Curves for the Billionaire

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Curves for the Billionaire Page 5

by Gia Blackwood

  Focus on the now, Jane. On the bubbling excitement that threatens to break loose as we head to what is sure to be a grand party.

  Once we arrive Hal helps me out of the car. I tear my eyes away from him to observe the party already underway. A gasp escapes my throat. The gala is set up in the courtyard of a grand cream-colored limestone building. It has ornate stuccowork and cherubic angel statues covered in elegant vines. Part of it is tented and the canvas is lined with pale flowers and string lights that shimmer under the moon. To my eyes it’s as grand as can be—like a fairy tale come to life.

  And here I am with my prince charming. I take Hal’s arm and he leads me across a dance floor designed to look like a moss-framed garden. Two gigantic fountains off to each side dump champagne out of urns. Now that seems like overkill but I suppose it adds to the magical unreality of such a gorgeous night. It’s all breathtaking.

  I feel Hal stop as a man approaches us from the other side of the courtyard. At first I fear it’s Gavin, but based on the wide grin plastered across Hals face I know it can’t be. When I make out the man’s aquiline nose and deep set green eyes, I know I’m looking at his brother. Though his hair is lighter, he has the same broad, intimidating build and towering height.

  “Roman,” Hal says.

  “About time you two lovebirds emerge into the public eye,” his brother returns.

  “Hey, watch it,” Hal laughs. The two embrace in a big bear hug that dwarfs everyone around them. Hal pulls away and wraps an arm possessively around me. I inch forward, both nervous to meet his brother and happy at Hal’s excitement. “This,” he says proudly, “…is Jane, the woman I’ve been telling you about.”

  I blush as Roman smiles down at me warmly. “Glad to finally meet you,” he says, taking my hand in a firm grip.

  “Likewise,” I say. I immediately like the large man. His eyes are kind and he’s remarkably handsome. Must run in the family.

  Someone calls Hal from the stage. He kisses my temple and gives my hand a squeeze before heading through the milling crowd. I reach a hand out after him, but he’s too fast.

  “Don’t worry,” Roman says, noticing my distress. “He’ll be back.”

  I look after Hal’s retreating form, feeling out of place without him by my side. “That dress…” Roman brings my attention back to him. “It’s intriguing. I’ve never seen it’s like.” I see his eyes taking it in. I get the distinct impression he’s examining every detail of the gown. I recall Hal mentioning he was an artist and architect. He must have an eye for such things. “If you come to a few of these things,” he continues, “all the gowns and suits start to look the same. It’s refreshing to see something new.”

  The thought crosses my mind that he might be making fun of me. Can he really be that interested in a dress? But no. This man doesn’t seem capable of that sort of thing. It must be his artistic soul speaking. “Thanks,” I say. “Good eye. My best friend designed it actually.”

  “Would you be willing to—”

  Arms wrap around me from behind and I yelp in surprise. “Back,” Hal says.

  “That was quick,” I laugh.

  “Yep. Just wanted to clarify something, darling.”

  I raise an eyebrow at him, but he only shakes his head. “You’ll see. Did my brother scare you too much?”

  “Oh no. He was just complimenting my dress.”

  “She’s ravishing, isn’t she?” Hal looks at me like he wants to rip my dress off on the spot. I wouldn’t mind doing the same to him. With his sharp tux and slicked back hair, he’s dripping with elegance and sex appeal.

  “I think you have a keeper, Hal,” Roman says. “You better anyways, with how busy you’ve had me since you met her.”

  “Hmmm?” What does that mean? I narrow my eyes at Hal.

  “Another surprise,” he says simply.

  Just then announcements begin from the stage. All of the night’s attendees are introduced one by one. I’m dazzled by all the big names I hear. With Hal, these are probably the crowds I will run in now. I suppose I’ll just have to get used to it. Hal himself seems more and more excited as the names continue. He stands behind me, arms wrapped possessively about my waist, and we sway gently, clapping after each person is announced.

