Leave Me Breathless: The Black Rose Collection

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Leave Me Breathless: The Black Rose Collection Page 16

by Dakota Willink

  “Do you?” Kristine questioned. “Care about what others think?”

  “Some,” Gino motioned for Sully to move over. “But only you at the moment.”

  Without hesitation, Kristine took a seat between Sully and Gino, avoiding the side-eyed glances she received from Sully. She focused instead on the arm Gino laid on the chair behind her, and the way his fingers played with the hem of her dress.

  Once the service was over and Jonathan’s body was lowered into the ground, Kristine stood in the center of a room, her eyes migrating to the colored windows which made up the ceiling. The gold-painted cherubs surrounded various paintings depicting men and women engaging in sex acts.

  She’d been bombarded by the girls from the office, searching her hands and demanding to know where her ring was. Nina was quick to chase them away, reminding everyone this was neither the time nor the place to assume Gino’s attention was anything permanent.

  “According to my father, those windows were handcrafted by Tiffany.” Sully’s voice pulled her from the painting of a naked woman surrounded by men who pleasured her from every angle. “Gino and I climbed on the roof to look for proof, but Niko found us before we could get far.”

  Glancing back at the high ceiling, Kristine estimated it to be at least thirty feet in the air. “Thank God he did. If one of you would have slipped, the fall would have killed you.”

  Sully shrugged, “If you think that was dangerous, you should see what we do to have fun.”

  Kristine didn’t care for Sully’s tone or the implication she was sure he was trying to convey. With a quick sweep of the room, she caught Gino speaking with a group of men she didn’t recognize.

  Sully followed Kristine’s line of sight, finding Gino in a serious conversation with the Malloy’s, a Family from Chicago. “Listen, Kristine. My brother is complicated, and I need you to be careful.” This wasn’t the first girl he’d witnessed Gino fool into thinking there was a future with him. With the leadership of the family in the balance, he suspected Gino’s interest in her would be over before their father’s will was read. “I don’t want to sound like a schmuck, but when he breaks your heart, call me. I’ll be happy to put it back together.”

  Kristine stood slack jawed as Sully ran the back of his hand down her cheek before walking out of the room.

  “Well, well, well…two Vitale brothers. You must have a golden snatch.” Kristine turned toward the voice, Felicia stood with a scowl on her face, a glass of what Kristine assumed was alcohol in her hand.

  “I’m sorry?”

  “You can drop the bullshit. You’re not fooling anyone with this act you have going on.”

  “I reall—"

  “Oh, maybe you’ve snowed Chiara with the Catholic School Girl routine, but it won’t be Gino’s mother who decides who the lady of this house is. Enjoy him while you can, Kristine. Trust me, I didn’t spend years learning to tolerate the bullshit he likes for nothing.”


  “Right there, baby. Fuck yes!” Gino cried as he spilled his seed down Kristine’s throat. This was the third morning in a row she’d woken him with a blow job, something he argued she didn’t have to do, but wouldn’t turn it down if it made her happy.

  Gino pulled her close as she climbed up his body, laying her head on his chest. He kissed the top of her head as he made a mental checklist of everything he needed to do today.

  “I have a meeting in an hour.”

  “You have a meeting every morning.” Kristine reminded him, running her finger along the defined muscles of his chest.

  “Not like this one.”

  Raising herself on her elbow, Kristine searched Gino’s face. “You make it sound as if this meeting will change your life.”

  “Not just mine, Kristine, but yours too.”

  “Why mine?”

  “Because…” Gino trailed off, warring with himself as to how much to tell her. “For one, you didn’t set out to find a man to take care of you. And you’re the first genuine person besides my mother who I enjoy spending time with. Who, by the way, loves you.”

  “She’s great, a little intimidating.” Resting her chin on his chest.

  “She says the same thing about you,” Gino admitted as he picked up a strand of Kristine’s blonde hair. His mother’s words, of course, were much more robust, threatening to deliver bodily harm if he allowed Kristine to slip from his fingers.

