Alpha's Sacrifice: an MMMM Mpreg Gay Romance (Irresistible Omegas Book 1)

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Alpha's Sacrifice: an MMMM Mpreg Gay Romance (Irresistible Omegas Book 1) Page 16

by Nora Phoenix

  The cop’s eyes widened for a fraction before he got himself under control again. “Is that so?” he said, then turned toward Aloysius. “You have a death wish, son? Don’t you know better than to touch another man’s property?”

  Vieno bristled on the inside at being called property, but he didn’t need Lidon’s calming hand to remind him now was not the time to bring that up. Even Palani managed to keep his face from reacting to that statement, though it probably pissed him off just as much.

  “With all respect, officer, but there has to be some sort of scam,” Vieno’s father said. “I know for a fact that my son and this…this beta are lovers. This is a ruse my son has come up with to avoid marrying the alpha we chose for him.”

  The cop’s eyes narrowed. “Is that so? Let’s verify the facts, then. What’s your name, omega, and who do you belong to?”

  Vieno felt the alpha compulsion from the cop rolling through him. He knew Lidon could block it as his mate, but he allowed it, meaning he wanted Vieno to cooperate. “Vieno Hayes, sir. And I belong to Lidon Hayes. I’m his claimed mate, sir, and I have the mark to prove it.”

  He pulled down his shirt again, showing his shoulder.

  “I didn’t even need to see your mark. His smell is all over you. And who are you, beta?”

  Palani didn’t miss a beat. “I’m Vieno’s friend, sir.” He left off his name, which was probably smart. If the cop recognized his unusual name, he’d be fucked. He wasn’t popular amongst cops.

  “He’s my boyfriend,” Enar said, slinging an arm over his shoulder. “I’m Doctor Enar Magnusson. I’m a friend of Lidon’s. This beta is my boyfriend.”

  Enar’s voice was uncharacteristically arrogant, as was his attitude and the patronizing way he treated Palani.

  “Mind if I smell him?” the cop asked.

  Vieno’s stomach rolled. There was no way Palani would pass that test. Would Enar somehow try to stop it? He had to, right?

  “Not at all.”

  Vieno bit back a gasp at those words. Palani was fucked now, wasn’t he? Then why was he so cool about it? Enar too, his response had been quick and decisive. Then it hit Vieno. They knew something he didn’t.

  Enar nudged Palani forward who obediently took a step and allowed the cop to smell him. “Yeah, his smell is all over you. I smell no trace of the omega.”

  They had sex. Palani and Enar had fucked. That was the only way the cop would smell Enar all over Palani. Vieno waited for the rush of jealousy to hit him, but it didn’t. Instead, there was only curiosity. How had he missed this? And more importantly, was it mere sex or dare he hope for something more? More than anything, he wanted Palani to be happy. And the thought of his best friend and Enar together was…appealing.

  The cop turned toward Vieno’s father, his face tightening. “That’s a severe accusation to make about an alpha when all evidence points to the contrary. If I were you, I would walk away before either I or Detective Hayes decide to arrest you. That goes for you too, young alpha. You do not want to get involved in a pissing match, because you’ll lose. Go home and find yourself another omega.”

  Palani sat on the hard, velvet chair in the first row of the wedding room in the town hall. Its official name was different, of course, being named after some dignitary he could never remember. But everyone called it the wedding room, for obvious reasons.

  Enar sat next to him, so close their legs were a hair width away from touching. And as he watched his best friend get married, all Palani could think about was whether he should move his leg a little so it would connect with Enar. Or even better, whether he should reach over and grab his hand. After all, they were pretending to be boyfriends, right?

  It had been a bold move on Enar’s part, claiming Palani like that, but it had worked. They’d gotten lucky that he had still smelled like Enar, even though they never finished their…encounter. Fuck, he wasn’t even sure what to call it. It had been perfect, and it had been over as fast as it had started, all because of a stupid joke he’d made.

  He hadn’t even realized what had happened till after Enar had walked out. At first, he’d thought the man had gotten pissed because Palani had insinuated he liked bottoming. Arguably, that was a stupid thing to say to an alpha, so he couldn’t have even faulted him for that. But then it had sunk in that with that spontaneous joke, he’d stumbled across the truth, and Enar hadn’t been quick enough to cover it up.

