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Temptations Page 10

by Diana Scott

than if she’d had planned it.

  It was the perfect opportunity for Susy to feel valued and forget about the asshole of her husband.

  —Thank God. —She said looking at the sky.— You exist and I promise to go to church this Sunday and be a better woman, more humble, with a better personality and less stubborn. — She smiled at the sky— well, maybe not all of that, but I promise…

  —Why are you looking at the sky and can’t stop laughing?

  —Nothing, nothing. I was just admiring it. It’s a beautiful night.

  —Are you ok?

  —I’m great! Let’s go to the living room, I want everybody to see how beautiful my friend is. —Susy didn’t look convinced. Something was up.

  —Come on, Yoli is chasing the waiters carrying the cocktails and you know what that means.

  —Yes! Its going to be a catastrophe! —Susy replied amused.

  —Exactly! Lets go before she drinks everything and there’s nothing left for us.

  After no more than three steps Susy hit a man wearing a suit that had no intentions of moving. As she looked at him to see who he was he recognized him. Nobody could forget that beautiful face, that hair, that body, that everything.

  —The idiot!

  —I rather when people call me Nico, but being you I could make an exception —He was devouring her with his eyes.

  —I said it out loud…

  —I’m afraid you did, darling —said the man that was next to Nico.— And seeing how well you know my brother, let me introduce myself. I’m Alberto Bellpuig. —And like a perfect English gentleman he grabbed her hand and kissed her in the most gentile of ways.

  —He-llo…I’m Susy. —Her voice was shaking, but that man was so…gallant…so different from his handsome brother.

  —So you are Susy.

  “This was the woman that my brother was so interested to add to the VIP list of the party, now I understand” thought Alberto.

  Nico was mute. It wasn’t typical of him.

  He was the seducer, the predator, the gentleman. But he couldn’t say a word. Alberto was about to laugh as hard as he could. It was the first time that he saw his brother falling in Cupids hands. It was about time.

  Nico was never speechless when he was facing a woman, but this time he could feel something strange about the way he was acting while he said hello to Susy, could he be jealous?

  “My little brother is interested in a lady, I’m going to have a lot of fun” he thought.

  Nico was furious. What the hell was that about kissing her hand? He showed that trick to him!

  —Well, brother. Now that you have shown us that you studied in Cambridge and you are a perfect English gentleman. —His voice sounded too harsh— This is Mia, Rurik’s wife.

  —Thanks, but we already know each other. How are you?

  —I can’t complain. What bout you gorgeous?

  Alberto had become a widower a little bit over two years ago. The few times that Mia saw him at events she felt that he had a profound sadness inside of him, still missing his gone wife.

  —Well here I am, with my friend, looking for something to drink. Although it seems as though we can’t reach the waiter.

  —That’s unforgivable. —said Nico while he was raising his hand to call on a waiter to serve them. Then he looked at Susy and smiled— I see you are doing better.

  —Yes, thank you. —she looked at her feet. “Why is it that every time I talk with this man I get angry or silly? I’m an idiot.”

  —Do you know each other? —Mia asked Nico and Susy.


  —Yes. —Nico responded.

  —Mia was totally confused. She didn’t know what was going on with these two.

  —You see, —Nico replied with a funny voice— I was driving my car when our Su jumped...

  —I’m not “Your Su” —Who the hell did this man think he was?

  Nico continued without paying attention to her comment.

  —When “Our Su” jumped in the middle of the street without looking. I stopped as fast as I could and I gently tried to help her but she wouldn’t let me.

  —“Gently”? You called me an idiot!

  —You too! —Nico continued he story.— So I gently tried to help her…

  —What are you talking about? You were worried that I was going to sue you. You are a liar! —Susy was out of control.

  —And then without realizing it, when are looks crossed paths in the middle of the street, I noticed that those were the eyes I was longing to see.

  —That’s so romantic —Mia whispered.

  —That’s so sweet —said Alberto in an ironic tone.

  —It…didn’t…happen that way. —Susy was outraged.

  —It happened that way for me.

  —What is it that you want? —She was so angry. Alberto and Mia were astonished by the things that Nico was saying to her.— You are embarrassing me. Why are you doing this?

