Gravestones & Wicked Bones (Shadow Creatures Book 1)

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Gravestones & Wicked Bones (Shadow Creatures Book 1) Page 6

by D. D. Miers

  Don’t lie to Dante.

  Don’t cross Dante.

  “What is he?”


  Seriously, was every one of the assholes I couldn’t stand Fae?


  “Pretty high.” Brax popped a slice into his mouth. “But there isn’t much more info out there. Estimates put him at a thousand years old or so. Keeps a relatively low profile overall.”

  “Do you know where to find him?”

  A smug smile lifted his lips. “I do.”

  “Good.” I rose from the couch and made my way toward the bedroom. “We leave immediately.”

  “We need time, Dante.”

  I stopped and turned to him. “Time to what?”

  “Prepare. Form a plan. Do some research.” He ran a hand through his hair. “Acting before thinking is the best way to run into trouble. We can’t rush this.”

  Damn. He was right. “How much time?”

  “Couple days, maybe a week.”

  “A week?” The markings along my arms scorched with impatience. My demon wanted to storm down there, grab Ivy and . . . what? Hell, I didn’t know. “Fine, but no longer. I won’t risk it.”

  Brax smiled and grabbed another slice. “Absolutely.”

  “Good.” I headed toward the bedroom to grab my bag and jacket.

  “Just so you know,” Brax called out, “the place is heavily guarded and locked down with magical protections.”

  I popped my head out of the room. “Think you can’t handle it?”

  “No, of course not, but . . .”


  “Are you sure you want to do this? Go down this road? You could end up right back into the mix, possibly the middle, of the same people you’ve wanted to avoid.”

  He was right. In all of my anger, I’d ignored the most pertinent part of this entire situation: exposure. But, if Ivy had been sent by this Bastian, then I was already exposed. I needed to know what she did to me, why, and for who. Nameless enemies were the worst kind to be had.

  “Yes, I’m sure.”

  Brax nodded.

  Maybe it was curiosity or because she had even bested him, but whatever the reason, he didn’t argue again. The voice in the back of my mind, the one who wanted Ivy no matter the sacrifice, chimed in: Maybe she had to do it. Maybe she’d been forced. Maybe she didn’t have a choice.

  No, she had a choice. But she chose wrong.

  Chapter 8


  I stood in the entrance of Bastian's foyer, waiting for him to appear. When I’d come back from Reno last week, Bastian had been away on business. Marla had taken possession of the tiny plastic baggie carrying Dante’s vial of blood. She didn’t’ say much except a polite thank you and Bastian would be in touch soon.

  I fingered the small iron blade in my pocket. I hadn’t returned it. In fact, I decided to keep it, along with the excess petty cash. I'd spent a decent amount bribing the staff, but if Bastian inquired about his leftover money, I'd needed every bit of it just to get by in Reno. He wouldn’t ask. He never did. The 2,000 dollars he’d given me was a barely a drop in his money pool.

  Maybe I'd be able to convince one of the local handyman types to take a look at our fridge? Most of the locals were afraid to get too close to us because of Bastian's influence. But I might be able to work some magic.

  Ever since Reno, I'd been actively repressing memories of Dante. It happened every time there was a lull at the bar, or a quiet moment at home, or every time I tried to fall asleep. I'd taken to playing solitaire into the night, just to avoid those moments. Because, when I let the silence take over, it always filled with his voice.

  Move on, Ivy. If I ever saw him again, I doubt he’d welcome me with open arms.

  Bastian appeared at the head of the stairs. Damn, he just had to make an entrance every damn time.

  "Ivy," he said, with something passing for sincerity. "It's so good to see you again."

  I'd purposely pulled on an old pair of jeans and a comfy sweatshirt for this because I didn't want him getting the wrong idea. Not now. I knew what I'd promised him, but I’d hoped now wasn't the time. I needed fair warning to mentally prepare myself before I got sweaty with Bastian.

  For me, tonight served another purpose. I intended to make sure he kept up his end of the bargain and freed my sisters. I knew it would take some kind of magical spell to release them, and I’d hoped it would be quick and painless. He already had what he wanted, now it was my turn.

