Leave Me Breathless: The Black Rose Collection

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Leave Me Breathless: The Black Rose Collection Page 126

by Dakota Willink

  “I should probably get up. My parents must be beside themselves. They expected us back last night.”

  “I made sure Hayley called them when she got here, so don’t worry. They think you guys just overdid it and stayed with Carmen. I had Oscar call Carmen, so your stories match.”

  “God, I feel like a kid who snuck out. If I didn’t love Hayley so much, I’d break her neck,” I muttered. “I still might.”

  “Lie with me for just a little while longer,” Dantes said quietly, pulling me back against him.

  “I’m not in a hurry to face reality, not after the last night’s drama. I’m torn between rushing out there to give Hayley a giant hug and tearing her a new asshole. I still can’t believe she was so reckless.” I admitted, snuggling back into the crook of his arm. “What was she thinking?”

  “I’m sure she wasn’t thinking at all,” Dantes replied, cuddling me closer. “I’m just grateful it wasn’t you. I’d probably have murdered Carmen and Carolina if it had been you lying there unresponsive.”

  “The last thing you ever have to worry about is me doing any kind of drugs. I’m not wild enough to try anything like that,” I said softly. It was true, I was way too vanilla to even be tempted to try anything. The most adventurous thing I’d done was try a cigarette when I was sixteen, and that was so foul, I had no desire to do anything like it again.

  “You almost sound disappointed, preciosa,” he said, running a finger along my jaw and turning my face up in the dark room to plant a soft kiss on my lips.

  “Not at all. I never want to put myself in that kind of danger. At the same time, always following the rules isn’t that much fun, or so I’m told.”

  “Breaking rules always comes with consequences. You have to decide which ones are worth breaking, if any.”

  “You break all sorts of rules, though, don’t you?”

  Dantes sighed quietly as he shifted me out from under his arm to snap on the bedside lamp. He turned back to me as he leaned on his elbow, looking down into my face.

  “I have my own set of rules I abide by, Mia. They may not conform to everyone else’s ideas of right and wrong, but I never stray from them.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “I have my own code of conduct and honor, and I know the burden of always following rules. It isn’t fun, but it isn’t supposed to be. It’s about being true to your values.”

  “Which one is most important to you, Dantes?” I asked quietly, wondering if this was the time to press deeper to learn who he really was and why.

  “Keeping the people around me safe,” he replied, easing back down next to me and pulling me back to his chest. “Especially those I care about. I’ve… lost someone before. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep that from happening again.”

  “What happened?” I asked, suddenly curious to know absolutely everything.

  “My mom was killed when I was younger. I wasn’t there to stop it from happening.”

  “Oh my gosh! What happened? How old were you?”

  “I was fifteen. She was murdered in cold blood by some men who wanted to punish my father,” he said matter-of-factly.

  “Holy shit! Were they ever apprehended?”

  “Mia, in Venezuela, the cops are owned by whichever cartel is strongest. They’re the real authority. Considering the controlling organization was the one responsible, the murderer was well shielded from any kind of retribution.”

  “That’s terrible,” I said, unable to imagine what it must have been like to grow up in a place where you couldn’t depend on law enforcement. My father was committed to protecting all our citizens from those who would harm them. The idea of rampant corruption made me sick to my stomach.

  “It’s a lawless environment there. I swore an oath to myself I’d one day find the man responsible and make him pay, but I was just a kid with no resources when it happened. Seventeen years later, I’m a man with almost anything I need at my fingertips, but I’m here in the States. So much time has gone by, it’s almost impossible to know where to start, anyway.”

  “Why would they target your mother?” I asked, my brow furrowed in confusion. What could they possibly have wanted from her?

  “My dad made the wrong enemies,” he said cryptically. I waited for him to continue, but he didn’t. I took it as my cue to drop the subject and wrapped my arm over his chest.

  “I’m sorry, Dantes.”

  “It’s been a long time.” He picked up a long strand of my hair and wound it around one of his fingers. “I barely remember what she looks like anymore. I have one faded photo of her. When I can’t bring her face to life in my mind, I go back to that picture and study it until it’s one big blur.”