  —Promise me that you will seat next to me during dinner and hang out with me tonight and I’ll stop. —he whispered in her ear.

  —You are threatening me! No way!

  —Then Sue told me I was a unique man…

  —Stop! Ok! I will hang out with you tonight, but please… Stop!

  —Dear brother, dear Mia, if you allow me I want to show Su our gardens.

  And without waiting for an answer from them he grabbed her by the and walked towards the gardens.

  —Now, that’s how you kidnap somebody —said a happy Mia

  —I’m afraid so, darling. My brother is not being subtle at all.

  I just hope he doesn’t hurt her. She is special and she deserves to be happy.

  —Oh darling, for what I was able to see right now, if someone is getting hurt, that’s going to be Nico. I have never seen him that interested in anybody.

  —Then, friend and brother should work together to assure than nobody ends up with his or her feelings hurt and make sure that Cupid hits the target of their hearts —and she winked at him.

  Alberto started laughing and responded.

  —You can count on me. Is time for that silly man to settle down.

  —Perfect. Now help me walk so that my high heels don’t break in this grass while I tell you about the “Pretty Woman Plan”

  —Isn’t that movie about a prostitute?

  —No man! You men are so simple minded. The theme of the movie is much deeper, is about how love triumphs and deep feelings.

  —Oh, of course! How didn’t I notice that before? —and laughing he waited for Mia to grab his arm so that they both could walk into the living room together.

  I know You

  —I think you can let go now. I’m not going to run away.

  —If you did I wouldn’t stop looking for you. Never. —Nico made that clear, he wasn’t talking only about this party.

  —I think we should get in. People are probably looking for you. —This man was making her really, really nervous.

  —I don’t think so. Plus, I still haven’t showed you my favorite spot near the fountain.

  —Your favorite spot? Is there more to it? This looks like the Botanic Garden of Madrid!

  Beautiful pines that rounded up the gardens decorated the meadow. In the central zone there were at least twenty apple trees, and each one of them had different-colored-flowers around it. It looked like the Eden’s garden itself. So beautiful.

  Oh God! Even the little couple of squirrels, which were looking around for food, seemed perfectly placed by a creator.

  —It’s here. Do you see the fountain? My mother used to sit there and listen to the sound of the waterfall hitting the stones.

  —It’s beautiful. —Susy was amazed. It was a really amazing work of art. Magnificent.

  It was a big waterfall that fell on the center and danced at the rhythm of the lights. Next to eat there was a smaller one, that competed in beauty with the bigger.

  —My mother used to love that sounds. She thou
ght that the water drops that fell produced a sound that was capable of curing any sad soul. But it wasn’t true. —he looked really sad.

  —You miss her.

  —A lot. Every time I come here I can’t stop seeing them both. My mother always sitting in the big stone, smiling at us while she saw us play, and my father sitting next to her, always looking at her. Admiring her. —He continued— You know, he designed the fountain for her. He said that the big waterfall was her, and he was the small one, because his only aim was to be next to her, being protected by her.

  —That’s beautiful.

  —She died two years ago. But my father comes here at night and throws her a kiss of good night. He is sure that she is saving them and will give them back to him as soon as they see each other again.

  Susy, carefully, dried a lost tear, trying to hide it from Nico.

  In her world it was impossible for a couple to stay so pure over the years. What about Nico? Was he like his father? He wasn’t as stupid and arrogant as she thought. It looked like he felt every single word that came out of his mouth. He was even showing her feelings that, clearly, he was embarrassed of having.

  She misjudged him.

  She thought that being so beautiful and rich, he was going to be cold and emotionless. But that wasn’t the case.

  He showed her the house, the gardens, his favorite spots, he told her funny stories with his brother… but on top of all that he opened up his heart for her.

  How was that possible?

  No man would ever to that, or would they?

  No, of course not!

  And even less with a stranger.

  This man wasn’t normal.

  He was handsome, polite, educated, affectionate… and she loved it…

  “This must finish right now!”

