Candy Girl

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Candy Girl Page 6

by Eve Vaughn

  “What happened?”

  “My parents died when I was eight, and my only living relatives were my aunt Rae and her daughter, Corinne, but I think she and her husband were having problems at the time, so she couldn't take me. So, I was in the foster care system for a few years. It was a pretty difficult adjustment. I'd always been on the shy side, but I kind of withdrew into myself. In that whole time the only friend I made was Sheridan. You met her this morning. Anyway, I was bounced from one home to the next, and each time I believed if I became what they wanted me to be, maybe they'd keep me. You see, my experiences in foster homes weren't as horrific as some kids you hear about. Most of the homes I stayed in weren't bad at all. In my need for a family unit, I became as amicable as possible. Never causing trouble or tattling when one of the other kids did something to me. But no matter how hard I tried to fit in and be what I believed they wanted me to be, for some reason I'd always end up receiving the talk.”

  Tears burned the backs of her eyes. Even now her old childhood woes still cut deep. Pain welled within her chest as she remembered those lonely years, missing her parents but wanting desperately to belong to a family again.

  “The talk?” Gabe asked gently.

  “Yeah, the talk where they'd explain they're getting rid of me. Oh, it was nothing I did, they'd tell me, but I never believed them of course. So then I vowed I'd try harder at my next home.”

  “That's an awful big burden for a child to have.”

  “I know that now, but at the time it made sense. Anyway, when I was thirteen, my aunt seemed to have a change of heart and took me in. It wasn't until later that I learned her main reason for taking me in was the stipend from the state. By the time I learned this, it didn't matter, because I would have done anything to please her. And I think she knew it. My cousin knew it too and never missed an opportunity to rub it in my face. Sometimes my cousin would take something of mine or break it deliberately, but every time I tried or even wanted to fight back, she'd tell me if I made trouble, my aunt would send me away. It always worked like a charm.”

  “And this is the same cousin you have staying with you now?”

  “The very same one. It wasn't like my aunt Rae was any better. Everything I had, the clothes on my back, the food that I ate, I was reminded that it was only by her largesse that I was provided those things. She was never affectionate toward me, and she never lifted a finger to clean or do anything menial while I was around, but I was so grateful to have some permanency in my life, I learned to bite my tongue and count my blessings.”

  “Did she ever threaten to send you back to the foster homes if you didn't toe the line?”

  Julie bit her lip and nodded. She didn't like to speak ill of her aunt. She had taken Julie in, even though it might not have been for altruistic reasons, but the bottom line was that she had. How she was with Aunt Rae and Corinne at home was how she was with her schoolmates, and everyone else she interacted with. It had simply become habit. “I don't like confrontation, and I don't like people to be angry with me. And as a result, I try to please them.”

  “Everything makes sense now. It's why you spend so many late hours at the office picking up other people's slack. I often wondered if you were trying to earn brownie points or if you were just a big pushover. And the candy—you do it to make people happy.”

  “Yes. That, and I have a sweet tooth, although half the time, I barely get any for myself, because it's usually gone by noon. When I first started the job, I had a candy dish at my desk. At first some people were nice enough to contribute to my candy fund, while others brought in candy to keep the dish filled. As new people came and others left, the responsibility of keeping it full became solely mine.”

  “And who started calling you 'Candy Girl'?”

  She shrugged. “I'm not really sure, but it caught on, and before I knew it, no one referred to me by my name. At first I thought it was cute, because I believed it to be a term of affection. But then I realized they no longer saw me as a person with feelings, but as an object to use.” To finally vocalize her emotions was like a cleansing.

  Gabe stroked the side of her face. “And yet you said nothing?”

  Julie closed her eyes briefly, leaning into his touch. She opened them again with a sigh. “No. Like I said, I'm so used to not saying what's on my mind, it's become an ingrained habit. For instance, my cousin, Corinne, lost her job and was unable to pay her rent. She didn't want to move back home with her mother because she claimed she and my aunt had some kind of falling out. So, I agreed to let her stay with me until she got back on her feet. She's now been with me for five months, and I don't think she has any intention of finding a job. Why should she when she's staying with me rent free and being waited on hand and foot?”

