Outlaws: A Romance Anthology

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Outlaws: A Romance Anthology Page 4

by Yolanda Olson

  I inhale sharply as I begin to stretch him, the resistance of it making me harder than I’ve ever been.

  Even with his daughter, I’ve never experienced anything like this, because while Tallulah presented herself as some sort of patron saint of chastity, her hole had been used so many times before me, that it never hugged my cock the way his does.

  I let go of his leg and rest a fist on either side of his head as I begin to move my hips. I don’t care about being gentle with him, I don’t care about him enjoying it anymore because he has to feel used. He has to feel lost and betrayed and the only way to do that is to inflict pain upon the man that looks down on so many.

  A low growl escapes me as I begin to move my hips faster, my balls slapping against his ass, and grin when I feel his fingers curl against my chest.

  “Come on,” I grunt at him as I begin to fuck him faster, harder, deeper. Lawson lets out a strangled moan as I use his body and I can almost swear that I saw a piece of his soul seep away with the exhalation.

  But that’s all it’s ever been.

  A whisper.

  Just a breath.

  Until now.

  “Oh, God!”

  The words escape him like a cry for help, but this isn’t a place where God comes. That’s what Lawson told me the night he forced me to marry his daughter, because there could only ever be “One Most High”, and it has always been him.

  I place a hand against his chest as I reach for his leg again and fuck him harder. His eyes are closed tightly, in pain, in pleasure? Perhaps both, perhaps neither.

  I let go of his leg and reach for the fingers that are trying to burrow their way into my chest, placing the tips in my mouth, suckling at them greedily.

  “On your belly,” I whisper as soon as I let them go. I reach down and grip my dick, pulling it out of his hole and grinning at the streak of blood.

  But he does as he’s told once again, quickly turning over and raising his ass into the air for me.

  I grab his hips and thrust myself back into him. Lawson stumbles slightly, but I reach for his hair and pull his head back. If I wanted to, I could give one good tug and end this fucking charade he calls life now, though that would mean that he wouldn’t get a chance to live with the shame.

  “Tell me you’re mine,” I command him as I ram him harder. A bead of sweat begins to roll down the side of my face as I give his hair a forceful tug. “Say it, Lawson.”

  “I’m yours, Kester,” he manages to gasp out. My breathing starts to become labored, my movements becoming more and more constricted.

  I begin to breathe harder, gasp after gasp, until I finally come deep inside of his warm, freshly worn hole.

  With a loud groan, I shove my cock into him one more time, now holding his hips in my hands, squeezing the flesh until I’m certain that every last drop spilled inside of him.

  And when I pull out of him, when he glances at me over his shoulder with euphoria dancing in his tired eyes, my resolve becomes hardened again.

  “A whore and a liar; just like your fucking daughter,” I hiss at him before I get to my feet and retrieve my clothes.

  Without taking the few moments to get dressed, I make my way out of the little house and into the moonlight hoping that someone, anyone, will see me and then him after.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Halfway back to the promised land, I’m greeted by Sylvie and most of the inhabitants of this dark place.

  There’s blood coating her face, hands, and most of her body.

  But more importantly, she’s holding the thing close to her.

  I let out a heavy sigh of relief as I let my clothes drop to the ground. I crouch down and let out a laugh, wondering how hard it was for her to hold up her end of our bargain before I quickly begin to dress.

  As I start to pull my shirt over my sweaty torso, I glance over my shoulder into the darkness.

  Lawson is calling out my name, his footsteps echoing so loudly through the forest that it’s only a matter of time before he splits the skies with them.

  I chuckle when I realize that he never bothered to dress himself before pursuing me like a lovesick puppy.

  “Yes, Lawson?” I ask, turning to face him.

  He comes to a halt at the sound of me saying his name and at the people standing clustered behind me.

  I grin at him like the wolf in sheep’s clothing that he’s mistaken me for then look him up and down, before I drop my hands to my sides and slide them into my pockets.

  “Did you want to fuck again?” I ask loudly.

  He blanches almost instantly as he uses his hands to cover up as much of himself as he can.

  “You see,” I continue as I glance at the mindless followers behind me, “your god is nothing special. He’s just like you and me, he has carnal desires and when presented with them, he’s unable to resist.”

  “Abbas … is it true?” one of the women asks as her mate places an arm around her and pulls her close against him.

  Lawson turns red, but it’s not from shame, it’s anger that’s consuming him now.

  Which reminds me.

  I turn to face Sylvie and hold my arms out for the thing. She hands it to me without hesitation and I cradle it for a moment, gently running the tip of my finger over its cold lips. It didn’t deserve a life like this and so I wanted to spare it the only way I knew how.

  And Sylvie was strong enough to do the one thing I knew I wouldn’t be able to do.

  “Where’s Tallulah?” I ask her quietly as I look up into her eyes.

  “On the altar.”

  I nod, then turn to face Lawson.

  “Do you want to hold your grandchild?” I taunt as I begin to rock the newly deceased infant back and forth.

  “What?” he asks, his voice cracking as he attempts to take a step toward me.

