Alpha's Sacrifice: an MMMM Mpreg Gay Romance (Irresistible Omegas Book 1)

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Alpha's Sacrifice: an MMMM Mpreg Gay Romance (Irresistible Omegas Book 1) Page 20

by Nora Phoenix

Ener buried his face in his crease, inhaling Palani’s essence, then gave that little star an experimental lick. God, he loved this. He licked him again, then dug in for real. Both hands were on Palani’s hips, pulling him as close to his face as he could. He kissed him, licked him, nibbled, sucked, until he drooled all over his chin and Palani’s ass. He didn’t care. He wanted more.

  He lowered himself on his ass, immediately regretting losing contact with Palani’s skin, and laid down on his back on the floor. “Sit on me,” he told him.

  His heart jumped when Palani didn’t hesitate but kneeled over him, his ass on Enar’s face. He shifted backward until he'd reached the perfect position, all but sitting on Enar’s face. Enar moaned at the perfection of this pose, degrading as some alphas might find it. He found the delicious hole again that he hadn’t had his fill of yet, and after circling it a few times with the tip of his tongue, pushed in.

  Palani made little noises, low moans and growls, that fired Enar on. He made love to that hole, Palani quivering above him, his muscles trembling with effort.

  “I gotta…I can’t stop,” Palani moaned, reaching for his cock with his right hand.

  Enar sucked and fucked, kissed and scraped, feeding himself with every little whimper of pleasure and need Palani made, until he gave a shout and sprayed his cum all over Enar’s chest.

  Palani had to fight against his body’s urge to crumble and slump down on Enar’s strong body. Holy crap, the man had rimmed him straight into an explosive orgasm. He hadn’t merely licked his hole or kissed him. He’d straight up made love to Palani’s ass with his mouth.

  Enar pulled back, panting, as Palani struggled to find words. How did you adequately say thank you for that?

  “That was…wow,” he finally managed. “I need a minute to…yeah.”

  Enar laughed. “I rendered you speechless. I think that says it all.”

  Palani managed to climb off Enar, his body feeling like liquid lead, and he sat bare ass on the floor, his back against the wall. Enar pushed himself up on his lower arms, inspecting the remnants of Palani’s cum on his chest and stomach.

  “Sorry,” Palani said, gesturing.

  Enar’s smile was proud. “I don’t mind. I ate your ass out, you didn’t think I’d object to a little cum, did you?”

  Palani grinned, then full out laughed at that response. “True.”

  Enar sat up. “Do you think we could continue this in my bed since it’s more comfortable?”

  “Hopefully also cleaner.” Palani plucked some stuff off his knees that had been on the floor. “Dude, you need to vacuum.”

  Enar shrugged, but he blushed slightly. “I’m rarely home enough to bother.”

  “Why do you work so much?” Palani asked.

  Enar crawled over and took position against the wall right next to him. “My work is never done,” he said. “There are always more patients, always people who need me. I have a hard time turning them away.”

  “I get that but you gotta take care of yourself first. You can’t help anyone when you work yourself into the ground.”

  “Self-care does not come easy to me.”

  Palani let that statement sink in. He could see that about Enar, that he would put others before himself. But perhaps also because he didn’t have anyone who called him out on it? Palani had a tendency to get lost in his work, but Vieno had been an excellent safeguard because he would point out Palani was working too hard and force him to slow down, take rest.

  “Do you have any family in the area?” he asked.

  A flash of pain clouded Enar’s face. “Yes, my parents live here and my two brothers, but we’re not close.”

  Palani hesitated but asked anyway. “Is it because of…?”

  “No. God, no. If my dad ever found out about that, he’d stop talking to me. No, it’s because of what I do, though he’s offered his disappointment with my sad excuse for an alpha-behavior more than once. I’m the only alpha in my family, so there were a lot of expectations… he was super happy when I was accepted to med school but equally upset when I chose my specialty.”

  Palani reached out for Enar’s hand, because it felt like he needed to be touched right now. “What was his plan for you?”

  “Surgery, ‘cause it’s prestigious. Or plastics, ‘cause you make a shitload of money. I don’t make a lot since so many of my patients can’t afford to pay me.”

