Rude Boss' Secret Baby: A Single Mom Romance (Tall, Dark and Handsome Billionaires Book 4)

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Rude Boss' Secret Baby: A Single Mom Romance (Tall, Dark and Handsome Billionaires Book 4) Page 14

by J. P. Comeau

  I loved this man without a shadow of a doubt, and I prayed what he was telling me was genuine. Because right now, it felt like a fairytale. Like something straight out of a movie I sometimes watched during the Christmas season.

  And we all know those never happen in real life.



  I propped the phone against my shoulder as I started typing away on my laptop. Yet again, Mrs. Voyich was in my ear about the plans to expand my yacht rental business into another port along the Florida coast. After signing the paperwork with her stating that she’d be the head overseer of not only the project but that facet of the business, I heard from her more times during the day than I wanted to hear from her all fucking year. But, she was on top of things, and I had to admire that.

  “I know that we decided to do the same number and types of yachts for this installation that we have at the original one, but I was looking at the numbers—”

  I blinked. “Sorry, where did you get those numbers?”

  “Oh! Your wonderful secretary helped me obtain them. I told her that if we could double up on the yachts that bring us the most profit, we stand to turn a bigger and better dime with this outlet. That seemed to convince her to show me the numbers from the past three years.”

  I nodded slowly. “Uh-huh. And what did you find?”

  I heard papers flipping about on her end of the line. “So, you were right in the fact that the smaller yachts are being rented out more regularly than others, but you failed to mention that the behemoth yacht you reserve for your upper-echelon clientele is booked just about every week of the year.”

  “Yes, because there’s currently only one.”

  “I propose that we do away with one of the smaller yachts, two of the mid-size, and throw that money into obtaining two more of those massive ones. Can you think of what you’d rake in if you had three massive yachts instead of one fully booked out through the year? We could purchase those and tap into the wait-list of people you already have going!”

  “Those come with more upkeep, though, Mrs. Voyich. I’d have to hire two more full-time cleaning staffs and a handful of other standby employees to make sure we could juggle two more of those massive boats.”

  “You leave that to me. It’s my job, after all, right? Just take a look at the numbers I emailed you and get back to me. I spelled out the math as plainly as I could.”

  I clicked around until I found my email inbox. “Got it. I’ll get back to you before the end of the day.”

  “Can you make it before lunch? I’m kind of on a tight—”

  I cleared my throat. “End of the day, Mrs. Voyich.”

  She sighed. “Yes, yes. Of course. Okay. I’ll be waiting!”

  And I didn’t even get the phone call hung up before a knock came at my door. Only this time, it was someone I wanted to speak with.


  Leslie’s voice filtering through the door made me smile. “Come on in, Leslie.”

  She slipped inside and quickly closed the door. “So, I take it no calling you ‘Just Trey’ while at work?”

  I ushered for her to sit. “We can cross that bridge once we have everything in place. People will ask a lot of questions, and I want to make sure we’re ready with answers. Come, sit, and talk. I can tell something is on your mind.”

  She walked over to the chair, but instead of sitting down, she simply plopped the folders she was carrying against the cushion. I quirked an eyebrow as she walked around, and she quickly dropped into my lap. I chuckled and grinned as I held her against me, watching as her lips came closer to mine.

  And after she captured mine in a searing kiss, I felt myself instantly relax.

  “Oh, the things you do to me,” I murmured.

  She giggled and kissed the tip of my nose. “Trust me, I understand completely.”

  I leaned back, gazing into the face of the most beautiful woman on the planet. “So, to what do I owe the pleasure of your company?”

  She giggled. “Work, unfortunately. I just thought I’d dampen it with something we both might enjoy a little more.”

  I winked. “I suppose it isn’t every day that I get to hold and dote on the woman carrying my child.”

  I watched as panic rushed behind her eyes, and I quickly changed my tune. “No one is going to know until you’re ready for them to know. I promise you, I haven’t said a thing, and I won’t unless I’m positive that it’s just the two of us.”

  She sighed. “It isn’t that I’m ashamed, it’s just—”

  I sat up and captured her lips, stopping her sentence in its tracks. “I understand, trust me. People are more forgiving of men in this situation than they are of women.”

  Her voice didn’t rise above a whisper. “I just want you to know that I’m not ashamed of you.”

  I smiled softly. “You forget that I know your past with other bosses.”

  Her forehead rested against my own. “I know you’re not like them. It’s just…”

  “You don’t want your reputation ruined when you’re still not sure if this is the real deal.”

  She sighed. “I’m sorry, I’m just trying to protect myself. Rori’s father and I were nothing but a—”

  I rubbed her knee softly. “You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to, okay?”

  Her eyes found mine. “But I want to. I want you to know why I’m like this.”

  I leaned back, bringing her with me as her head tucked beneath my chin. “Then, by all means, fill me in.”

  She drew in a deep breath. “Rori’s father and I were nothing but a hook-up. It was the night of graduation. We were drunk and celebrating, and we had ourselves a little fling. Then, a few weeks later, I was pregnant, and I didn’t even know where to find the man. Until I ran into him at a coffee shop when I was seven months pregnant.”

