Curves for the Billionaire

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Curves for the Billionaire Page 1

by Gia Blackwood

  Curves for the Billionaire

  Billionaires Love Curves Book 1

  Gia Blackwood

  Copyright © 2019 Gia Blackwood

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, or distributed by any means or in any form without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical review and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.


  The characters, places, and events portrayed in this book are a work of fiction. Any similarities to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author. The model(s) featured on the cover of this eBook are in no way associated with the story’s characters.



  My heels click sharply along the pavement as I push through the crowded street. I turn my head ever so slightly, trying to glimpse behind me once again. Fear rises within me like a snake ready to strike. I quicken my pace as much as I can, hoping I’m wrong but knowing I’m right. Being in such a populated area doesn’t stem my fear. My ex-boyfriend is a dangerous man. And it seems he’s found me again.

  Damn. Just when I imagined I had escaped his notice for good. I pull my coat tighter around myself, feeling the slight shake in my shoulders, the tension in my posture. I’m supposed to be heading for work, but how can I do that now? The last thing I want is Gavin Fiennes knowing where I spend most of my day. If he doesn’t know already. I swallow nervously.

  Another quick, panicked glance behind me reveals a shock of icy, blonde hair. Oh yeah. Definitely him. If he manages to get one hand on me, I know I’ll be powerless. No matter what, I can’t let him touch me. Not a single whisper in my ear. My eyes dart back and forth, searching for some sort of refuge. Where can I go? I’m in a shopping district and none of these places will hide me. In fact, Gavin probably has a share in all of them.

  A man catches my attention just up ahead. He’s unlike any man I’ve ever seen. Tall, leanly muscled in a sharp suit that fits him as if it’s his own skin. Black hair smoothed back and a harsh expression. Eyes that look like they could cut diamonds as he stares impatiently at his watch. If any man is more dangerous than my ex, surely it’s him.

  He’s my only chance.

  I just hope he’ll play along.

  My stride turns purposeful as I approach him. I send a silent plea to the universe for this man to humor me. I have to show him, bare it all with a single glance. Make him feel my need. This all passes quickly through my mind as I grab his arm and smile up at him brightly.

  At my touch his head shoots up to look at me. His eyes narrow. Uh-oh.

  “I’m so sorry I’m late, dear,” I say apologetically. “I just couldn’t figure out what dress to wear.” It’s a stupid excuse, I know, but I don’t exactly have much time to think about it. To emphasize my point, I open my coat to reveal my outfit. What I forgot until that moment is that I’m not wearing my usual t-shirt and jeans today. I’m wearing a dress. A revealing dress because my coworker keeps telling me to stop dressing like a nun. Today I had planned to show her that I could be young and fun.

  And here I am showing a complete stranger instead. My short dress hugs my generous hips embarrassingly tight. My breasts are covered, but their outline doesn’t leave much to the imagination. You see, I’m not a small girl. A form-fitting piece like this flaunts my curves in a way I’m not used to. Uh… too late to back out now.

  A shiver runs through me as the man’s gaze travels from the tips of my toes all the way up my body in a slow, appraising glance. When he reaches my face, our eyes meet at last. I almost lose my nerve instantly. Those eyes—I was fairly sure they could freeze over a desert. Maybe even hell itself. But I make myself maintain eye contact.

  “Honey?” I try to make my eyes just as piercing, bare my soul and serve it up on a platter. I need help. “We should get inside, shouldn’t we?” I look at the building he’s looming in front of. It’s a coffee shop. Not ideal, but it will have to do.

  I can’t help but sneak a glance behind me. Gavin is close, way too close. In another few seconds he’ll be on me. My look doesn’t escape this man’s notice either. He seems to spy my approaching ex.

  He gives an exaggerated sigh and I know I’ve won him over. The towering man dips down. My eyes go wide, lips open in quiet shock, as he brushes his lips against my cheek. That desert his eyes froze over? Yeah, that was now melted. I suddenly feel hot and needy in his presence. And the man had only kissed my cheek!