  Palani scooted over so their shoulders were touching. “But you’re saving lives. Surely that has to matter in the bigger scheme of things.”

  “It does to me,” Enar said, sounding so sad it broke Palani’s heart a little. “But I’m the black sheep in my family. I was the one they pinned their hopes on, and I let them all down.”

  Palani was quiet for a bit. “You said you had two brothers?”

  “Yes, Lars and Sven. I’m the oldest. My mother had trouble getting pregnant after me, so it took a while for her to get pregnant again. Lars is twenty-two and Sven is twenty. I rarely speak to them because my father has poisoned them against me. He’s scared I’ll spread my anarchist ideas with them—his words.”

  “They’re both betas?”

  “No, Sven is an omega, but he hasn’t had his first heat yet, as far as I'm aware. He’s a late bloomer.”

  Something about those words triggered Palani, and he tried to remember where he had heard that expression before. Then Enar froze and Palani looked sideways. “What?” he asked.

  “I never even thought of my brother. The gene, what if he has the gene?”

  Palani squeezed his hand he was still holding. “The chances are small, but you could tell him, just in case. Or even test him?”

  “Yeah, I need to. He barely knows me, but I would never forgive myself if something happened to him I could have prevented.”

  Palani put his head on Enar’s shoulder and they sat there for a while.

  “Sorry I killed our mood,” Enar said.

  “Blame me. I’m the one who asked all the serious questions.”

  “You’re good at that, asking the right questions to get people talking. I know it’s your job and all, but you excel at it.”

  Palani debated for a second, then broke the serious mood. “You excel at rimming,” he said.

  “Yeah?” Enar asked.

  “Oh my god, yes. That was insane.”

  “I love doing it.”

  “Do you love receiving them as well?” Palani asked, then rolled his eyes at himself for venturing into serious territory all over again. “Ignore that question, will you? I swear, it’s habit.”

  Enar sighed. “Nice try, bro. Once the words are out, they’re out. Kinda like my secret.”

  Palani decided he liked his head where it was, on Enar’s shoulder, so they didn’t have to see each other for this particular conversation. “I’m sorry.”

  “For what? You made a joke, and I took it seriously. That’s on me. But to answer your earlier question, I like doing it myself better than have someone do it to me.”


  Enar chuckled. “You want the short and sweet polite explanation or the one where I use my basic courses in psychology?”

  “I want the truth…if you’re willing to share, that is. No pressure.”

  “I’ve never talked about this,” Enar confessed.

  This time, Palani did lift his head to make eye contact. “You don’t have to explain anything… I would completely understand it if you didn’t want to talk to me about it.”

  “I want to… I’m not sure why, but maybe because you’re a good listener, and I feel like you wouldn’t judge?”

  “I won’t. And I’d be honored to listen. I’ll never repeat a word of this.”

  Enar leaned in for a quick kiss on Palani’s mouth. “I trust you.”

  “Can we please talk in bed, though? This floor is not comfortable…and neither are the crumbs that are now permanently inserting themselves into my skin.”

  He got up first when Enar nodded in agreement and pulle
d the alpha to his feet. He still had Palani’s dried cum on his chest and stomach. “Go to bed. I’ll grab something to clean you up.”

  “You don’t have to…”

  Palani pushed him with a light force. “I want to. Go.”

  He found a washcloth in Enar’s bathroom and wetted it with warm water. The alpha was stretched out on his back in his messy, unmade bed. “You’re a slob,” Palani said, as he climbed on and wiped off the jizz. “You need a housekeeper.”

  “It’s what I keep telling Lidon. He’s even worse than me. At least my kitchen and bathroom are spotless.”

  “Well, he has Vieno now. Trust me, his house will be sparkling clean in no time,” Palani said. A deep pain stabbed through his heart at the mention of Vieno’s name, but he ignored it.

  He got rid of the washcloth and climbed back in bed. Had he ruined the mood with his serious questions? He wasn’t sure what to do now. Did Enar want to talk? Or did he want to…?

