Best Friend’s Big Brother: Older Man Younger Woman Romance (Tall, Dark and Handsome Billionaires Book 1)

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Best Friend’s Big Brother: Older Man Younger Woman Romance (Tall, Dark and Handsome Billionaires Book 1) Page 4

by J. P. Comeau

  Chase could read the apprehension in my face and by the tone of my voice. “I know what you’re thinking. It’s weird for a brother to be his sister’s date to a wedding—and prom—but I only did it to be a gentleman. Some women just don’t want to be solo. That’s all there is to it, I promise.”

  The band once again seamlessly transitioned into another song, while Chase and I continued dancing. This time he brought us a little too close to where Ginger stood, and I could feel the tension in the air as he swung me around.

  Her eyes sent daggers our way, making it abundantly clear that I was ruining her night.

  “I don’t think Ginger’s very happy right now, Chase. Did you see the way she looked at us?”

  Chase glanced over at Ginger, and she mouthed something to him, although I couldn’t tell what it was. He simply rolled his eyes and shifted his attention back to me.

  “Just ignore her. She’s a good person, but she hates not being the center of attention.”

  “Gotcha. I don’t have any siblings, so I couldn’t exactly ask a brother to accompany me tonight.”

  His hands dipped a little lower on my hips, stopping short of my ass. I wouldn’t have minded it if he gave me a little squeeze.

  “It’s hard to believe that someone as beautiful as you came here single, Margo. And I hope I’m not too forward, but you’re quite breathtaking.”

  Once again, I couldn’t help but blush as I rested my head on his shoulder, grateful that I hadn’t bowed out at the last minute. I made a mental note to thank Guadalupe tomorrow.

  “Thank you. I was dating a guy, but we just broke up.”

  Chase pulled back and stared into my eyes. “How could any guy not want to be your date to a wedding?”

  We giggled as he twirled me around, and this time, he positioned us so that my back was pressing up against his chest. Chase’s hands wrapped around my stomach as I looked up over my shoulder and into his eyes, then turned around to see Ginger with her hands in fists and at her sides.

  “As much as I enjoy dancing with you, maybe you should spend the next song with your sister. Look at her. She’s about to have a fit.”

  Ginger continued glaring at both of us, but Chase insisted that we keep on dancing into the next song. This time he dipped me a few times, causing my low-cut dress to drop even more. His hands pressed firmly into my lower back, making sure I didn’t fall as he slowly pulled me up. And at no point did Ginger stop giving us the death stare.

  We waltzed all across the dance floor, the two of us lost in our own little world as people around us looked on with envy. And how could they not watch Chase dancing? He was so graceful, elegant, but also masculine, and I just knew that Nick would never have shown me such a good time if he had ended up coming.

  “Ginger’s a grown woman who can take care of herself. Besides, I’m sure some guy will see her sulking and offer to dance with her. So, what do you do for a living?”

  “I’m a beautician at Lavender Dreams Spa, which is how I met Ginger. The two of us hit it off when I started there a few months ago. What about you? What do you do for a living?” I knew the gist of it, but it was a gateway to conversation.

  He shot Ginger a dirty look as she obnoxiously grabbed a chair and sat down, calling unnecessary attention to her dramatic flair.

  “I’m in the technology business. Have my own line of laptops, televisions, and home security systems.”

  In other words, he’s loaded.

  “That’s amazing. You have to be pretty smart to get into that line of work.”

  Why did I sound so stupid just now?

  Thankfully, Chase laughed at my little comment. “Not really. Once you get the basics down, it’s pretty easy to build just about any piece of equipment. And yes, it does pay well.”

  The more he and I chatted while dancing, the more I wanted to get to know him. It wasn’t just that he was a successful technology tycoon, although that did help. Chase was easy to chat with and was a fantastic dancer. It would be nice to have someone to go dancing with, seeing as how that had been a favorite hobby of mine since I was a little girl.

  My only concern was that he was my best friend’s brother. When it came to most female friendships, a woman would be ecstatic to have her best friend date one of her brothers. After all, it gave them hope that one day they’d become sisters-in-law.