  “And she repays you by sleeping with your boyfriend.”

  A sharp, unexpected pain twisted in her chest. For as long as she could remember, Julie had wanted a close relationship with her beautiful and popular cousin. Now, as she replayed that scene she'd stumbled upon the day before, Julie realized it would never happen. For some reason Corinne hated her, and it was something she'd just have to accept, but at least now she no longer had to take her cousin's ill treatment. She caught her bottom lip between her teeth, nodding her head in answer to his question.

  “Is the reason you didn't want me to take you home because you weren't ready for a confrontation with Corinne?”

  “Yes. I didn't know what to say. My tongue got stuck to the roof of my mouth, and I was torn between tears and doing her and Henry bodily harm. I guess I'll eventually have to go home, but just not today.”

  He scooted next to her and slung his arm around her shoulders. “You can stay with me for as long as you like.”

  Julie leaned her head against his chest, enjoying the warmth emanating from his body. Sitting with him here like this just felt right. It was funny how things turned out. Yesterday she'd been going through the motions of her humdrum life, and now she was heavily involved with her sexy boss. “I appreciate the offer, but I'll have to go home eventually. Maybe tomorrow I'll be up to facing her.”

  “What will you do?”

  “I don't know yet. I guess I'll know what to do when I get there.”

  “Would you like me to be there for the confrontation?”

  “No. I need to do this on my own. I have to learn to assert myself more, and there's no better way than finally telling my cousin what she needs to hear.”

  “And what about your coworkers? You know, you probably thought I was always on your case, but like I said before, I was annoyed on your behalf. I hated to see them take advantage of you. But you never complained, so there really wasn't much I could do about it. I was actually a little jealous, and not just for the reasons I gave earlier.”

  She lifted her head to meet his topaz gaze. “Jealous? Really? Of what?”

  He grasped her chin and brushed her lips with his. “Of the attention you gave everyone else. I wanted it for myself.”

  “I still find it hard to believe you want me.” She was so in awe of this handsome, dynamic man. And he wanted her!

  “Why wouldn't I? You're gorgeous.”

  “Stop it.”

  “I'm serious. Big brown eyes, cute button nose, and a mouth I'm obsessed with kissing. If that isn't beauty, I don't know what is. Yours is the kind of beauty that comes from within. Do you honestly think the candy is the only reason people visit your desk? Some of them don't even touch the dish. They go to you because you listen without judgment; you're a soothing influence. You have something inside of you that attracts others to you. It's definitely one of the reasons that attracted me to you. I only wish you knew how wonderful you are.”

  Her cheeks warmed with a blush. “My friend Sheridan says that too.”

  “Maybe you should listen to your friend.” He dropped another kiss on the tip of her nose. “So what would you like to do next? Would you like to go to the movies?”

  Julie shook her head.

sp; “A walk in the park?”


  “How about a trip to the museum?”


  “How about—”

  She placed a finger over his lips, a sudden boldness coming over her. “If it doesn't involve your cock in my pussy, I'm not interested.”

  Gabe stood up abruptly and pulled Julie with him. “Let's go.”

  Chapter Six

  All his good intentions had flown out the window the minute she'd issued that seductive invitation. Gabe had wanted to slow things down and give her the proper courtship a woman like Julie deserved. It had been hard to keep his hands off her, especially as he remembered how good she'd tasted, how right she'd felt in his arms, how her cunt muscles squeezed his cock until he'd nearly lost his mind.

  The drive back to his house was excruciating. His dick was painfully hard, and he was desperate to free it from its confines. It didn't help matters to have Julie's hand running up and down his thigh. The little minx was driving him insane, and judging by the smug smile on her face, she knew exactly what she was doing. Getting home in record time, he hurried out of the car and pulled Julie out, barely giving her a chance to unbuckle her seat belt.

  Julie giggled as he shoved her inside and slammed the door behind them. “Where's the fire?”

