Leave Me Breathless: The Black Rose Collection

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Leave Me Breathless: The Black Rose Collection Page 18

by Dakota Willink

  “The guy I’m dating,” Nina leaned closer to Kristine, surveying the office for listening ears. “Loves to watch me get myself off with the pearls.”

  Ignoring the latter part of her admission, “Guy? What guy? Do I know him?”

  Leaning back, “Can’t tell you. He’s in a relationship with another girl and is trying to dump her, but her family is making it tough for him.”

  Sensing the hurt in her friend’s voice, Kristine opened her arms, pulling Nina into a tight hug. “I’m sorry. Maybe he’ll find a way to get rid of her.”

  Nodding into her shoulder, Nina pulled back with unshed tears in her eyes. “From your lips to God’s ears.”

  For the remainder of the morning, Kristine emptied one box after another, shredding old documents and scanning others until the closet in the hall was empty.

  As the smell of beef and something sweet floated into the room, Sully came through the door. His suit was disheveled and his normally spiked hair lay limp against his forehead.

  Crossing the room to Nina’s desk, “Emilio Vittorio was shot last night.”

  “Are you fucking kidding?”

  “Gino said they pulled three bullets out of his chest and one from his leg. He survived the surgery, but they had to take him back a little while ago. Some shit about bleeding on the inside or some shit.”

  Nina leaned back in her chair, the sound of her jewelry jingling catching Kristine’s attention.

  “He has this bad blood type or something…”

  Looking back at her screen, Kristine recited the letters inside her head, AB negative as Sully stumbled to say them correctly. Not surprising, the same blood type as hers.

  “They have some coming from Texas, but they aren’t sure it will get here in time.”

  Kristine had no idea how long it took to donate blood, but she couldn’t sit back and allow her father to die. She had to get out of here, but with half a day remaining she would need a damn good excuse to leave. Standing from her chair, Kristine walked down the hall to the bathroom. Standing by the mirror, she heard who she believed was Cheri, cursing from the last stall.

  “What the fuck good is the shot if I get my fucking period anyway?”

  An idea flashed in her head. Turning to the sink, she twisted on the hot water, letting the heat sting her fingers. Laying her hands around her neck, she watched as the skin began to redden. Adding drops of water to her forehead and under her nose, she shut off the water and headed for the door, ignoring Cheri’s cries for someone to get her a fucking tampon.

  Rounding the corner of her office, “Holy shit, Krissy. Are you okay?”

  Digging deep for the voice she used to get Granny to let her stay home from school. “I-I have cramps—"

  “Oh, fuck no. Not girl shit!” Sully roared. “I don’t want to hear shit about bleeding and fucking aspirin. Take the rest of the day off, Kristine. Go home and deal with that shit.” Tossing up his hands and scurrying out of the office.

  Kristine kept her eyes on the still open door, “Is he okay?”

  Nina turned her attention back to her computer screen. “Sully has an aversion to menstrual cycles. Last time I got mine unexpectedly, he stormed off, yelling some shit about not trusting anything that bled for a week and didn’t die.”

  Kristine was no stranger to the phrase. Choosing to cash in on his aversion, she grabbed her coat and purse. “I’ll see you tomorrow, maybe.” Kristine tossed over her shoulder as she headed for the stairs.

  Arriving at the hospital, Kristine wasn’t certain where to go in order to donate blood. Climbing from her car, she spotted a man in a lab coat smoking a cigarette at the side of the building.

  “Excuse me?” Kristine called, gaining the attention of the man as he lifted the cigarette to his lips. “Do you work here?”

  Smoke poured from his lips as the dark-haired man surveyed her up and down. “Yes, I’m a physician here.”

  With his lab coat at an odd angle, Kristine can’t read his nametag. “Great, can you tell me where I would go to donate blood?”

  “Well, the Red Cross has—"

  “No, sir, not to the Red Cross. You see, I have a friend who needs a certain type of blood—”

  “AB negative,” the doctor interrupted. “Heard the call go out earlier. Come on, I’ll show you where to go.”