  —Look… Nico… I think that you are a great guy… Nice and handsome but…

  —You think I’m handsome? —he said with a funny face

  —Hm… well… yes… you now… are you smiling? You are an idiot. I’m leaving. —She was so ashamed.

  —No. Wait. I’m not smiling cause I think I’m handsome, I’m just realizing how much I like that you think that. —he looked at her with a look that could melt the biggest iceberg on the earth as she hold her with his strength so that she would not escape.

  —Well, yes. —She felt the shivers climbing up her spine and throw-out all her body. This man’s fingers gave her the shivers — as…I was saying…I think you are great… thoughtful… and…


  —Yes. Handsome. —this time Susy had to smile.— But… you see… I’m not… I don’t want to create false expectations. You seem really direct and I’m not totally free and…

  —Totally? That means you are almost free. That’s enough for me. For now. —Nico knew all about Susy and Oscar thanks to Rurik.

  His friend was worried about her and wanted to be honest with Nico. He had the fame of a conqueror, a heart breaker, and Rurik and Mia didn’t want to allow Susy to suffer even more than she already had.

  He admired that Susy was able to create that big of a friendship with them.

  He didn’t want to play with Susy.

  Well, now that he thought of it, he was willing to show her a couple of games, but in his house. In his bedroom. His eyes were filled with carnal desire.

  No. You don’t understand. —“Why is he looking at me like that?” She was completely blocked. This man was killing her with his look. “Why are my knees shaking?”

  —You were married. —Nico was helping her

  —I still am

  —But you don’t live with him. —He said worried


  Nico felt as though the air filled his lungs again.

  —But we separated not long ago and I am… —Nico didn’t let her finish. He didn’t want to listen. He was afraid of what Susy had to say.

  —You are afraid, hurt and its normal. You just separated from your husband. —Nico was begging for her to admit to that.

  —Yes, it might be. But I am —why was so hard to admit to Nico that she was hoping to get back with her husband again?— I have to… —She couldn’t continue. Intelligence had left her brain.

  —You must spend the rest of the night with me. Please. —Nico looked like a wolf. He was capturing her. Again.— Su, by now you must have realized that I am desperately attracted to you and that I’m dying to know you.

  —I don’t think is ok. —Her cheeks were going to explode if she kept blushing more. “Did he say desperately? Dying?’

  —Please, Su. I’m not asking more than tonight. An opportunity. What could go wrong?

  —I don’t understand. You have seen me only a couple of times.

  —Actually more than that. But that’s a story for another day.

  —Why me? —Her voice was just a whisper.

  —Because you’ve been in my mind since the moment I saw you. Because your eyes hide a thousand secrets that I want to know. Because your voice relaxes me. Because your hands are the softness that my soul is searching. Because your body shows me a fidelity that I want for me , and only for me. You have doubts and I understand that. But don’t judge me. Let yourself get to know me. Give us a chance. What do you have to lose?

  —My heart —Susy let her soul speak this time.

  This was his opportunity. She was showing her feelings and he wasn’t going to let this moment go to waste. He grabbed her by the shoulders and kissed her in the forehead. He didn’t want to over do it. He didn’t want to frighten her.

  —I’m not going to hurt you. Never. I promise that I want to get to know you. I’ve been waiting around for somebody like you. Your soul is clean, I see it, I feel it. —His voice was soft and their noses were touching each other.

  —We don’t know each other. Is impossible. You are wrong. Confused maybe…

  —Darling, I’m too old to be confused or wait for weeks to know what I can or can’t feel for a woman. You know, my father always told us that when he met our mother, he saw her across the room and his heart stopped and he couldn’t breath. It felt like he ran the marathon. I always thought it was romantic nonsense that he said just to cheer my mother, but now I’m sure. That is real. They exist. I know it, because I am feeling it right now when I see you. Su, why would I lie to you? I can’t understand it. But I know that knowing you is different. Please. Give us this night. Come on. I only want to have dinner with you. And for you to forgive me when I step on you while we dance…Su…what do you say?

  —My father was the only person that called me Su —she said with a profound sadness.

  —And he is not with you anymore?

  —No. He died when I was a little girl.

  —Then, nobody else calls you that. From today on you will be “My Su”.