  Enar liked bottoming. The sexy doctor who looked like a freaking cover model with his smooth chest, his strong muscles, and that mischievous smile liked bottoming. To say it had shocked Palani was an understatement. Not because he judged him for it, because hello, he was vers, like most betas—though some more by necessity than by choice—but more because it had been the last thing he’d expected.

  For an alpha, bottoming constituted a big no. It could ruin your reputation and get you ostracized by friends and family, if someone found out. All alpha fathers warned their sons about it: don’t ever get caught bottoming, because your life will be over. And here was this hot alpha, and he’d accidentally outed himself as being vers.

  Palani wondered who Enar trusted enough to fuck him, because that was a big risk to take. The answer came to him, and he almost gasped. It had to be Lidon. He was Enar’s best friend and from what Palani understood, they’d grown up together. Enar trusted no one more, as evidenced by the fact that the cop also knew about Enar’s less-than-legal activities and had never ratted him out.

  Palani was convinced Lidon had topped Enar, which meant this marriage didn’t merely mean a break-up between him and Vieno. It also meant the end of Enar’s relationship with Lidon. Where would the man be able to find his pleasure now? Maybe Palani should offer his help? No, that was crazy. The chances of Enar ever wanting to do anything with him again were zero.

  Hell, they’d barely spoken a word when they’d moved Vieno’s belongings into Lidon’s mansion the day before—and what the fuck was that about, that sprawling ranch the cop referred to as a “nice house”? Talk about an understatement. The guy was beyond loaded if he could afford that.

  Enar had been polite and cooperative, but that was it. He’d clearly not been willing to talk about what had happened, and Palani had extended him the courtesy of not bringing it up. He owed the man that much after everything he had done for him and Vieno. But he did hope that they’d be able to become friends again in the future, if only because of Lidon and Vieno.

  And because Palani kind of liked the doctor on a personal level as well. He was hot as fuck, but so was Lidon, though in a completely different way. Lidon was more serious, stricter, and a hell of a lot more dominant. Enar was laid back, relaxed, but still so fucking sexy.

  Next to him, Enar moved his leg a fraction and Palani held his breath, waiting to see what happened. That strong leg settled against his, and he let a slow breath fall from his lips. Maybe they weren’t quite as done as he'd feared.

  The judge read the whole marriage document, a boring legal mumbo-jumbo Palani had heard dozens of times when he’d attended weddings from friends, cousins, and coworkers. Lidon and Vieno stood in front of the judge, facing each other, waiting until the judge finished this formal part.

  Palani studied Vieno. God, he looked so much better than a couple of months ago. The effects of that one heat with Lidon were staggering. And Palani was well aware he had Enar to thank for that. He’d not only known that Vieno should hook up with an alpha and get knotted without a condom, but he’d also introduced them to Lidon. And look where it had led to.

  Vieno looked happy, there was no denying it. He was happy with the alpha, Palani knew. Sure, they were still in the beginning stages of their relationship, despite the alpha claiming and the marriage, but Palani could see they were a good match. Lidon wanted to take care of Vieno and even if he was an alpha-steamroller at times, he’d also shown he was open to suggestions…even corrections. No, he’d be good for Vieno, good to him.

  And if what Enar said was right, if someh
ow, on a deeper level, Lidon recognized Vieno as his fated mate, even better. They were destined to fall in love, be happy together. Build a family. Everything he wanted for Vieno, and then some.

  It meant freedom for Palani…if he could make good on his promise and manage to let Vieno go. His dangerous faux pas from the previous morning had shown it might be more challenging than he had counted on. It had been pure habit, to bend over and kiss Vieno. They’d rarely kissed outside of Vieno’s heat—an unspoken mutual agreement to not make things more complicated than they already were. But they’d always greeted each other with a simple kiss on the mouth. That was a habit he needed to break…before Lidon would take serious offense and break it for him.

  “Please extend each other the right hand,” the judge said, and Palani sat up straight, making sure his leg still brushed up against Enar’s. Then he felt his hand being taken and enveloped in a bigger, stronger hand, and he smiled. He squeezed and was rewarded with a soft squeeze back. They were okay, him and Enar. Thank fuck.