  Despite nearly passing out several times, Kristine was able to donate a pint of blood to her father; enough to hold him over until the plane from Texas arrived. The staff made her stay lying down, giving her cookies and juice to drink before she was deemed safe to travel home.

  Evening had fallen since she’d arrived, casting shadows over the exterior of the hospital. As Kristine made to leave the hospital, she heard a voice calling from behind. “Hey, I take it by the late hour you were able to help your friend?”

  “Yes,” Kristine touched her arm, the thick bandage evident even through her heavy coat. “Yes, I did. Thank you for your help.”

  “Anytime,” the man nodded. “And be careful out there, their calling for snow tonight.”

  “Thank you, I will.”

  The man watched as Kristine exited the automatic doors, heading across the parking lot before climbing behind the wheel of a black Jaguar. Pulling out his phone, he kept his eyes on the car as the woman started it and backed out of the spot.

  “Thought you should know; you were right about some bitch showing up here wanting to donate blood. She just left. It looks like the old bastard is gonna live after all.”


  “Not that I’m complaining, but this isn’t the usual place I meet with a client.”

  Waving the naked girl off, Gino leaned over the table, sliding the file in the private detective’s direction.

  “The girls know the rules,” Gino boasted, waving his hand for another round. “If they want to keep breathing, their mouths stay shut about who and what they see here.”

  With the information Kristine stumbled upon, Gino was more convinced than ever there was a mole in his Family. Niko suggested they seek outside help. While they agreed on who the person was, they needed more proof before they acted. Killian Green came highly recommended, his fee made Gino take notice, not something he did often.

  “Killing a woman,” Killian began, tipping his drink back. “Gives a whole new meaning to sexual equality.”

  “I suppose,” Gino shrugged, his phone vibrating in his pocket. He didn’t have to look at the screen to know it was Kristine, as she would be home from the office by now. It had been a week since Emilio was shot, and although the second surgery had been a success, he remained in a drug-induced coma. Gino took Kristine to sit with him every night after regular visiting hours were over. He’d waited patiently as she told him stories of growing up in Kansas and of her lousy ex-boyfriend, including all the bullshit he pulled on her.

  “Listen, I need you to go through that file, dig up everything you can on the people inside. I want all the shit I can’t get my hands on.”

  Killian opened the file, his eyes landing on the photograph of the beautiful woman on top. “Are you serious, you want me to investigate—"

  “Just do what I paid you for, I expect to see results by tomorrow.” Gino tossed a wad of cash on the table, leaving a gaping mouthed man behind as he disappeared into the night.

  Kristine grew frustrated as her third call to Gino went to voicemail. Visiting hours were over a while ago, and soon it would be too late to see her father.

  “You’re here late, is everything okay?”

  Tossing her phone to the desk, “Sorry. I was trying to call Gino, but I think he’s tied up in a meeting.”

  Sully dipped his head, scratching the back of his neck before shifting his gaze to Kristine. “There is no meeting tonight, Kristine. I would know, as —"

  “I must have gotten the days mixed up.” Kristine interrupted, her chest stinging with the implications Sully conveyed. “I should go.” Tossing her coat over her arm, she ran from the office, ignoring Sully’
s wishes of having a good night.

  Finding her apartment empty, she tossed herself on to the sofa, letting her head fall back into the cushions.

  “Kristine?” Gino called, his masculine voice echoing down the hall.

  “In here,” Kristine cried back, reaching for the remote and pointing it at the television on the wall.

  “I’m so sorry, sweetheart.” Gino rounded the corner. “My meeting ran late,” he added as he bent over to kiss her.

  The stench of old perfume filled her nose, making her want to vomit. She’d smelled it on several men in the office, her assumption of where this meeting was not something she wanted to admit.

  Sitting on the couch beside her, Gino pulled her close. “I did try to get out of it on time.”

  Unable to look at him in the eye, Kristine laid her head on his shoulder. “I understand, business is important, but I was hoping to see him since tomorrow night is the fight.”

