A Hurt So Sweet Volume Three: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Elite of Eden Falls Prep Book 3)

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A Hurt So Sweet Volume Three: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Elite of Eden Falls Prep Book 3) Page 10

by Betti Rosewood

  For the next few hours, I'm subjected to pleasure, torture and everything in between by the attendants of the auction. They pinch my nipples, slap me, scratch me, hurt me, give me brief bursts of pleasure that drive me insane. I want to scream, but I keep my mouth stubbornly shut, refusing to give them the satisfaction of a response.

  Finally, time is almost up, but there's one last person in line - Audra's father.

  He watches my expression change from fear to pure horror as his fingers glide over the gun on the table. No one else has picked that up before, and my stomach tightens into fearful knots as he picks it up, lazily walking closer and regarding me with morbid curiosity.

  "Such a nice piece," he mutters, admiring the gun. "A revolver. I've shot with one plenty of times. Want to know what these kinds of guns are perfect for?"

  I shut my eyes tightly, pretending he's not there, but he's determined to get a reaction from me. He kneels in front of me, opening the cylinder of the gun. There's a single bullet in there,. with five empty slots. Audra's father smirks at me, closing the cylinder and spinning it. My blood runs cold.

  "Russian roulette, my darling. You want to play?"

  It feels as if all the air has been sucked out of the room. I don't respond, but he grins, aiming the gun at my temple. My body tenses. I have a one-in-six chance of dying right here, right now, if he fires that gun.

  "N-No," I manage to get out.

  "You're scared? Poor little pet." He laughs and pulls the trigger.

  My life doesn't flash in front of my eyes, but I feel myself go deathly still, anticipating the end. But it doesn't come. There was no bullet.

  "Fuck," I breathe.

  "Fuck indeed," Audra's father bellows, spinning again. "Let's give it another try."

  "How about no." Dex appears next to me, his eyes stormy and his expression filled with rage. "You leave her alone."

  "And who are you to tell me that, boy?" The man points his gun back at my temple and I shiver in anticipation. One-in-five chance now... The more he does this, the bigger the chance I'll die.

  "P-Please," I mutter. "Stop h-him."

  Dexter tackles the guy and suddenly there's the sound of a gunshot. Someone shrieks. The bullet hits the pyramid of champagne flutes on a table behind us, and they topple down, bubbly liquid fizzing and dripping everywhere.

  If Dexter hadn't stopped that man, I'd be dead now.

  "Alright, party's over." Father appears in the room and the two men from before pull Dex off Audra's father. "The auction begins right now."

  I start crying then because the terror of what almost happened has finally gotten to me. I'm a mess, tears sliding down my face and my bottom lip quivering as the men go their separate ways. Now the real fear sets in. If Audra's father is capable of this, what the fuck is he going to do to me if he wins the auction?

  Dexter has to win.

  As my eyes meet his across the room, I see he's come to the same realization. His mouth tightens in a firm line and he nods at me as if to say he's got my back.

  Father joins me on the stage, bellowing, "We'll start the bidding at one million."

  Several paddles fly up. Audra's father. Dex. Some men I don't know. None of the boys bid, and I stare them down, hoping they feel fucking guilty for what they've done to me.

  "One million and a half."

  A few less paddles this time.

  "Two and a half." This, from Audra's father.

  "Three," Dex retaliates.

  "Five." The prick smirks at my ex-fiance. "You won't win this one, boy. We both know I have more money."

  "We'll see," Dex smiles coolly. "Seven."

  "Ten," Audra's father hisses to the sound of outraged whispers in the crowd. I can't believe this is happening. I'm being sold like cattle, and I'm ashamed of the frisson of excitement that shoots up through my body as they fight over me.

  The numbers go up and the tension in the room follows. Somehow, they're at fifteen now, and Audra's father and Dex are the only two left bidding. I can barely breathe. There's no sign that the older man will give up - he seems determined to get his hands on me, and I have no doubt he'll keep going with higher and higher bids. I know Dex has a lot of money, but he's single-handedly running his family business now.

  "Twenty," Dex speaks up. "And I'll give you the reins of Booth Enterprises."