  The announcer’s voice booms. “Halcyon Craft in attendance—” I grin up at him upon hearing his name and throw out a whoop of support. Only to be cut short a second later. “—with his fiancée Jane Wilder. Our sincerest congratulations on your engagement.”

  My jaw drops. Is that what he meant by clarifying something? I squeal, overwhelmed with love for him, and jump into his arms. Hal hugs me close and twirls me around.

  “Official at last,” he says. “I want all the world to know you’re mine. I hope that’s okay?”

  “Are you kidding me?” I laugh, tears in my eyes. “It’s marvelous.”

  “Congratulations, you two.” Roman steps forward and hugs each of us in turn. “I’ll let others have a chance to greet you.” With a kind smile, he moves off into the sea of people.

  “He wasn’t announced with anyone,” I say.

  “No. My brother is…an artist. An architect. A romantic soul. He will only pursue someone when he knows they’re the one. And he hasn’t found that person quite yet.”

  It’s such a romantic thought. I find myself hoping Roman will find his match soon.

  I notice Hal looking at me again. Well, he always looks at me. But I can see the affection in his eyes now. “I’m so lucky to have found my person,” he says.

  I nod. “Me too, baby. I’m sure your brother will someday as well. He’ll find his perfect match.”

  “Let’s leave that to him. Care to dance, fiancée?” Hal extends his hand to me. I take it happily. We spend half the night dancing under the stars and drinking sweet champagne. Periodic breaks in dancing are occupied by the “business” side of the event.

  I meet so many people that I lose track of who’s who. I don’t know how Hal deals with such intense, purposeful interaction. It seems like there’s hidden meaning behind every smile, every word. Some of the women I meet—even the wives!—glare daggers while they smile. It’s confusing to say the least, but I suppose that’s just what happens when you’re engaged to the most eligible man in the city.

  People get jealous.

  I can’t say I’m not enjoying how possessive he’s being though—how he’s curt with any man who looks at me a little too long or sneaks a glance at my cleavage. I feel the same way when women look at him with their hungry eyes. It makes me want to keep dancing with him all night, that way he’s always with me and me alone.

  My mind is whirling after a particularly fast-paced dance and one too many drinks. Hal steadies me when I lose my footing.

  “Thanks,” I say breathlessly.

  “You okay, goose?”

  I nod. “Oh, I’m fine. I think I’ll use the ladies room though.”

  “I’ll wait outside.”

  “No, no, Hal. Go do your thing. I’ll be right back.” He looks at me worriedly but I insist. “I promise,” I say. I trot off before he can protest further.

  In the bathroom, I enter the last stall just as the door opens behind me. Two women are talking loudly.

  “…unbelievable,” one is saying.

  “Did you see her? I mean really see her? How can he be with someone so…?” I hear the other woman shudder.

  I immediately know they’re talking about me. Pain stabs at me like a knife in the gut. These are probably the same thin women smiling at me only minutes ago, the disdain evident in their upturned glances.

  “I won’t give them long. I mean, it’s Hal. He’ll tire of her soon and it’ll be like she never existed.”

  Now fear joins the pain in my heart, one amplifying the other. Their words are like ice in my veins, freezing me to the spot. I can’t even leave the stall to confront them. I should. I should march out—let them see me. Let them see that I don’t care what they have to say about me. Sho
w them how confident I am in my body and in my relationship with Hal—my fiancé.

  But I’m too embarrassed. Shame sits heavy on my shoulders. What if…they’re right? I hadn’t considered that Hal might tire of me… but…it could happen. I feel the sobs coming on, heavy silent sobs that make my chest heave.

  I drag myself out of the stall once they finally leave and red-rimmed eyes, makeup slightly smeared, greet me in the mirror. Oh, God. They’re right. My earlier euphoria was knocked right out of me. I feel hideous. Ridiculous. Like a fool.

  But I need to collect myself before I return to Hal. He can’t know what I’m thinking, even if part of me just wants to run away from it all.

  Leaving the bathroom, I spot him at the center of a crowd of people, that charming smile on his handsome face. He looks like he belongs. It’s like a kick to the gut. I wonder what I look like among them…

  I head to a nearby bench and settle into it, feeling drained. It’s pathetic how a few words from some bitchy strangers can bring me down so much, but I can’t help it.

