Curves for the Billionaire

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Curves for the Billionaire Page 3

by Gia Blackwood

  I’ll show her.

  It might take time, but I will break down her walls and make her see that I’m all in. That this beautiful, curvy woman is the only woman I’ll ever want.

  A sliver of doubt enters my mind. Will it be the same for her? Jane kept mentioning the tabloids. I hope she doesn’t put too much stock in those things. It’s true what I said. Relationships have never been my thing. Not until now. It’s entirely plausible that she could see me as a useless playboy. Rich and empty-headed.

  Dread fills me at the thought of it. If we were truly engaged, she would have to—

  Are we truly engaged? Or are we really just playacting? I come to a stop at a traffic light and chastise myself.

  No. I can’t let those thoughts take over. For now our engagement may not be official, but it will be. I’ll make sure of it. I will prove to Jane that we can make it. That I’m serious about her. That she’s the sexiest woman in the world to me. I’ll make her mine so that she never thinks of her ex again.

  I fish my phone out of my pocket and hit one of my speed dial contacts. A familiar voice answers. One I’m glad to hear.

  “Brother,” I say. “I’ve got a job for you. It’s a big one.”



  Back in my apartment, I steady myself against the door and take deep breaths. In. Out. In. Out. I will myself to calm down, but the memory of Hal’s intense gaze, those eyes that say they want to eat me on the spot, makes my head spin. The palpable heat between us. Sharing our emotions. Our insecurities. Could he really be so perfect?

  Just today he had shown more consideration that Gavin ever had and he made me feel—dare I say it—Sexy. I’m not comfortable with my body but Hal makes me believe I soon could be.

  Suddenly my apartment feels hot. Or maybe I’m just still feeling the heat from Hal’s presence. I take off my coat and hang it. Then I walk over to a mirror hanging on the wall. My reflection gazes back at me and I can almost see it—almost glimpse the vibrant, sexy woman Hal must see. I try on a smile, brush my hair back from my face. There’s a nice plumpness to my lips. And to my thighs. Does he really like this?

  I peel off my dress and toss it aside, running my hands over my skin. Warm to the touch. Smooth. I suppose I do look pretty good. I’m bare except for my bra and panties. Can I learn to love myself in such an unfiltered state?

  I think of Hal, of how he looks at me. Picture the naked desire in his eyes. Unbidden, I see him. His strong arms snake around my reflection’s waist. His head rests on my shoulders. A wicked grin plays about his lips as he eyes me, slowly, sensuously. Rough hands run over my belly, my thighs. I shiver as his fingers brush over my sensitive clit.

  A moan escapes my lips, scaring me out of my own reverie.

  Oh, dear. I’m insane.

  I have to be to believe that this could work. How could a man like Halcyon Craft want to be with me? Plain old Jane.

  I am such a fool. Suddenly the reflection in the mirror grows in size, distorting until I see myself as I really am. Not like Hal’s idealized version of me. My thighs no longer look plump and sexy. Just fat.

  With a sigh, I sit on the sofa and bury my face in my hands. It’s a sham, isn’t it? This engagement isn’t official. I can’t really hope it ever will be. He needs me to improve his image. That’s what Hal himself told me. I know it’s the truth. But can’t there be more than one truth?

  Hal seemed so sincere back there in the car. When he told me that I’m the sexiest woman in the world to him. Why does my confidence have to fade as soon as I’m alone again? I was so sure he was a good man back there, so sure he meant what he was saying. Now I’m not so sure. To him, this is probably just another deal. I make him look good to the press so he can grab more deals. People will say things like, “Oh, look how good he is! Handsome guy like that dating a big girl,” or “What a saint for dating someone like that!”

  I’m a fool. I look around my empty room, anxiety rising. I told work I may not come in, but… I’m starting to think I should. If I hang out here all day, I won’t be able to relax.

  Before I can change my mind, I dress and head out the door. My bodyguard, Graves, is standing there, eyes forward.

  “Mr. Graves, right?”

  “Yes, miss. Where shall I take you?”