  “Lidon Hayes, do you swear to honor and respect your claimed omega mate and to take care of him and any offspring you may produce with him the best way you can until the day you die?” the judge asked Lidon.

  “I swear upon my life,” Lidon spoke with a strong voice.

  “Vieno Kessler, do you swear to honor and respect your alpha mate and to obey and serve him the best way you can until the day you die?”

  “I swear upon my life.” Vieno’s voice was softer, but clearly audible.

  “I have inspected and confirmed the alpha claim placed upon Vieno Kessler by his alpha mate Lidon Hayes, and I have heard both parties swear to their union. By the power vested in me by our government, I declare this union to be legal and unbreakable for as long as you both shall live.”

  Palani’s heart filled with unexpected joy as he watched Lidon place a soft kiss on Vieno’s lips. He felt no anger, no jealousy, only a deep relief that Vieno was safe and taken care of. In the end, that’s all he longed for, even if it wasn’t with him. He’d always known it wouldn’t be with him.

  “You okay?” Enar asked softly, giving his hand another squeeze.

  “Yeah,” Palani said. “I’m happy for him. For them.”

  Enar studied him from aside for a second before he bent over to kiss his cheek. “You’re a good man, Palani.”

  He let go of his hand, because the judge had congratulated Lidon and Vieno and they were now headed their way. Palani waited while Enar gave Lidon a manly hug before bending over to kiss Vieno on his cheek. “Congratulations, little one. You did well with this one. Don’t get a heart attack when you see his house, okay?”

  Vieno smiled. “Thank you. And thank you for your role in this.”

  Enar stepped back to let Palani by. He turned to Lidon first and extended his hand. “Thank you,” he said, and then he unexpectedly choked up. “I’m…” He tried to swallow the lump in his throat. “I know you’ll be good to him. Thank you for doing that, for taking care of him, I mean.”

  Much to his surprise, Lidon took his hand, then pulled him in for a hug. “Thank you for allowing me. This can’t be easy for you.”

  Palani stepped back. “Easier than you think, because it’s what’s best for him. May I hug him, please?”

  Lidon smiled. “Yes, and thank you for asking.”

  Palani pulled Vieno into his arms and held him tight, breathing him in deeply. He smelled like Lidon, but somewhere underneath his own unique scent still reached Palani. “I love you, baby. I always will, but I’m so happy for you. He’s a good man, and he’ll take good care of you.”

  Vieno rubbed his cheek against Palani’s, and for a second Palani worried about Lidon stepping in, but he caught the alpha’s eye and a small nod. “I love you too, Palani. You’re my best friend and you always will be. Thank you so much for everything…”

  “No thanks between us, remember?” Palani whispered. He kissed his cheek one last time, then let go, his vision unexpectedly blurry from tears. Enar’s steady hand gripped his shoulder and stayed until he’d recomposed himself.

  “We’re gonna let you two celebrate your wedding by yourselves,” Enar said, his voice calm and steady. “And we’ll celebrate it by getting blindly drunk, won’t we, Palani?”

  It was about the last thing Palani had ever expected Enar to propose, but hell if it didn’t sound like the best idea ever. “Yes, alpha,” he said and watched with satisfaction as Enar froze for a second before shooting him a look that could make ice cubes melt.


  The drugs Enar had given him were starting to wear off. Vieno's anxiety returned as they sat in the back of the limo, being driven toward Lidon’s house. It was a lot longer of a drive than Vieno had expected, and he was surprised when they left the city behind them. Dusk was falling, but it was still light enough to see they were turning on a country road with few houses visible. Where exactly did Lidon live?

  “I live outside of town,” Lidon said, seeing Vieno’s confusion. “It’s about five more minutes till we hit my property boundaries.”

  “Oh. Okay.”

  It was a gorgeous scenery, the rolling hills with some cattle grazing, lazily looking up as the limo drove past. The sun hung low, coloring the sky in orange hues, making the landscape even more picturesque. Vieno hadn’t even considered the possibility of moving out of the city, but now that they were driving here, it made his heart peaceful to be away from the noise and lights. Even in their apartment, he’d always been able to hear the traffic, the honking car horns, sirens that raced by, even the occasional gunshot.