  Besides, I was still off-balance from Reno. From Dante. The thought of sleeping with Bastian, no matter how attractive the man was, didn’t sit well with me at present.

  "Marla gave you the package I assume?" I said as he approached.

  “Yes. You did an excellent job.”

  I nodded, wrapping my arms about my waist. "It wasn't exactly easy, you know."

  "But I'm sure you made it look easy." He smiled and turned toward the hall. "You seem like you could use a strong drink."

  Not with you. But I didn't have the willpower to refuse, not right now. I'd tasted Bastian's wine enough times to know it was worth compromising my better judgment. Back at Casa de Crane, we were a Franzia family.

  I followed Bastian into the sitting room. At least he wasn't taking me upstairs . . . yet.

  As much as I didn't want to face it, I wasn't sure I would be able to say no to him tonight—or any other. I’d made an agreement to allow him to seduce me. Turning my back on my word would have unpleasant consequences.

  Even though my encounter with Dante had left me wanting, the thought of a night with Bastian could hardly quench the fires.

  “I got what you wanted,” I said.

  He smiled and poured a Bordeaux into my glass. “Yes, you did.”


  “So?” he repeated.

  I hated how he always made me spell everything out. Maybe he hoped I’d forgotten. As if I could.

  “My sisters? Their freedom? When is that happening?”

  “Soon, love. Very soon.”

  “I don’t like ambiguous terms, Bastian. I want a date.”

  “Very well then, bring them to me tomorrow evening.”

  The way he looked at me was hungry and questing but nothing like Dante. As he handed me my glass, our fingers touched. They'd touched a thousand times. Could he read the hesitation on my skin?

  “Can’t you do it without seeing them?”

  He shook his head. “Our link is physical, my sweet. I’ll need to undue the blood bond with blood.”

  He’d used terms of endearment with me often, but tonight, he was laying it on thick. Bastian wasn't an unattractive man. By most standards, he’d be considered hot as hell. I mean, if I just met him in a bar—if I didn't know he was the one responsible for making me what I was, for cursing me and my sisters to a half-life in this godforsaken town . . .

  But there was no point in imagining the could be’s and the might have been’s. Bastian's desire washing over me with every stray glance, even in my ratty bumming-around-the-house clothes, had to count for something, right? I didn’t owe Dante anything, and It wasn't like this town was crawling with prospects. If I wanted to scratch the unmistakable itch, it might as well be with someone who'd really appreciate it.

  "You're beautiful, you know," he said softly.

  I laughed. "Yeah. Dressed to impress."

  "Stop it." Bastian shook his head, advancing on me, but stopping just short of whatever he wanted to do. Kiss me or shake my shoulders out of frustration, I couldn't be sure.

  Instead, he just reached out and touched my cheek. I couldn't help it. I closed my eyes, leaning into his touch like a lonely house cat. I swear I almost purred.

  Dante really had left me in a state.

  My skin flushed, all the way up the sides of my neck to my ears.

  "Bit warm in here for you?" Bastian smiled. "Feel free to shed a layer or two. I won't tell."

  Hesitation, only for a moment, held me back
. But I reminded myself of two things: One, I’d made an agreement to ‘try’ with Bastian. And two, I could say no. I could stop at any time. I doubted Bastian would allow me a husband or boyfriend in the future of my forever servitude. Better to gain something, even if it was just hot sex, out of this arrangement.

  Thankfully, I was wearing a tee underneath my sweatshirt. I slipped it over my head and set it aside, trying not to think about how out of place my paint-stained relic of a hoodie looked in Bastian's house.

  Suddenly he was touching me again but with more purpose this time. His fingers drifted down the side of my face, to my collarbone, pausing there for a moment. His eyes followed.

  A loud crash broke the spell between us.

  I whirled around, grabbing for the switchblade in my pocket, before I remembered I hadn't brought it with me. For all Bastian's faults, I always assumed I'd be safe when I was with him.

  It was then my danger senses tingled with something entirely different. Flames of a memory licked at the corners of my mind.