  I’m looking down at my lap when a large shadow falls over me.

  “Sorry, Hal—” I say, looking up. I stop. It’s not Hal.




  Even with a bit of alcohol in my system to brighten my mood, the number of people pressing around me—each of them wanting something from me—is grating on my nerves. I look anxiously toward the bathrooms. Jane has been gone for too long now and I can’t shake the feeling that something is wrong. It’s a nagging feeling that grows stronger by the moment.

  I break away from the conversation around me, not caring how rude I seem. Now I’m sure something is wrong. Disregarding propriety, I barge into the ladies room, frightening some women in front of the mirrors. They yelp in surprise at my entrance.

  Jane isn’t here. Fear uncoils in my gut. I charge outside into the courtyard, scanning the crowd as quickly as I’m able. People block my view in every direction. A shock of blonde hair stands out in a shadowy corner, drawing my eyes before disappearing.

  I instinctively know it’s Gavin. That fucking snake. He didn’t have himself announced. Probably snuck in under the radar somehow or came too late for people to really take notice. Either way, this isn’t good. I was a fool to believe he wouldn’t come—that he wouldn't take what might be his only chance to get close to Jane again.

  I stalk in that direction, my anger rolling off of me in waves. I follow a dark path leading behind the building. Jane’s panicked voice reaches my ears.

  “I already said no! We’re done.” Her words end on a sob.

  “C’mon, Janie.” Gavin’s voice. His words are slurred. “I don’t care that you’ve gained a bit of weight. So just stop struggling and—”

  My fist has no trouble finding his face. A satisfying crack splits the air at the contact. Gavin goes flying the opposite direction and lies sprawled on his back.

  “Leave her the fuck alone, asshole.” My voice is low as I try to keep some semblance of control. “Jane is my fiancée.” I want to pummel the bastard, but I look at Jane, spot the tears running down her cheeks, the redness where Gavin’s rough hands grabbed her wrist.

  Scratch that. I want to kill him. It takes everything I have to hold myself back.

  “Hal.” Jane’s voice is quiet. Pained. So unlike her usual chiming, magical voice. The sound of it is gut-wrenching. It dissolves my anger—or at least the worst of it—and I rush to her side, cup her face in my hands. Despair is written across her face, clear as day.

  “What did he tell you?”

  She sobs. Shakes her head. “Nothing, Hal. He’s nothing.”

  “What’s wrong then?” I pull her into my arms, running my hands down her back. Shuffling from just behind me reveals Gavin getting to his feet.

  Now that my anger has abated somewhat, I can smell the alcohol drifting from him like cheap cologne. He stumbles forward, unsteady on his feet.

  “You’re a fool, Gavin,” I say. “Go home before you get yourself into more trouble.”

  “Fuck you,” he slurs. “Jane is mine.” He staggers forward, throwing a fist that I easily push aside.

  “You’re drunk.”

  He ignores me. “Engaged? What a sham. You’ll get tired of the fat bitch before—”

  I can’t help myself. Honestly, I don’t even try to control it this time. My fist slams into his jaw again. “You will not talk about her that way. Or any woman for that matter.” I shove his face into the concrete and he cries out. “You’re in a dangerous position, Gavin. If I were you I’d skip town actually.” I draw close to his ear. “You see, I’ve been collecting information on you these past few weeks, information that will place you under a weighty investigation before long if you don’t watch your step.”

  Gavin laughs—softly at first, then hysterically. “Do your worst, Craft. I’m already ruined. I don’t have anything to lose.”

  I let him go and stand in front of Jane. “You’re crazy.”

  Gavin rises slowly. His eyes turn to Jane with a look I really don’t like. “I won’t let you have her.” He pulls something out of his pockets and a glint of metal floats before him. A knife.

  He takes a lurching step towards us.



  At the sight of a knife, my body moves on autopilot. Hal stands before me protectively and I panic. The knife, what it’s capable of…it triggers something in me.