  I open my eyes to see a dangerous twinkle in his own.

  He straightens. “I’m just glad you made it safely, darling. Let’s head in.” A possessive arm snakes about my waist. The feeling is positively addicting. “I love the dress by the way.” He leads us into the shop as if he owns it and seats us in a corner booth by the window. We have a clear view of the street outside.

  A waiter immediately rushes over. “Good morning, Mr. Craft. What can I get you?”

  It strikes me as odd that they know his name. Hmmm. He must be a regular…

  Wait. Now that I think of it, his name sounds very familiar. I know I’ve heard it before.

  “Just the usual for me. And whatever the lady wants.”

  My attention is pulled toward the waiter. “Um… I’ll have a…caramel latte, please.” Our server bows and practically trips over himself in his rush to get our order out.

  I focus again on my savior, examine the harsh line of his jaw, his deep set eyes, and aquiline nose. He’s strikingly handsome. And he’s looking at me just as intensely. Suddenly I feel dowdy in comparison. He reaches across the table and opens his palm. I realize he’s trying to hold hands! I oblige, letting him take one of my hands in his large one. Outwardly, he’s putting on a nice pretense of the adoring lover, but I wonder how he really feels about this bizarre situation.

  I notice the hard edge in his eyes, the slight snarl on his lips. Is he angry?

  “You see…” I begin hesitantly. “There’s a man after me, a dangerous one. He was following me just now and then I saw you and you seem…” I trail off. You seem more dangerous than him isn’t exactly a flattering thing to say. “You seem like someone who can help me.”

  “I see.” His expression is unreadable. I’m achingly aware of his touch, of the way his hands seem so strong. The things he can do with those hands…

  Whoa there. I stop myself. This isn’t the time nor the place. “Anyway, thank you for getting me away from him, Mr. Craft.”

  “Call me Hal,” he says.

  “Hal it is.” Then my heart stutters. Everything clicks.


  Hal Craft.

  Halcyon Craft.

  It’s only then I realize the man sitting across from me is billionaire, business extraordinaire, most eligible bachelor in the city Halcyon Craft.

  And I just made him call me darling.



  I’ve been having a tough morning. First a new “scandal” in the newspaper, courtesy of a particularly skilled photoshopper. Then another deal is snatched from under me, and I’m fairly sure I know who’s responsible. Then as I’m waiting to meet with a potential new client, they back off at the last minute. And by back off, I mean blow me off. Whoever this person is who’s sending fake photographs to the news outlets, they are ruining my business relationships.

  That’s probably the point.

  With a crappy start like that, who would have thought I’d end up here? I look across the table again at the intoxicating woman who has wrangled me to her cause. Honestly, I can’t believe my luck. Just as I’m about to make a call I would soon regret, this delightful woman with curves for days falls r
ight onto my arm.

  It’s enough to turn my day around so I welcome the opportunity to help her. It helps that she is so damn sexy. My lips brush her cheek before I can stop myself. Seeing her body with curves in all the right places makes me want to claim her on the spot. When I notice that idiot Gavin stalking her, my desire only heightens. The man has been a pain in the ass since we were kids so I’m happy to oblige the sweet lady.

  The thing is… when I saw the stormy expression on Gavin’s face and the starkly obvious fear in this woman’s eyes… the idea solidified in my mind. I have to save this girl from him. I know that much. I know how Gavin treats anything he sees as his own. He won’t relent unless something drastic happens. There’s only one thing I can think of that will put the man off. I just have to convince her to play along.

  “Hal…” she says, sounding breathless.

  “Yes, dear?”

  “You’re Halcyon Craft.” It’s not a question. I suppose she just realized who I am. Well, it’s good to get that over with fast.

  “Yes. And you are?”

  She looks at my face and I can tell she’s trying to read my expression. That’s not an easy thing to do. Long ago I learned to hide what I’m feeling from my face. A necessary skill in the world of business.

