Daughter of the Alien Warrior

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Daughter of the Alien Warrior Page 7

by Honey Phillips

  A pleasant shiver traveled over her as she remembered those impressive muscles. He cut a fine figure in his tight-fitting uniform, but when he came out of the bathroom ready for bed, he had removed his shirt, and she could see every well-defined ridge and bulge as she peeped at him from under her eyelashes. And when he had climbed into the bunk over her, she had another clear view of the even more impressive bulge between his legs. She remembered the small nubs that covered his skin and wondered if they covered his penis as well. An excited little throb jolted her clit at the thought.

  No, she told herself. You don’t need this type of complication. She was here to find her daughter, and no man—no alien—no matter how attractive, would get in the way of that. Inzen was only an emissary to help her search, and nothing more.

  Despite her resolution, she continued to think of him as something considerably more until at last the ship’s lights brightened. From the alacrity with which he climbed down from the bunk, she suspected that he hadn’t slept any more than she had, but she ignored the memory of his activities and gave him a pleasant, neutral smile.

  “Good morning. At least I assume it is morning?”

  “Yes, my letari. And it is a very good morning with you here on my ship.” He smiled down at her, his face soft.

  Oh lord, if he kept saying things like that, it would be very difficult to maintain any distance between them. She forced herself to look away from both his smiling face and his very tempting body.

  “I’m eager to get started on more sewing. Do you mind if I take over your table again?”

  “Not at all. But I will prepare the morning meal first.”

  “I don’t usually eat breakfast.”

  He looked horrified. “You need to keep up your strength. I will prepare a variety of dishes so you may find something that appeals to you.”

  She opened her mouth to protest but he had already disappeared into the bathroom. Yep, definitely going to be hard to keep her distance.

  That thought continued to plague her throughout the morning. First, when he presented her with at least ten different dishes and watched anxiously as she tried a bite of each of them. Then again, when he seemed quite content to sit in his chair and read while she sewed, but she felt him watching her.

  For lunch, he would have prepared an equally vast array, but she firmly told him that a single simple meal would suit her better. She resumed sewing after lunch, but she was feeling increasingly restless. Her last year on Earth had been filled with activities from physical training to contacting her investigators to the business tasks she couldn’t delegate. She wasn’t used to sitting in one place for an extended period of time. After the third time she stretched and sighed, Inzen frowned at her.

  “Is something wrong, my letari?”

  “Just restless, I guess. I usually train every day and I’m not used to sitting still for so long.”

  He studied her thoughtfully. “I also devote part of each day to training. Would you care to join me?”

  Did one train with an emissary? It was her turn to study him. Training against someone with his size would be a good test of her skills, she decided, ignoring the shiver of excitement at the thought of being close to that big body.

  “Will you close your eyes again? I want to change.”

  He obeyed immediately, and she hurried to change into her yoga pants and sports bra. She had been unable to repair all of the damage, but they were mainly intact and better suited to exercising then her new clothing.

  “I’m ready,” she called.

  Inzen’s eyes snapped open, his dark gaze heating as he inspected her outfit. She was suddenly conscious of the strip of bare stomach between the bottom of the bra and the top of her pants, of the slashes in her pants that she didn’t have enough fabric to repair, and of the thin strap she had created to replace the missing shoulder strap.

  “That is a most becoming outfit. Is it the customary attire for training on Earth?”

  “Not unless you’ve been abducted by aliens,” she said dryly, but she could still feel pleasure warming her cheeks at his obvious approval.

  “I am sorry that the Vedeckians took you from your planet, but I am very glad that we met.”

  “Maybe it was for the best. At least this way I have a chance of finding my daughter.”

  He opened his mouth, and she waited for him to speak, but in the end, he just shook his head. “It is your turn to close your eyes.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I have a training outfit as well.”

  “Oh, yes, of course.”

  She closed her eyes, but curiosity won out. When she heard clothing rustle, she couldn’t resist a peek from under her lashes. Her mouth went dry. His back was to her, and he was completely naked. A broad back and strong muscular legs met her eyes, but her gaze was drawn to the round, firm curves of his ass and the tail springing from just above his buttocks. His tail flicked towards her, almost as if it could sense her gaze, and she quickly closed her eyes again.

  “I am also ready,” he said a moment later.

  Oh my. He was still shirtless but he had donned a pair of brief black shorts. They clung to his thick thighs and cupped his massive cock so closely that she could see the texture of his skin through the cloth. As if in response to her gaze, his cock jerked, and she realized that he was indeed fully erect. As far as she could tell, he had been erect since the moment they met. Was that normal for a Cire? They must have—must have had, she amended—very happy wives.

  “Shall we begin?” Inzen asked, and she dragged her gaze away from his genitals.

  “Yes. Can you show me your moves?” Ignoring the unintentional double entendre, she gave him a bright smile.

  To her surprise, he started by walking her through a series of poses that were very similar to her yoga routine. For a male of his size, he moved with astonishing grace. Despite the fluidity of the positions, she could feel her muscles stretch and burn satisfyingly. By the time they were finished, she was breathless, glowing, and smiling.

