Falling, Fallen- Reese

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Falling, Fallen- Reese Page 4

by RaeAnne Hadley

  They all kissed her forehead before heading out to the parking lot. The ranch was only fifteen minutes from the hospital but it felt like they drove forever before turning onto the tree-lined paved driveway. The white fences looked freshly painted and Reese felt the sense of home when he saw the wrap around porch on the Victorian home he had spent his childhood in. Could he really give this up? Maybe he should move his cattle down and take over the homestead.

  He glanced over at the barn and saw several horses tied. It looked like they were getting ready to go out and work the cattle. He felt guilty for not offering to help but exhaustion was taking over his body and mind, making both of them weak.

  He saw Jack step out of the barn and when Jack saw the Davenport boys he waved. The genuine warmth that emanated from the man’s face was familiar and Reese knew his family’s ranch was in good hands. Jack was like family and loved this land as much as they did. Reese wouldn’t begrudge the man his dream; he was living his after all. At least, almost.

  “Your rooms are ready, boys. Got get some shut eye. We are moving the cows from the northern pasture to the southern. Will be back for supper, Greta is making beef pot pie.”

  The boys groaned in anticipations. Greta had been making her delicious meals for them for the past twenty years and everything she made was heaven sent. They would eat well tonight.

  The screen door squeaked upon opening, a sound they had all gotten used to over the years. The wood floors looked freshly polished and all three of them instinctively pulled their boots off and shuffled towards the foyer to head up the stairs. Greta caught them before they hit the first stair.

  “Boys, I have bacon, ham and cheese omelets and some hash browns ready to go if you want to fill your bellies before hitting the sack.”

  All three of them turned wordlessly and headed towards the kitchen. Five minutes wouldn’t hurt and Reese knew they could devour a meal in less time than that.

  He picked up a plate and was starting to help himself when his phone vibrated. Worried that it might be the hospital, he pulled it out of his pocket. His heart picked up a beat when he saw it was from Bill.

  Sorry to bother you but I thought you needed to know that the new cows have conjunctivitis. We’ve quarantined them in your east corral. It’s away from the other cattle and livestock. Doc’s already been out here and gave the entire herd injections of antibiotics and steroids. It’s going to be touch and go for a bit. Hope your Mom is doing okay.

  Reese felt his stomach drop. He didn’t need this right now. Pink eye in cows could be devastating. He was glad he always kept his new livestock quarantined but he never thought of how close they were to his horses. He was glad that Bill moved them farther away from the barn.

  Thanks, Bill. I owe you a twelve pack. Can you keep an eye on the horses and make sure they don’t have signs? I’ll square up with Doc when I get home. Mom is doing good. She’s hoping to come home tonight but I think they will keep her another day. Will let you know.

  He put his phone away and began spooning some food on his plate. He was still hungry but found his appetite decreased. His exhaustion was taking over and the poor news didn’t help. He shoveled the food into his mouth and drug himself to bed, leaving his brothers talking animatedly with Greta and devouring her culinary delights.

  He woke to the sounds of birds chirping and horses whinnying. Despite not living here anymore, familiar sounds and scents lulled him into childhood memories of times that at the time seemed difficult but now as an adult and dealing with the struggles that life threw at him, realized that they were so much simpler. He longed for the simpler times and challenges.

  Swinging his legs over the edge of his twin sized bed, he curved his back to stretch out the stiff muscles. He made his way down to the kitchen and found fresh coffee and muffins. Jackson and Ryker were already sitting there eating, Greta was nowhere to be found.

  “Did you guys ever leave or have you been sitting here since I left?”

  Ryker slid his bloodshot eyes over to his brother. “We got a little sleep. Greta’s food is so good. I miss her cooking. Do you think she’d consider leaving the ranch and come cook for me?”

  Jackson chuckled around his mouth full of blueberry muffin. “Fat chance of that. You couldn’t tear her away from Jack and I don’t think Jack would let her go anywhere.”

  Reese grabbed a cranberry muffin and poured a cup of coffee. “He does love her food.”

  “He loves more than her food,” Jackson mumbled.

  Ryker dropped his muffin. “What does that mean? You don’t think…” his eyes grew wide.

  Reese shrugged. “It would make sense. When you are running a ranch, when are you going to have the time to find a partner who understands ranching life and will work hard right beside you, good times and bad?” His thoughts drifted back to Rachel and all of the times she had helped him pull calves and feed the orphans. His stomach felt like lead.

  “Have you guys heard from Mom or the hospital?”

  Ryker shook his head. “Nope. Not yet. We were thinking of heading over there around five. If Mom is going to be discharged, we will be there early enough to bring her home…”

  “But if they don’t let her come home, we can still make it home in time for Greta’s pot pie,” Jackson finished.

  Reese laughed. “Man, do you guys ever think about anything other than food?”

  “Sex. I think about sex. Just not here,” Ryker admitted.

  “You are hopeless, little brother. Let me eat my muffin and suck down a cup of coffee before we head over. Hopefully Mom won’t be too disappointed if they don’t let her come home.”

  Jackson shook his head as he set his cup of coffee down. “Heaven help the doctor who tells her that now she can’t.”

