Blood & Magic

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Blood & Magic Page 19

by Catherine Wolffe

  Logan turned. “What’s up, Luke?”

  “We’ve got trouble. I went back to retrieve our two love birds off their secluded beach, and I can’t find either of them. They’ve disappeared.”

  Aubrie shoved past Logan. Dressed in a sparkly shirt with her same jeans, she stared. “Tell me you’re kidding, Luke. Please.”

  He shook his head. “I wish I was.”

  Spinning to face Logan with her hands braced on her hips, Aubrie lifted her brows. “He’s going to have to find them. We have three days left until our wedding, Logan. He’s the only one who can.”

  Logan reached for her. The expression on his face was not helpful. “Sugar, we have time. I’ll contact Duke, and we’ll look for them.”

  She threw up her hands, before stalking back into the bedroom. If she had stayed, she might not have managed a civil answer.


  Katie met Aubrie at the door. “Welcome to the best party a girl could ask for.” Turning, she called out, “The guest of honor is here. Let the fun begin.”

  Behind Katie, a trio of men dressed in tuxedos stepped toward three different tables and got to work. The first table held a mountain of Pistachio ice cream surrounded by brownies. The three different flavors of brownies included white chocolate, turtle cheesecake, and chocolate.

  The next table held the booze. A keg of beer anchored one end while too many bottles of liquor to count held down the opposite end. In the center of everything was one of the guys in tuxedos mixing drinks and pouring shots. When he lit one on fire, Aubrie was certain she was in heaven.

  The third table was hidden behind a table skirt. On either side stood a set of stairs leading up to the table top. Spotlights hanging from the ceiling of Katie’s apartment flooded the area with light. Her first idea was a style show. She watched as the third tuxedo guy worked a turn table behind the setup. Music screamed out of the speakers next to the unit. He kept a beat to the rhythm of the tune through his headphones. Great – Katie had hired a D.J. Aubrie figured going deaf before her wedding was a viable possibility. Maybe Logan knew sign language.

  Katie opened the door to her bedroom. Party-going girls flooded out. Each wore an official Aubrie and Logan heart badge as well as sparkled headbands in their hair. From the looks of their festive level, they had gotten to the party well before she had. Afraid they might be breaking some capacity law, Aubrie greeted each person with a hug or a cheek kiss, thanking them for coming. She was pretty sure none of them would remember being there tomorrow.

  Toasts were made over and over again. Shots were consumed almost faster than the bartender could make them. Soon the room began spinning, and the voices turned into a beehive. The drone of the noise proved a bit overpowering. Aubrie decided it was time for a break. She excused herself, heading into Katie’s bedroom. A small girly bathroom sat quietly off to the side. Smiling in anticipation of a moment’s peace and quiet, she removed Duke’s cowboy hat from its hanger on the door and shut out the thumping rhythm. Closing her eyes, she exhaled. As party animals went, Aubrie was sure, she had strained her ability.

  The sound of her phone beeping got her to check the readout. Logan had called no less than six times. The message he left got her attention. Better than a sober-up, Logan’s voice telling her to come home immediately, there was an emergency, did the trick.

  Battling the fuzz left from too many jello shots, Aubrie splashed cold water on her face. She pinched her cheeks which had gone numb from the six vodka tonics she had downed. The only thing to eat was Pistachio ice cream, but she had to have something on her stomach, or she was going to puke.

  The rap at the door broke her free of the queasy sensation dancing hardily in her tummy. “Just a minute.”

  “Aubrie?” Katie’s voice carried over the thumping beat of a disco number.

  Opening the door, Aubrie eyed Katie gratefully. “Get in here,” she said, dragging her friend in and slamming the door.

  Katie’s sparkly tiara sat askew atop her gold curls. Mascara smudged her cheek under her left eye. She had glitter dots trickling from her lips. “Girl, are you okay? We missed you. You’re not sick, are you?”

  “No, well maybe a little. I’ll be all right. Katie, I gotta go. Logan has tried calling me six times. He finally left a message, and it wasn’t good. Something’s wrong.” She examined Katie’s eyes which seemed to cross in her eye sockets. “If you can wrap this up, we got trouble, I’m afraid. Luke came by as I was getting ready to leave and he said he couldn’t find J.T. and Jessie.”