  Kissing the top of her head, “About that.” Gino paused, hating himself for what he was about to do. He’d arranged for Kane to fight a heavy weight. One if he was victorious against, could boost him into the weight class. Something they both wanted. “I have another meeting. One I would cancel if I could, but I can’t take you to the fight, babe.”

  “It’s fine,” Kristine’s voice was clipped, standing from the couch and heading toward the kitchen. “I can go early in the morning to visit my father, and then catch the match by myself.”

  Jumping from the couch, “I can’t let you do that, Kristine. It’s one thing to let you go to work, a place where I have a dozen men watching, but those men don’t know your Vittorio’s daughter. Until I find out who tried to kill your father, I need you to stay here, or up in my penthouse.”

  Kristine knew fighting him was useless. “Sure, whatever you say, but I have an appointment tomorrow with Nina.”

  “Fine, I’ll have a few of my men go with you.”

  “What’s with all the muscle, Kristine? Did you say something to piss Gino off?”

  Swishing her feet in the blue water, Kristine kept her head down, Nina sat to her left as she always did during their Sunday trip to the salon.

  “Not sure, we didn’t fight or anything.” It wasn’t a complete lie, at least not the latter. She’d gone to bed after agreeing to the security, Gino had taken a shower, and then gone into the living room to watch television. He was gone when she woke, no note or text message.

  “Want to come shopping with me after this? I have to find something to wear to the fight tonight. Do you know what you’re—"

  “I’m not going,” Kristine interrupted a little too loudly, gaining the attention of the girls around her.

  “That’s too bad, Kristine. I was going to introduce you to my man, tonight.” Nina wiggled her eyebrows. “That is if I can convince him to leave the bedroom long enough.”

  Sitting back in her massage chair. “There will be other opportunities. If, as you say, you can pull yourselves out of the bedroom.”

  Gino stood at his bathroom sink trying in vain to fix his tie. He hated lying to Kristine, but Killian had been quick with the investigation and had what he deemed was huge news to share.

  “Want some help?” Shifting his eyes in the mirror, he found the girl in question leaning against the door frame. Dressed in a hoodie and ripped jeans, her arms crossed over her the chest he loved to bury his face in.

  “I’d love some.” Turning to face her, Gino leaned against the counter, leaning down and placing a kiss to the tip of her nose. She’s makeup-free tonight, just the way he liked her, and it takes everything in him not to cancel on Killian and stay home with her.

  “I could get used to this; having you here, sharing my home…my name.”

  Stopping her movements, “What are you saying?”

  “Calm down, Kristine, only planting a seed. When all of this is over, and with your father’s blessing, of course, I plan to ask you to be mine forever.”

  Kristine held her tongue, the intensity of the moment robbing her of an answer that wouldn’t be served up with tears. Instead, she focused on his tie, recalling how the man on the YouTube video demonstrated.

  “Tony and a few guys from the office will be here while I’m gone. Help yourself to anything. Treat this house as if you own it, just like you do the owner.”

  Kristine ruminated Gino’s words over and over as she sat in the center of his bed, the television on the far wall showed some movie marathon centered around romance. He’d kissed her breath away before he left, laying her gently on the covers before adjusting himself and promising to finish what he started later when he returned.

  With no interest in the movie, Kristine climbed from the bed, padding her way to the kitchen when she found a half-full bottle of wine in the fridge. Pouring herself a healthy glass, she found the guys watching the weigh-ins of the match, the one part of boxing she didn’t care for.

  Heading back into his bedroom, she reached over to move one of his pillows. When she bent too far over, the red wine spilled from her glass, staining Gino’s comforter.

  “Oh shit,” she cursed, carefully setting the glass on the nightstand. If she could treat the stain immediately, she might be able to save the comforter. Having seen a twenty-four-hour dry cleaner down the block, she began the task of removing the blanket from the bed, when something caught her eye.

  Kristine dropped to her knees, hot tears spilling from her eyes as the diamonds sparkled in the light from the lamp beside her.