  “I guess he didn’t take it well?”

  “I mean, he congratulated me at first. Until I practically blurted out that the child was his.”

  I didn’t say anything as she drew in another deep breath.

  “We had a rather frank talk in the corner table of that coffee shop that basically ended with his telling me that he wasn’t ready to step up and be a father and that I struck him as the kind of woman to understand that.”

  I shook my head. “What an asshole.”

  She shrugged. “I mean, I can’t blame him. We were drunk, and it was only a one-night sort of thing. He was gone by morning, and that was that.”

  I paused. “Wait. Is that why you left me that one time before the sun came up?”

  She swallowed hard. “I’m sorry about that. I just—I just thought it was what it was, you know?”

  Leslie looked away from me, but I gripped her chin and pulled her gaze back to mine.

  “You don’t have to apologize to me for that. I get it, I really do. And I’m sorry that Rori’s father wasn’t enough of a man to step up and do what needed to be done. But, what I need you to understand is that I’m not him. I won’t ever leave your side unless it’s something you demand of me, and even then, I’m still going to be there for our child, even if you don’t want me around.”

  She sniffled. “I could never not want you around, Trey. You’re amazing. You treat me better than I even dreamed possible.”

  Her words filled me with pride. “And that won’t ever change. Got it?”

  She smiled softly. “Yeah, I got it.”

  I winked. “Good. I’m glad we’re on the same page because I have something I want to show you.”

  She tilted her head off to the side. “Oh?”

  I pointed to the chair in front of my desk. “I know you were coming in here to question me about the file folders you found on your desk after lunch. Why don’t you open them and see what’s inside?”

  She stood to her feet. “That’s what I was coming in here to ask you. I opened them up, but all I see are pictures of some office and schematics for something or other. It doesn’t make sense.”r />
  I stood to my feet and pointed to them. “Open them up. We can go through them together.”

  The confusion on her face was evident, but I almost couldn’t contain myself. I wanted to surprise her with something that showed her that I was serious about staying. That I was serious about her keeping her job. That I was serious about our lives melding together if that’s what she wanted. She sat down and opened the folders in her lap as I leaned against my desk. And as I slid my hands into my pockets, I tried my best to contain my excitement.

  “I still don’t get it,” Leslie said as she shook her head.

  I chuckled. “That’s because you’re only looking at what I have right now. The rest will be finished up by the end of the week.”

  She sighed. “Trey, I’m really tired. Can you just tell me what these are?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Fine, fine. But, you only get this one pass because you’re gorgeous and I can’t contain myself around you. All right?”

  She giggled. “Deal.”

  I walked over and perched above her head, looking down at the folders. “So, these are the schematics for your new office.”

  She gasped and looked up at me. “You’re giving me my own office up here?”

  I placed my hands on her shoulders. “Not just up here; that will be finished by the end of the week.”

  Her eyes fell back down to the schematics. “Then, where’s this office?”

  I smiled brightly as I crouched down, my lips hovering against her ear. “My place.”

  She paused. “Wait, what?”

  I stood up and walked around in front of her. “Isn’t it genius? I have so many rooms in that house that I’m not using, and one of the rooms is massive. Just gargantuan. And it’s got its own little side entrance. I figured you could have your own office right next to mine with a private door where we can access each other at all times. Then you can also have a home office in a space where you can spread out where Rori can be with you, too, if she’s not in school.”

  Her face kept falling flat with every word I said, though, instead of the smile I expected. “Wait, this office is in your house?”

  I nodded. “Yep. It’s going to have your little kitchen station and a place to sleep if you need to take a nap. You’ll have your own restroom and a massive desk, and it’ll have all of the latest technology, too. I’ll have you hooked right into the system here at work, plus you’ll still keep your laptop if you want to work from the townhouse. Then, you can essentially work wherever you wish, if you can’t make it to the office but don’t want to call out.”

  She blinked. “An office in your home.”

  I crouched down in front of her. “I mean, eventually, it’ll be your home, too. Then, you’ll have this wonderful home office already outfitted for you, so you won’t have to worry about it. Pretty nice, huh?”

  She stood to her feet, her head shaking. “I can’t accept this, Trey. It’s too much.”

  I slowly stood as my brow furrowed tightly. “What?”

  She handed the folders back to me. “I can’t accept this from you. It’s way too much.”

  I took the folders from her and tossed them back into the chair. “I mean, it’s not completely for you, but it’s mostly for you.”

  She scoffed. “Oh, that’s wonderful. Thanks.”

  I furrowed my brow. “Are you feeling sick today?”

  Her eyes filled with anger. “What? Just because you decide to grace me with a bit of your money, I’m supposed to straighten my back and smile? I didn’t ask for any of this, Trey. You just went out and did it without even talking to me. And who the hell made the decision that I was moving in with you? Why aren’t you considering the idea of moving in with me?”

  I snickered. “You can’t be serious. The place where you live barely fits you and Rori.”

  She clenched her teeth together. “Well, I’ll be the judge of that one. Thank you very much.”