  “Luke?” Katie’s eyes stopped traveling in circles and focused in on Aubrie. “Gone? Where?”

  Aubrie firmed her lips. “I don’t know, but I have a stinking suspicion.”

  “I’ll go with you,” she said. “Let me get something from the pharmacy downstairs, and I’ll be right back. Okay?”

  Aubrie nodded. “What about the party?”

  Katie clucked her tongue and waved a hand in the air. “Oh, I’ll just tell Meagan, our little backup party coordinator, I had to leave. She’ll keep an eye on things until it winds down. Besides, some of the ladies are planning on sleeping over anyway.” With a wink, she slid out the door and disappeared into the frenzy of psychedelic colors flashing in time with the heart stopping bump of the disco music.

  Aubrie picked up her phone and called Logan. “Come on, pick up.”

  “Hello.” Logan’s voice held tension.

  “Logan?” Aubrie could hear the concern in his tone.

  “By the gods, woman. I’ve been calling for almost an hour. Why haven’t you answered your phone?”

  “This is why.” She stuck the phone out the bathroom door for a few seconds before returning it to her ear. “See what I mean. My friend, the party animal has outdone herself this time. What’s wrong?”

  “It’s Jessie. She’s…” His voice trailed off. “You need to get here as soon as possible.”

  Aubrie’s throat tightened. Her first thought was Jessie was dead. But he hadn’t gone there. Stay positive, she reminded herself. “On my way.”

  With Katie in tow, they made it to Aubrie’s in record time. Screeching to a halt in the front yard, she was stone cold sober by the time she made it up the front steps. “Where is she?”

  Logan pointed to the bedroom. “I’ve got her in a trance.” Before Aubrie could get by, he gripped her by the arm. “You need to know, she’s been beaten badly.”

  The sickening weight of the knowledge knocked her back a step. “No,” she whispered. “The Sultan did it, didn’t he?”

  Logan shook his head. “I think so. She couldn’t say much. She wasn’t in any shape to speak.” He wrapped both arms around her, drawing her into his hold. “Aubrie, the bastard broke her jaw.”

  Katie moaned aloud before tears began trailing down her face. “I’ll check her out.” Disappearing into the bedroom, she left them alone in each other’s arms.

  Aubrie shoved back. “Where’s Duke?”

  Logan’s lips firmed. “I sent him to get Gus.” His hand under her chin drew her gaze to his. “Aubrie, we’re going to have to go back. It’s time to put a stop to this madman once and for all.” He held her a minute longer. The silence spoke louder than any words could. She would have to join them.

  Chapter 16

  The council chamber was illuminated with a thousand torches. J.T. considered how dangerous the use of such was for those allergic to flames. He grinned and let out a low whistle. That got their attention.

  Seated around a horseshoe-shaped table of considerable age, sat sixteen of the vampire world’s oldest members. His elders, if one had respect for such propaganda, each held the high status of ruler over his or her region or land. J.T. eyed them speculatively from his vantage point at the doorway to the chamber. The one he sought was not among them. Perhaps he was running late, J.T. mused bitterly. He had time to wait. Hell, he had all the time in the world.

  Garbed in a steely arrogance, he sauntered to the center of the room. “Greetings.”
He bowed low as formal decorum dictated. “I am J.T. Leighton, vampire killer.” Tuning into the murmurs of those seated around the wide expansive of the ancient wooden table, he waited. Their eyes gleamed red in the flickering torch light. Slowly, their heads drew together as information was passed. Behind him, the heavy oak doors of the chamber scraped against the stone floor as the entrance was closed. “Good, now we can talk privately.” His eyes gleamed red in return as he scanned the creatures seated about the leadership conference of predators.

  None stood to address him. None of them made a move to attack. With his senses on alert, he half expected a strike from behind. So far, no one took the opportunity to accommodate him.

  Making sure his smile held a hint of smugness, J.T. addressed the conference at large. “You have sought me for quite some time, my lords. I am honored by the bounty you have placed on my head. Then, I must share with you, your huntsmen were no match for my skills.” He watched one elder’s lip peel away from his teeth. His long incisors gleamed bloody in the inconsistent lighting of the great hall. Must have dined before the meeting, J.T. mused. A fist came down hard on the table as the one at the head of the table finally stood up.