  “I’m intimidating?”

  “Yes, has no one ever called you intimidating before? It shouldn’t surprise you. Even powerful men like me have people they feel uneasy with.”

  “Do I make you feel uneasy?”

  “No, you make me feel safe, like I can trust you with anything. Which is why I’m giving you my heart. Be ready by seven, I’ll have something important to share with you.”

  Gino stared at the black box at the end of the table. He swallowed thickly as Tony held his clenched fists over the opening before dropping in his vote for the new leader of the Family. The vote could go either way, leaving himself or Sully as the new head of the Vitale Family. Barbara was right when she said Sully was more popular with the men, he faulted his grandfather for that. His firm training of separating friendship from business was drilled heavily into his head.

  “Has everyone voted?” Dominic Santos, a New York Family leader, called from the corner of the room. Gino was fairly certain he’d voted for Sully, their paths joining on more than one occasion, including an invitation to his wedding a few years ago. Gino’s invite apparently got lost in the mail.

  “One more,” Andrey Kumar, a relatively new leader from Detroit, spoke with his thick Russian accent. Drew, as Gino learned he preferred, was a gym rat much like himself with biceps the size of tree trunks and a love for hockey that rivaled Gino’s for boxing. Drew’s vote could go either way, as his familiarity was limited to a few phone calls and the drink they shared yesterday at his father’s wake, which had included Sully.

  The process of choosing a new leader varied among Families. Since this would be the first leadership change in the Vitale Family where the current Don wasn’t passing the torch, a vote was suggested and unanimously agreed upon.

  The morning started with nominations. Declan Malloy, the current Chicago leader, tossed Gino’s name in first, followed by Niko, who shocked the fuck out of everyone by nominating Sully.

  Ian McLeod, the leader from Scotland, and Stavros Nakos, another New York Family leader, approached the table, removed the lid and set it to the side. Each vote would be verified, thus the reason for two men pulling it from the box, and then being read aloud to the group.

  “Are you ready, Gentlemen?” Stavros questioned the room, his Greek accent slipping out despite his years living in New York.

  A collective mumbling of confirmation echoed in the room. Gino wanted to demand them to hurry the fuck up, but kept it in, as that would surely negate his chances. Instead, he stood tall beside Sully, his hands clasped together at hip level, his face stoic.

  Ian reached into the box, pulling out the first ballot and unfolding it, showing the paper to Stavros before announcing the name to the room.


  Gino heard the muffled chuckle escape Sully’s throat, who tried to cover it by clearing his throat.

  “Salvatore,” Stavros announced the next vote, tossing the paper to the desk for everyone to see.

  Gino shifted his feet, but kept his focus forward, reminding himself no matter who they chose as the new leader, Kristine would be waiting for him.

  “Giovanni,” Ian called with a smile, causing Gino to break his resolve. Dipping his head in silent laughter at the poke from Ian, several of his men behind him joined in the laugh. He’d give Ian his fun this one time.

  Sully scrutinized the pieces of paper lying on the table with his name on them, trying to figure out who would receive a thank you gift in the form of a night or two in a room full of strippers, and their pockets a little heavier. His mind drifted to Kristine and ho
w his win over his brother would certainly send him into Nina’s arms, opening the door for him to follow through on his promise.

  “Giovanni,” Stavros called, making Gino bounce on the balls of his shoes, and Sully give an internal pep talk about the number of remaining votes to be counted.

  The brothers listened as the names continued, each internally rejoicing when their name was called. Gino’s mind drifted to how different this would have been had his father not been murdered. Those thoughts brought about the anger of knowing the individual responsible was standing in this room, most likely planning the death of the winner of this vote.

  Niko took his time as he lined up the votes on their respective sides. He’d nominated Sully, not because he felt he would be a good leader, but to give Gino something to focus on. It would be a first step in removing the chip on his shoulder from all the bad shit Giovanni senior put him through. But with the race so close, his decision may have backfired.