  The limo took a left turn onto an unpaved road. A large wrought iron sign read “PTP Ranch” and indicated the entrance to a… This was not a house. This was a ranch. White fences lined the road, separating acres and acres of green grass from the road that kept curving and rolling until minutes later, it stopped in front of an imposing metal gate.

  The driver lowered the barrier between him and Lidon and Vieno. “I’d be happy to drive up to the main house,” he said.

  “That won’t be necessary,” Lidon said, his voice leaving no room for argument. “We’ll walk from here.”

  He waited till the driver had opened the door for him, then reached for Vieno’s hand. “Come, sweetheart. We’re home.”

  Vieno got out of the car and stood, shivering with tension, until Lidon had pressed a tip in the driver’s hand. He waited until the limo was out of sight before using an app on his phone to open the fence. As soon as they were through, he pressed a button to close it again.

  Vieno hung onto Lidon’s hand as they walked down the driveway, holding his jacket in his other hand. He’d taken it off as soon as they were in the car. Even with the AC on, it made him way too hot. It still took a few minutes until they turned a corner and a sprawling ranch house came into view. Vieno swallowed. “It’s massive…” he whispered. “This is yours?”

  “Yes. It’s been in my family for generations.”

  “What does PTP stand for?” Vieno asked, remembering the name on the sign.

  “Protect the Pack. My wolf-shifter ancestors built this house, and they chose the name. That sign has stood there for over a hundred and fifty years.”

  They walked up the porch that wrapped around the house, and Lidon opened the front door. He flicked on the light, illuminating a large hallway with more doors than Vieno had thought possible. “How…how big is this house?” he asked.

  “I’m only using a small portion, but the whole house has eight bedrooms, all with their own en suite bathroom, and a slew of other rooms, ranging from a library to a fitness room and even a large room that was once a ballroom. It also has two kitchens, two dining rooms, and… Vieno, are you okay?”

  Vieno hadn’t realized he’d swayed until Lidon’s hands gripped his shoulders to steady him. A wave of nausea barreled through him. “You…this is…how rich are you, exactly?”

  Lidon’s eyes narrowed. “Does it matter?”

  Vieno swallow
ed. “Yes. We didn’t sign any prenup, any legal document protecting your assets from me. You should have! God, you need to contact your attorney and see if he can still draw something up.”

  Lidon tilted his chin up with his finger. “You’re worried about that?”

  “Yes! You should have said something…protected yourself financially. You know if something were to happen to you, as your claimed mate I would inherit…and I can’t. What if something happens to you? God, you’re a cop…what if you get shot?”

  His breaths came out as rapid fire, trying to keep pace with his words. His breath was cut off as Lidon bent over and kissed him. He simply took his mouth, drowning any remaining words with his tongue until every rational thought had evaporated from Vieno’s brain. In its place came a thundering want that made him jump up into Lidon’s strong arms.

  Lidon caught him, placing his hands on Vieno’s ass as he held him up effortlessly. He walked forward until Vieno’s back bumped against the wall. Caught between Lidon’s body and the wall, Vieno surrendered to his omega’s pleas to embrace what was coming. He opened his mouth for Lidon, allowing him to take what he wanted, and his hands pulled Lidon’s dress shirt from his slacks, wanting to touch that warm skin. He moaned when they found it, harder when Lidon’s big hands squeezed his ass.

  Lidon tore his mouth away. “I’d planned to give you a tour first, but…”

  “The tour can wait,” Vieno decided. “Let’s start with your bedroom.”

  “I like the way you think,” Lidon grinned and carried him farther into the hall way, opening a door with one hand.

  Lidon’s bedroom was a mess, Vieno noted, but he didn’t care. It smelled wonderfully like him, his alpha, the man who made his hole slick and his cock so hard it felt like bursting. Lidon deposited Vieno on his feet with a wet kiss. “We need fewer clothes.”

  Vieno nodded, stripping out of his suit in record time, but still taking care to leave it folded over a chair that held what looked to be at least two weeks worth of clothes. He chuckled. “God, you need me,” he told Lidon when he turned around to face him.


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