  “You dare to belittle one of the high court? You, pathetic excuse for a vampire.” The man’s chin lifted high with the supposed insult. His long robes rippled about his boney arm as he thrust out a finger. “Take him.”

  “Wait!” J.T.’s voice rang in the cave’s stone interior. “I have charges of my own to bring here today.”

  The elder’s brow rose in questioning disbelief. “What could you possibly have of value against any member of this court?”

  “I’m glad you asked.” Taking a step forward, J.T. found swords aimed at his throat. Well, they were interested in what he had to offer at last. “One of your members has been skimming off the kills. He has not brought the total of his offerings for the council’s coffers. He keeps more than his share and doctors his records to cover his deceit.”

  More murmurs raced through the group. Heads drew together as red eyes sought him out in speculative consideration.

  The standing elder raised a hand, effectively silencing the group. “Tell us who you speak of.”

  J.T. pressed his lips together forming a flat line. The slight shake of his head worked to solidify his intention. “I’d rather not cast aspersions against someone who isn’t present.”

  The head elder nodded. “All right. If you will join me in my office, there you can share his name, and he will be summoned forthwith.”

  “Agreed.” J.T. watched the elders carefully. His hands fisted at his sides as he quelled the need to lash out. This was not the place. Not until the Sultan was present.


  Meanwhile, back in Cheniere Station, Shadow Company readied for the mission beyond the veil. Logan examined the supplies Gus and he had created for the trip. Bombs, enchanted swords, knives, and shields all piled high on Aubrie’s kitchen table. “You brought everything?” Logan studied a cross bow with interest as Gus came back inside with the last load.

  “Yeah, this is everything. I have enchanted crystals and spells for those who need them.” He glanced at the stash with a wicked grin. “You ready to kick some Sultan ass?”

  “Hell yeah. I just wish J.T. was here. We haven’t been able to locate him yet. Hey, I wanted to give you a heads up. We have a new shadow walker who’s going to go with us. His name is Luke Calder.”

  Gus’ eyes grew wide. “Luke? Luke from Cheniere Station?” The happy surprise filled his questions.

  “The same. He should be here any minute. I sent him to help Duke with his firepower. As soon as Aubrie and Katie get through with Jessie’s treatment, we’ll head out.”

  “Man, I thought Luke died in Afghanistan.”

  “He did. Came back with us though. Crazy, huh?”

  “You aren’t kidding. Glad he did. You’ll have most of your team going with us then.” Gus grinned at the idea.

  “Most. I know of two more who we haven’t been able to contact. One guy went off the radar. We haven’t been able to locate him yet. We’re still trying.”

  Aubrie appeared at the bedroom door. “Hey, Gus.”

  “Hey. There’s my favorite sister-in-law.” Gus walked over. Scooping her up off the floor, he gave her his version of a bear hug.

  “Yeah? Well that isn’t hard since I’m your only sister-in-law.” She grinned as she hugged him back. “How about setting me on the floor, big guy.”

  “Oh, sure.” Gus took a step back as Aubrie reached for Logan. “I need you in here, please.”

  “Sure, Sugar.” Following Aubrie, he wondered what the situation held. Jessie had been unconscious since the attack. Logan had concerns over her pulse rate as well as her color. She was growing paler by the hour, but her injuries were healing at a rapid rate.

  “You remember the amulet Jessie mentioned having? You know, the one she showed us the night she dropped in unexpected.”

  “Yes, why?”

  “Well, it’s gone.”

  “Gone? You look everywhere?” Logan’s eyes scanned the room.

  “Yes, we’ve combed the whole room.” Katie stood with her hands braced on her hips. “There’s not a sign of the piece anywhere.”

  “Okay, don’t panic. It’s got to be here somewhere. We’ll just take it room by room and find the damn thing. Jessie’s going to need it, right?”

  Aubrie shrugged. “I don’t know. I suppose so.” Flinging her hands wide, she turned a slow circle. “I haven’t found mine after all this time. I can still become Valcura.” Her brows knit. “Maybe she lost hers during the attack.”