  The room erupts in whispers, and Father ponders Dexter's words. "You'll step down as the CEO?"

  "I'll leave," Dex gets out through gritted teeth. "I won't be a part of it anymore."

  "Sold." Father slams the hammer down before Audra's dad can object. His expression is one of pure, unadulterated hatred for Dex, and the joy of winning over him.

  I breathe a sigh of relief, all the while knowing I've cost Dexter everything.

  And when I meet his dark, furious eyes, I know I'll spend the rest of my life paying for what he just did for me.



  It's a day after the auction and I'm still trying to recover from the madness that took place in the banquet hall. Father has told me to pack my things. I had Belle's help, and I managed to gather a few things in a few hours. Leaving the Oakes Estate has left me in shambles. If I leave, it means I won't be able to help Minnie anymore. I won't be able to make the connections I'd hoped for with Brazen and Tianna. My father has pretty much declared me another man's property now.

  As we sit in the limo driven by Kelley, I wonder whether Dex will be kinder or crueller to me now that I'm his property.

  "I know what you're thinking," Father tells me coolly, and my eyes guiltily shoot to his. "You're hoping that Booth boy will be different. You're thinking you can make him fall in love with you, aren't you?"

  "No," I mutter in response.

  "Don't try to fool me, girl. I can tell you're head-over-heels for him. Consider this my last warning," Father says. "He'll never love you. No one in this town ever will."

  I swallow thickly just as the car comes to a stop in front of the Booth Mansion. Kelley opens the door and I step into the blinding sunlight of the late Sunday morning.

  Dex is waiting on the steps of his house, his arms crossed and a troubled expression on his face. His shirt sleeves have been rolled up, exposing inches of his tanned, muscular arms. My stomach tightens again. He's so handsome it hurts.

  "Get out," Father snarls at me while Kelley gets the door for him. I rush to get out of the car, afraid of his punishing hand. Father's wounds from where Brazen beat him are healing, but I have never seen him more eager to inflict hurt on others than he is now.

  I walk toward Dex shakily when Father shoves me from behind, making me stumble on the pebbled driveway. Dex steps in front of me, facing off with Father.

  "Here's your whore," Father smirks. "You spent your family's earnings... your position at the company... on her. I sincerely hope - and doubt - it was worth it. Have fun."

  He looks at me, smirking as he adds, "If you were hoping for a prince in shining armor, daughter, you'll be sorely disappointed. Because after this, your prince is broke. More of a pauper, really. Maybe that's why you get along so well. You're both charity cases."

  Dex takes a step closer until he's inches away from Father's face. They dare each other to hit first while I struggle to pick myself from the driveway. I smooth down my jade-colored dress and wait for the face-off to be over.

  "Come on, Pandora," Dex hisses, still watching Father. "We're going inside."

  He turns around and leaves Father standing there. Before he can say something else, Dex has shut the front door behind us, effectively shutting him up.

  "Is... is that true?" I whisper as he storms down the hallway.

  "What?" he hisses. God, he's in a bad mood. And it looks as if it's all because of me.

  "That you're broke..." I follow him to the living room where the fireplace is burning like always.

  "Does it make a difference?" Dex's angry gaze meets mine. "Would it make you leave if I was?"

  "I-I don't
know," I whisper. "Do you even want me here?"

  He doesn't answer, sitting down on the Chesterfield couch instead and staring at the burning embers with his forehead resting on his knuckles.

  I sit down on the rug next to him and lean my chin against his knee. I have no idea what sparked the sudden intimacy, but I want Dex to make things better. Not just for me, but for both of us. I need to hear him say everything's going to be okay.

  He doesn't.

  He just stares down at me, absent-mindedly combing his fingers through my hair. I don't know when this strange sense of intimacy developed between us, but it doesn't look like it's going anywhere, and it kind of turns me on.

  "Are you mad at me?" I ask softly.

  "No," he replies, his answer instant and confident. "I'm not."

  "Then what?"

  "Then nothing."

  "But your money." I swallow when his fingertips linger on my cheek. I love the sensation of him touching me. "Is it really all gone? You don't have anything left?"