  Gabe grabbed her hand and placed it over his erection. “Right here, baby.”

  “Oh I see. Maybe there's something I can do to put it out for you.”

  “Most definitely.” Pulling her against him, he covered her lips with his, giving her the proper kiss he'd been fantasizing about since yesterday. Her lips were soft like flower petals, and he wanted to taste more of her. Gabe slid his tongue along the outline of her lips. He needed more. Craved it. “Open up for me, sweetheart. Let me taste you.” He threaded his fingers through her hair and gave it a gentle tug.

  Julie parted her lips on a sigh, wrapping her arms around his waist and arching her body against his. She tasted heavenly, so sweet and tangy, he'd quickly become addicted to her. Each time he kissed her, a new, exciting feeling coursed through him. Capturing her tongue between his lips, he sucked it into his mouth, unable to get enough of her.

  Her nails dug into his back as he ground his cock against her pelvis. This fully clothed bumping and grinding was no longer enough. Releasing the grip he had in her hair, he quickly undid the buttons of her blouse. Julie began to unbuckle his belt, and the frantic undressing of each other began, she seeming as desperate to have him naked as he was for her.

  The sight of those blackberry-tipped breasts with distended nipples practically begging to be sucked was enough to push him over the edge. Where the hell was a condom when he needed one? Remembering he kept a few in his bathroom down the hall, he gave Julie a quick, hard kiss. “Don't move.”

  With record speed, he rushed down the hall to his bathroom and ripped the medicine cabinet open. Nearly pulling it off the hinges, he found what he sought and made his way back to Julie.

  He stopped in his tracks at the sight she presented. Julie leaned against the wall in her naked deliciousness, with eyes squeezed shut and her feet were placed shoulder distance apart, exposing her pretty pussy to his gaze—a pussy she had two fingers jammed inside. Hot damn, she was beautiful. He ran his tongue across his lips in anticipation. She had to be doing this for the purpose of driving him insane. If that was the plan, it was most certainly working. “Gorgeous.”

  Her eyes popped open, and a smile of pure mischief and wicked delight curved her kissable lips. “What took you so long?” She moved her fingers in and out of her wet hole, her hips gyrating as she fingered herself.

  “Trying to tease me, Candy Girl?”

  Her grin widened. “Maybe.” Slipping her finger out, she walked toward him like a goddess bent on a mission of seduction. “Do you want to taste my candy?” She placed her dew-soaked fingers against his mouth, wetting his bottom lip.

  “You'd better believe it.” Holding her wrist, he licked her fingers up and down, getting every last drop of her juice. “Mmm. You're going to be the death of me, woman.”

  “The good kind, I hope.” She took the condom from his hand. “Here, let me.” Julie opened the silver packet and tossed it aside, her eyes never leaving his face. She went down on one knee and placed the rubber over his cock with an excruciating slowness that had Gabe gritting his teeth.

  Julie stroked his length in one hand while fondling his balls in another. Gabe couldn't take any more of her torture. He wanted some pussy right now! Bending over, he lifted her to her feet.

  “Wrap your arms around me, sweetheart.”

  She raised a brow. “Standing up?”

  “Are you chickening out?” he taunted gently.

  “Never. I'm always up for the challenge.”

  “And I'm always up for you.”

  She giggled, throwing her arms around his neck as he'd commanded. “You're so nasty. And I like it.”

  He gripped her ass and lifted her against his hardness. “Only for you, Candy Girl.”

  “Let's keep it that way.”

  Reaching between their bodies, Gabe grasped his cock and guided it to her slick entrance. “Mmm, your pussy is nice and wet, just how I like it.” Thrusting his hips forward, he drove into her tightness to the hilt. He inhaled sharply. Even after having her, it still shocked Gabe how snuggly her cunt fit around his cock as if it were made just for him. Even in his wildest dreams, he would never have believed she could feel this good. Her tight pussy walls squeezing his dick, milking it, and sucking it deeper. He stilled simply to savor this moment of complete oneness with her.