  But not Ginger.

  As another song started to play, both of us looked over at Ginger, who was now tapping her feet and nails so vigorously that I could imagine I heard them over the band playing. If I wanted to see Chase after the reception, we would have to be watchful of his jealous sister.

  It was hard to believe that Chase and I hadn’t stopped dancing for four songs, and if I had my way, we would have kept right on going. I wanted to dance with him until it was time to go home, just the two of us on the floor as all of the other couples grew tired. The band would keep on playing as we got to know each other, pressing our bodies up against each other while occasionally looking over at Ginger pouting.

  But she put a stop to that as soon as the band went into song number five.

  Ginger marched right over, her petite feet stomping on the pink-marble floor along the way, before stopping directly in front of us. Chase and I were standing in the center of the dance floor, as though we were the focus of the entire event, while couples danced all around us.

  “If you don’t mind, Margo, I’d like to have a dance with my date.” She said it like a jealous girlfriend, and something about it rubbed me wrong.

  Instead of causing a scene, I gave Ginger an apologetic smile, then quietly stepped away. But not before looking back at Chase, who watched me with equal sadness in his eyes as I made my way over to my table. All I could do was sit down and pretend to have a good time, faking conversation with people as I watched Ginger dance with a man I so desperately wanted to get to know better.

  A few of my friends came over and made small talk, but it was nothing too exciting. Just chit-chat about the Miami heat, politics, and if we really thought that John and Paris would stay married—typical wedding gossip.

  “Of course they’ll stay married,” I said while meeting Chase’s gaze out of the corner my eyes. “Those two were made for each other.”

  My friends continued to place bets about how long the marriage would last, and I gracefully bowed out of that conversation. I was more concerned with what Chase and Ginger were discussing. She had gone from sulking to happy pretty quickly, and all because her big brother was finally paying her some attention.

  Every once in a while, however, Ginger glared at me. It was apparent that I’d be hearing about this, later on, be it at work or over the phone. She was a good person with a big heart, just a bit of a drama queen. Her clients at the spa loved her over-the-top personality. But I knew that the second we were alone, she would rip me a new asshole while complaining that I had “stolen” her date for most of the reception.

  Maybe I was a bit too judgmental, though. Perhaps I shouldn’t have spent so much time dancing with Chase since he did come with Ginger, but he was her brother for crying out loud! She acted as the two of them were on an actual date, which caused me to shiver in my seat. One of my friends at the table asked if I was feeling all right.

  “Oh, yeah. I’m fine. The chicken just isn’t sitting too well with me.”

  They all nodded in agreement, complaining that it was too salty and shouldn’t have had so much cheese. Actually, the chicken was delicious, and I would have loved to have gotten seconds.

  I’m shivering because Ginger is a little too obsessed with her big brother.

  Each time a song ended, Chase tried to pull away from Ginger and make his way over to me. But she kept her hand on his and yanked it back, making it clear that he was only going to spend time with her the rest of the night. And every time he gave me an “I’m sorry” look, I forced myself to smile.

  But inside, I was just as miserable as Ginger had been while watching us dance.

  By the time the reception was winding down, I had watched the two of them dance to nearly a dozen songs while I had an extra few slices of wedding cake and too much champagne. They made their way over to me, but Ginger stood between us once again.

  “Are you ready to head out, Margo? Because Chase and I are exhausted from all of the dancing. Did you see us on the floor? Isn’t my big brother just the best dancer?” She was laying it on thick for some reason.

  I started to feel sick to my stomach again but found a way to be fake. “I sure did, Ginger. You two seemed to be having a lot of fun, and yes, Chase is one hell of a dancer.”

  We piled into the limo, and once again, Chase tried to sit next to me, and Ginger intervened. I was on the end with her in the middle with Chase on her other side.

  And quite frankly, I was done being polite.

  I stood up and shifted to the other side of the limo, where I sat down directly in front of them.

  Ginger looked pissed. “What’s wrong? Do I smell or something?”

