn’t save your life, hon. Simply got there at the right time.”

  “No, you did. You don’t know what my life would have been like if he was successful in his attempt. I’ve heard horror stories about that man . . . if I can even call him that. So, thank you for coming.”

  “You should thank your sister for asking me to grab you. It’s obvious she cares for you dearly,” I reply, turning down Father O’Sullivan’s lane after I’m sure no one has been following us. Alessandra doesn’t speak another word after I did. She simply grows quiet as we venture toward safety.


  “Your value does not decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth.”

  ~ Unknown



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