  “Is that why your father drinks so much?” Leaning forward, he silenced me with a kiss, and by the time he finished, I was breathless, my mind nearly wiped clean of everything we were talking about. He rose from the bed, stretching and yawning. Storytime was most definitely over.

  I let my eyes roam over him as I filed all my remaining questions in the back of my mind, to be brought forth again when the time was right. Dantes was shirtless with a pair of fleece pajama pants hugging his hips. I sighed softly as I admired his physical perfection. I’d never seen him so casual before, other than the times I’d seen him completely naked. I loved his standard uniform of well-tailored suits, but seeing him like this made me feel like I’d been allowed into the inner sanctum as though I was seeing a sight few people had ever seen or would see again.

  I wrapped my arms around my torso, hugging myself tightly, enjoying the warmth that was blooming in my chest. I wanted him as I always did when I looked at him, but this time, there was something new. Or was it? I’d been feeling this growing… something warm, but soft, cozy, and dreamy, too. After last night, it had grown exponentially. I finally felt like I’d found someone I could rely on. Someone who wanted me and only me. I felt like I’d found the one. I blinked several times, trying to clear my mind. I didn’t want to get too far ahead of myself. Besides, what if Dantes didn’t feel the same way? I wasn’t ready to think about rejection just yet. I shut down my inner musing and took in my surroundings for the first time.

  If I thought the bed was heavenly, the room around me was heaven itself. Impressively decorated with dove-gray walls and thick, luxurious looking, lighter pearl carpeting, and crown moldings, the style was effortlessly classy. A cream-colored padded chaise sofa was tucked diagonally into the corner with a black throw blanket haphazardly draped over the back, and there was an enormous, wide screen TV hanging on the wall directly opposite the bed. The accent furniture—nightstands, dressers, and armoire—were all black-stained wood, and there were muted, sensual black and white prints of undressed women and couples adorning the walls. It was definitely a man’s room, but a man of taste, and judging by the artwork, a carnal appreciation of the human form.

  “Here,” Dantes said, tossing a white dress shirt at me. “Put that on, and I’ll have my housekeeper make you breakfast—or lunch, in this case.”

  “I can’t go out in front of everyone wearing just your shirt, Dantes. Especially if Oscar is still here.”

  “You’re crazy if you think I’d let any man see you half-clothed. I sent him out to handle some business for me. My housekeeper is paid well to look the other way, and I’m sure your sister has seen you in far less.”

  “Be that as it may, I’ll at least put my skirt from last night underneath it,” I replied, struggling to sit up and put the shirt on without losing the sheet covering my bare chest.

  Once I got it on and most of it buttoned, I stood and looked around the room.

  “Where did you put my clothes?” I asked, earning me a smug smirk from Dantes.

  “I had Oscar drop them off at the cleaners on his way back to the club,” he replied, clearly pleased with himself. “I did keep your panties, though.”

  The idea of putting day-old panties on didn’t appeal, but I didn’t see where I had much choice. I held my ha
nd out for them expectantly.

  “Oh no, Mia. I’m keeping them for myself.”

  “As a trophy, or to wear?” I smarted back. He gave me a dry look in response, stalking over to me and gripping the back of my neck.

  “You’re cute, but I need to do something about this smart mouth of yours,” he growled, swooping down and giving me a thorough, toe-curling kiss.

  As Dantes promised, his housekeeper, Elena, took no notice of my appearance and promptly made me a simple turkey sandwich. Halfway through, Hayley wandered into the kitchen, looking completely refreshed. It boggled my mind that she’d nearly died the night before yet looked fresh as a daisy, not even twenty-four hours later.

  “Can I get one of those, too?” Hayley asked, motioning to my sandwich as she hopped onto the stool next to me at the breakfast bar. Elena gave a silent, quick nod and prepared another one in record time. I watched as Hayley devoured every bite, right down to the crumbs. Dantes stood in the kitchen, leaning against the countertop with an amused expression as he enjoyed a cup of coffee.