  Sully could feel victory, the image of having the Vitale ring being placed on his finger vivid in his mind. He knew just how he would celebrate, naked as the day he was born with every girl in the office, some dancing around him while the others took turns sucking his dick.

  “Sully,” Stavros boasted, tossing the paper toward Niko, his fear of the younger Vitale brother winning a real possibility. Stavros tolerated Sully because Gino was his friend and brought in so much money for him and his Family.

  Ian reached in, his fingers wrapping around the last remaining vote. Shifting his gaze to Stavros, he slowly unfolded the piece of paper, keeping his face void of emotion as he read the name silently before showing the paper to Stavros, who nodded his head. Taking in a deep breath, “Giovanni.”

  Sully turned to his left, holding his hand out to his brother in congratulations. “You deserve this, Gino.” Pulling him in a tight hug, Sully could feel the emotion beginning to clog his throat.

  “Thanks, man.” Gino slapped his younger brother’s back, a line of men waiting to pledge their allegiance forming behind Sully.

  Emilio stood from his seat at the table, the relief of hearing Gino’s name called instead of Sully’s leaving him with the desire for a stiff drink. “You had me worried for a moment there,” Emilio held out his hand. “Although pawning Felicia off on your brother is something to consider.”

  “True, at least she would get her wish of having the Vitale name.”

  Emilio’s suggestion may have been a joke but left both men with the idea to explore it further. “Let me get out of your way, so your men can meet the new Don.”

  Gino shook the hand of every man who stood in line, accepting their vow to follow him and honor any changes he deemed fit to hand out.

  Gino stood beside his friend Stavros as Tony brought the Vitale ring forward, placing it in Emilio’s hand.

  The room quieted as the Family leaders circled around Gino, Emilio coming to stand in front of him. “I was there when your Nono gave this ring to your father.” Men around the room raised their hands, drawing the sign of the cross over their chests. “He and I spoke not a month ago of how he couldn’t wait to give this to you.”

  With the ring pinched between his index and thumb, Emilio handed the ring to Gino, the metal feeling foreign in the new leader’s hand.

  “Don Giovanni Vitale, I pledge my loyalty to you.” The six leaders said in unison, Gino stared at the ring choosing his next words carefully.

  “Thank you, everyone.” Gino began, fisting the ring as he turned to the men behind him. “Tonight, I ask each of you to remember my father, the good times and the bad. Tomorrow…” he paused, looking around at each face. “Tomorrow will be a new beginning for the Vitale Family.”

  Sully felt as if he was about to crumble. He’d wanted that ring more than his next breath, and he’d foolishly listened to his mother and sister, Antonia, as they assured him the men wanted a man they could trust leading them. He needed to get out of there, tucking himself away in one of his warehouses so he could be alone to mourn, not only his father’s death, but the death of a dream.

  “My first order of business, since the other leaders are present.” Sully held his tongue as Gino commanded the room. “This is a monumental time, and all of you have reshaped the way we, as syndicate Families, do business.”

  Opening his hand, Gino moved his open palm to Sully. “Kissing this ring was our father’s legacy, not mine. I much prefer the kiss of a beautiful woman.” Agreeable laughter sounded around Gino. “You’ve had your eye on this ring since you knew what it was, Sully. Take it, that god-awful trinket will mean more to you than me.”

  Sully looked at the ring resting in the center of Gino’s palm, the Family crest on the right and Jonathan’s initials on the left, a huge emerald in the center. “Thank you, brother. I’ll keep it safe in case you ever want it back.” Unable to look Gino in the eye, Sully gave him a quick hug before disappearing out the side door, a number of men following him.

  “I’m not sure if I should congratulate you or offer my sympathy.” Declan Malloy laughed, nodding in the direction of the door Sully used to leave.

  “I’ll take a rain check for both,” Gino smiled, glancing around at his surroundings. “For now, let’s get everyone together, I have something to share, something which will impact us all.”


  Kristine felt as if she’d contracted a contagious disease, everyone in the office avoided her. Nina reasoned it would take them a while to come to grips with her being the new girl in Gino’s bed, and not to let their silence affect her. The crowning jewel happened as she was readying to leave for the day; Sully stopped in, shooting her a sorrowful look before disappearing into his office.

