Behind the Count: Cessna U Wildcats Book Two

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Behind the Count: Cessna U Wildcats Book Two Page 13

by Readnour, Kimberly

  Cara spins around. “Okay, I’m ready. Let’s hit it up!”

  The warm feeling is back in the pit of my stomach. I’m excited to see Noah, but nervous about being around him.

  Chapter Twenty


  Conversations hum in the background as Braxton hands Dalton his beer and me my standard glass of water. Braxton slides next to Dalton across from me. Friday nights are usually upbeat, but the moment Shannon walks into Barton’s with Cara and Lexie, the air shifts and charges with palpable energy. I’ve anticipated being with her outside tutoring all day. My earlier confession of wanting us to date weighs heavily on my mind. She didn’t back away from the suggestion, but we haven’t had the opportunity to discuss particulars. I hate having to hide her like some dirty little secret. Shannon deserves someone better than me, but I’m tired of hiding my feelings from her. I just never envisioned our first date would include her brother. The same brother who’d kill me for looking suggestively at his sister, let alone what I’ve imagined doing to her.

  The girls walk over to our booth, and I lift my eyes to meet hers. Holy hell, what this girl does to me. Her knowing smile about does me in along with those long, tanned legs. She wears fashion well. She never reveals her cleavage, but she doesn’t have to—not with those killer legs. How the hell am I going to refrain from touching her?

  “Hello,” I say as she slides into our booth next to me. Her lilac and vanilla scent assaults my senses, and I try not to take a huge whiff. My dick stirs to life, picturing my fingers running through her hair as I nuzzle against that gorgeous neck. I’m trying to be a gentleman, but my willpower can only stretch so far. When she sports these short skirts, all I can think about is power driving into her. When we’re alone in the library, I have to refrain myself. I’m sure cameras are watching, but that doesn’t stop me from wanting to take her. The girl drives me past the point of all rational thoughts.

  “Hey,” Shannon says as she scoots in next to me. Cara sits next to Braxton and Dalton while Lexie sidles next to Shannon, which pushes her flush against my side. Our thighs rub against each other, and I instinctively place my hands beneath the table and join our fingers. She glances at me with a surprised but pleased expression. I flash her a smirk before returning my attention to everyone. Braxton sits oblivious to my feelings, but Dalton eyes me as if he knows what I’m doing. Maybe it’s my guilt surfacing. Who knows? But I don’t want to keep hiding how I feel forever.

  “So, sis, has my man been taking care of you?” Braxton wags a finger at me and grins.

  I choke on my water as Shannon’s back stiffens. Her voice pitches higher as she asks, “What?”

  “Your tutoring sessions. They’re still going well?”

  “Oh, yeah. We’re making great progress.”

  Braxton studies her for a moment, the corners of his mouth turning downward. “Midterms are coming soon. Do you think you’ll be okay?”

  Shannon bristles, and I want to smack my best friend upside the head. A Friday night sitting at a table with friends is hardly the time to be asking about her grades. I place a reassuring hand on her thigh and give a slight squeeze.

  “I’ll be ready.”

  “She has a good grasp of the concepts.” I give her a wink. “She’ll be fine. She just needed a good teacher.”

  Shannon gives me an appreciative smile as Braxton nods, his stare unwavering. The temperature dials up a few degrees, but I resist the urge to squirm. Instead, I keep my hands planted beneath the table and maintain a calm disposition. If Braxton suspects anything, he’s not saying.

  “The game should be starting. Why don’t they have it on the television by us?” Cara asks. “Braxton, can you get them to change the channel?”

  Taking advantage of the tension breaker, I notice the girls nearly empty drinks and nudge Shannon. “I’ll get everyone a refill and ask them to switch to the game.” I step to the bar, happy to be away from prying eyes. I knew tonight would be difficult, but I didn’t expect to be paranoid. I place the orders and request the channel change. The screen above the bar airs the pregame ceremonies, and I settle on the barstool to watch. A warm hand lands on my arm, and someone steps within my personal space. I groan internally, recognizing Marla’s touch anywhere.