  Nico was shivering inside. She was flushing like a teenager.

  This woman was genuine, transparent. This was too good to be true.

  —Lets go to the living room. They are going to serve dinner soon and if I don’t show up my brothers are going to be angry to give the speech by themselves. —while he winked at her and took her by the hand wishing she didn’t let go.

  She didn’t let go.

  Susy, without realizing it, was giving him a chance and he was not going to let that go to waste.

  This woman made him shake.

  He wanted to protect her.

  He wanted to see her laugh.

  He wanted to hug her.

  He wanted her in his bed, in his life, everywhere.

  They were new feelings, inexplicable feelings and made him feel too much to let them go away.

  I won’t give up

  —Susy, Maybe you want to try to dance with a man like me?

  —No, thank you —Nico had to answer for her, he couldn’t resist.

  —I think I asked her, not you. —Alberto was having a lot of fun with this situation.

  —Let her go brother. They are waiting for you. Your a
udience is waiting for you. You are the CEO.

  —Not because I want to.

  —Be that as it may. Go. I will take care of this lady. She must dance with a Big Band expert, and that’s me.

  —I’m sorry —said Nico in a funny way.— But that’s my father’s favorite style and here is full of old people…

  —Honestly I don’t even know how to dance that. —Susy sounded worried.

  —Maybe you want to come with me to give the boring speech — Nico was able to capture her, circle her and convince her with his words. Again.

  —No, little brother. You go alone. Go before Dany kills you, you are making him improvise because of your absence.


  —Is our older brother. He is really good in public relations but he only like to use them with girls, preferably beautiful ones, and with a, lets say, libertine personality.

  —I understand. Are you always so polite?

  —Always. —Alberto made a funny reverence.

  —Alright. I’ll let you take care of her. You must protect her with your live, brave knight.

  —I shall, brother.

  —I’ll be right back. —Winking his eye at her and making her blush he left to fulfill his responsibilities.

  —Well, my dear friend, can I know what kind of spell have you given to my dear brother? —Alberto was interrogating her while he grabbed her by the waist and made her turn at the rhythm of the music.

  Susy couldn’t stop laughing. Alberto was very different from Nico. With him, she felt calm, relaxed. No shakes or shivers, just mutual understanding and a chilled and entertaining conversation.

  —I’m afraid that I don’t know what you are talking about.

  —Oh, yes, My dear. You know it right. Nico has never publicly shown this affection and interest towards anybody else the way he is doing it with you.

  “Could it be true? Was it so evident what was happening to them?”

  —Actually, I can assure you, that this pain I feel in my shoulder is caused by my brother’s look right now. He is penetrating me with his eyes, they he does when he sees something he doesn’t like. His eyes look green like a spinach

  —That’s absurd. They don’t look like spinaches.

  —Oh no? How do they look?

  —Is a profound emerald look. With little blue drops. Like a gemstone that has never been polished. —She sighed, she didn’t plan to but it just happened.

  —That’s coming from the mouth of a woman that claims not to be interested in my brother, right?


  —My dear, don’t worry. Is hard not to sense the sparkles that appear when you guys are together. But I promise not to tell anybody. I think I’m going to enjoy see Nico suffer to conquer a woman. —then he totally changed the tone on his voice and continued— Susy, I like you, but if you hurt my brother, I’m afraid that you will have two brothers really, really, angry at you.

  —I’m not going to hurt him. What am I saying? I’m not going to go out with him. I’m not interested. —“even though he is so handsome and makes me shiver” she thought to herself.

  —Yes, of course. Well, you know what I mean. If you hurt him, you’ll hurt us all and you must know that Danny and me practice jiu-jitsu. —his tone was everything except frightening.

  —You are very united. —It was a statement more than a question.

  —Is not just that. You see, Nico looks like he is a regular day-to-day guy. He shows this facade of sports, enjoyment and happiness, but we all know him and we know how he is.

  —And how is he? —Susy couldn’t resist but to Ask and Alberto was happy about the interest she was showing.

  —Nico is funny, joyful, he doesn’t tolerate injustice. He loves outdoors sports. He is a man full

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