  “Of course you don’t,” I replied while meeting Chase’s knowing glance. “I just want to give you two plenty of room. Don’t want to be a third wheel on your date with your brother.”



  “What’s your problem tonight, Margo? Chase was my date, remember?”

  I smacked my face with the palm of my hand while Margo sat across from us with her legs crossed, angrily twirling her foot around. I knew this would happen. I knew the second we got into the limo that the two of them would start to bicker. Although, none of this was Margo’s fault. Ginger was the one who had demanded that I dote on her all evening. Besides, how could Ginger not expect me to be attracted to Margo? If anything, it was her fault for having Margo ride along with us in the first place.

  “Nothing’s my problem, Ginger. You’ve just made it abundantly clear that you don’t want anyone chatting with your brother but yourself.”

  “You make it sound so gross, as though a big brother saving his little sister from—”

  “Saving you from what, Ginger? Being without a man at a wedding?” I gasped and covered my mouth with my hand and then rolled my eyes. “Oh, the horror!”

  Ginger glared at Margo with such intensity that for a moment, I could tell that Margo was considering walking the rest of the way home. But she was wearing heels. I rolled down the window a little bit, making it clear that I didn’t want any part of this argument while also getting some much-needed fresh air. It was beautiful in Miami Beach, with the nearly full moon casting light down onto the ocean. People were walking along the sidewalks in South Beach, enjoying the night air while I was stuck listening to my younger sister act like a brat.

  I would have loved to have been outside walking along Ocean Drive myself, but only if Margo joined me.

  “Look, I’m sorry, Margo. I’m sure it wasn’t easy going to this wedding all by yourself. Wait, I have an idea! You should talk to Chase’s friend Jorge. He’s just your type!”

  Margo and I both glared at Ginger, leaving me no choice but to interject into an otherwise awkward conversation. I couldn’t see Margo going for a guy like Jorge, nor did I want to see him attempt to make it happen.

  “No, I don’t think Jorge is Margo’s type.”

  Ginger waved her hand at me in disgust. “How would you know what Margo’s type is when you just met her? Besides, he’s your best friend. Sounds as though you don’t think very highly of your own best friend, Chase.”

  “Why don’t you worry about your friends, Ginger, and I’ll worry about mine.”

  My God, I feel like I’m back in high school! When will she ever grow up?

  Margo leaned forward toward Ginger. “Didn’t you say that Jorge was boring?”

  “Well, maybe I shouldn’t have used that word. Jorge is just more low-key like you are.”

  That was all Margo needed to hear to end the conversation. Ginger folded her arms across her chest again, signaling to all of us that she was in a bad mood and had enough. Whereas Margo stared out my open window, eager for the driver to take her home.

  I hated having to belittle my sister, but she had pushed me too damn far.

  “You’re acting like a spoiled brat, Ginger. It’s time for you to act your age for a change. I can’t say that I regret going to this wedding, but I do regret coming as your date.”

  And just as Ginger’s mouth fell open, the driver pulled up to Margo’s apartment complex. Margo dug into her clutch for her keys as the driver opened the door. “Well, this has been fairly awkward. Enjoy the rest of your evening, and it was a pleasure to meet you, Chase.”

  Ginger and I refused to speak to each other for several minutes until the driver pulled up to a stoplight not to far from Ginger’s place. “So, are you interested in Margo or something?”

  I shifted in my seat a little bit, wondering how to broach the subject of potentially dating my younger sister’s best friend. “Yeah, I am. Margo is a classy lady, Ginger, and seems to have her life together. You don’t meet women like her that often.”

  Ginger squinted her eyes at me, and after refusing to speak, I let out a sigh.

  “And yes, I’m also physically attracted to her. Look, you’re my sister, so this is weird to talk about with you.”

  “Well, you’re not wrong. Margo is gorgeous. Honestly, I’m a bit jealous of her looks.”

  I squeezed her palm before kissing her on the cheek. “You have nothing to be jealous about. Good looks run in our family. Just out of curiosity, why didn’t you introduce us before?”

