1 God – Poems on God , Creator – volume 3

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1 God – Poems on God , Creator – volume 3 Page 5

by Nikhil Parekh



  In order to augment the glory of the crystalline sky; God inundated it with a festoon of enchantingly misty clouds,

  In order to augment the glory of the lanky tree; God flooded its barren surface with a blanket of fresh green leaves,

  In order to augment the glory of the fleshy palm; God embellished its surface with a myriad of fascinating lines bifurcated into islands and forks,

  In order to augment the glory of the plain atmosphere; God deluged its gloomy ambience with sizzling rays of brilliant sunlight,

  In order to augment the glory of the colossal ocean; God imparted its boundless surface with a cavalcade of ravishingly frosty waves,

  In order to augment the glory of fecund territories of brown soil; God embodied its surface with a wide fraternity of salubrious crop,

  In order to augment the glory of the voluptuously fathomless jungles; God placed a battalion of majestic lions on its rustled paths,

  In order to augment the glory of the towering mountains; God embedded their treacherous slopes with compassionate balls of white snow,

  In order to augment the glory of the redolently scarlet rose; God granted its demeanor with a seductively exotic scent,

  In order to augment the glory of the delectably hidden nest; God filled its empty persona with a cluster of stupendously charming and innocuous eggs,

  In order to augment the glory of the placid night; God blessed its shivering persona with amicably twinkling stars,

  In order to augment the glory of the gorgeously unsurpassable valley; God lit up its dolorous space with a boisterously pepped up and a stringent echo,

  In order to augment the glory of the innocuously wandering cow; God imparted it with the prowess of oozing life yielding and sacrosanct milk,

  In order to augment the glory of cascading rain; God impregnated the cosmos with a spell binding and vivacious rainbow,

  In order to augment the glory of mammoth stacks of diamonds and gold; God triggered their periphery with a mesmerizing and perennial shine,

  In order to augment the glory of the blind bat; God granted it with the astounding ability to stick wherever it wanted; to sleep upside down,

  In order to augment the glory of the blossoming shoots of bountiful grass; God overwhelmed its tips with tantalizingly alluring dewdrops,

  In order to augment the glory of true love; God gave it the highest priority on his agendas of this unfathomable Universe; granted it the virtue of being supremely immortal,

  And in order to augment the glory of every human; God swamped his dead body with an armory of passionate heart beats; flooded his dormant lungs with gargantuan

  bellows of fresh breath; bestowed upon him the most wonderful gift existing on this planet; a gift that we all know today as life.




  Even before you could drag her hands towards the acerbically gleaming knife; slice my fingers into infinite pieces,

  Even before you could drop a stone on her dainty head; smash my skull into a million fragments,

  Even before you could deprive her of inevitable glasses of water; gruesomely extricate my throat of its last bit of poignant saliva,

  Even before you could maneuver the pin surreptitiously towards her spell binding eyes; blind me for countless births of mine to yet unveil,

  Even before you could make her trip inadvertently over the cold floor; hurl me uncouthly from the summit of the colossal mountain like a chunk of lifeless



  Even before you could make her forget a single anecdote of her overwhelmingly precious life; make me wander like an insane lunatic; oblivious to all mankind,

  Even before you could make her grapple a trifle in the placid swimming pool; drown me ruthlessly to the rock bottom of the fathomless ocean,

  Even before you could make the tiniest of tear drop ooze from her mesmerizing eyes; flood my entire destiny with unfathomable sorrow and treacherous malice,

  Even before you could make her falter in her stupendously emphatic speech; convert me into pathetically dumb; barbarically chopping my tongue into incomprehensible number of minuscule bits,

  Even before you could furtively capsize her transiently tinkling laughter; sew my lips satanically with the threads of irrevocable terror,

  Even before you could rob a single hair from her alluring scalp; make me completely bald; with my head sparkling a ghastly white under dim beams of moonlight,

  Even before you could deprive her of even a diminutive fraction of celestial sleep; savagely rip away all the bliss engulfing my persona; thrusting me into an ocean

  of unsurpassable complications,

  Even before you could keep her hungry for more than a single minute; starve me miserably for unimaginable number of decades,

  Even before you could think of destroying her divinely dwelling; mercilessly pulverize each of my bones to more than a billion pulp,

  Even before you could snap an inconspicuous strand of hair from her voluptuous eyelash; assassinate both my supple lids from deep within their very fragile roots,

  Even before you could tamper the slightest with her ability to seductively sing; transform my voice into one more hoarser than the obnoxiously black crow,

  Even before you could trespass the most infinitesimal with her tumultuous exuberance; exhaust all the energy and blood from my vast conglomerate of veins,

  Even before you could cause the faintest of panic in her heart; make my beats race faster than the volcano erupting and profusely blazing through the atmosphere,

  And even before you could evolve the wildest perception of taking her breath away O! Almighty Lord; bury me alive a thousand feet beneath my corpse; till the time you wanted this planet to continue.