  "I'll be fine," he mutters.

  "What's that supposed to mean?"

  "It means I still have the house and... something else Emilian Oakes might want."

  "Huh?" I narrow my eyes at him. "Are you going to tell me what it is?"

  "Someday," he murmurs. "Maybe."

  As if he's suddenly changed his mind, he picks himself up from the chair. I can still see the faint traces of blood drops on the back of his shirt. I thought he would have healed fully by now, but the extent of my father's beating is now plainly visible. I hurt for Dexter, and yet I have no one to blame for his pain but myself.

  "I'm going to do some work," Dex adds.

  "What am I supposed to do?"

  He looks at me with those nearly black eyes again. "I don't know, Pandora, do what you want to do. Fuck my friends, fuck yourself, fuck anyone you want. Just let me get on with my day. And don't go on the first floor."

  He leaves me standing there, feeling utterly inadequate as he sets off for the stairs. With a huff, I collapse on the couch and wonder what I've done to upset him now. Dexter is so unpredictable. His moods shift so fast I can barely keep track - from hating me one moment to wanting to fuck me the next.

  But still, the Booth Mansion is my home now, too. I can make myself comfortable, because I have nowhere else to go for the time being. And a sick, small part of me is still eager to get Dexter. To make him all mine, twirl him around my finger like I have done with the other boys. He's the most resilient so far, and it intrigues me.

  I busy myself by going through the bookshelves in the Booth dining room. I notice everything is dusty, so I grab some cleaning supplies from the kitchen and get to work on dusting the books.

  I've made it halfway down the wall, wiping down book after book and allowing myself a moment to admire them before carefully setting them on the shelf again. Then, I hear a voice behind me.

  "What are you doing?"

  The question startles me and nearly makes me stumble off the step-ladder I found with the cleaning equipment. But Dex is right there to catch me, his fingers digging into my skin painfully, as if he's eager to hurt me despite saving me from tumbling down.

  "I saw they were dusty," I shrug. "And I wanted to look at them."

  "How long have you been doing this?"

  "Since you went upstairs, I guess."

  "Two hours?" He smirks. "Would've thought such a task would be beneath you, toy."

  I flush when he uses my pet name. I'd never admit it to Dex, but I secretly love it when he calls me that. "I'm used to this, remember? At home we had chores and we had to do them every week."

  "Ah, so you're an experienced dust bunny warrior," he smirks, sitting down on the sofa and motioning for me to keep going. I pick up the cleaning spray again and wipe down the next shelf. "And? What do you think of our book collection?"

  "I haven't read many of them," I mutter, feeling slightly embarrassed. "Just some."

  "Which ones?" I locate a copy in the shelves and turn to face him with it in my hands. Dex laughs out loud. "Wuthering Heights. So predictable, little toy."

  I frown and put it back in its place, picking up another tome I've read before. "What about this one, then?"

  "The Stranger?" He quirks an eyebrow. "I'll give you props for that one. You're not as utterly boring as I feared."

  "It's my favorite." I put the book back on the shelf, feeling Dex's eyes on me as I sit down on the sofa opposite where he's sitting. "What should we do now?"

  He scrutinizes me, his eyes taking in every inch of my appearance. "Maybe you should make yourself useful, toy."

  "How?" My stomach flutters in anticipation of his answer.

  He shrugs. "Make us something to eat. I'm hungry."

  I'm disappointed, but I try not to show it, and I follow him into the kitchen. The fridge and pantry are fully stocked and even though I'm not an expert, I figure I'll be able to make something with the food on hand. As I start gathering the ingredients, Dex leans against the counter and bites into a perfect red apple.

  "You'll ruin your appetite like that," I tell him.

  "You sound like my mom," he chuckles, but his smile is gone the next second. We've never spoken about his parents, and I can imagine it's a difficult topic for him, but I'm so eager to find out more I have to ask.

  "What was she like?"

  "Beautiful," he mutters. "Kind. Caring."

  "And your father?"

  "Strict," he smirks. "But also kind and caring, like her. They were polar opposites in some ways and so very alike in other ways."