  Before he could make up his mind on his course of action, Enar rolled on top of him, his big body pressing into Palani’s. “Can we talk later and spend a little more time…not talking?”

  Palani smiled as he pressed a soft kiss on the alpha’s lips. “We sure can. What did you have in mind instead? Play a board game? Clean your house?”

  Enar grinned. “How about we play doctor?”

  Palani was still laughing when Enar’s mouth captured his, and then the laugh quickly transformed into a deeply content sigh. The kiss was slow, almost lazy, their tongues and lips dancing with each other in a rhythm as old as time. Palani loved Enar’s weight on top of him, the sensation of being dominated just a little. His heart sped up, his blood pumping through his veins with a deep desire for more.

  His hands caressed Enar’s back, his skin soft and firm under his fingertips at the same time. The man was such an intriguing mix of strong and vulnerable, of sexy and sweet. He kissed like a lover but had rimmed him like a horny omega in heat. Palani couldn’t figure him out, and in his books, that was high praise as he’d always loved a challenge.

  Enar licked Palani’s lips one more time, then pulled back. “Is it okay if I…”

  Palani nodded, understanding his question. Now that Palani had guessed his secret, him topping Palani wasn’t so self-evident anymore. “Yeah. I want you to finish what we started last time.”

  The relief on Enar’s face was palpable. “I’d love that.”

  He rolled off Palani and grabbed something from his night stand—lube and a condom, Palani figured. His guess proved to be right when Enar squirted some lube on his fingers. Palani spread his legs, opening wide without any shame. He hadn’t been lying that he wanted to finish what they started. That way-too-short experience of Enar’s dick inside him had been amazing.

  His hole was still somewhat soft and pliable from Enar’s rimming, and the alpha had no issue prepping him fast. He rolled a condom on, coated himself, and nestled between Palani’s legs. The soft, wet kiss he gave him made Palani’s stomach curl.

  He took his time entering him, a frown of concentration on his face, and his blue eyes reading every signal on Palani’s face. As soon as he cringed, even a little, Enar stopped and allowed him time to adjust.

  “Fuck, you’re tight…” Enar panted.

  “I told you it had been a while,” Palani grunted, focusing on relaxing.

  “Let me know if it’s too much.”

  “It’s not. It’s about to get good…”

  They exhaled at the same time when Enar was fully seated. His eyes had never left Palani’s face. “I like looking at you,” he said, then blushed in a way that made Palani want to cuddle him.

  “Do you now?” he said instead.

  “Your face, it’s… I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone where their face matches their character so well. It’s as sassy and complex as you are.”

  His cheeks still flushed, Enar seemed embarrassed by his words. Palani’s heart did a funny little hop inside his chest. “That’s pretty deep,” he said softly. “But I like it.”

  “I’m a pretty deep guy at times,” Enar said, his face relaxing into the trademark crooked smile that made Palani’s insides twist.

  “You do realize I could make, like, a ton of puns about that considering what we’re doing right now, right?” he said to lighten the mood a bit.

  Enar’s smile widened. “One day, I wanna hear all of them. But not now.”

  “No,” Palani said. “I had other ideas for what we could do now.”

  “Me too,” Enar agreed, and then he stopped talking and instead, pulled back and thrust in with a precise move.

  “Ugh…” Palani moaned. “That’s much better than talking.”

  Enar repeated his move, then transitioned into a slow, but steady tempo, every move exact and controlled. Palani wrapped his legs around him, holding on to the alpha’s arms to anchor himself. No more words were spoken, the only sounds audible the slick noises of Enar’s thrusts and the grunts and moans from both of them.

  Palani closed his eyes, his senses too overloaded to deal with seeing Enar’s intent gaze. It intensified his focus on his body, on Enar’s cock sliding in and out of him, creating a delicious mix of burn and pleasure that had his body throbbing with need.

  This wasn’t the frantic fuck they’d initiated during Vieno’s heat, this was…slower. More deliberate. Thorough. This was Enar showing him what it was like to be fucked by an alpha who was in control of himself. And fuck, Palani loved it.