  “I’m going in to work after all. The South Summit Library, please.”

  “Very well.” He nods respectfully. As we walk toward the car, I notice how gracefully he walks for such a large man. I get the impression he knows his way with a number of martial arts.

  As he opens the door for me, I slide into the comfortable seat and thank him sincerely. Usually I walk to work or take the bus so this is a welcome change. Plus, it’s nice to feel safe from Gavin. Even if this isn’t going to last, I can still enjoy it for now. I can live my life, work, enjoy my billionaire fiancé and all the perks that go along with him. A vague plan in mind, I already feel better.


  “Are you kidding?” My friend Allison, Ali for short, is practically shrieking.

  “I’m dead serious,” I say, “but keep your voice down.” We are standing toward the back of the library as we shelve some books. The library manager, Mrs. Schuster, sends us an icy glare from behind her computer screen.

  “Halcyon Craft!” Her voice is still frantic but at least she’s whispering now.

  I smile at her widely, trying to hold back a swell of laughter. Her pure glee is infectious. “I couldn’t wait to tell you,” I say. “It’s just… crazy.”

  “You need to tell me everything.” She enunciates “everything” so much it sounds like four words instead of one. “I want all the details.”

  “I don’t know. I mean… I don’t want to make a big deal out of it. I just wanted you to know before you see any crazy tabloid headlines.”

  “Why would I see headlines about it? You just met him today, right?”

  “Well, yes, but he may or may not have spread rumors about us being…” I look side to side, spying for anyone who might be listening to us. No one is close enough. “…engaged.” The last work is practically a squeak.

  Ali’s mouth drops open so wide a fly could glide in. Then she pulls me hurriedly through the aisles to the privacy of the employee lounge. I send our grumpy manager an apologetic glance. Ali pulls me onto a couch, facing me. Her eyes shine bright with curiosity.

  “Dish,” she says.

  “Ali, it’s not anything really. I don’t want to—”

  “Yes, yes,” she says hurriedly,” You don’t want to make a big deal about it, blah, blah, blah, except it is a big deal and I want you to make it a big deal for me.” She takes my hands in a tight grip. “You just told me you’re engaged to Halcyon freaking Craft. That is not nothing.” Her eyes narrow. “Wait, you’re not messing with me, are you?”

  “No, of course not. But that’s not what I said. I only said he may have spread a rumor to that effect.”

  “Why would he do that?”

  I look around me and rub my arms as a chill passes through me. “He found me. This morning.”

  “He found…” Ali begins. Then understanding lights her eyes, quickly followed by shock. “Jane, no.” She covers her mouth with her hands. Ali knows all about my troubles with Gavin. She has become one of my trusted friends in a short span of time. The thought of losing her now hurts more than I can say.

  I nod. “It’s true. That’s what started all of this insanity. Gavin was following me on my way to work and I ran into Hal—” Ali raises her eyebrows when I call him by a nickname, but I ignore it and continue. “…and he decides to protect me…I guess.”

  “By saying you’re engaged.”

  “Yep. That’s about it. So I’m under his protection now. His personal bodyguard drove me here.”

  “Wow, Jane. I… I don’t even know what to say.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  A playful glint enters her eyes. “I am curious though. How was he?”

ow…” I look at her in confusion before understanding dawns. I blush to my roots, feel an intense heat rush to my face. “Ali! We haven’t… I couldn’t…so soon…” I sputter, lost for words, blushing even more as my earlier fantasy comes rushing back.

  Ali breaks out into laughter. “Okay, girl. Okay. I believe you. But tell me about it when you do.” She winks.

  “I don’t know if we will… I mean…” I look down at myself.

  “You did not just do that.”

  “What?” I ask.

  “You know what.” She crosses her arms. “You are hot, Jane. And this billionaire obviously thinks so too. Why would he go through so much trouble otherwise?”

  I smile at her gratefully. That means a lot coming from her. Ali is the definition of beauty. Sure she is a bigger girl, too, but she’s shapely. Not blobby like me. She’s always getting hit on when we go out. “Thanks, Ali.” I sink into the couch. “This is pretty crazy, right?”

