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Invasion Earth

Page 5

by Philip R Benge

  “Doc, I think that I am going loopy, I can see little grey aliens, both inside and outside of the habitat, my god I can even see two of them standing beside me; you have got to help me!” Pearson exclaimed in a strained whisper, as if he did not want his fellow team members to overhear him just yet, although this was unlikely as the clinic was sound proof anyway, to some extent.

  As Doctor Marshall looked up at him, expecting to see a smile appear on the astronaut`s face, for Pearson was known to be a jokester, the two aliens sprayed a gas into the small enclose space that made up the clinic and then moved forward to catch the falling astronaut. Doctor Marshall simply fell asleep at his desk, oblivious to everything that then happened within his small clinic.

  Five minutes passed by with the two aliens sending a message to the command craft, and then another alien entered the small clinic, the one that Pearson had seen outside of the habitat. This made the confined space in the clinic seem all the smaller, almost claustrophobic, although the two earthmen did not notice. The third alien had brought along a portable version of the brainwashing machine. Part of the machine was a helmet that resembled those worn by a motor cyclist, even down to the visor. It had an electrical cable connecting it to the main part of the machine, a row of lights went across the front of the helmet, just above the face of wearer, and this told the operating how far along the program had reached in its brainwashing operation. The third alien now put this helmet, on to Pearson’s head, the scene looking like something out of a Doctor Who episode. He then turned on the device with the flick of a switch, the helmet began to run its program, an angry and loud buzzing noise emanating from it, and they brainwashed the astronaut once again. Outside the clinic, the humans did not notice the loud buzzing noise, they just continued with whatever they were busy doing. When Pearson woke up, sitting in the second of the chairs within the clinic, he remembered only that he had been passing the time of day with the doctor, which is what the doctor also remembered.

  The incident with Pearson had been anticipated by the aliens, not particularly with Pearson, but with any one of the Mars team, they had discounted it as a major problem as whichever member of the Mars team managed to overcome their conditioning, they would soon make the fact known to the aliens, as Pearson had done.

  In nine months, the clones would be finally ready to replace the humans who made up the Mars Colony, during this nine months the aliens whose minds were to be put into the clones would have to learn a new language, learn how to pass as their chosen human, and learn his or her history. They would then have their mind transferred to the clone, when it would then be ‘born’, out of the tank where it was growing aboard the Endeavour.

  Over these nine months the Mars team carried out all of their tasks without any problems occurring, the people of NASA, back on Earth, were all highly delighted, for they had expected the odd problem to occur, but then the aliens were insuring that everything went like clockwork.

  Finally, the clones were ready to replace the humans on Mars; President Mortise had insisted that the human colonists were to live out their days in a camp, on Magenta, rather than killed on Mars. Consul Phairlis, however, did not want the trouble of holding on to the humans, even in cryogenic stasis, and then using a valuable starship to transport them to Magenta. When the next Martian night arrived, each human ate their space rations, rations that contained a powerful drug that ensured each of them died. The dead humans were the first people buried beneath the Martian sands; however, no ceremony commemorated this historic deed. When the sun rose the next morning, the first Mars colony was now an alien stronghold. Phairlis sent a message to Magenta.

  “The human colonists are ready for transport to Magenta, but will leave only when the storage area on the starship Future is full.”

  Only a select few Magentans knew what had really taken place, for Phairlis was not yet ready to openly disobey his government, for that was for the future.

  The new alien masters of Mars already knew that the earthlings had not yet discovered the secret of artificial gravity, but they had not thought about it. The clones did though; when they entered the habitat as the earthling Mars team, for unlike their own secret base the gravity in the earthlings’ habitat was not equal to that on Earth, or on Magenta. They immediately complained to Consul Phairlis about having to put up with it up until the time came for the full invasion of Earth, Phairlis decided that as many of his people would be spending a considerable amount of time on both Mars and the Moon; the earthlings must discover the secret of artificial gravity.

  Doctor Swenson was a renowned research physicist, and was part of the Mars Colony team, and Phairlis decided that the honour should go to him, although he was in fact an alien physicist now living within a cloned body. His fellow scientists back on Earth were astounded when their famous colleague miraculously discovered artificial gravity. Time magazine put his photograph on the front cover of their magazine, and printed an article telling of his career. The scientists of NASA took a little time to go over his paper, which came complete with the blueprints necessary to build a unit, and they finally concurred with their esteemed colleague. NASA had a prototype unit built, and finding that it worked beyond their highest expectations, they decide to send the prototype of the artificial gravity machine aboard the next supply ship destined for the next Mars team. It came to them, as a DIY kit, for assembly by the Mars team, the citizens of Earth now experience a feeling of well-being, they were indeed a space-pioneering civilisation, and Star Trek would soon be a reality.


  While the people of Earth were oblivious to the alien world that threatened their very existence, Consul Phairlis despatched additional cloned aliens to Earth to increase the number of bases from which phase three of his invasion would begin.

  They needed to be able to purchase goods and property as citizens of the various countries of Earth that they were based in, and so they took with then a large supply of gold and diamonds to barter for the local currency. One such group was operating in the United States of America, their chosen base was to be in Texas, the city of Houston from here they would attempt to infiltrate and take over the NASA Space Center.