  I shake my head as I take one back.

  This isn’t over until fire consumes this night and removes the haze of dull colors I’ve been forced to endure since being trapped here.

  “Not here,” I tell him with a smirk.

  Reaching over quickly, I take Sylvie by the hand and pull her along beside me as we begin to run toward the clearing.

  All this man ever wanted was to be worshipped, and now I have the chance to end this once and for all.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Was it a boy or a girl?” I ask Sylvie when we reach the clearing and I place the swaddled bundle on top of Tallulah’s torn body.

  “A boy.”

  “Did you give it a name?”

  She nods as she reaches for the small lanterns of oil. As she proceeds to cover Tallulah and the thing, she blows out a breath.

  “I named him Joshua.”

  “Then he’ll be able to lead these people to whatever promised land they’ve been waiting for,” I remark dryly as I stretch my arms high over my head.

  “And what about you, Kester?” Sylvie asks me curiously.

  I laugh and shake my head, “That was never my place in this, Sylvie. I just want to go back to the world I knew.”

  “What’s there?” she asks me innocently as she places the last lantern down. I glance toward the perimeter of the clearing when I hear the Abbas of H ϴ M Σ and those that follow him shouting and getting closer.

  “Colors of all kinds. Silence when it’s warranted, and clarity. The simplest things that are often taken for granted,” I say looking at her briefly with a small smile on my lips.

  Sylvie’s face suddenly becomes hard, and she moves quickly, crouching low behind the altar. I’m confused at first until I can feel the heat from the torch she’s lit.

  “Be careful with this,” she says, handing it toward me. “If you drop this too soon, you’ll never see those colors again.”


  She raises an eyebrow at me, and I hold a hand out toward her. She still hasn’t accepted that I’m not willing to leave her behind. The sins of her father have weighed heavily on her for so long, that she probably thinks
she deserves this.

  But I have every intention of taking care of Sylvie to the best of my ability once we leave here.

  It’s what she’s done for me without a thought for any consequence that could have befallen her, and I owe her more than I’ll ever be able to repay.


  Lawson’s voice splits the air like a clap of thunder and Sylvie begins to tremble. I bring her close to me, slip an arm around her waist and hold her against my body to calm her.

  The rest is up to me now, but I refuse to let her be afraid.

  By the time everyone is visible to us, I quickly look back at the bodies on the altar, then take a few steps forward, pulling Sylvie along with me.

  “Be brave,” I whisper to her, and she nods.

  It seems that Lawson has managed to finally clothe his naked body by now. He’s trying to hide his shame, but he’ll never be able to again and that was the point.

  If they continue to choose to follow him, then they deserve everything they get. If they decide to leave, it has to be with me and Sylvie.

  And it has to be tonight.

  “What have you done?” he screams at Sylvie when he gets closer still.


  “Don’t listen. Be brave,” I tell her again.

  She buries her face in her hands, then turns her body toward mine. I hold her protectively, keeping my eyes firmly planted on Lawson.

  He looks so goddamn angry.

  So bitter.

  So used.

  All of the things that I’ve felt ever since the whispers started.

  “In honor of the Most High,” I mock him, nodding with an even stare before I turn quickly and throw the torch with as much strength as I can muster onto the body of the bitch that started all of this.

  “May you burn in Hell,” I say to her quietly as the flames quickly engulf the altar.

  The people begin to scream behind me, but the pained howl that sounds above all others is the one that soothes me the most.

  It’s the only one that I ever wanted to hear wracked in such misery and pain.

  No one else should have had to suffer because of him, and now, no one else will.

  “Come on,” I whisper into Sylvie’s ear. “We’re free now.”

  She nods without looking up at me, her hands blindly following their way into mine.

  One last glance over my shoulder, and I smirk when I see the Abbas on his fucking knees where he belongs, completely consumed by agony.

  I start running toward the woods, pushing the low branches aside, helping Sylvie along the way.

  Behind us, I can hear a small smattering of footsteps keeping pace, and I know now that some of the people here have taken this opportunity to free themselves too.

  On this night, a god was toppled, a whore was sent to the eternal darkness where she belongs, and a necessary sacrifice was made.

  But the most precious gift I could have ever received, I had to take myself.


  And it gave others the strength to claim it with me.

  About Yolanda Olson

  Yolanda Olson is USA Today Bestselling and award-winning author. Born and raised in Bridgeport, CT where she currently resides, she usually spends her time watching her favorite channel, Investigation Discovery. Occasionally, she takes a break to write books and test the limits of her mind. Also an avid horror movie fan, she likes to incorporate dark elements into the majority of her books.

  You can keep in touch with her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

  Sign up for her newsletter here.

  Other Books by Yolanda



  La Princesa


  A. A. Davies

  Chapter One


  Gripping the steering wheel tighter, I turned the corner onto the street that the navigation system told me would lead to my destination. The volume was turned way down so I could barely hear the bland voice of the man who barked directions at me every couple of minutes.

  I hardly ever used it, always knowing where I was going, but today was different.