  “Having a good time?” I ask to be polite but withdraw my arm from underneath her hand.

  “Even better now that you’re here.” She gives me a seductive smile I know all too well. Shit. So much for thinking I pissed her off enough at Garret’s birthday party for her to stay away. I haven’t been responding to any of her texts. What the hell else am I supposed to do?

  I glance back to the booth, and my gaze connects with Shannon’s. Her stoic expression tells me nothing, but her brother’s face sure does. He eyes me with curiosity. Is this an unknowing test? If I blow her off, then he’ll suspect something is going on between his sister and me? Fuck. Should I act halfway interested? But if I keep up the ruse and pretend I’m cool with her hitting on me, Marla will get the wrong idea. I’d rather have Braxton mad at me than lead Marla on.

  “Look, I’m here with friends tonight, so…” As my voice trails off, I lean farther away from her. My attempt to create distance backfires when she moves closer. Fuck.

  “So what? You’re telling me you’d rather go home alone? With your friends.” She gives me a look that says she doesn’t believe me.

  “I’m rather tired.” And now, I sound like an eighty-year-old geezer. What the hell is wrong with me? I glance at the bartender and will him to hurry.

  Marla shoots me an incredulous look. “Why do you keep pushing me away? You know we have fun together. You can’t deny how it felt.”

  “I’ve already told you there is nothing between us. I don’t know what else to say.”

  Long legs stride past me and head straight to the bar fifteen feet away. Marla speaks, but I pay zero attention to her as Shannon smiles at the other bartender and orders a drink. What the fuck is she doing? I just ordered the drinks. And as fate keeps handing me the rotten deck of cards, another male sidles up next to her. My hand clenches as he reaches into his wallet and offers to pay.

  “Are you listening to me?” Marla’s shriek draws my attention to her glare.

  “Sorry, I was…” My words trail off as I watch Shannon turn down the guy’s offer. The prick slides his money to the bartender, anyway. Well, hell. I need to handle this before it goes any farther.

  “Who has your attention?” Marla follows my gaze and smirks. “Don’t tell me you have a thing for Braxton’s sister. That will never go over. You know that.”

  “I don’t.” The denial hurts like a swift kick to the gut as guilt consumes me. “She’s practically family and my responsibility to look after.” At least, I didn’t say sister.

  “She’s a teammate’s sister. She’s off-limits. Even I know that. Besides, she’s…”

  “She’s what?” I practically growl when Marla’s voice trails off. Her mouth draws to a smirk, and I know I fell for her damn bait.

  “Boring.” She rolls her eyes as my blood boils. She doesn’t stop there. “You should see her designs in class. They’re so conservative. There’s no way she can please you like I can. You know that’s true.”

  My eyes narrow as I see Marla for the snark she really is. “You know nothing about Shannon. And I have seen her designs. They’re sexier than hell.” Conservative, yes, but the last top she wore in the library had my dick standing at attention practically the entire tutoring session. There was just enough tease to spark my imagination. And believe me, my imagination went wild. Shannon nailed the concept she was aiming for, but I don’t expect Marla to understand.

  “Sure. You keep telling yourself that. But you’ll be back with me.”


  I shift my gaze over Marla’s shoulder. The guy grabs Shannon’s elbow, and I watch her entire body stiffen. I’m off the barstool quicker than our best pitcher’s fastball. Marla’s protest doesn’t even register.

  “Get your hands off of her,” I say through gritted teeth.

  “Who the hell are you to tell me what to do?” the guy slurs as he puffs out his chest. He stands half a foot shorter, but by the way his muscles bulge beneath his white T-shirt, it’s obvious he works out. But please, he’s no match for me.

  “Her boyfriend. Now scram.”

  Shannon turns to look at me. I internally cringe at the title I threw out there and hope she doesn’t read too much into it, but half-hope she does. I don’t do girlfriends, but if I did, Shannon would be the one to wear the title. Hands down.

  He holds his hands up in mock defense. “I was just buying the pretty lady a drink. Didn’t mean any harm.”

  “She’s covered, but thanks.”

  Braxton and Dalton flank my side.

