Blood & Magic

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Blood & Magic Page 5

by Catherine Wolffe

  “Yeah, despite what Pilot thinks, he needs protection, a layer of cover, if you will, from the Sultan’s eyes. Aubrie’s worried because she can’t get to him now. It’s scary stuff for her because she is forced to rely on his skills as a shadow walker to keep him safe. If in this recon, you could leave something he could retrieve, chances are good Pilot would sail through this little undercover operation unscathed. If not, Aubrie’s fears could become a reality.”

  The grave observation was one J.T. was glad Aubrie did not overhear. “I’ll be happy to leave him one of Logan’s charms provided I can locate him or contact him somehow.” J.T. glanced at the conversation happening between Logan and Aubrie in the kitchen. Their voices were low, but with his acute hearing, he had no problem understanding what they said.

  “I’m sorry. I just don’t trust J.T. He used to be the Sultan’s go-to guy. Now, you agree with him about going in with an undercover recon alone. Someone else needs to go with him. That’s all I’m saying.” Aubrie glanced at the living room.

  She caught him watching.

  “He’s looking this way. Drop it for now. We’ll talk about it later.” Her eyes flitted away and studied the meal prep once more.

  J.T. decided he had some convincing to do. The group was not as agreeable to his presence as he had hoped, at least a couple of them weren’t.


  The friends sat down to spaghetti as the discussion continued. J.T. worked on asking questions. Filing the info he received in return, he decided all would be useful as he stepped into the Netherworld.

  Katie glanced about nervously. “Logan, you’re sure the Sultan can’t hear us?”

  “Positive, Katie girl. I tested the spell myself. We’ve gone dark as far as the evil one is concerned.”

  Aubrie sat down the platter of vegetables she’d sautéed. “Nybbas, do you want some more spaghetti?”

  He shook his scared head. “No, I can’t eat another bite. Everything was delicious, Aubrie. Thank you.” Dabbing his generous mouth, Nybbas stood. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going back in to watch the Saints. Football, it’s so much fun.” With a shove of his chair, the molten grandpa waddled away, disappearing into the living room.

  For a moment, Aubrie simply stood. Her expression wasn’t one J.T. found helpful. “Everything okay?”

  “What? Oh, yes. Everything’s fine.”

  He could see she was lying. “I know all of this is hard to deal with, but we’ll prepare and practice beforehand. Don’t worry.”

  “I know. It’s not that. I'm being silly. That’s all.” Sitting once more, she twirled spaghetti on her fork as she frowned into her plate.

  Katie reached over, taking her hand in hers. “He’s not the same anymore, chere.”

  Aubrie nodded, but didn’t look up.

  “I wish I could block your memories of Nybbas before his demise. They are just so deeply embedded.” Logan waited for a beat. “You are strong, Aubrie. I’ve seen what he did to you. Thank the gods we know who was behind his actions, but I’ve also seen your strength. Valcura is a direct result of the hell you went through.”

  “Yes, you are strong,” Katie said. “Hell, I wish I could do half the things you can do when you become Valcura. You’re amazing in my book.” The giggle came out unbidden. “Sorry,” she said.

  “It’s okay, you guys.” Aubrie glanced around the table. “I simply can’t find a smidgen of the Nybbas I used to know. He is a warm natured, wrinkled old man. Sometimes, it just takes my breath away, that’s all.” Smiling, she stuffed spaghetti in her mouth.

  “Well, at least your appetite hasn’t suffered,” Duke chided, his Texas twang growing thick.

  Laughter ensued as each member of their little band of warriors enjoyed the jab. J.T. lifted his wine glass. “To teamwork.” Glancing about the group, he took solace in the strength of family. Despite the niggling tension some held for him, they still had their solidarity as well as their sense of humor. The evening had not been lacking in plans for their return to the Netherworld. It was a start. His mission would provide their little company with the knowledge necessary for their survival. The weight of what he had volunteered for weighted heavily on his dead heart. J.T. glanced at the people sitting around the table. He understood each of his talented partners had his back. The magnitude of the task before them brought him to a harsh reality.

  If push came to shove, J.T would be the one to sacrifice his existence for these seated next to him. Comrades at arms and friends until the end. That was his vow, one he would never share with the people he cared for most. He understood their dependence on each other as well as him. He trusted each of them completely.