  An intense fear. Hal. I can’t lose Hal. He cannot hurt the love of my life. I easily slip past Hal and run straight at Gavin, straight at that horrible smile that now decorates his face. Gavin swipes the knife forward but I dodge the glinting edge, just barely, slamming my body into his own with as much force as I can muster.

  He grunts as we topple over and I hear the loud clang of metal on stone as the knife lands nearby. Then there’s only empty air beside me as Hal reacts, pulling Gavin up from the ground and shoving him away with a kick to the gut that leaves the man groaning in a heap.

  I sit up, watching Hal, watching the love of my life as air flows through his lungs, as his heart beats strongly in his chest. I want to cry with all my might. I’m so thankful that he’s safe. Hal turns to face me slowly when he’s sure Gavin isn’t getting back up. His eyes are burning fiercely; a slight snarl catches the corner of his lip.

  “Hal?” I ask.

  “I’m trying not to be very angry with you, Jane.” His voice is iron.

  “Hal, I’m sorry. I just reacted. When I saw that knife…” I shake my head. “I can’t bear it. The thought of losing you, Hal, it’s—”

  “That’s how I feel.” He kneels in front of me now, planting his hands over mine. “Imagine my distress when I see the love of my life jumping at a man at knife point.”

  I still, a thousand emotions welling inside of me. Most importantly—Hal loves me. I mean, I already knew this, but… “You love me.”

  “I do, goose. More than you will ever know.”

  “I love you, too, Hal.”

  Hal chuckles, low and warm. His arms encircle me as we sit huddled on the ground. “I know you do. But please, please… don’t ever scare me like that again.”

  I nod, reveling in the feel of his warm chest. I feel so…safe. All of my negative, spiraling thoughts are gone. What those women said…it’s not true. Hal loves me. “There’s no chance you’ll get tired of me?”

  Hal’s expression speaks volumes. “Baby, you’re mine. You’re not getting rid of me that easily. I want you to be my wife. And the mother of my children someday as well. Every step of the way, I’ll be there.” He looks into my eyes. “So who is putting such silly thoughts into your head?”

  I laugh. “They are silly, aren’t they?”

  “Yep.” His long body unfolds beside me and he helps me to my feet. “All in one piece?” His eyes scan me for signs of injury in a thorough appraisal.

  “I think I’m good.” A groan nearby brings my eyes to Gavin. I wince. “Him
not so much.”

  Hal sighs. “Right. Him. Can’t we just leave him here?”

  “As tempted as I am, probably not the best idea.”

  He frowns dramatically. “I have a surprise for you at home though.”

  Excitement surges in me. “Really? You mean your home?” I still haven’t seen his place, but I think I’m ready to now. If my rising optimism is any indication, I know I’m ready.

  “My place. Let’s go—”

  That’s when we see the bright flash of a camera and realize that guests are quickly arriving on the scene. Guess they finally grasped that something was happening over here. Too late. I bury my face in Hal’s chest and hide from the sea of faces, the bright flashes that quickly start to give me a headache.

  Hal shields me from most of the drama that follows as the authorities arrive, soon followed by various news crews. After we give our statements, they allow us to leave and we can’t get away fast enough. I just want to be alone with Hal.

  It’s a long drive to his place, but I spend it taking an energizing nap nestled in his arms.

  He rubs my shoulders, waking me gently. “We’re here,” he says. “This is my estate.”

  It’s too dark to see much, but in the distance I perceive the soft glow of a room through a large window. It looks inviting. “I wish I could see it. In the light of day, I mean.”

  “You will. It’s a big, modern house. That’s not what I want to show you though.” Hal addresses our driver. “To the back, Malcolm.”

  Malcolm nods and we circumvent the large, single story home along a gravel path that is immaculately landscaped on either side. Behind the house some stone steps lead across a small field of fresh cut grass to a structure beyond.

  Outside the car, I stand hand in hand with Hal, squinting my eyes at the darkness. It’s fairly large, made of… glass?

  My breath catches in my throat.


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