  Today I was entering a neighborhood I knew all about but rarely frequented. My body was locked up tight, my eyes alert to the pathways and sidewalks.

  “We should turn around,” Sofi gritted out. A frustrated breath from her filled the cab of my truck. “I don’t even know why I came.” Her brows furrowed as she clenched her hands on her lap, her body strung tight just like mine. But her’s was for a completely different reason.

  “Take a breath,” I told her, glancing at the navigation screen and seeing the black and white checkered flag to signal our end point was right ahead.

  “I don’t wanna take a breath,” Sofi gritted out as I pulled into the first open spot. “I shouldn’t have come.” I kept the engine running as I turned to face her, taking in the redness spreading on her cheeks. I’d officially been with Sofi for six months now, and not once had I seen her like this. She was always softly spoken, only talking when she felt like she needed to.

  “You said you hadn’t seen her for a while?” I broached, trying not to be too forward. Sofi hadn’t told me much about this part of her life.

  “Yeah.” She flattened her hair with her palm, her eyes narrowed at something ahead. “Last time I saw her was five years ago.” Her gaze met mine, her dark-brown eyes getting darker as she stared at me. “I should’ve listened to Dad.”

  I raised a brow, knowing exactly what her father was like. He was a stickler for the rules, not giving a single inch with anything. “If you don’t wanna see her…” I left the words hanging in the air, not really meaning them. I couldn’t imagine not wanting to see any of my family.

  “I don’t,” she whispered, her eyes widening at her words, almost as if she’d shocked herself by saying them out loud. This was where I saw more of her father in her, the man who had raised her since she’d been only a couple of days old. He kept his facade in place always, and now I was seeing that Sofi was the same. But she’d just let a crack appear.

  “Do you wanna—“

  I was cut off as someone knocked on my window. My heart beat wildly in my chest at the sound.

  “Fuck,” Sofi spat, her gaze latching onto something behind me. “It’s too late now.”

  I turned slowly, my body swerving against the steering wheel until I came face-to-face with the person we’d come to see.

  Blinking, I tried to figure out how the woman with wavy black hair and a genuine smiling pulling at her lips could be my girlfriend’s mom. I hadn’t known what to expect, but the woman bouncing on her toes in excitement definitely wasn’t it.

  Sofi blew out yet another frustrated breath then clicked open the passenger door. The sound was like a bomb exploding, my body jerking.

  The woman on the sidewalk backed up a few steps, her attention moving to Sofi as she rounded the front of my matte black truck.

  She practically ran to her when her foot hit the sidewalk, and I pushed out of the driver’s seat.

  “Oh my god,” the woman breathed, gripping Sofi tightly. “It’s been way too long since I last saw you.”

  My stomach clenched at her words as I tried not to make any snap judgements. But I couldn’t help the rogue thought flying through my brain: what mother went so long without seeing her daughter?

  “I’ve been...busy,” Sofi gritted out, pulling back from the woman, but she didn’t seem to notice the tension rolling off her in thrashing waves.

  The woman grinned at her, their faces level. “I get it.” She cupped her shoulders, simply staring at her for a couple of extra beats then shook her head. “Come inside, I’ve—”

  “We can’t stay long,” Sofi cut her off, her gaze sliding to mine.

  “That’s okay,” the woman said, hooking her arm around Sofi’s and leading her down the sidewalk a little. All of the houses were attached, the kind of house I’d grown up in, so I knew it wouldn’t be bi
g inside, but as I stepped through the light-blue door, I was surprised at the space.

  The door led right into a small hallway with the stairs directly in front. The woman led Sofi into the open space that was split in two with a sofa, creating the illusion of separate rooms without walls.

  I clicked the door closed behind us, flicking the lock on instinct.

  “Do you want a drink?” the woman asked, and when I turned around I saw that she was talking to me.

  “I…” I ran my hand through my hair, a feeling I couldn’t describe settling around me. “I’m good thanks…” I realized I still didn’t know her name.

  “Remi,” she smiled. “My name is Remi.”

  “Rush,”‘I replied, pointing at my chest as I made my way through the makeshift living room. Two tan leather sofas sat opposite each other with a dark wooden table between them.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Remi said, turning to the refrigerator and pulling two bottles of water out. She handed one to Sofi, but when she ignored her, Remi placed it on the countertop.

  “You too,” I said, not sure how else to reply as I halted next to Sofi. I placed my hand on her arm, trying to get her attention, but she was too focused on Remi.

  “I didn’t want to come,” she blurted out, blinking rapidly. “Dad made me.”

  Remi froze to the spot, and I frowned as her hands started to shake. I didn’t know the ins and outs of what was going on, but I knew whatever it was wasn’t good.

  “Sofi,” Remi whispered. “I just want to get to know you and—“

  “Get to know me?” Sofi laughed, the kind of laugh I’d never heard from her before. She wasn’t amused, if anything, she was pissed off. “Getting to know me should have happened when I was a kid. Not now. I’m twenty-one and you don’t even know a single thing about me.”


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