  “That was a great workout.”

  “Is it similar to what you practice? You did very well.”

  “Not exactly but it had some resemblance to what I usually do.”

  He insisted on waiting until she had replenished her fluids and then studied her again, his head cocked to one side.

  “Do you wish to continue?”

  “Of course.” Jade arched a brow. “I’ve also studied martial arts.”

  “I am not surprised, my letari. Your moves on Driguera indicated training.” He hesitated. “Would you care to spar? I will not hurt you.”

  She lifted her chin. “You don’t need to worry about me. I can take care of myself.”

  “Very well.”

  He bowed and they moved into position. She was immediately aware that this might not have been her best idea. Even though she knew she had been well trained, he was not only larger and stronger but surprisingly fast. Their first bout was embarrassingly short, even though she was sure he had been taking it easy on her. She lasted longer the second time, but she still suspected that he was only playing with her. The third time, she remembered the advice of her favorite instructor, a former streetfighter. “Use whatever advantage you can find,” he would say. She realized that every time she moved closer to Inzen, he hesitated for a fraction of a second, perhaps because he was afraid to hurt her.

  On her next move, instead of evading his grip, she deliberately pressed against him, her breasts smashed against his hard chest and her stomach against that ever-present erection. He froze and she shifted her weight, taking advantage of his hesitation to slip her leg between his and use his weight to throw him to the mat. Before she could dance away, his shock wore off and he took her down with him, rolling so that she was pressed against the mat and he was looming over her, every inch of that big body pressed against hers.

  Her mouth went dry.

  “That didn’t go the way I expected,” she panted.

bsp; “You did very well, my letari. It has been many years since a warrior surprised me in training.”

  His tail curved around and caressed her cheek, an oddly comforting gesture, but then it continued downward, brushing against her collarbone as it moved lower, and that wasn’t comforting at all. She squirmed restlessly and felt his cock respond before he murmured an apology and started to lift off of her. As he did, his tail slipped even lower and curled around her breast, tugging gently at her nipple. Her bare nipple. In the flurry of moves, her makeshift shoulder strap had come undone, leaving her completely exposed to his touch.

  He looked as shocked as she felt but his tail continued to work the taut bud and, oh, Lord, did that feel good. Her body arched into his touch before she could stop herself.

  “It has been even more years since I responded to a female this way,” he murmured, his eyes focused on her breast. His big hand came up, lifting the small mound higher, and then his tail was gone, replaced by the hot, shocking wetness of his mouth. The rough surface of his tongue sent waves of pleasure straight to her clit as he licked and sucked desperately at the needy flesh.

  A distant part of her brain tried to remember why this was a bad idea, but the need surging through her body made thinking impossible. How long had it been since someone touched her? And had anyone ever focused on her so completely—as if she were the only other person that existed?

  He switched to her other breast but his hand remained, working her damp peak with the same intensity. His tail wound between her legs, and she thought she should have been shocked, but the thick length felt amazing as it slid against her damp flesh. Her naked flesh, she realized a second later as his tail parted her lower lips. Her pants were now halfway down her thighs but any impulse to protest disappeared as he found the entrance to her pussy. The tip of his tail slipped inside and she cried out, her hands clamping down on Inzen’s broad shoulders.

  He lifted his head, his eyes anxious. “Is it too much?”

  “God, no.” Strange and shocking and wonderfully thick but definitely not too much. She could feel the small nubs that covered his skin rubbing against every sensitive inch as he worked his way deeper inside.

  “You are very tight, my letari,” he growled, his voice strained. “You are sure this is not uncomfortable?”

  Uncomfortable? With a growl of her own, she grabbed those perfect butt cheeks and tried to yank him closer. As she did, her legs parted even further and the full width of his tail pressed against her clit, the textured surface sending shivers of pleasure down her spine. His spicy musk surrounded her, somehow adding to her excitement, and her whole body was on fire with longing, perched on the razor’s edge of climax.

  “I need more,” she panted, writhing against him as she sought that elusive peak.

  His eyes darkened, black flames dancing in his intense gaze, and then his huge hand was on her butt, lifting her into his touch as his tail drove deeper. His mouth clamped down on her nipple, the sharp nip of his teeth on the engorged flesh the final touch to send her flying. She clung to him as her body shuddered, waves of pleasure rippling through her in gradually decreasing pulses, leaving her limp, drained, and astonishingly content.

  Chapter Ten

  When Inzen felt Jade climax in his arms, a corresponding wave of pleasure swept over him and his seed—his barren seed—erupted in an explosive but ultimately unsatisfying climax. His cock barely softened despite the copious liquid now bathing both his thighs and hers, and he was suddenly, appallingly conscious of what he had done.

  He raised his head, half expecting to find her looking at him with anger, or even worse, fear, but instead she opened her eyes and gave him a lazy, satisfied smile.

  “I apologize,” he began.

  “You don’t know how much I—wait, what?” she said simultaneously.

  “You are a guest on my ship. I should not have taken advantage of you.”

  “I don’t remember asking you to stop.” The smile had disappeared, and she frowned up at him. “Do you think I would have let you do that if I didn’t want you to?”