  “Or, maybe it was the reason for the attack.” Logan glanced at her with sobering concern.

  “The Sultan? You think he has it?”

  “It’s logical. The Sultan threatened to torture Jessie’s family if she didn’t turn the amulet over to him. Maybe he got tired of waiting.”

  “Yeah, but what is he going to do with it now that he has it?” Gus’ question came from the doorway where he now stood.

  “The bastard.” Katie swiped a tear from the corner of her eye. Turning to Logan, she voiced what they’d all been feeling. “He needs to pay for what he did to her and soon. When can we leave?”

  “Not without me.” The croaking voice from the bed held pain mingled with determination. “You can’t leave without me.”

  Aubrie and Katie rushed to Jessie’s side. “You’re awake. You feel better?”

  “I do. I’m not a hundred percent yet, but I can fight.” She smiled at those standing nearby. “Aubrie, can you get me my clothes?”

  Aubrie glanced at Logan. He shrugged. “If she wants to try, let her. She’s healing well.”

  “I’ll get you some tea,” Katie said.

  “What I’d love is some pig’s blood if you’ve got any.”

  Katie dropped the tray she was carrying.

  Logan’s eyes widened.

  Aubrie immediately checked her forehead for a fever. “Maybe some tomato soup and a grill cheese sandwich. What do you think?”

  Jessie wrinkled her nose. “Now, that’s disgusting.” The giggle was easy and full of confidence. As they watched, she threw the covers back, sliding to the edge of the bed. “I’ve been down long enough. Have you got a sword and a shield I can use?” Feeling good enough to stand, she took a few steps before smiling. “That’s better. Yeah, I’m definitely craving some pig’s blood.” The grin came naturally. “You guys are the best, by the way. I hope one day I can repay you for all the kindness.”

  Mouths a gap, Aubrie, Logan, and Katie could only stare.


  “When J.T. told me about being a vampire, I realized why I’d been feeling off.” She glanced down at the table before continuing. “We were fooling around, and in the heat of the moment, I used my nails on him. I dug pretty deep.” She glanced at the group as she winced. The color rose a fraction in her cheeks. “Well, one thing leads to another, and I ended up
lapping up the blood that welled in his wounds.” She stopped, waiting a beat. “I’m new at this vampire stuff, but I think I’m turning.”

  Logan spoke first. “We can’t be sure. Without J.T., we…”

  Jessie cut him off. “I don’t need J.T. to figure out what’s going on. It’s like second nature. I want blood now. I crave it like water which, by the way, sounds gross.”

  Aubrie reached over, taking Jessie’s hand. She glanced back at Logan. “She’s telling the truth. She could be a vampire, for all we know. J.T. is the authority on the topic, and he’s MIA.”

  “I know where he is.” Jessie blinked as if her words were par for the course. “He’s gone to flush out the Sultan. I can take you to him.”

  Logan swore under his breath and stood. Without saying any more, he left the room headed for the deck out back.

  Aubrie patted Jessie’s hand. “Don’t worry. It’s all going to be all right.”

  Smiling as if nothing were amiss, Jessie said, “I know.”


  “She’s acting weird.” Logan spat the words out before Aubrie stood next to him gazing out at the shallow valley below. “I need J.T. to confirm this change. Without him, it’s just her word. I still have trouble trusting her motives. She could be working for the Sultan as a spy.”

  Aubrie nodded but didn’t say anything. Instead, she watched as another shadow walker slid through the veil, disappearing into the nearby trees. “We have to take her with us. She’ll get hurt if we leave her behind. What if she strikes out on her own?”

  “Yeah, there’s that. I couldn’t look J.T. in the face if something else happened to her on my watch. We’ll watch her close though.” His jaw worked with the thoughts running through his head.

  Aubrie sensed his dilemma. Here was the perfect accompaniment to their team, a vampire. What better way to locate the Sultan but with one of his own making? If she were lying, they could all be in jeopardy. “I’ll watch her.”

  Turning, Logan groaned aloud. “How do you propose to do that?”

  She smiled with wicked confidence. “I guess you’ve forgotten who I become when we go through the veil. Valcura has the power of sight. I can see and hear a mouse squeak from three hundred yards. Let me take care of Jessie. You worry about finding the Sultan.”


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