  He'd found me.

  Bastian stood, strangely calm, as two men stormed into the room. The man with Dante was a stranger to me. Chin-length, deep chestnut hair with touches of blond tied into a knot at his neck. He was the same height as Dante with fairer skin and rich hazel eyes surrounded by thick-rimmed black glasses. They didn’t lesson his lethality—they added a hunky villainous flare to his appearance. He surveyed the room with feral precision. Magic surged around him, crackling like a wild bonfire.

  I didn't know how he’d found me, or what he intended to do exactly, but this could not end well.

  For a moment, Dante just stood there, nostrils flaring, taking in the scene. There I was, standing by my recently discarded sweatshirt. Bastian with his suit jacket off and his tie loosened, two glasses of wine, and . . . yeah, this didn't look good.

  "You," he growled finally, his eyes settling on my disheveled appearance. He stalked toward me, sex and fury wrapped together. Damn, he looked incredible in his black shirt and pants. Like some kind of badass dark warrior. The natural reaction would have been to cower down to such a display of alpha male, but never one to conform, I stood my ground.

  "Yes?" I answered calmly.

  "You . . . succubus." He spat it out like the ugliest word he could imagine. "I should've known.” He shook his head before looking at the Fae standing much too close to me. “And I assume this is him?” He gestured in Bastian's general direction. “Your ‘protector’," he mocked.

  “Dante, I . . .” I searched for something—anything—to explain, but what the hell was I honestly going to say? Yes, this is him. The man who sent me to manipulate you. Oh, and yes, I did manipulate you, drugged you, stole some of your blood, and then took off without so much as a goodbye.

  Nope, I’m officially an asshole. I opted to keep my mouth shut.

  "Nothing to say now?" Dante snarled. "What a different tune you were singing only days ago.”

  Bastian finally spoke. "You know, gentlemen, under normal circumstances, I'd offer you a drink—"

  "Nobody asked for your input, Valentino," Dante said.

  I would’ve laughed if the look in his eyes hadn’t been so utterly terrifying.

  Bastian let out a throaty chuckle. "Strong words for a man who just broke into my home.” He tapped a finger to his lips. “I’m quite curious. How did you manage it?”

  Dante crossed his arms, the move flexing every defined muscle. He looked to Bastian with total distaste before turning to me. “Did you get what you wanted?”


  He shook his head. “Still playing coy, Ivy? It doesn’t suit you.”

  “I’m not playing at anything.”

  Most of my life, I’ve been required to lie convincingly. Sometimes on the spot, others with more preparation. Right now, Dante’s savageness needed to be tamed. He could be bluffing, confused as to what actually happened and looking for me to screw up and give myself away.

  “I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.” I pivoted on my hip. “Look, we had a great time, but my vacation was over, and I had to head home. There’s not much else to tell.”


  “Obviously, you think there’s something more going on. There isn't."

  He pointed at his friend. "Brax over here, saw what you did. I'm here for answers. And I'm here to get back what's mine."

  I wanted Bastian to help me out, but he just seemed to be entertained by the whole situation.

  "He saw?" I laughed. "Now you're the one talking bullshit. Nobody saw a damn thing because nothing happened."

  "Brax is a talented man, Ivy. You're not the only one around here with power."

  A pulse of raw energy hit me hard in the gut. Only a taste of what he could truly do. My blood ran cold, but I refused to let my fear or pain show.

  "Sounds like your buddy’s confused. I don't know.” I shrugged through another tremor of his power. “All I know is you came busting in here, probably knocked a few innocent people's heads together to do it—and why? Because you think I stole something from you? What'd I supposedly steal? I'm really curious."

  Brax opened his mouth to speak, but Dante glared at him.

  "You mean, other than my life force?" He stared me down, willing me to crumble. "I don't know. Only you can answer your question, Succubus."

  Again, severe distaste for what I was shot out with the word. I wanted to pretend like I didn’t give two shits if he hated the kind of creature in me, but I did. If possible, he’d made me feel even more disgusted with myself than I already was.