  “He likes to watch me get off with the pearls.” Nina’s words echoed in her head.

  “My brother is complicated.” Sully had tried to warn her.

  “He’s in a relationship with another girl and is trying to dump her.” So had Nina, in her own twisted way.

  Tossing the blanket to the floor, Kristine ran to the bathroom, betrayal hitting her like a freight train. Staring at herself in the mirror, the girl reflected back at her a stranger. She’d allowed herself the luxury of feeling important in Gino’s world, but in reality, she was nothing more than a way for him to pass the time.

  “You will always have a job at the Coop in case things don’t work out as you planned.” Mr. Cullison's words were as fresh as the day he’d said them, encouraging her to turn from the mirror and take some action. She’d been the discarded toy of one man, she’d be damn if she'd be one again.

  Entering the living room, her eyes flashed to the flat screen and the fight about to begin. Tony and another guy from the office sat on the sofa, their feet propped up on the coffee table beside carefully laid handguns.

  “Hey, I was just about to come see if you were hungry. We’re ordering from the deli on the corner.” Tony offered, but her eyes were stuck on the screen.

  The man behind the camera swept from Kane’s bouncing form in the center of the ring, to Gino, as he took a seat, a pair of blonde twins sitting to the left of him, Nina on his right. Her fist clenched as Gino reached over, running his hand up Nina’s leg and under her tight skirt.

  Turning to Tony, who’d managed to miss Gino’s groping. “No thank you to the food, but there’s a pharmacy next door. Can you grab something for me?”

  “You feeling okay? Should I call Gino?” Tony raised his phone.

  “No, nothing like that.” Kristine kept her voice even, adding a slight smile for effect. “I forgot to stop on my way home. If it's too much, I can wait.”

  Tony shook his head. “Make a list and I’ll pick it up,”

  Retrieving her phone from her back pocket, “I’ll do better than that. I’ll have it waiting for you.”

  Using the app on the sophisticated phone Gino gifted her, she placed an order for several items before returning to the bedroom.

  Less than an hour later, Kristine stood in Gino’s bathroom, the items she’d ordered laid out on the counter. Removing her hoodie, Kristine ripped open the box of hair dye. Reading the directions on the side of the box, she mixed the bottles and applied it to her blonde hair. Wh
ile the dye did its job on her overpriced highlights, she drenched cotton balls she’d found in a drawer with acetone, and then securing them to her nails with the aluminum foil she borrowed from the kitchen. She’d never really cared for the fake nails, having them decreased her typing efficiency.

  When the timer on her phone went off, she stepped into the shower, letting the black water turn clear before grabbing the lemon juice and salt, scrubbing the spray tan from her skin. A few swipes of another cotton ball, this time drenched in baby oil, she made three passes along her eyelashes, taking the extensions off with ease.

  Running a comb through her dark hair, the girl she’d lost stared back at her. Despite how much her heart ached, she felt better about herself. She’d played a game she had no chance of winning and now it was time to leave the field.

  Using the corner of the bedsheet, Kristine arranged Nina’s pearl and diamond panties beside her farewell note to Gino. Taking a look at the disaster she’d created in the room, thoughts of cleaning up came, but she tossed them out, much like Gino had done her.

  As quietly as she could, Kristine tiptoed out of the penthouse. Kane and his killer skills keeping the attention of Tony and the other guys as she slipped out the door.

  Stopping briefly at the apartment she’d called home, she shoved a few of the clothes she’d arrived with, an envelope full of the cash she’d saved since arriving, and her mother’s necklace into a backpack before pulling out her phone.

  “Hey, Krissy—”

  “I found your panties,” Kristine interrupted, her voice calm despite the anger she felt inside.

  “Oh my, God! I wanted to tell you, Kristine, I swear. Gino made me swear not to.”

  Kristine was all too familiar with Gino’s skills at persuasion. Hiding their relationship from the alleged bad guys, when in reality there weren’t any.

  “Can we talk, Kristine? In person, not on the phone. There is so much you need to know about Gino, about the—”


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