  “I’m Jane,” she says. “Jane Wilder.”

  Jane. The name suits her. “Why is Gavin Fiennes following you?” I have an idea, but I figure it’s only smart to ask anyway.

  “He’s my ex,” Jane says quietly. “From a long time ago. I broke it off with him… maybe four years ago now and…” Her voice falls to a soft, fearful whisper. “He follows me.”

  I let go of her hand, clenching and unclenching my own fist. I know that Gavin is capable of some underhanded things, but this… this was too serious. To make a poor girl like Jane so afraid. I find myself wanting to wring his neck. But I have to calm down. She’s probably scared enough as it is without me blowing my top off. I will myself to take deep breaths.

  “I’m sorry you’re going through this,” I say carefully. There isn’t much she can do to escape him. The police wouldn’t do anything. They no doubt have their hands in Gavin’s deep pockets. Only I can save her. But will she agree to it? “This may be crazy, but I know a way to help you.”

  Her eyes brighten. “You do?”

  I nod. Just then a soft clinking sound reaches our ears as the door is pushed open. Shit. There won’t be any time to explain now. Gavin is here. I reach across the table and take Jane’s hands in my own. Her eyes meet mine and I hold them as her ex approaches us.

  Gavin Fiennes looms over our table. It’s all I can do to stop myself from beating the shit out of him. Not only is he the one responsible for scaring Jane, but I’m fairly sure he is also the person behind the fake photographs. Prick.

  “Janie,” he says coldly. I feel Jane stiffen at his voice.

  “Gavin?” she asks. Surprisingly, her voice sounds calm and even. “What a surprise.” I’m impressed by how well she hides her fear.

  I look up to meet Gavin’s eyes. They’re blazing. I almost think he’ll slam his fists on the table. A quick glance around the room tells me that the other patrons of the little café are all invested like this is some kind of soap opera.

  Perfect. I suppress a smile.

  “What are you doing here with him?” Gavin says the word like it pains him. His eyes shoot daggers at me.

  “Well, well, well,” I say. “If it isn’t my dear friend Gavin.”

  “Don’t fuck with me, Craft.” I chuckle as Gavin loses his temper. He turns his attention back to Jane. “Well, Jane?”

  Jane opens her mouth to speak, but I squeeze her hand and step in. Time to put my plan into action. “Jane,” I say matter-of-factly, “is my fiancée and I would appreciate it if you would leave her alone.”



  Jane is my fiancée.

  The words echo in my head. My face flushes and I’m fairly sure my eyes bulge out from their sockets. Luckily, my gaze is focused on my lap so Gavin can’t see my shock. Fiancée? Is this what he meant by helping me?

  “Dear?” Hal asks.

  I feel his eyes on me and raise my head. My fiancé’s gaze is intense. I swallow. He wants me to play along. “It’s true, Gav.” I meet Gavin’s eyes. “I tried to be pleasant, but I can see now that won’t work. I’m marrying Hal, and if you don’t have anything nice to say, I would prefer you to leave.” I squeeze Hal’s hand. “He knows about you and he knows that we’re over.”

  Gavin’s face seems a changing mask as expressions flit from one to the next. Rage, jealousy, disdain, hatred. Finally, he settles on a look of placid contempt. He leans forward, looming over us, and grips the edge of our table so hard his knuckles turn white.

  “I don’t know what game you two think you’re playing…” His tone is dangerous and I have to stop myself from shrinking back. “But this isn’t over. Not by a long shot. What’s mine never escapes me.”

  He whirls about, glaring at the café’s occupants before leaving. Even though he’s left, my sense of dread grows steadily. Getting him to leave was the whole point of this charade. So why do I feel even more frightened now?

  Our waiter quickly takes Gavin’s place at our table, two drinks in hand. “Your beverages, Mr. Craft.”

  “Thanks, Devin,” Hal says. “That will be all.” The boy bows and scampers off after placing our drinks in front of us.