  Ginger searched my face a few moments before answering my question. “Because she’s not the girl for you, and that’s all you need to know.” She yanked her hand away and turned back around, her eyes focused on the road ahead.

  “What do you mean she’s not the girl for me?”

  “Just leave Margo alone, that’s all I’m asking you to do. Besides, you’re too old for her, and she’s a bit naïve at times. So please don’t think that she has her life together.”

  I turned my entire body toward my sister, demanding that she tell me the truth. “That’s not why you didn’t introduce us sooner, Ginger. And I know she’s not that naïve because I spoke with her all evening.”

  She shot me a nasty look. “Yes, I know you spoke with her all evening! Look, you want the truth? Margo’s a good girl. Yes, I owe her an apology for my behavior, but she’s still my best friend.”

  I jokingly put my hand to my heart, pretending as though she had stabbed me. “That comment hurt, Ginger. Are you suggesting that I don’t have what it takes to be a good boyfriend? Because if you are, that’s messed up. Just because I’ve made some mistakes in the past doesn’t mean that I haven’t changed.”

  Ginger swatted at me, causing me to duck and miss. “Just stay away from Margo. Do I make myself clear?”

  I shook my head in defiance. “Nope. Perhaps you’ve forgotten that I’m a grown-ass man who can make my own decisions in life, and that includes which women I choose to pursue. So you can sit there and pout all you like, but if I want to date Margo, then I’m going to date Margo, and there’s nothing you can do about it.’

  Ginger put her hands on her hips and glared at me, once again. “As your little sister, I forbid you to go after Margo! I saw the way you looked at her the second you laid eyes on her. The two of you acted as though you were the only ones in the room, and I know what’ll happen if you get too close to her.”

  I wasn’t expecting Ginger to be so protective of her friend, especially after being jealous of her all evening. Now I wondered if it wasn’t jealousy but my sister’s attempt at shielding Margo…from me. “You need to calm down. Besides, you’re reading too much into the situation. I was just friendly with Margo because she didn’t have a date. I mean, you yourself didn’t want to show up without a date so badly that you asked me.”

  Ginger leaned back and let out a sigh. “Whatever, loser. Just stay far away from Margo and you’ll never have to hear
me complain about it again. And I know what I saw on the dance floor, Chase. I’ve also witnessed what your version of friendly evolves into. Believe me when I say that she’s not the one for you.”

  I pondered what she could mean by that, “not the one for you,” but nothing came to mind. All I could assume was that she didn’t want me to hurt Margo. At any rate, my sister had stopped barking, so I decided not to pursue the matter.

  “So, did you have a good time tonight?”

  Ginger’s body seemed to relax a little bit. “It was all right. I would have had a better time if you had danced with me more, though.”

  “We danced for almost twelve songs, Ginger! What more do you want from me?”

  She shrugged while pulling out her phone to check her social media.

  I will never understand women.

  The limo pulled up to Ginger’s place, where she gave me a quick peck on the cheek before getting out. My driver met my gaze in the rearview mirror, and since the partition had been down the whole evening, he must have heard our entire conversation.

  “Take me home, man. Far, far away from my sister.”

  He chuckled as we made our way back into traffic, where I leaned against the back of the seat and closed my eyes. The whole evening had been a whirlwind of events. From the moment I had seen Margo, I had wanted to get to know her. There was a magnetic attraction between us that I knew she also felt. Her body pushed up against mine while we were dancing, her gorgeous smile, and that soft skin had my mind all jumbled.

  I had been around plenty of gorgeous women before, especially since I traveled so much, but nobody had ever had that effect on me. I needed to know what drew me to her. I was going to find out despite my sister’s request. Even as I was dancing with Ginger, there was a pull between Margo and me. I saw the sadness in her eyes as she watched us on the dance floor, and at that moment, I had never hated my sister so much.

  Before that night, I had been depressed for quite some time. Lonely. People assumed that I must have been happy since I was successful. But I had been in a dark place ever since Amber had broken up with me; drinking too much and falling asleep on the couch. In business meetings and with friends and family, I was all smiles. But behind closed doors, I was an emotional mess.


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