  "You must miss them." I want to slap myself for saying it, but he nods, not even flinching at my words.

  "Every day."

  "Do you have any other relatives?"

  "No." He looks away, and it makes me realize just how alone he is in the world. I don't have just one family - besides the Oakes’, I also have my Wildwood family, and my mother somewhere out there, too. Dex has nobody. It's just him and this huge, empty, dusty house. I vow then and there to help him, to make him happy. I want to see a look of genuine happiness on Dex's face. I know it's possible, and I'm determined to work hard until I see it.

  "Well, you have me now." I pass him a slice of mozzarella cheese I've just chopped up with a grin. "Here. Something else to ruin your appetite."

  He laughs, making butterflies swarm in my stomach. I blush, leaning forward so my hair blocks the view of my flushed cheeks. Dex keeps me company while I cook, and we chat about our likes and dislikes. I'm surprised to find we like some of the same music, but that's the only thing we have in common. Dexter is well-read and smart, making me feel ashamed for always treating school like just a boring necessity. He takes it seriously, and his straight As are a sign that he truly pays attention.

  Half an hour later, I set the table with dinnerware and our meal. Dex tells me the plates were a wedding gift to his parents from mine, so I take special care putting them down. They must have sentimental value. Everything probably does, now that his parents are gone.

  We dig into our chicken parmigiana - recipe courtesy of my mom back in Wildwood - with fettuccine. Dex even pops open a wine bottle, and we giggle while we check it for any added, unwanted ingredients. Though I'm secretly hoping for a repeat of the other night, I don't mention it. I remind myself to play hard to get and never, ever reveal my true feelings. Dex can't know I'm starting to fall for him... I have to keep my feelings hidden.

  Once we're finished with dinner, we take our wine glasses to the living room and Dex peruses the bookshelves while I sit in front of the fire. It's starting to die, so I ask Dexter where the poker is after I add some logs.

  "Should be in that wire basket," he says, but I tell him I can't see it. He furrows his brows. "Strange. Where else would it be?"

  I shrug, but he's already distracted by the books again, and he brings back an older edition of George Orwell.

  "Read Animal Farm yet?"

  "No," I shake my head.

sp; "You should." He deposits it in my lap and grins. "You'll like it. It's our kind of depressing."

  The word our makes me needy for him to say it again, but I manage a smile instead and touch my fingertips to the book's cover. "I'll read it tonight."

  "No, you won't."

  My eyes shoot up and I stare at him with a questioning look. "What do you mean?"

  "You're not reading tonight. We're doing something else."

  "What's that?"

  His eyes sparkle with mischief as he sets his wine glass down. "I'm going to have my way with you, and you're going to be too much of a mess to read a single sentence..."



  My promise hangs heavy in the air as Pandora watches me with anticipation. I'm going to take it slow, though. Now that I officially own her, I'm in no rush. In fact, I'm going to take my sweet time bending Pandora to my will. I'm going to torture her painfully slowly until she's begging for more.

  But before I drag her to my bed, I want to get to know Pandora better.

  "Tell me about your Wildwood family," I suggest.

  "So different than the Oakes," she mutters. "They were warm. They loved me."

  I nod. Can't really argue with that - the Oakes aren't a particularly warm or loving bunch of people. No one in Eden Falls is, not even Pandora.

  "You had a sister, right?"

  "Andromeda," she mutters. "Andie. She's my best friend."

  "How long since you've seen her?"

  "Years." She looks away, but the trace of tears in her eyes doesn't escape me. I'm half-tempted to reach forward and hug her, but I've been trained and taught not to give into the sign of a woman's weakness. Still, the temptation remains a pleasant sizzle in my heart, because I know I'll get to touch Pandora all I want soon.

  "I want you to see her soon," I say. "I'll set something up."

  Her eyes light up, but she tries to not look too excited. I know why. Because that murderous bastard Oakes would've dangled that opportunity in front of her only to yank it away the second he saw she actually wanted it. Piece of shit, that guy. He deserves to rot in hell, and if everything goes according to plan, he fucking will.


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