  All three men nodded their heads knowingly. Their mother was definitely a force to be reckoned with.

  They walked into her room at four-forty-five and wished they had waited a bit longer. She was in a foul mood and you could cut the tension with a knife.

  “Jackson. You go find that doctor and tell him I’m just fine to come home. Now.”

  Reese walked over to their fuming mother. “Calm down, Mom. What’s wrong?”

  “My doctor is refusing to let me go home because my blood pressure is a little high. But it’s high because I’m here. I’ll be able to relax if I’m at home.”

  “They just want to make sure you are safe, Mom.”

  “Don’t you dare take his side, Ryker Dean Davenport.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Jackson pushed his brother aside and stood over his mother. “If you don’t calm down, they are going to keep you here longer than for one more night, Mom. There’s a reason they are watching you and it’s for your own good. So the sooner you accept that and the sooner you settle down, the sooner you will get sprung from here.”

  She opened her mouth to argue, staring Jackson down but he refused to budge. She pursed her lips together and sat back in her bed. “Well, the least you can do is get me another pillow for my back. This bed is horrible.”

  Jackson kissed her forehead. “Yes ma’am. I can do that.” He turned and walked out the door to find someone to get her another pillow.

  Reese stared at his mother and realized the reason Jackson had so much influence over their mother was because of the resemblance he had to their father. He knew Jackson got his dark hair from their father but never realized until now just how much he looked like Dad. It must be the reason she talked to Jackson more about the ranch than she did with him or Ryker. Jackson reminded her of Dad.

  Not wanting to allow the feelings of jealousy or sorrow cloud his attitude, he shook it off and moved towards the woman who gave birth and raised him.

  “Other than irritation, how are you feeling, Mom?”

  She smiled and reached for his hand. “I’m just cranky because I want to get out of here. I’d like to enjoy the ranch for as long as possible before Jack kicks me out.”

  Ryker bristl
ed. “He can’t kick you out, this was our home before he ever came into the picture.”

  Their mother tsk’d. “Ryker, you know better. Jack would let me live there for the rest of my life if I wanted. But he’s a younger man and he and Greta need some time and space to explore their relationship. They’ve been dancing around each other for years. It’s about time they dance together.

  “Besides, I’m excited to find my last home and spend more time with my grandchildren,” she slid an eye to Ryker. “since I only have one son who’s willing to provide me with any.”

  “Oh geez, Mom. Give me a break. I’m still figuring out my career.”

  “And you can’t do that with a wife on your arm to help guide you?”

  Jackson walked back into the room. “What can’t he do with a wife?”

  Reese threw him a warning shot. “Mom is on the subject of grandchildren and how I’m the only one giving her any.”

  Jackson turned to walk back out the door. “And on that note, I’m going to get some coffee.”

  “Oh no you don’t,” she called after him. “You are the eldest Davenport. You should have already done your duty.”

  He sighed and turned around. “Mom, I told you. I have no interest in settling down just because you tell me to. Times are different. I don’t have to pass on the family genes if I don’t want to.”

  “A good woman will make you change your mind.”

  “Well, when and if that day ever comes, you’ll be the first to know.” He walked over and gently placed the pillow he had tucked under his arm behind her back. “In the meantime, settle in. You are staying for one more night. Doctor’s orders. We will be back at eight in the morning to pick you up.”

  She sat back and picked up the television remote. “Make it seven-thirty and tell Greta I’d love her forever if she had eggs benedict ready for when we got home. I sure have missed her cooking.”

  The boys each kissed their mother before leaving the room. For some odd reason, despite them all being together, Reese found himself feeling very lonely.

  He kicked back on his bed; the door closed to give him his privacy. His belly was full from Greta’s delicious supper and Ryker, Jackson and Jack were still sitting on the porch enjoying a few beers. He had sat with them enjoying a couple beers and reminiscing about the past but he felt a pull and decided he needed to act on it.

  He took his phone out to text Rachel.

  Hey, thanks for the text. Mom is doing good and is going to be discharged in the morning.

  He wasn’t sure what else to say. He wanted to talk but he wasn’t sure he was ready to talk about what happened at the bar. Every cell in his body had wanted to kiss her, to take her in deep and pull her towards him but his mind and heart reminded him of the pain she had inflicted.

  I’m glad to hear she’s doing better. So does that mean you’ll be coming home in a couple of days? I was really hoping we could talk.

  God, she was pushy. He both enjoyed and despised that part of her. She didn’t let anything rest, never had. If there was an issue, she always wanted to address it head on and deal with it. He liked to simmer on things.

  About what, Rachel? I’m not sure when I’m going to be home.

  He hated lying to her. He already knew he was going to be heading out tomorrow afternoon after getting Mom home and settled. He had to take care of his quarantined cattle and had already let Bill know he was going to be there.

  I was hoping we could talk in person, and not over text messages.

  Oh, now she wanted to talk in person? He allowed the anger to jade his message.

  Oh, now you want to talk in person? You dumped me through a text message. I don’t understand what’s more important now that you have to talk in person.

  The minute he hit send, the anger left his body. Guilt took its place. While that comment may have been accurate, it wasn’t exactly fair.