  “It’s a little late to be working, isn’t it?” J.T. stood in the doorway to Aubrie’s office off the bedroom.

  Aubrie jerked.

  “Easy.” J.T. had expected her reaction. His return smile curved in sympathy. “I’m sorry. Don’t make a sound these days. The vampire gig, you know.”

  Shaking her head, Aubrie arched a brow. “You’re forgiven, I suppose. Maybe you need a keeper or herald or something.” Aubrie rubbed the back of her neck. “I’m sorry. That was uncalled for. I’m in a pisser of a mood it seems.” She tossed down the pen onto her desk before slumping in the chair.

  J.T. flicked a glance in her direction. “I grateful you allowed me the watch tonight. Seeing what comes and goes through the veil is helpful.” He let the statement linger in the silence. “I figured you’d be in bed after all that cooking tonight. The spaghetti was the best I’ve had.” Still no reply. “Hey, are you feeling all right?”

  Aubrie shook her head before giving her neck a crack to either side. “You know you have writer’s block when your mind is a million miles away, and nothing comes together on the page.”

  J.T. had to admit the change of subject caught him off guard. Her mind was bouncing from fear to fear. He heard the frustrated agitation in her statement. “Or maybe you’re simply distracted.”

  “No argument there.” She glanced at the calendar on the wall and grimaced. “In ten days,” she mused aloud. Tapping her fingers in nervous frustration, Aubrie shoved back from her desk. “I can think of nothing else except the fact I’m marrying the sexiest warlock whoever spun a spell in only ten days.”

  Her stilted laugh reminded him of a school girl.

  “Sorry again. TMI, right?”

  J.T.’s grin surfaced automatically. “Perhaps.” Stuffing his hands in his front pockets, J.T. examined the floor at his feet. He sensed things, always had. Even before becoming a vampire, he had possessed a small sensory talent. Like now, J.T. knew her heart thrummed with the thought of Logan’s touch. The way the warlock looked at her made Aubrie’s knees weak. Even the way he walked stirred her in a very private way. He glanced up at her face in time to witness the blush creeping up her neck. Point proved.

  Straightening the papers on her desk for the thousandth time merely succeeded in aggravating Aubrie further. She huffed out a shaky laugh before shoving at her hair. “I’m sorry for going there.” The desk chair creaked as she rolled back to the computer screen. “I know I’m supposed to sit my butt in the chair and write, but I can’t think of a thing.” Exasperation rimmed the words as she frowned at the desk.

  Again, the change of subject. Aubrie desperately needed her control J.T. supposed. “No need to apologize.” He took another step inside. That was far enough, he mused. “It’s the truth. Hell, even I can see the way you two look at each other. What woman wouldn’t be distracted?” He knelt on one knee, gaining her attention at eye level. “Besides, there’s magic between you two.” He waved a hand when she tried to disagree. “I’m not talking about Logan’s talents. There’s love there. I’m happy for you.”

  Turning, Aubrie smiled at J.T. Gently, she reached out, her fingers grazed his cheek. “You’re a good man, J.T.”

  He was going to come back with for a vampire, but her face held a kindness he hadn’t seen before. She was being s
incere. Something softened in his chest.

  In the blink of an eye, Aubrie froze in place. She was staring at something behind him.

  J.T. turned to see what had caused her reaction. The mirror behind him held only one image, Aubrie’s. A vampire casts no reflection. He turned back to see her staring at nothing but the solo reflection. Stray hairs, the color of mink, waved in wisps about her oval face. The chocolate strands gathered in a ponytail held a rich weight in the desk light. Her skin had gone pale. “It’s okay, Aubrie.”

  Her eyes darted to him before returning to the mirror once more. She had a hard time meeting his gaze. Instead, she grew fidgety in the seat. As if flicking on a switch, she splayed her hands flat on the desk, sliding them back and forth. The laugh came out breathless as well as strained. “Thank the gods, I write independently, or my deadline would be in grave danger at this point.” She coughed nervously before continuing, “How am I supposed to manage a wedding rehearsal, a final fitting and a bachelorette party all in less than a week?” Her eyes settled on him as she paused. “I’m sorry, I’m babbling.”