  “Is there a problem?” Braxton practically growls the question.

  “No. He was just leaving,” I say to the guy. His eyes widen as he takes in the three of us arcing him.

  “I didn’t mean to encroach. I’m gone.” The guy turns to Shannon and winks. “Maybe, later.”

  My hands clench into fists, and I step forward. Braxton clamps his hands on my shoulders and holds me back. The guy chuckles as he walks away. When the tension eases from my shoulders, Braxton lets go and pats me on the back.

  “Thanks, man. I’m glad you handled that.” Braxton turns toward Shannon. “You need to stay away from sleazeballs like him.”

  “Well, brother, I had it handled.” She flicks her gaze to me and then back to him. She waves a hand in my direction. “That is until my boyfriend stepped in and took over.”

  My stomach drops at her admission. What is she doing? She gives me a smirk as she stands and grabs her drink. The same damn froufrou shit I already ordered. I blame my nerves for the next words leaving my mouth. “I had to come up with some excuse to avoid a fight.”

  Her face falters for a second, and I knew that was the wrong thing to say. But what did she expect? Braxton is standing right beside us. He can’t know anything is going on. Not until we come up with a solid plan to tell him.

  “Ha! Good one.” He places a hand on my shoulder. “Whatever works, right?”

  “Whatever works.”

  Shannon shakes her head. “Did it ever occur to you that I may have wanted to talk to him?”

  “Oh, come on. The guy’s not good enough for you.” Braxton laughs, but I fail to find the humor in the situation. What does she mean she may have wanted to talk to him? Is she taunting her brother or me?

  “Not the point. Quit putting me on a pedestal no one can reach, Braxton. I’m not supposed to date teammates, so who can I date? Who’s good enough to pass your test?”

  “You’re ridiculous. You weren’t interested in that creep.”

  “You’re missing the point.” She shakes her head along with that ass and heads toward the table. I grab the drinks the bartender finally made and join the group.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Jealousy is a bitch. Toss in a past lover who won’t take any hints to back off, and the envy seems ten times worse. God, why did I walk over to the bar? When Marla laid her hands on him, all I saw was rage. I was up and out of my seat before my brain could rationalize the bad move. Noah is smart. He’ll see through any excuse for ordering the same drink he just placed. And it seems I can’t even order a drink without causing a scene. Not only did Noah come to my defense, but my brother got involved because of some handsy tool that couldn’t keep to himself. I’m so embarrassed. All I want is to hide underneath the bar and never come out. Cowering isn’t an option. So, I do what any normal teenaged sister would do in this situation—I yell at my brother.

  With the strawberry daiquiri in hand, I hold my chin high and walk right by Marla without giving her a second glance. The Oscar should go to me. I rocked the whole “I don’t care about you” look. It’s a shame my insides don’t match my fake bravado. I’m still reeling over seeing Noah and Marla together. But I don’t know why. Noah didn’t reciprocate her advances. I saw his back stiffened from her approach, how he flinched from her touch, and the subtle shift as he moved away from her. His words were muted, but from the way she conducted herself, they weren’t pleasant. But like I said, jealousy is a bitch who makes me feel and do stupid things.

  Lexie scoots toward the wall when I arrive at the booth. I slide next to her, leaving the end for Noah.

  “You look like you could murder Noah and your brother,” Cara says. “Did you like that guy?”

  “No, not really. He wouldn’t back off, but I could’ve handled it.”

  “Your brother cares, but I can have another talk with him if you want.”

  “Yeah, I know. There’s no point in telling him to back off. He’ll always be protective.”

  Noah and the guys join the table, shutting down any further discussion on the matter. I sip my drink while they talk about the playoff game on the television.

  After a few minutes, I’m feeling the effects of the alcohol. Noah’s back of his hand brushes against my thigh, sending tingles shooting through me as my insides warm. I have to admit hearing him call me his girlfriend sparked a fire in me. It may have been more for the guy’s benefit, but I liked it. Whatever we have going on, I want more. I can’t help it.

  “Shannon, are you joining any organizations this year?” Cara asks.