  He let go of Enar’s biceps with his right hand and wrapped it around his weeping cock. Within seconds, he fisted himself in the same cadence as Enar’s thrusts. His cock was warm, slick steel in his hand, his ass liquid fire, and his balls white hot pressure. He focused on the fullness inside him, the friction and the hot sparks every time Enar tagged his prostate.

  Palani arched, his body straining to get as much of Enar as possible. God, he wanted to crawl out of his skin with the sheer want of it, the need that thundered through his system. His cock flexed in his hand, his balls painfully tight.

  He opened his eyes, immediately meeting Enar’s blue eyes that had gone dark with desire but had not lost any of their intensity. “God, I love watching you fall apart,” Enar said, his voice low and raspy.

  Palani lifted his ass, begging with his body for more. He wanted to come so badly he heard himself make sounds he’d never made before. “Please…”

  Enar slammed into his ass, letting go of the finesse he’d demonstrated so far. Palani didn’t need it anymore, he needed… Another deep shove. That. He needed that.

  His left hand clawed at Enar’s biceps as he rammed inside him again. His right hand squeezed his cock with a force that made his eyes tear up and then he came. Thick ropes shot out of him in bursts at the same time as Enar did a frantic last pounding, before letting out a long moan that sounded more like a howl, his strong body quivering with the force of his orgasm.

  He collapsed on top of Palani, his body still shaking and trembling. Palani wriggled his hand out that had gotten trapped between their bodies and he wrapped his arms around him, holding him as he shuddered one last time.

  “That was…” Enar muttered finally against Palani’s neck, his cock softening inside him.

  “Epic,” Palani said, still coming down from his high. “Epic is the word you’re looking for.”

  They stayed like that, their hearts and breaths slowing down, until Enar’s soft dick slipped out of Palani. He rolled off to take off the condom. “Do you want to take a shower?” he asked, uncertainty lacing his voice.

  “Yeah. Shower would be good.”

  They barely spoke as they showered, but the intimacy lingered. Soft kisses. Touches. Palani washing Enar’s back. Enar holding him close as they let the warm water rain down on them.

  They toweled off, then crawled back in bed. Palani hesitated but then installed himself with his back against the headboard, supported by a few pillows, and pulled Enar toward him between his legs.
  His instinct told him that Enar wanted to talk and to do that, he needed to be held, even if he had a hard time giving into that need. It’s what he had done when he was drunk, crawl into Palani’s arms instead of the other way around. Enar avoided his look as he gave in and nestled himself against Palani’s chest. It was a strange but wonderful sensation to hold the bigger man and Palani’s heart did a happy little jig.

  “Talk if you want to, but if not, this is pretty sweet, too,” he said, kissing Enar’s head.

  “Damn,” Enar said, “You’re not only a good listener, but you know exactly what to say. You’re good with words.”

  “Thank you.”

  They sat for a few minutes like that and Palani thought Enar had decided to not talk when he spoke up. “I’ve always felt different, not only from my parents, but from others as well. I’m the only alpha in my direct family, so I’m an anomaly and it would make sense for me to experience a certain estrangement. But I’ve been different from other alphas as well.”

  He took Palani’s hand and played with his fingers, clearly needing to do something with his hands, so Palani let him.

  “It seemed to come so natural to them, being an alpha, whereas I always had to work for it. My powers are weak, which became clear in high school when everyone else developed theirs. But my…my sex drive was, too. You know how young alphas fuck around…well, maybe you don’t, but they do, mostly with beta friends. They’re like rabbits at that age…but I wasn’t. I tried and I liked it, but I didn’t recognize that crazy sex drive my alpha friends had.”

  Palani hmm’d to affirm he was listening.

  “I try to be what and who people expect me to be, but it’s hard… The dominant stuff, the role expectations, it doesn’t feel true to how I am on the inside…like I’m acting, playing a role.”

  Palani waited to make sure Enar was done speaking and asked, “If you were to act like how you are on the inside, what would that look like?”

  It took a minute, maybe more before Enar answered, and when he did, his voice was barely audible. “Like a beta…”


  “Good morning, sexy,” Charlene called out to Lidon. “How’s married life treating you?”


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