  “Understatement of the year,” she says simply. “Anyway, I have a little news, too. Though it’s gonna seem pretty small now compared to your news.”

  “Yeah? Tell me,” I say, glad to change the topic from me and my may-or-may-not-exist relationship.

  “I’m quitting.”

  It’s my turn to shriek. “No!” I say. “Why?”

  She smiles broadly, the pleasure clear on her face. “My business! I finally have enough income from my designer gig to do it full time.”

  I clap my hands over my mouth and tears form in my eyes. That has been Ali’s dream for the past… ever. “Congratulations, Ali! Oh my God! That’s huge. It completely dwarfs my news.”

  “Oh, no it doesn’t, but it is exciting, huh?” she says. Ali opens her arms for a hug. I embrace her with everything I have, grateful for the emotional outlet after this hectic day. Grateful for my friend. We pull apart and I wipe my eyes. “I’m so proud of you,” I say. “I’m sad you’re leaving but I am so effing proud of you!”

  “I’m proud of me, too,” she says happily.

  An idea dawns on me. “Actually, I may have a job for you, if you have time for it?”

  “Anything. Just name it.”

  “I need a dress for a gala that Hal is taking me to. In… two weeks, I think?”

  “Done. Let’s do measurements this weekend. Do you have something in mind or can I design it?” she asks excitedly.

  “Please design it. I need your sense of fashion.”

  “It just so happens I have the perfect dress in mind.” The look in her eyes makes me wary. What have I just signed up for?



  Work drags on in a whirlwind of meetings. Every passing hour seems longer than the last. By the time the end of the day rolls around, I’ve just about lost my mind. It’s been hard to focus, hard to think about anything else except Jane. I keep wondering what she’s doing, how her day is going. I think about how frank she is, how kind, how she genuinely seems to care. During one phone call that dragged on—all I did was listen to a partner talk about his latest fishing trip—I imagined her body slipping out of that sexy dress, all soft gentle curves and feminine magic. That made the time pass faster. I realize that talking with Jane feels so real. So much more genuine than the hundreds of talks I have in the business world with its simpering and conniving and manipulation. Words here are always deeper than they seem. A smile is never simply a smile.

  All of that is different with Jane.

  I miss her. Not just her body, but her—Jane herself. The seconds, minutes, hours pass so slowly without her. It’s something I never realized before. Graves keeps me informed so I know she’s safe, but I keep thinking how much I would rather be protecting her myself. There’s just too much on the line right now to leave early, as much as I wish I could. When six o’ clock finally rolls around, I can’t leave the office fast enough.

  My secretary tries to stop me at the door like she always does but I quickly dismiss her. A thin blonde with blue eyes, she has always been after me. Since the day my HR director hired her.

  Part of me feels like the man meant for me to sleep with her. Meant to use the girl to get information out of me.

  Too bad for him she’s not my type. Not in the least. Right now, all I can think about is Jane.

  Once I’m in my car, I hit my new number one speed dial—replacing my brother Roman. After a few rings, a voice like tinkling bells greets my ears. I’ve never loved the sound of someone’s voice more.

  “Hal?” Jane answers.

  “Hey,” I say, wanting nothing more than to hear her speak.

  “Hey,” she says quietly, sweetly.

  “What are you up to? All done with work?”

  “I will be in another… five minutes.” Hearing her voice sound so cheerful makes me want to see her even more.

  “Hmm…” I say.

  “What’s up?” she prompts me. I hear a hint of nervousness in her voice. “Are you okay?” I realize she’s worried about me. About us.

  “Perfect now that I can hear your voice.” Oh, who am I kidding? I love hearing her speak, but I want to see her as well. To watch her lips move in that particular way they do when she talks.

  “Oh, Hal, it really is good to hear from you. I was worried.”

  “No need to be worried, goose.” I reassure her. “Is it okay if I see you? Maybe give you a ride home from work?” Of course I want more than that, but I’ll be patient for her. She’s worth everything. I’ll be happy just to be able to see her off to her apartment for the evening.