  She started marching away, but I reached out and grabbed her arm. “Look, if you don’t like it, then I don’t have to do it. I’ll tell them to stop building and halt everything that’s going on. But, if you decide to keep the child, of course, we’re moving into my place. It just makes sense.”

  She wrenched away from me. “First of all, don’t you dare grab me like that again. I’m not just some item you’ve bought and paid for that you can simply whip around whenever you’d like.”

  “I—I’m sorry. I just—”

  She pointed her finger up at me. “And secondly, you’re moving much too quickly. I haven’t even decided if I’m going to keep this baby, much less move in with you.”

  I blinked. “I already told you I’d take custody of—”

  She threw her hands into the air as her voice grew louder. “That’s not the point, Trey!”

  I raised my voice alongside hers. “Then, tell me what the damn point is because all I’m doing is trying to make your life easier with this pregnancy, and all I’m getting in return is a bunch of wishy-washy nonsense from your direction!” The second the words flew out of my mouth, I knew I had fucked up. The pain that washed over her features punched me in my gut, and I found myself at a loss for breath. Or words. Or decent common sense.

  “Well,” Leslie said as she brushed her tears away, “I wasn’t the one who asked for any of this. You’re assuming I want it. So, you can stop assuming whatever it is you’re assuming because you’re on the wrong track, amigo. And if you’ve already put this office together? Then, you can take it down because I have no use for it.”

  I took a step toward her. “Leslie, I’m sorry. I’m only trying t—”

  She held up her hand. “And as for that little stunt with Suri at the hospital? Offering to pay her? I’ve got that on my own. Thank you very much. So, you can stop trying to ride your cavalry of horses in to save the day because I was doing life just fine before you came along.”

  I bit down onto my tongue to keep myself from firing back, and instead, I watched her turn on her heels and march out of my office. She left a residual trail of anger that stoked a fire in my gut I had felt for far too many years. And as she slammed my office door behind her, I swallowed my anger back down into my stomach.

  But, that didn’t stop my mind from spinning.

  Of course, you’d screw it up. Just like your father always said you did.

  And as I walked back toward my desk to ease myself into my chair, I focused on the tasks ahead of me—the only things in my life that I could control. Because if I kept this shit up with Leslie, I wouldn’t just lose her.

  I’d also lose access to my one and only child.



  I stormed out of Trey’s office and scooped my cell phone off my desk. I made my way for the elevator at the end of the hallway and quickly made my way down to my car in the parking garage. I had to get away for a few minutes. I had to piece myself back together before I took any other phone calls. And as I wiped my tears away, I unlocked my car before I flopped down into the seat.

  Then, I messaged as quickly as I could, too, through my obscured vision of my tears.

  Me: Atre yoiu free rigght now?

  The typos alone made me cringe, but I didn’t care. My crying mounted, and my chest heaved with my sobs as I sunk deeply against the musty cushions of my car. My phone dropped to the floorboard, and I leaned forward, placing my forehead against the steering wheel. And as I cried alone inside the disgusting car that my daughter had to ride around in day in and day out, it only served to enunciate the one truth that had been running through my head ever since I cradled Rori for the first time in my arms.

  I’m never going to be able to give her the life she deserves.

  I felt my phone vibrating against my feet, and I bent down to pick it up. But it was just out of reach. I gritted my teeth together and roared out into the cramped expanse of my car as my fingers just barely graced the screen.

  “Shit, come the fuck on!”

  I raised my head up and
slammed my fists against the steering wheel. “Why the fuck does my life always end up this way?”

  I shrieked like a madwoman in need of a straight-jacket until I felt my stomach rolling over onto itself. With the vibrating of my phone backdropping my angry tirade, I threw open my car door and leaned out. With my hair in my face and my eyes pointed toward the ground, I started dry-heaving through my anger as my stomach tried to turn itself inside out.

  Then, I felt something gathering my hair at the nape of my neck.

  “Who’s—oouck—who’s there?”

  “Sh-sh-sh-sh, calm breaths.”

  I barely recognized the voice as a hand came down against my back. It rubbed my shirt softly, coaxing me down from my high as my mouth began to salivate. Threads of saliva dripped to the parking garage floor as I heard quick footsteps rushing toward me.

  And when Suri started talking, I realized who had found me. “Gee, thank the Lord. I thought maybe she was upstairs in the bathroom by her office.”

  Guadalupe spoke softly. “Nope. She’s down here in her car. I think she could use some water, though.”

  I sniffled so hard that snot ran down the back of my throat, and before I knew it, my stomach heaved again. The massive wad of snot touched my tongue, and it made me retch until the fucking thing flew to the parking garage floor. I wrinkled my nose in disgust. I felt someone helping me upright before tucking my feet back into my car.

  Then, Guadalupe’s face came into view as she wiped my tears away with a small handkerchief. “You need some water and some deep breaths.”

  My breathing was shallow. “How did you—where—I don’t understand how you found me.”

  Suri popped out of nowhere and handed me a bottle of water. “Find Your Friends. I used it on your number when I got your text message. You never send messages with typos, so I knew I needed to find you.”


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