  Show me clusters of obnoxious cockroaches; crawling miserably towards the dingy and thoroughly fetid bathroom seat,

  Show me an ocean of vicious scorpions; ready to pounce upon and pugnaciously strangulate their prey,

  Show me a mountain of garbage emanating a stupendously ghastly odor; repugnantly wading off the tiniest of soul trying to trespass its stinking persona,

  Show me a gruesomely deadly spider; oozing overwhelming amounts of poison from its morbidly corrugated tentacles,

  Show me a garden of rebellious thorns; fervently awaiting to rip apart the last ounce of breath from my daintily tender body,

  Show me an insurmountably distorted mask; with its ghoulish skull like demeanor driving away all zeal and enthusiasm from the conglomerate of my veins,

  Show me an open mouthed fleet of hostile sharks; probing menacingly forward with their knife like jaws ready to pulverize the most strongest of entity into diminutive mincemeat,

  Show me a pool of satanic blood; acrid strands of glass extruding from innocuous sheets of flawless skin,

  Show me a well inundated with diabolical toothed rats; wild chimpanzees snaring their teeth to snap apart blissful traces of life,

  Show me the dilapidated box of empty coffin; waiting ardently for a dead body to occupy its solitarily obsolete space,

  Show me the wretched visage of the completely squelched building; with plush chunks of colored glass and silken upholstery poking out like pathetically small worms,

  Show me a badly injured person; oozing blood from his body like an uncontrollably rampant fountain,

  Show me a wholesomely blind man; staggering and floundering abominably on every step that he took on brilliantly illuminated ground,

  Show me a wounded battalion of tigers; snarling perilously through the foliated outgrowths of the unimaginably treacherous jungle,

  Show me a sac replete with colorless stones; clanging deafeningly against each other with tumultuous ill will and ominous hatred,

  Show me an orphaned infant shivering hysterically in the freezing winds; with the crimson blood in
his veins virtually frozen to small cubicles of white ice,

  Show me fathomless sheets of torn fabric; with infinite dots of blood and sordid mucus adhering to it vehemently from all sides,

  Show me the unprecedentedly gory scene of the vivacious battlefield; deluged from all sides with hoarsely crying warriors; ruthlessly cut hands and feet loitering dismally in a stream of thick blood,

  Show me terribly crumpled bits of incoherent paper; flooded with script that was incomprehensibly abusive,

  Show me a woman weeping sadly; as she passionately missed her husband while he was away for just a brief interval of time,

  Show me a castle profusely occupied by brutal demon horns; wickedly vicious snake skins suspended listlessly from the hollow ceiling,

  Show me a deplorably broken mirror; reflecting a flurry of lifeless images; further exacerbating the condition of the already dull atmosphere,

  Show me an insane lunatic; crazily thrashing his head countless number of times against the obdurate wall; trying to crunch every bone of his body with every

  bang to the brick,

  Show me an ambience entrenched with deathly blackness; permeating my impeccable countenance like infinite arrows coated with malice,

  Show me the devil; towering tall and colossal towards the sky; ready to assassinate my scalp into unsurpassable no of tiny bits; at the slightest provocation he received,

  And O! Lord please show me anything which might be horrendously obnoxious; anything which might be most despondently displeasing to the eye; anything which

  might be horrifically corrupt and detrimental to celestial society; but please don’t show me death; don’t show me perpetual demise.


  I wanted one foot on the summit of freezing Everest; and the other foot on rock hard slabs of civilized ground,

  I wanted one foot in insurmountably blazing infernos of forest fire; and the other foot on an pristine island of divinely white ice,

  I wanted one foot on a mesmerizing blanket of verdant grass; and the other foot on a savage battlefield of belligerently acrid thorns,

  I wanted one foot on a paradise of bountifully rhapsodic joy; and the other foot on anecdotes of placidly solitary gloom,

  I wanted one foot on a stupendously boisterous hive of poignantly swarming bees; and the other foot on the graveyard which harbored nothing but clouds of celestial peace,

  I wanted one foot on a Godly festoon of salubriously rubicund fruits; and the other foot on miniscule pints of inexplicable illness,

  I wanted one foot on a supremely benevolent platform of uninhibited humanity; and the other foot on remotely rare spurts of flirtatious mischief,