  “That would be a dream,” she breathes, and I feel myself grinning. I can imagine the way she is biting her lower lip. The way her eyes must be shining, exposing her soul. Jane seems like the kind of girl to wear her heart on her sleeve. It makes me want her even more.

  “Okay. I’ll get the location from Graves. Be there soon.”

  We hang up and it’s all I can do to obey the speed limit. Before I know it, I pull up to the curb of the library, jump out, and open the passenger door just as Jane emerges. She looks heavenly in a flowing blouse that reveals a tempting bit of cleavage and a fitted skirt that accentuates her swaying hips as she walks toward me. Damn. She is too sexy for words.

  I smile as she walks up to me tentatively.

  “Hey,” she says.

  “Hey, goose.” I open my arms and she practically slams against me. My arms close around her and I lift her off her feet, resisting the urge to swing her around. I’m just so happy to see her, to feel her. Feeling a slight twitch in my cock, I quickly deposit her on the ground. She has that much power over me. “Ready to go?”

  She nods. “Sure am. I’ll be honest. I really wasn’t sure I’d ever see you again. In person, I mean.”

  “What?” I catch her hand and bring it to my lips. “Don’t think like that, goose. I’m addicted to you.” I open the door and she slides into the car. Soon we’re heading to her place.

  Jane is gazing out the window placidly. I can’t help but wish I know what she’s thinking.

  “It’s been a long day,” I say. “And you’ve been on my mind for all of it.”

  “I know what you mean.” Her eyes are on me now and I can tell she’s feeling me out, trying to gauge my sincerity. I have to make her believe.

  “I realized talking to you is one of the easiest things I’ve ever done. I don’t have to put up a front, or watch what I say, or pretend to be anything at all. I can just be. It’s never been like this.”

  Jane’s lips are now parted slightly, as if she’s amazed at my words. I try not to think too much about how I want to kiss those lips.

  “You’re so different. Unlike anyone I’ve ever met,” she agrees. “I don’t think I can be anything other than honest with you.” She meets my eyes. “Not when you look at me the way you do.”

  “I care, you know. I know you have your doubts and that is perfectly reasonable. Just try to believe in me. Try to trust me.”

  She nods. “I am trying… I do, I think. Whenever
I’m with you, I feel you, all of you. And I don’t mean physically.” She blushes. “Just you. Your mind, how you must see me. I just need to keep seeing that when you’re not by my side.”

  We arrive at her apartment. The man replacing Graves for the night is already here. I’m confident he has already done his scoping and evaluating for security.

  I cut the engine, see Jane fiddling with her hands.

  “I told you you’d see me later, didn’t I?”

  She smiles. “You did. You’re a man of your word.” I put a hand over hers to still her fidgeting.

  “Do I scare you?”

  She speaks in a rush. “No! No, not at all. I just… I feel so attracted to you that it makes me nervous.” She hesitates. I can tell she wants to say more. “I mean… aren’t we in a way pretending?”

  I feel my heart clench. Pretending? With Jane? Maybe it started out that way, but so much has changed in such a short period of time. She sees my expression and speaks quickly. “With the whole engagement thing, I mean. It’s for the media, right? And to keep Gavin away.”

  “Partly, yes…” I say carefully. “But I mean it when I say I want to be with you, Jane. If I have any say in the matter… if you’re agreeable to it… it will become official, I promise you.”

  I lift her hands and press my lips upon them. Jane is everything I want. She’s radiant.



  I can’t speak.

  Or at least I can’t express everything I’m feeling to the beautiful man in front of me. I’m staring back at Hal’s face still feeling the imprint of his lips on the back of my hand. He just confessed to me how he truly feels. How he’s never felt like this before. How he wants our engagement to be real.

  It’s hard to process. Words completely fail me.

  “It’s okay,” he says, breaking the silence with a low, husky chuckle that makes me surprisingly wet. “I know I can be a bit intense.” That wicked grin appears, so enticingly hot. “I have to say I do like seeing you squirm though.” His eyes explore my face and dip lower to my cleavage before wandering back up.


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