  He had spooked her. One step forward, two steps back. “No worries.” The vampire made her nervous, he decided. Nothing to do about that.

  Quieter now, Aubrie looked him square in the eye. The laugh came out in a huff of breath. A form of cleansing, he mused. As if nothing else had transpired, she picked up the previous topic of what to do with trouble. “I’ll manage the same way I handled a covert operation into the Netherworld in search of my warlock, and his nemesis, I suppose.” Her face took on a faraway look. “I can still see Nybbas the last time we left the Netherworld.” Grinning, she cut a glance at J.T.

  “I know what you mean.” J.T. stood up before shifting to lean on the door frame. “I suppose they made the supremely odd couple, what with Nybbas, the wrinkled, green-skinned demon-has-been standing alongside Logan, the warlock, and kick-ass ex-SEAL.”

  Aubrie snorted at the mental image. “You know, I’ve wondered since how we managed to escape unscathed.” The grin disappeared. “Then again, I remember why we went back, to begin with.”

  There was no need to explain their decision. J.T. was aware, well aware, of the reason those gathering that evening had crossed the veil. Logan had gone in search of Nybbas, a mid-level demon with a talent for mind manipulation. The whole thing started when Logan believed he had been unfaithful to Aubrie. The dreams about his ex-girlfriend, Connie Calder were so real, they shook his confidence. Fearing mind manipulation, he crossed over the veil in search of his old adversary, Nybbas. If anyone could manipulate a mind, it had to be Nybbas. Instead, Logan found the Sultan, an evil shadow walker turned warlord, in control. The Nybbas they had known was nothing more than a shell of his former self.

  Aubrie’s gaze centered on the darkness outside the French door. “You know, it’s funny, J.T., but I never expected to find Nybbas, much less, find him in such an altered state of being. He resembles an elderly grandfatherly type rather than a demon warrior.” Her eyes filled with tears before she shoved them away.

  J.T. remembered what the bastard had done to Aubrie. The only thing that had changed was who was responsible. As if on cue, Aubrie rubbed a hand over her belly where Nybbas’ brand remained, a constant reminder of what she had been through.

  “If Logan hadn’t found me in time, I would have become a sinister pawn in the Sultan’s unholy game. Nothing stopped the bastard from altering my mind forever. For some, that’s what has happened, and there is no going back. The Sultan’s magic is too strong.” Her lips thinned into a line. “To find Nybbas alive and with no memory of his cruel domination over me was hard for Logan to accept. He wanted retribution.” Her eyebrows winged up. “Hard for me as well. Straightening, she eyed J.T. It’s a new day. It’s all changed. Somehow, The Sultan controlled everything.” One solitary tear glided down her cheek.

  “You know, I’m in awe of you.”

  Her eyebrows knit. “Me, why?”

  “Well, you went back after the Logan and Duke solo. Since Logan told me what happened to you the first time, I can’t blame you for never wanting to go back, but you did. Then to find Nybbas was less than the monster you hated took the wind out of your sails. You sucked it up though and took him in rather than toss him aside as the Sultan had. Katie’s right, you’re stronger than you give yourself credit for.”

  “He’s just an old, wrinkled, green man. I have to admit, finding him like that did throw me for a loop.” She shivered. “The sheriff in Cheniere Station charging Logan with Connie’s murder was the last straw. I knew the answers were over there. I had no choice. I had to go back.” Aubrie sniffed before wiping her eyes.

  Figuring she needed a change of subject, he broached a topic he had been hesitant to as Logan about. “Did the Sultan return with Logan from Afghanistan?”

  The tears trailed down Aubrie’s cheeks. “Yes, he did. Logan said he saw him in his dreams for months following his return stateside. Then the visions started.”

  J.T. was no good with tears, especially a woman’s tears. He rubbed the bridge of his nose. “That’s all in the past now, Aubrie.” His voice, carefully modulated, held what he hoped passed for concern. He couldn’t reach out like he wanted to do, for he dared not touch her. Her empath skills would rocket her right out of his reach with what she found inside him. “He has hurt us all, Aubrie.” Turning to stare out at her view of the pines’ silhouetted against a night sky, J.T. spoke softly. “The monster came close to killing one of our own, too.” He referred, of course, to Duke Taylor, the ex-SEAL and J.T.’s Team Six bud.