  He started to apologize when he saw the message bubble pop up. She was replying.

  He waited but then the bubble went away. He started typing when it popped up again.

  Ouch, yeah, I deserve that one. I was wanting to apologize to you in person for what an idiot I was. You were perfect for me and I think that scared me. I was so young and didn’t even know who I was or what I wanted. You laid out our future for us and were so sure of how our life was going to be and it terrified me. I should’ve told you back then how scared I was but I was a dumb kid.

  Anyway. I wanted to apologize to you. I didn’t want to bother you or irritate you anymore. I had thought…well, the other night on the dance floor, I had thought you had wanted to kiss me as much as I wanted to kiss you but I was wrong. I’ll leave you be, Reese. And I’m truly sorry for all of those years ago. You were the one who got away and I’ll regret that to my dying day. Please take care of yourself. Some woman is going to be very lucky to be by your side and I hope you find the one who makes you happy. You deserve it.

  He felt his stomach drop twist in a rollercoaster of emotions. She still cared about him and considered him to be the one who got away.

  He didn’t respond; he couldn’t. He needed to simmer on this one to make sure he didn’t screw it up. If he was honest with himself, they had been so young. He had just turned twenty and she was nineteen. Did they really know who they were back then?

  He thought back to those times and shook his head. Nope. He had been a dumb kid. He had been so heartbroken after Rachel had dumped him, he had jumped into the bed of the next woman who paid attention to him. When she got pregnant, he had married her.

  He gave Sarah credit for trying hard to make it work. She’d known she wasn’t his first choice but she was determined to make it work, make him happy, make them a family.

  He had wanted that too. Jake had stolen his heart the minute he held him in his arms and little Jennifer followed two years later. Despite their mutual love for their children, Sarah eventually became tired of being a second choice. She wanted to find someone who chose her first and he couldn’t blame her. She deserved to be first on someone’s mind.

  When Ben had started dating Sarah, Reese had no hard feelings towards him. He treated her the way she should’ve been and he never attempted to “take over” as dad. He respected Reese’s role and that brought an odd friendship between the three of them. Reese had even gone to their wedding and instead of sorrow or regret, he felt true happiness for them and hoped one day he would find the same.

  It never happened, of course, because he was still hung up on Rachel. Damn it. She was still his person, the one he wanted beside him. He couldn’t risk losing her again. He picked up his phone.

  I can be home in four hours. Will you still be up?

  I’m not home.

  He frowned. If she wasn’t home, why did she ask him to come talk?

  Where are you? I thought you wanted to talk?

  When I heard about your mom, I started coming to you. I still remember where the family ranch is. I was on the driveway when you texted me. When you said you didn’t want to talk, I turned around and started heading home.

  You’re here in Fort Collins? Are you still here?

  He waited for her response but she didn’t text and no bubble popped up indicating she was writing.

  Rachel, where are you?

  The little bubble popped up and he waited impatiently.

  I’m still at the end of your driveway. I couldn’t drive.

  He launched himself off of the bed and grabbed his boots, pulling them on as he hopped down the hallway. He flew out the door and past his startled brothers and Jack.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” Jackson called after him.

  Reese didn’t respond. He just needed to get to her.

  He raced down the driveway, the moon shining through the trees and illuminating the black asphalt. He saw a car sitting at the entrance and ran up to the driver’s side. Gently tapping on the glass with his knuckle, he saw her look up at him, her tear-streaked face breaking his heart.

  He ope
ned her door and pulled her out of the car and into his arms. Without a word, he brushed back a blonde tendril that was stuck on her wet cheek. He dropped his eyes to her lips and she instinctively licked her lips. Unable to wait any longer, he claimed his kiss.

  Stiff at first, she slowly melted into his arms and returned his kiss. Her tongue tentatively probed his lips and he welcomed her with a growl. Heat flooded his body as her taste took over his senses.

  No woman could claim his body or heart like she could. She was the antibody to his sickness, the only thing that could make him feel healed.

  She pulled back and stared up into his eyes. “I’m so sorry about back then. I was young and stupid and scared…”

  He kissed her quiet, placing soft kisses on her lips, cheeks and nose. “Shh, it’s okay. We are here now but I need to know, Rachel. Are you in it for the long haul because I don’t think my heart could take it if you left again?”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down towards her lips again. She hesitated for a moment. “I’m in it for the rest of my life. I never want to lose you.”

  He lay claim to her lips again, lifting her into his arms as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He felt like he was twenty again, his heart and soul free from the shackles of hurt that had kept him in bondage for so long.

  He let her body slide back down to the earth and grabbed her hand. “Let’s go back to the house. I’m sure my brothers have thought I’ve lost my mind.”

  She swung their arms happily. “You have lost your mind but you gave me another chance so I’m going to make sure you never regret that decision.”

  He winked at her. “I knew back then that I was falling for you, I’m just glad to know that you’ve finally fallen for me.”

  Six Months Later

  The couple swayed to the music as they danced for the first time as husband and wife. Family and friends were watching from the tables surrounding the dance floor and there wasn’t a dry eye in the house.


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