  Just as I popped the last bit of my food into my mouth, I heard a door open and shut. I looked up at Dantes, startled.

  “It’s Oscar. Go back to the bedroom. Now.”

  Without missing a beat, I was on my feet, padding swiftly back to his room. Once there, I didn’t have any idea what to do with myself, so I sat down on the bed and looked around once more. The room was indeed attractive, but I thought it could use a woman’s touch. Perhaps black, ornate candle holders, silver accents for the nightstand and dresser top, and some candid color shots of the two of us scattered about.

  I bit my cheek in chagrin. We’d been together such a brief time, and I was already thinking about redecorating his place. I couldn’t help myself. After last night, Dantes wasn’t just a man I wanted more than any I’d ever met before. I needed him, his strength, his confidence. He said I was his, and in my mind, I’d claimed him right back. He might not be an upstanding businessman, but I couldn’t find it in myself to care. He was my hero, my knight in possibly tarnished armor, and I couldn’t deny that over the last several days, I’d fallen completely head over heels for him.



  The business Dantes sent Oscar out to handle turned out to be a shopping trip for new clothes for Hayley and me, in addition to taking our dirty clothes to the cleaners. Keeping comfort in mind, he didn’t get anything elaborate, just a couple pairs of black leggings and long, tunic-style blouses that went well with them. He’d also thoughtfully purchased sandals for the both of us, so we wouldn’t have to wear the stilettos we’d worn the night before and look like a couple hookers stumbling in after a wanton night of excess. I was grateful since I already anticipated a fatherly lecture.

  Though I wanted to linger in Dantes’ apartment indefinitely, once Hayley and I had changed into our new clothes, he ushered us down to the car.

  “I’m in no hurry to let you go, Mia, but I know your family is expecting you. I don’t want to give your father a reason to disapprove of me more than he already will. You and I both know, I’m not the kind of guy the sheriff would pick out for his daughter.”

  It was on the tip of my tongue to argue, to say my dad didn’t even know him, but from the beginning, I’d accepted Dantes was likely a formidable man with questionable connections to an underworld I knew nothing about. My dad wouldn’t be pleased, but I wouldn’t let him dictate my choices. My entire life, I’d obeyed nearly every rule, never giving my parents an ounce of problems. They could damn well trust me to make my own decisions now, especially when it came to my love life.

  “You know he’s the sheriff?” I asked lamely.

  “Of course, I do, Mia. He’s on the news all the time.”

  “He’ll come around,” I continued, accepting Dantes’ explanation easily. “If he doesn’t, it doesn’t matter. My father stopped being my boss years ago.”

  “I guess we’ll see how he reacts,” Dantes said as he pulled the car alongside the curb in front of my parents’ house. “I’m going to walk you two to the door and deliver you straight into his hands.”

  “I thought we were supposed to have stayed the night at Carmen’s house. He’s going to know it’s bullshit when he sees you.”

  “It’s okay, Mee. We’ll just tell him he’s a friend of mine who gave us a lift while Carmen slept off her hangover. It won’t seem out of place to him. He and her father are tight, after all.”

  I didn’t like the idea of pretending Dantes was anything but my boyfriend. I was proud to be with him, even if he wasn’t one of the white collar, country club types my parents would probably pick.

  “Well, we’ll have to run with that,” I said as I glanced out my window to see my father waiting on the front porch, “because there’s the man himself.”

  We all got out of the vehicle just as my father began marching down the walkway.

  “Belisario, what are you doing with my girls?” my father demanded, making both Hayley and me look at Dantes in surprise.

  “Good afternoon to you, too, Sheriff Bernard. I just gave the girls a lift home,” Dantes said affably as he rounded the front of the car. Despite our last-minute agreement to claim he was a friend of Hayley’s, he shocked me further by taking hold of my hand. My father’s eyes lasered in on the contact, then narrowed in displeasure. Dantes cocked his head to the side, daring him to object.

  “Daddy,” I began, my voice sounding sure and confident. “This is Dantes, my boyfriend.”

  “I know God damn well who he is, but do you?” my father sneered, then looked at me pointedly. “What do you mean, he’s your boyfriend?”