  I wanted one foot on an irrefutable idol of sacred truth; and the other foot on a shallow ocean of blatantly glaring lies,

  I wanted one foot on a profusely redolent carpet of voluptuous rose; and the other foot on the flimsily open lid of the fetid dustbin,

  I wanted one foot on a boundless township of immortal romance; and the other foot on the wildly philandering horse which traversed past the neighboring girl's doorstep,

  I wanted one foot on a field of opulently glistening fabric; and the other foot on diminutive rags of tottered jute,

  I wanted one foot on lanes inundated with melodiously sweet sugarcane; and the other foot on a pinch of piquantly passionate ocean salt,

  I wanted one foot on an electric paced galloping air-plane; and the other foot on the potbellied tortoise which thought infinite times before taking even a single step,

  I wanted one foot on a tantalizingly relentless chain of seductive fantasy; and the other foot on profoundly pragmatic thought which brought me back into the

  mainstream of day-to-day life,

  I wanted one foot on the mystical valley reverberating thunderously with heavenly sound; and the other foot on the unimaginative road strewn with bits of

  paper and regular traffic,

  I wanted one foot on the unsurpassably towering giant's scalp; and the other foot on the mousetrap delectably sandwiched in the cloistered interiors of the dilapidated household,

  I wanted one foot on the pungently sharp scintillating sword; and the other foot on the tremendously blunt coconut which kept sinking deeper as I tossed it about,

  I wanted one foot on a majestic desert basking in the glory of princely sunlight; and the other foot on evanescent shades of the diabolically treacherous night, 


  I have wished a life like this O! Almighty lord; right since the time I emitted my first cry; and would feel the most privileged if you bestowed a life such as this; to perhaps if not me; then atleast one of my fellow kind.




  When I met the gardener; all I ended up talking with him was; a battalion of wild shrubs and creepers dangling in tandem from the century old dilapidated wall,

  When I met the businessman; all I ended up talking with him was; a myriad of astutely commercial plans; a stupendously manipulative analysis of the present day

  stock market,

  When I met the tennis champion; all I ended up talking with him was; the handsome strokes he executed in the marathon game; the astounding dexterity with which he

  maneuvered the ball all round the court of voluptuous grass,

  When I met the clouds; all I ended up talking with them was; the incredulously exotic showers of turbulent rain which caressed earth full throttle; the heavenly reprieve they gave our soil from the tyranny of scorching summer,

  When I met the pig; all I ended up talking with him was; the daily heaps of gruesomely stinking garbage; the insatiable gluttony he felt every single unleashing minute of the day,

  When I met the convict; all I ended up talking with him was; the murky side of life; the uncouthly satanic ocean of blood in which he found himself inevitably

  drowning in as time unveiled,

  When I met the priest; all I ended up talking with him was; the sacrosanct repertoire of scriptures embossed in the Bible; the mystical balance between good and

  the repulsively bad in daily life,

  When I met the politician; all I ended up talking with him was; the nonchalant list of boring policies he planned to evolve over a period of time; the relentless list of portfolio's which he had ushered to his ministers; putting me to sleep right before his

  bulging eyes,

  When I met the soldier; all I ended up talking with him was; an unending tale of daunting war; the insurmountable tenacity he had displayed while indefatigably fighting for his home soil,

  When I met the dancer; all I ended up talking with him was; the latest trends in contemporary disco; the seductively tantalizing styles which he implemented to keep his audience fully boisterous; even after wee hours of yawning midnight,

  When I met the avalanche of augmenting snow; all I ended up talking with him was; the bizarre cold experienced perennially at all times; the overwhelming agony of being mutilated by austerely cold winds from left; right and center,

  When I met the eunuch; all I ended up talking with it was; the unsurpassable sorrow with which it was bestowed upon this life; the perpetual longing in its heart to take birth in infinite lives; again as man,

  When I met the doctor; all I ended up talking with him was; the stringently obnoxious odor of potent medication; the ingeniously life yielding drugs which

  had just arrived in the conventional market,

  When I met the housewife next door; all I ended up talking with her was; the boundless chores of duty to be fulfilled each day; the irascible humming of her

  children which kept her wide awake all night,

  When I met the author; all I ended up talking with him was; his countless ocean of innovative ideas; the names of his publishers and the names of his cherished books,

  When I met the robust complexioned grandfather; all I ended up talking with him was; the fathomless string of his life time experiences; the nostalg
ic reminisces

  of his innocuous youth; which fomented a passionate flurry of silver tears to well up his eyes,


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