  “No, but I thought about joining a sorority.”

  Braxton whips his head toward me. “Why do you want to join a sorority?”

  “I don’t know. You all will be gone next year, and it’ll be nice to be around some girls. I was looking at Pi Beta Phi. They do a lot of variety of charity work. This year, their proceeds from the color run go to the Children’s Heart Foundation.” I shrug as if it’s no big deal, but donating to any children’s heart organization means a lot to me.

  “You definitely don’t need to worry about running.”

  I stiffen at Braxton’s words and shoot him a warning look. I can’t believe he just said that. The girls don’t know about my heart condition. It’s bad enough Dalton knows, but I’d like to keep it discreet if at all possible. When people hear anything medically related, their kid gloves come on. I understand they care and all, but I hate to be treated differently, which is what happened back home. I’m not fragile, and I won’t break. Noah must sense my discomfort because he squeezes my thigh.

  “Why can’t she run?” Lexie asks, laughing in disbelief. “Are you afraid some guy may be lurking on the track?”

  Braxton looks across the booth at me and grimaces. He knows he messed up. “Nothing. I was joking.” He shoots me an apologetic look. “You know, because she never exercises. There’s no way she’d last.”

  Cara’s eyebrows scrunch together, and I swallow past the panicked lump forming in my throat. Cara has seen me enough times after my workouts to refute Braxton. She opens her mouth to speak, but Lexie’s scoff interrupts her. I breathe in relief when Cara closes her mouth and leans back in her seat.

  Lexie wags her fingers to the guys. “You three exercise enough for all us. Is the team going to be as good as last year?”

  “We should be competitive. The new freshmen aren’t bad. I suspect a few will make the team. Some of the juniors are stepping up since we lost three good players.” Braxton says.

  I relax as the topic shifts from me. I place my hand on Noah and rub my thumb in slow circles along his inner thigh. He shifts beneath my touch and lowers his head to my shoulder. In a voice so low I can hardly hear, he asks, “What do you think you’re doing?”

  The corners of my lips raise to a wicked smirk, but my tone is all innocent. “Nothing.”

  “Uh-huh,” he mumbles under the guise of taking a drink of water.

  Cheers erupt around the bar as one of the Dodgers players hits a homer. The conversation resorts back to their chances of winning, but I lost interest a long time ago. My thoughts are centered on the guy next to me and the ache growing between my legs.
/>   The more the alcohol works into my system, the braver I become. My circles become wider and graze close to his groin. It’s fun teasing him when my brother sits across the table, oblivious to my actions. Still, I wish more than anything we were alone. My gaze strays to Noah and locks with his. Those hazel eyes darken to the deepest shade of green. It will be a miracle if we survive the night.

  Noah’s palm slides up my thigh, bringing the edge of my skirt with him. Shit, if he goes any farther, he’ll find out exactly what he’s doing to me. My underwear is soaked. I’m so wet for him. He brushes his thumb against my clit, and I jump. Braxton glances from the game to me.

  “You okay there, sis?”

  “Uh, yeah.” Unable to take any more teasing, I nudge Noah to move. “I’m going to the patio. I need some fresh air.”

  “You can’t go out there alone.” Braxton frowns, and I bite back a smile. Sometimes, it’s not all bad having a protective brother.

  “I’m a big girl, Gee-Gee. I can handle myself.”

  “I’ll go. I’m not vested in the game,” Noah says as he stands to let me out.

  My huff comes out more exaggerated than planned, but it has the desired effect.

  “Shannon, don’t be difficult. I don’t want that loser hitting on you out there. We won’t be able to keep an eye on you.”

  “Fine.” I roll my eyes and head toward the corridor with Noah hot on my trail. God, I’ve never been so glad to not wear my lace-like biker shorts.

  When we’re out of hearing range, Noah snickers. “You need some air, huh?”

  “I need a lot more than that.”

  He lets out the tiniest moan. “You’re driving me crazy—especially in that short skirt.”

  Our feet reach the darkened hallway, and I feel confident we’re far enough away from prying eyes to slow our pace. I turn to face him. “You like?”


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