  “Yeah, that’s right.” I took a defiant step forward. “I am a succubus, and by definition, it makes me a manipulative, self-serving whore who does what she wants—and who she wants—whenever she wants.” I raised my chin. “Sorry your ego got bruised, Dante, but I lost interest. End of story.”

  “Liar.” Dante charged toward me like a raging bull. I didn’t know if he intended to kill me or kiss me, but a step from reaching me, he halted. I looked down to see his friend Brax’s hand gripping his bicep like a vice.

  Bastian finally appeared at my back. “As Ivy has explained, you’ve made a mistake. The appropriate response would be to acknowledge it and move on.”

  For the first time since he’d arrived, Dante studied Bastian. “You’re the one who sent her. Why don’t you acknowledge it and give me back what’s mine? Maybe then, I’ll let you live. Or at least make your death quick.”

  Bastian leaned down until his lips grazed my ear. “Stubborn, isn’t he?”

  “Get the fuck off her.”

  I didn’t know if it was jealousy or anger, but at Dante’s reaction, recognition flashed in Bastian’s eyes. “Ah, I see.” He lowered his head and sniffed the vein along my neck, his attempt to provoke Dante’s already overflowing aggression.

  Dante looked just about ready to explode, but Brax stepped forward until the four of us formed a tight square. He reached an arm out in front of Dante and spoke to Bastian. “Watch yourself, mate. You don’t know us.”

  “This is my home, mate. And as entertaining as all of this has been, I’m going to need you gentlemen to leave. You’re clearly unsettling Ms. Crane.”

  “Ms. Crane?” Dante glanced to me, then laughed at Bastian. “You don’t have any idea who you’re screwing with, elf. And I’m not going anywhere. Not until I get what I came for.” His gaze focused hard and hot on me again.

  “I imagined as much.” Bastian snapped his fingers and a dozen figures filled the room. I almost leapt out of my own skin. Shit, where did they even come from? By scent, it was evident they were shifters—powerful ones. Just how many creatures did Bastian own?

  “Dante . . .” Brax warned as the other man took a step forward, ready to start a massive brawl in the middle of Bastian’s expensive antiques.

  I knew Dante was powerful, but more powerful than Bastian? I didn’t want to risk it. Even though he seemed ready to end me, I couldn
’t allow him to come to any real harm. Damn mortal emotions.

  “Enough already! You both have gigantic dicks, all right? Can everyone calm down now?”

  Bastian laughed, Brax smirked, but Dante found no humor in my words. The heavy silence which followed resembled a showdown in the Wild West. I waited for tumbleweeds to blow through Bastian’s foyer or a low whistle to chime. He took a measured look at the other men and decided, for the better, to walk away. At least for now.

  I couldn’t help my internal sigh of relief.

  Dante stepped back toward the same hall they’d entered from but abruptly stopped. "Tonight, I let you live. But . . .” He stalked toward, us and Bastian gripped my arm to tug me back. “If I don’t have what’s mine returned in twenty-four hours, you’ll wish you were already dead.” He focused the hatred in his eyes on me. "Both of you.”

  And then, like a freaking rabbit in a hat, they disappeared. One second there—another gone.

  I whirled on Bastian. "Well, this is just fucking great!" I shouted. "What the hell am I supposed to do now?"

  "No need to do anything," he said, eyes widening slightly at my unbridled rage. "As you can see, they've left. No harm, no foul."

  "No harm, no foul?" I repeated in disbelief. "He tracked me down here, Bastian. He knows what I did. What you made me do. Who knows what he's capable of. What about my sisters? He could be headed for them right now!"

  "Relax. As you can see . . .,” he gestured his hand out wide, “. . . my men are here. They’ll monitor my most precious assets. You, Violet, and Jade are chief among them. There's a protocol for this, Ivy. Please. Take a deep breath."

  Bastian reached a hand out to calm me, but I slapped it away. "I've been taking deep breaths!" I shouted. "What the hell is wrong with you? Isn't it your job to take care of your property? It never should've gotten this far."

  "You're right, actually," Bastian said, his eyes narrowed. "Which raises the question, how did he track you here?"


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