  Julie, however, didn't seem content to remain immobile. She writhed and bucked against him, sending his cock deeper up her wet channel. “Fuck me, Gabe. Please. Now!”

  Tightening his hold on her ass, he slammed her against the wall as the savage need to possess her to the point where she'd think of no other man but him took over. She clawed his back, clinging tighter to him as he plowed deeper and harder into her. “My pussy.”

  She squeezed her vaginal muscles around him. “And this is my cock. Every single inch of it.”

  “You'd better believe it,” he growled.

  Her nipples rubbed against him, creating a sensational friction that had his body reeling. He lowered his gaze to her big, round titties. Her hard little nipples were practically taunting him, begging to be sucked on. Gabe was more than willing to oblige. Taking a hard little point between his teeth, he nibbled and teased the hardened tip before suckling it.

  Julie moaned, tossing her head from side to side. Her nails tore into his back. They'd leave marks, but Gabe didn't care. He'd wear them proudly as a badge of honor, because he was just as much hers as she was his.

  “Fuck me harder, Gabe,” she begged as her legs tightened around him. She bucked back and forth, riding his cock like a woman gone mad. Releasing her nipple with a wet pop, he squeezed her against him and buried his face into her floral-scented hair. As the intensity of his thrusts increased, Gabe feared he might hurt her. Each time he attempted to slow down, however, Julie would have none of it.

  “More!” she demanded.

  “Damn, you're insatiable.”

  “Only for you, baby.”

  “If you keep this up, I won't be able to hold out for much longer.”

  Julie nipped his shoulder playfully. “So?”

  That was it. She wanted it rough and hard; he'd give it to her. Something within him let loose, and he held nothing back, releasing all his months of sexual frustration.

  “Yes! Yes! Yes!” she screamed.

  “So close.” He grunted. With a few more forceful thrusts, he came so hard, he nearly lost his balance.

  “I'm coming!” Julie shouted her release. She shook violently before going completely limp in his arms. Breathing ragged, she whispered, “I needed that.”

  He grinned. “So did I, Candy Girl. So did I.”

  * * * * *

  The most luscious sensations
were whirling in her body. Something warm and wet tickled her clit and circled it. Wanting to touch the source of her pleasure, Julie frowned when she realized she couldn't move her arms. Something continued to probe her pussy with more insistence.

  Her eyes popped open, and it took several seconds to realize she'd been sleeping but what she felt was definitely no dream. Gabe lay between her legs, lapping her pussy and fingering her with insistent strokes. Her arms were anchored to the bedpost, tied by some type of silken cloth. She yanked at her restraints, but the more she struggled, the tighter they became.

  “Gabe, what do you think you're doing?” She'd meant for her words to sound stern, but instead they'd come out as a throaty whisper.

  He raised his head, his eyes smoldering with passion. “Eating your pussy. I thought you'd never wake up, and I was hungry.”

  “You have to untie me.”

  He raised a brow. “Do I?”

  “Yes, you do.”

  “I can't do that, sweetheart.”

  “Why the hell not?”

  “Because you don't want me to.” Before she could reply, he dived face-first into her pussy, his fingers doing things to her she'd only read in X-rated books. Damn if he wasn't right. She didn't want to be set free from this brand of sensual torture. Besides, being tied up, left to a lover's tender mercies, totally vulnerable to his sexual desires, was so damn hot.

  Raising her hips, she offered him complete surrender. “Gabe, your tongue feels amazing.”

  He added another finger inside of her, thrusting deeper as he nibbled her clit. Julie knew by the end of the weekend, her pussy would be so sore, she probably wouldn't be comfortable for days. But it would serve as a sexy reminder of exactly whom she belonged to.

  Gabe took his time, as if reveling in every second of his task. “Such a pretty pussy. I could stay between your soft thighs all day, but you know what I'd really like to do?”

  “No,” she croaked.

  Removing his fingers from her damp channel, he slipped them between the crack of her ass and massaged the tight ring of muscles guarding her rectum.


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