  Aubrie sniffed before answering. “The doctor said he may limp.” She shook her head slowly. “He’s lucky to be alive. A millimeter one way or the other and Duke would have died from the Sultan’s attack.” Aubrie watched out the window. “Damn bastard. I guess that’s what the Sultan wanted. Another soul collected.”

  “He’s after all our souls,” J.T. murmured.

  Aubrie stood because she could sit no longer. “The trouble with writing is you have to focus.” The laugh was shaky. Throwing her hands into the air, she strode out the French doors to the deck stretching the length of her house. “I’m done here.” Wiping her nose, she walked to the rail.

  The laugh trailing after her proved mirthless. J.T. could feel the pain emanating from her.

  A killer view lay before her. “This always helps,” she murmured. Wrapping her arms around her chilled chest, she closed her eyes and breathed in the clean, cold air of early December. “Christmas is coming,” she mumbled into the icy air. “My wedding too.” She shook her head. “I won’t let him get in the way of my wedding again.”

  J.T. remembered, Logan and she had postponed everything when Duke had come back in critical condition.

  “The gods save us from ever having to set foot in that place again,” she whispered. A shudder slipped past her guard. “I won’t go back, ever.” The vow sounded solid.

  J.T. knew how much faith to put in such a statement. None. “If the Sultan has his way, one of us or all will have to go after his sorry ass. Then we’ll face my former master with all the magic and firepower we can muster.” His words hung between them. J.T. saw the fear in her eyes.

  Glancing down, Aubrie watched her hands clench into fists atop the rail of the deck.

  J.T. saw the same mental image she did. One of a young girl, her dark eyes huge in her young face flashed in his mind’s eye.

  “Don’t worry, Meagan. We’ll save your family. Logan’s working on a spell now. It won’t be long, I promise.” Aubrie dropped her eyes to her hands on the rail as she finished the statement.

  Aubrie’s words, barely audible, pushed at J.T. resolve to remain detached. His years as a Navy SEAL gave him training ingrained into his DNA to compartmentalize his life. Surprise filtered through his dead system as a pain. One as real as the prick of a knife’s blade caught him in the chest. Rubbing the sensation away, J.T. cursed low at the affront.

  Aubrie smiled weak
ly. “It’s okay. I understand my wish is fleeting. Reality can be a bitch sometimes, that’s all.”

  Before he could respond, J.T. caught a glimpse out of the corner of his eye.

  “There’s my pretty fiancé.” Logan’s sultry voice came to her on the breeze which scattered the remainder of the dried leaves on the deck in a whirlwind.

  “Lodi,” J.T. called out. “Did we wake you?” The use of his former team member’s nickname carried a weight greater than most understood. Logan had saved his ass more times than he cared to count. J.T. owed him big time.

  Scratching at the back of his head, Logan grunted. “No, I woke up when I couldn’t find you, Sugar.” His gaze skimmed Aubrie.

  “You make a nice entrance warlock.” Straightening before meeting his gaze, she smiled. With her best come-hither look, Aubrie wrapped her arms around him.

  It didn’t take J.T. long to sense their unspoken language. Better to block the signals they shared between them. Curious though, he wondered, how much of the attraction between them was despite or maybe because of Logan’s magical powers. As a seer, surely, Aubrie could tell when Logan was mixing in magic. He shook his head to clear the image. “I better be getting back,” he said, inclining his head toward the darkness where the portal stood.

  “No need to rush, J.T.” Logan pulled Aubrie closer. “You want some coffee?” Logan’s eyes didn’t match the question.

  J.T. took the hint. No, I’m good. You know, we vampires are night owls.” Because neither of them acknowledged him, he figured they were too engrossed in each other to catch his wry analogy. “Well, I’ll see you guys later. No telling how many have slipped through while I was up here.”

  “All right then, J.T. Go save worlds and battle demons, vampire.” Logan winked over Aubrie’s head. “I’ve had my fill of demon work for one day. Mostly the greasy kind.”

  Understanding Logan’s reference to his workday at his brother, Gus’ garage, J.T. grinned. He saw the way Aubrie relaxed in her lover’s hold. Logan’s warlock’s eyes gleamed emerald in the inky black surrounding them.


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