  To add misery to her already crap-tastic day, the heavens opened up and poured as she made her way to the restaurant Gino asked her to meet him at, making her more than an hour late.

  Two suited men greeted her by name as she pulled to the curb, one shielding her with an umbrella and helping her to the door, as the other jumped behind the wheel of her car to park it.

  Inside the smell of cooked meat and spices filled the air. The restaurant was empty sans Gino and a man she didn’t recognize standing from a table in the center of the room.

  Clearing the distance, Kristine sent Gino a smile. “I’m sorry I’m late, the storm brought out the worst in people and there were several accidents.”

  Gino laid a kiss to the corner of Kristine’s mouth, wishing he could toss her on the table and eat her instead of the food he’d ordered.

  “You’re right on time, Kristine. Your absence allowed me to speak with Emilio here on some matters I need his help with.”

  Kristine turned to the man standing beside Gino, his intense stare making her feel uncomfortable.

  “Sweetheart, this is my friend, Emilio Vittorio. Emilio, I’d like you to meet my Kristine.”

  Twisting her head to the side, “Vittorio? As in Felicia Vittorio?”

  Emilio couldn’t believe his eyes as he’d watched the tiny woman walk in. Standing before him, as if taken back twenty-five years, was his Nicole.

  “Y-yes,” Emilio stumbled, collecting himself quickly before the situation grew more uncomfortable. “Felicia is my niece.” But you are my daughter, he said to himself.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Vittorio, I’ve heard wonderful things from Giovanni about you. It’s nice to connect the name to a face.”

  “Likewise, Kristine. I’ve waited not so patiently to meet you.”


  “Babe, let’s take a seat and I’ll explain everything.”

  Both men reached for her chair, Gino pulling away to give Emilio the honor.

  “Before I forget, how did your meeting go?” Kristine questioned, leaning back to allow the waiter to place her napkin across her lap.

  “Well, that is one of the main reasons I wanted to have dinner tonight,” Gino took Kristine’s hand. “I want to be honest with you. Well, as much as I can be,” shooting a look to Emi
lio. “You’ve shown me how intelligent and observant you are, my guess is you have an idea what I’m about to say.”

  “About your job, you mean?” Kristine avoided the word, attributing the idiosyncrasies to a long list of coincidences.

  “Yes. You know I was born in Sicily, brought to the States when I was little.”


  “Well, I was brought here to be groomed for the day I would take over the Family for my father. With his death, my meeting earlier was to officially place me as the head of the Family.”

  Glasses of red wine appeared, along with various dishes filled with food. Kristine’s stomach was too full of nerves to consider eating a single bite.

  “With that role comes an incredible amount of responsibilities and requirements. One of those requirements I’m hoping you will help me with.”

  Mixed emotions filled Kristine. Was Gino about to give her a promotion? And if so, how would it affect their relationship?

  “First, I have to confess something to you.”

  “Confess?” Fear gripped her. Had he changed his mind about them? Nina assured her she was happy Gino was paying attention to her. Had she been placating her?

  “The night I took you to my penthouse to celebrate your new apartment, I had an ulterior motive for drinking so much champagne, and ultimately getting you drunk.”

  Angry tears burned the back of her eyes, she’d woken up in the guest room the next morning, her memory full of holes.

  “Do you recall the conversation we had during dinner? The one where you showed me the ring you found with your Nona’s belongings?”

  Reaching up, Kristine pulled the ring from the confines of her dress. “Yes.”

  “You showed me the inscription, but I lied to you when I said it was too faded to make out. It’s written in Italian, a promise from the man to the woman he gave it to.”

  Kristine took the ring between her fingers, rubbing the lettering he spoke of.

  “The crest on the side belongs to the Vittorio Family. When you left the table, I placed a call to my mother, inquiring whether her friend, and Emilio’s deceased wife, wore such a ring, which she confirmed.”


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