  To make all of their future operations run smoothly, and without the chance of the authorities uncovering their presence, they kidnapped and brainwashed a leading accountant, for he would know what paperwork was necessary for them to become good American citizens. As he identified others who they would need to fabricate their history, both personal and for the IRS, so more people were brainwashed and made to work for the alien team. The identities of various dropouts were stolen and the victims disposed of, the operation was a complete success.

  Soon clones would replace the accountant and the other humans who had helped, but that was for the future, all the aliens needed now was the necessary paperwork to allow the alien clones to purchase various properties, or to get employment in and around Houston and Austin.

  A small-disused ready-mix concrete works set in the outskirts of Austin was one of the most important properties purchased. Here, they refined and produced the chemical Trichlorian Plus, and it was from here that its distribution would be undertaken, a chemical that would make all the men in Northern America infertile.


  Even while the foundations for phase three were being put into place, the next part of phase two of the Magentan invasion was about to proceed. It called for the small invading force to take over the bases on the Moon, with this in mind Consul Phairlis moved the space cruiser Constellation, along with the research ship Endeavour, and the cryo-storage starship Future, forward to orbit the Moon. The small outlying bases were the first bases taken, and no one noticed when contact was lost with them, for it happened at times. Mostly through system failures; caused by a multitude of reasons, but for no more than two hours at most, so the initial attack on each of the outlying bases was timed to last for just two hours, and so went unnoticed by Earth or Moon Base Central. The sonic weap
on knocked the humans out, and then they were brainwashed, soon the off world bases were all controlled by the aliens. They replaced the first of the personnel based on the Moon with clones, after nine months, when the clones were familiar with their new persona. There were no mishaps to the smooth running of the operation, as had occurred with Pearson, although the aliens did keep a close watch upon the Moon base personnel.


  It is late spring 2078 on Earth, the first of the clones who replaced the humans on the Moon are on Earth, meeting their ‘families and friends’ for the first time. It soon becomes apparent to their new families and friends that something is different about them, the wives and husbands are the first to notice it, and the number of broken marriages within the astronaut fraternity begins to rise.

  Chapter Three


  It is mid-summer 2078; three years had passed by since the members of Mars Colony One and Two landed on Mars, the people of Earth saw it as a great leap forward for Mankind. Now the alien clones who replaced them are on Earth, and to a hero’s welcome, a replacement team had taken their place on Mars. They too were brainwashed in preparation for more of the cloned aliens to take their place. The Magentans now looked to initiate phase three of their plan to invade Earth, and so they began to expand their operations on Earth. Their aim was to take control of the space agencies, the military and politicians of Earth. The first target for the North American team was NASA, via the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas.


  Sally Jameson was a microbiologist who worked at the Space Center, a young woman held in quite high regard by her fellow scientists who saw her as a hardworking and very able microbiologist. She had been working at NASA for five years, ever since leaving Harvard University, and she had never regretted coming to work in such an exciting workplace. She was quite good looking, dressed as well as she could afford to, she took care of her appearance and got many a glance from passing males. However, Sally was thought to be a little strange by those who knew her, for she was a huge fan of anything and everything to do with UFO`S. She said that she once saw one in the night sky over Cape Kennedy, it was while she was on a short break there, however, no one else saw it, or at least admitted to seeing it. Privately, some of the pilots of NASA had also admitted to seeing unidentified flying objects, ones that appeared and disappeared at speed, however, they mostly never mentioned them; they liked their jobs too much to risk losing them. Sally`s belief in UFO`s, and that aliens from other worlds walked amongst them, had embarrassed her on more than one occasion. Once she imagined that the mailman was an alien, however, she later discovered that he was from Lithuania. Thankfully, she had kept this thought a secret from everyone except her best friend, who teased her about for months afterwards. This morning she sitting in her laboratory talking to a colleague, Colin Braun, he was another microbiologist, one slightly her senior, but only by two months. Braun fancied her rotten; however, up until now he had been too shy to do anything about it.

  Sally had noticed subtle changes amongst the people of NASA who were returning from the bases on the Moon, could they have contracted an alien virus? She wished that she had the nerve to say something about it, but surely her superiors should have noticed it by now, if they hadn`t then they would only ridicule her, she might even be sent to talk with a psychiatrist.

  Sally noticed that Doctor Swenson displayed similar changes to the personnel who had returned from the Moon, and she mentioned it to Braun, fearing that she had stumbled on an unknown problem to do with humans living on another planet.

  “Colin, have you noticed how Doctor Swenson seems to have lost that inner spark ever since he returned from Mars, in fact he seems to me to be just a little bored by his work now?” Sally asked while they enjoyed a coffee break, indulging in a coffee Mocha and a bagel together.

  “Bored with his work, and lost his inner spark, what do you mean Sally?” Colin Braun replied quizzically, looking up, he found himself looking directing into her eyes, feeling extremely embarrassed to be caught looking at this picture of loveliness, he immediately fixed his own on his bagel. Sally smiled at this, if only he was not so shy she might even fancy him.