  With Gavin gone, conversation in the café has resumed and I find myself sinking into my seat. “I’m such an idiot,” I say softly. “I’m sorry for bringing you into this mess.”

  “Hey,” Hal says, his voice a caress. It’s so gentle I look up at his face. For once, I can read his expression. He’s worried about me. “Come sit with me,” he says, scooting over and patting the seat beside him.

  I eye him suspiciously at first. But really, how can I say no? A little comfort is all too welcome right now. Especially with someone as dashing as him. I rise and settle next to him. His strong arm circles my shoulders.

  This can’t hurt, right? I mean, this whole café thinks we’re engaged so sitting like this shouldn’t be too out of place.

  A thought occurs to me. “Wait, weren’t you waiting for someone just now? I completely took over your time.”

  I feel his shrug. “Not anyone who was going to show up. Don’t worry about it.” I don’t want to imagine anyone who had the balls to stand up Halcyon Craft.

  “I’m sorry,” I say.

  “That’s business for you. Or at least shitty business.”

  “I didn’t know who you were when I approached you.”

  “I realize that now.” There’s humor in his voice.

  “You just stood out to me. A big, strong man with a hard expression. I figured if anyone could put off Gavin it would be you.”

  “Well, you were right on that count.” His hand moves rhythmically over my arm, rubbing it gently. It feels heavenly. Who would have thought such a big man has a such a soft touch? “I’m glad I can help.”

  I chuckle softly to myself at this strange turn of fate. Halcyon Craft, my pretend fiancé. He’s always been big news, but recently even more so. And not in a good way. I don’t know how many photographs and articles I’ve seen now illustrating his playboy tendencies. It seems like there’s a new girl in his bed every week.

  Which is so confusing to me now. The image of a reckless playboy doesn’t fit at all with the gentle Halcyon Craft holding me right now. Which version of him is the real Hal?

  “Thank you,” I say. “I never would have gotten away from Gavin without you.” Now I just have to figure out how to keep him away. My anxiety rises at the thought.

  “I have to thank you, too,” he says. “If you hadn’t grabbed my arm when you did, I would have cursed someone out on the phone and ruined an important contract.”

  “Ah. Well, you’re welcome, I guess.”

  He chuckles, a deep, throaty sound that vibrates his chest. �
�So I think our arrangement will work nicely,” he says. “Though we’ll have to talk about it more. You know, iron out the details.”

  “Excuse me?” What is he talking about?

  “Well, we’re engaged.”

  “Yeah, but that ends now, right? I mean, that was just to put Gavin off…”

  Hal shifts so that I our eyes can meet. I look up at him and he raises his eyebrows meaningfully. His voice is careful when he speaks. “It’s a bit too public to back out gracefully at the moment.”

  Public? Sure, some people may have heard, but…

  Hal gestures to a table on the other side of the café. I follow the movement and spot someone who looks suspiciously like paparazzi, camera strung around his neck. My eyes snap back to Hal. How had I not seen that man sitting there before?

  A devilish smile takes over Hal’s face. He leans down and plants a gentle kiss on my lips. I almost sigh at his intoxicating scent, his addicting warmth. I can’t help but return the kiss. Now that I’m aware, the small clicking noise of a camera in action seems all too obvious.

  Oh, dear. Hal looks straight at the camera, that impish grin still on his lips. I’m fairly sure my jaw is on the floor. It seems there really is no backing out.

  Do I even want to?



  I know it’s not official, but it feels really damn good to think of Jane as mine. Cradled in my arms, I can feel the tension leaving her body. I want to make sure she knows that she’s safe with me.

  I also make sure the entire café hears when I call her my fiancée. Before long, the news would spread throughout the rumor mill. I know it’s crazy, but I can’t help it. I want to protect Jane and this is the only way I know will stop Gavin in his tracks. He may confront me behind closed doors with his shady tactics, but in the public eye? He’ll back off.


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