  “It is my job to look after you.”

  “And I’m a grown woman who is quite capable of looking after myself. But if you’re that worried about it, take your tail out of my pussy!”

  She shoved at him with her small hands and he realized that he was still buried in the luscious depths of her body. He tried to pull free, but his tail resisted before finally leaving her in a long, slow glide that made her eyes flutter shut. The sweet scent of her arousal filled the small cabin, and he couldn’t help licking the glistening evidence now coating his tail. His own eyes closed as her delicious taste filled his mouth and he opened them to find her watching him thoughtfully, no longer frowning.

  “For someone so quick to offer up an apology, you look like you’re enjoying the results.” Her delicate brow arched up.

  “You taste sweeter than the first grazen berries of summer,” he said honestly as he forced himself to sit back.

  Unfortunately, that only exposed more of her tempting body. He could see the marks of his mouth on her small, dark nipples and see the flushed, wet folds of her cunt. His eyes focused there as he realized for the first time just how small she was in comparison to him. And yet, she had taken his tail. Not only taken it, but asked for more.

  Without conscious direction, his finger traced the delicate flesh, so unlike that of a Cire female. He didn’t find that a lack, especially when he discovered a small pearl of flesh above her entrance. Her whole body quivered when he caressed it with an exploratory finger.

  “Inzen!” she gasped, lifting into his touch.

  “What is this, my letari? A pleasure receptacle?”

  “That’s my clit and if you don’t stop touching it, you’re going to be apologizing again. I thought you didn’t want to touch me.” She made an adorable attempt to look fierce even as her pearl hardened beneath his fingers.

  “Not want to touch you? Touching you pleased me so much that I disgraced myself.”

  Her eyes flew to his, then down to his wet shorts and the rigid bar of his cock. Her lips curved.

  “Then I don’t understand. Why did you apologize?”

  “Because you are a guest on my ship and… we have a more important purpose.”

  Her face clouded over, and the reminder put a damper on his own arousal. He reluctantly withdrew his hand and started to help her dress again, but she waved him away.

  “I think it would be safer for both of us if I got dressed on my own.” She looked ruefully at the tattered remnants of her outfit. “Scratch that. I’ll take a shower and put something else on, then see if I can mend these. Again.”

  “I am sorry.”

  “Don’t be. It was… nice to be touched again.” Her hand brushed his tail for the briefest instant before she disappeared into the san.

  As soon as the door closed behind her, he groaned, frustrated, aroused, and shocked. Despite his overwhelming attraction to her, he hadn’t realized that his need for her would sweep away every particle of control. But when she responded to him so eagerly, her sweet body rising to his touch, all he could think about was pleasing her. And himself, he admitted. If he hadn’t regained his senses, he would have buried himself in her hot, tight little cunt. What’s more, he suspected that he would have knotted inside her—the sign that a Cire had found a true mate, the one who would cause his seed to become fertile.

  A fleeting pang of regret passed through his mind. He had cared for Aria—his first mate—but the feelings he had for her paled in comparison to his feelings for Jade. When she was in his arms, his tail wrapped around her, her sweet, spicy fragrance filling his head, he felt complete in a way he had never experienced before. He suspected that if they were to be mated, it would not be the calm, peaceful relationship he had enjoyed with his first mate. Jade had a streak of fire that befitted a warrior and he could see passionate clashes in the future.

  The thought did not displease him. Instead, his c
ock throbbed eagerly at the thought.

  Stop that, he ordered himself. She is a human and she will want to return to her planet. There is no future between us.

  Despite his admonishments, when she emerged from the san, clean and sweet-smelling, a shy smile on her face, a future with her was all he could think about. If she did turn out to be Lily’s mother, he could have a daughter and a mate. Or he could lose both.

  He would have to woo her, he decided. He would be patient and show her that he was interested in more than her tempting body. So much had been taken from him. Surely Granthar would not begrudge him these hopes for a brighter future.

  Steeling his resolve, he did his best to ignore the tempting picture she made as he ducked past her to perform his own cleanup. Afterwards, he prepared the evening meal, carefully choosing the items she had shown a preference for earlier that day. Several times during the meal, she shot him an uncertain look, and he suspected she was still thinking about his apology. But he could not bring himself to discuss the matter further when he was already so tempted to repeat the encounter.

  When she frowned at her sewing after the meal, he searched for a better way to entertain her.

  “Do you enjoy games of strategy?” he asked.

  “I used to play chess in college but somehow I suspect I’m not going to find that up here.”

  “There is a game I enjoy called baduka. Would you care to play?”

  “You want me to play with you?” she teased, running her eyes over his body. Before he gave in to the promise in her eyes, she laughed. “Why not? Show me what you’ve got, big guy.”

  Ignoring his once again stiff erection, he brought out the baduka game. A simple enough game with black and white markers, the challenge came from the skill of the players. He was not surprised to find that Jade caught on quickly and was soon challenging him with every play. After he won the first two games, she managed to maneuver him to a tie in the third, crowing with delight when he agreed to the draw.


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