  “Well before the Mars trip he was always willing to join in some of the weekend activities, go hiking, swimming, but now he works ever shorter hours and never smiles, and he only appears to have time for those who have been into space, it is almost as if he were a different person.” Sally replied.

  “Maybe the Mars trip took it out of him, or maybe it was his home life that suffered, not everyone is happy to be away from their partner for over three years, and anyway, lost his inner spark? He did just invent artificial gravity, and it was while he was on Mars, I hardly call that losing his spark. Maybe he is finding it difficult to top it, I mean it must be really hard for him to come up with a discovery even on a par with artificial gravity.” Colin replied incredulously.

  “I know that Colin, but it has been three months since he returned to Earth, and it is since his return from Mars that he seems to be more introverted, and he`s not the only one. The Mars trip seems to have changed Doctor Marshall, he too seems to be rather introverted these days; I hope it is not catching Colin, some sort of alien virus.” Sally replied. She looked at Colin until she found his eyes.” I am quite serious Colin; in fact I have worried about it for some time now, I first noticed it on the people returning from the Moon.” Sally added, and Colin of course examined what was left of his bagel.

  “Colin, they may even have been affected by the high levels of the radiation outside of our cosy atmosphere.” Sally stopped here to consider this, and having done so was about to continue with her supposition when she was rudely interrupted.

  The interruption was in the form of a tall muscular laboratory technician, Ralph Mandelson, who had walked into their laboratory unnoticed, he had been listening to their conversation and growing more concerned the more that he listened to Sally. Mandelson had been employed by Swenson just two weeks ago, and in that short time Sally had felt rather uncomfortable whenever he had been around, not that he had taken much notice of her, however, he took notice of her now by including himself in their conversation.

  “Doctor Swenson is one of the most brilliant minds of the twenty first century, Doctor Jameson, and I do not think that you should be casting aspersions about him.” Mandelson interjected angrily.

  “I was not casting aspersions on Doctor Swenson; I was merely worried about his health, and the health of others who have lived off world for an extended period of time. In any case Mandelson, when I want your advice, I will ask you for it, until then kindly mind your own business.” Sally said. She was a little annoyed to have a newcomer talk to her in such a way.

  “I just do not like great men, such as Doctor Swenson, being insulted, I would have thought that you would be grateful for the chance to work amongst such minds as he and many of the others here in NASA possess, rather than to sit there making rude comments about them.” Mandelson replied.

  Sally could see that her friend Colin was in agreement with part of what the technician had said, and this angered her even more, but she bit back an angry retort as she knew that Swenson was friendly with the technician, and she did not want this argument getting out of hand.

  “Whatever, I cannot spend all my time arguing with you, please attend to your duties and allow me to get back to mine.” Sally said by way of a rebuke, and she turned away from the technician and walked over to the laboratory table where her microscope was, she then peered into its eyepiece, dismissing him, but from the corner of her eye, she watched until Mandelson walked away.

  Meanwhile, Colin had already buried himself in his work, he never liked to argue with anyone, and Mandelson looked too much of a handful to annoy. He now felt rather depressed, for he also realized that he had annoyed Sally by not siding with her, but really, why did she see these imaginary problems when she could not see how much he loved her?

  In fa
ct, Sally had not long broken up with her last boyfriend, and she had decided to forego any more close attachments for a while, maybe even forever. Years ago, after her first boyfriend had cheated on her; she wondered what life would be like as a nun, after each breakup the idea became ever more appealing.

  Sally decided that she would have been more careful when she voiced her concerns about any of her colleagues. Had she known that Mandelson was close by she would not have spoken on the subject, for he struck her as a typical toady, a typical Stasi informer from the now defunct East Germany. Mandelson was in fact one of the first of the aliens to be given a cloned human body, sent there to spy on the humans.

  Available cloned bodies were still in short supply due to problems aboard the Endeavour, problems manufactured by Doctor Baris; he had secretly adjusted the mix on half of the clones while they were still growing in their birth tanks and killed the growing body. The chemical had dissipated soon after their death and so he felt safe from exposure, and anyway, he was heading the team that was looking into the matter. Even so, he had stopped this method of sabotaging the clones, as his team looking into the problem had two very able scientists in it, ones who might catch him out should he persist.


  Mandelson kept a covert watch on Sally after his argument with her, it was not that he considered her a danger to the invasion, far from it, but she was a minor annoyance, and one that he was there in Houston to stamp out. To help him in this task, he wanted to get his hands on her smart phone for just a few moments, so he watched for her to put her smart phone down and forget about it while she busied herself with her job, the opening came just three days after their argument. It was moments after speaking to her parents that Sally did just such a thing, she remembered something important, an experiment that she was conducting was coming to fruition and she needed to be on hand. Moving away from her smart phone her attention was now fully on her microscope, even Colin Braun was busy elsewhere. Mandelson moved quietly up and took out of his pocket a hand held computer of alien manufacture, he set it on top of Sally`s smart phone and waited for five seconds, he then picked his small computer up and sauntered away. He now not only had a list of her personal contacts, but he had downloaded a program into her smart phone, one that would allow him to access her phone from anywhere in the world.


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