  “Just what it sounds like. This wasn’t how I planned for you to meet, but here we are.”

  “I know this comes as a shock, Sheriff,” Dante said conciliatorily. “Trust me, I have nothing but good intentions when it comes to Mia.”

  “As they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and as far as I’m concerned, all roads to you lead to hell. Now get out of here. I don’t want to see you anywhere near either of my daughters again.”

  “I’ll go since I don’t want to make Mia uncomfortable, but trust me, Sheriff Bernard, this isn’t the last time we’ll meet.”

  If I didn’t know Dantes better, his parting comment sounded suspiciously like a threat. Before I could ponder it further, he turned to me, cupped my face in his hands, and gave me a tender kiss on the lips.

  “I’ll call you later, preciosa. If things get too heated for you here, call me, and I’ll come get you,” he said quietly.

  “It’s okay, my car is here. If he won’t listen to reason, I’ll just go home.”

  He kissed me again quickly before reaching down to squeeze my hand. With a brief side-hug to Hayley, he jumped back in his Mercedes and left us with my father.

  I stalked up the walk, annoyed at my father for disrespecting Dantes. He’d been remarkably calm and tolerant of my father’s ire, which I was sure hadn’t come easily to him. It only made me love him more since I was sure he’d remained passive for my benefit. I doubted any other man would be permitted to treat Dantes that way.

  Once we were all inside the house, my father grabbed my elbow and roughly swung me around to face him.

  “What are you doing with him, Mia? How did you meet him?” he asked, his brow furrowed and his eyes hard. I shook off his hand.

  “I met him at Sergei Kosareva’s club. You know, your friend? Dantes does business with him.”

  “Sergei’s not my friend, he’s a campaign donor. There’s a difference.”

  “You and Carmen’s dad rub elbows with him enough for anyone to think otherwise. I think a better question is how you know Dantes.”

  “He’s narco scum, Mia! He’s a high-ranking teniente in a major drug cartel. It’s my job to know the top players in the criminal element in my city.”

  “You sound like Hayley. Dantes is a legitimate business owner, Dad. I’m sure you don’t approve of The Pink Pist
ol, but I don’t care.” Hayley chose that time to pipe up.

  “I told you that place was a front, Mia. Don’t get me wrong, I like Dantes, but Dad’s right. He’s dirty.”

  “Take that back,” I hissed, pointing my finger at her. “I don’t need a saint, and I don’t need you guys weighing in on my life choices, especially my love life. I’m a grown woman.”

  I turned away and headed to my childhood bedroom. My father was always able to make me feel like a naïve schoolgirl whenever we disagreed as if I needed to be coddled and protected from the big, bad world outside. He wasn’t nearly as protective of Hayley, even though she was the baby of the family. I never understood why.

  I sat down on the edge of the bed with a huff. It was a wonder he’d ever let me move out from under his thumb, especially since he was footing the bill for my loft. Maybe that was why he agreed, in the first place. He was on the lease, so he had certain privileges, at least he assumed he did. I never thought to question or object. Now that I knew his opinion of Dantes, I was going to have to reevaluate my living arrangements. The idea of not being able to indulge my passion whenever I wanted to, made my heart hurt, but I couldn’t afford the loft on my own. However, when I thought about not being able to have Dantes over, my chest ached even more.

  Dantes. That was a whole new issue. I knew he wasn’t just a club owner, I wasn’t completely oblivious. His story about his mother this morning only gave weight to my father’s claims. I was so wrapped up in him, I hadn’t let myself consider what other business he was into because he made me happy. How long would I have gleefully turned a blind eye to the other side of his life? Probably forever if I’d been allowed to. I couldn’t ignore the truth; my father wasn’t the kind of man to accuse someone without persuasive evidence.

  I flopped back on the bed, chewing on the inside of my cheek. I was disturbingly calm despite the fact the man who may be the love of my life may also be a drug lord. Brought up on the straight and narrow, I should have been repelled by the very thought of it. Yet there I was, unable to picture my life without Dantes in it.


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