Seraphim Academy 3: Fallen Kings

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Seraphim Academy 3: Fallen Kings Page 11

by Briggs, Elizabeth;

  Hilda and Raziel chaperone the students, and they stop in front of two trees whose branches have fused together, forming an arch. Raziel touches a certain spot on it and says a few words in Latin, and then the arch shimmers and a door forms between it, made from golden light. This school continues to surprise me with its secrets, even after all this time.

  “This doorway was built between Seraphim Academy and Hellspawn Academy about thirty years ago, after the Earth Accords were signed and the yearly sports games were established,” Raziel says, loving this opportunity to lecture us on some angel-demon history. He adjusts his basketball-covered bowtie and opens the door, through which we see another forest that doesn’t line up with this one. “It’s a symbol of the peace between our two schools and—”

  “Yeah, yeah, enough history,” Hilda says, as she waves us forward. “Let’s get in there and kick some demon ass!”

  The basketball team cheers and begins heading through the magical doorway. I give Jonah an excited smile before following them. There’s a slight tickle against my skin as I walk through the glowing door, and then I’m in a different forest. The trees are shorter, skinnier, and closer together, with lighter colored leaves. The crisp, mountain air has been replaced by a warm, earthy scent. We’ve gone from northern California to upstate New York in the blink of an eye.

  A small contingent of demons awaits us on the other side, led by Baal, the vampire Archdemon and the headmaster of Hellspawn Academy—and one of my mother’s former lovers, apparently. The others are probably professors here, and they range from a somber woman wearing a black dress that looks like it was from the Victorian era, complete with a veil over her face, to a scruffy guy in jeans and a well-worn t-shirt with a raven sitting on his shoulder. I’m super curious about them, but I hang back with Jonah while Hilda and Raziel speak with Baal about the game. After a few minutes they wave for the team and the guests to follow them. They take off with the Hellspawn professors, but Baal holds up a hand for me to wait.

  He looks like an old-school vampire with long black hair and an all-black suit, and he’s mouth-wateringly handsome and oozing power, money, and age. I can see why Lilith would go for him. “Welcome to Hellspawn Academy, Olivia. It’s about time you visited us.”

  “Thanks. I tried to come last year, but Uriel said it was a bad idea with the Duskhunter attacks.” I gesture to Jonah, who keeps glancing past Baal at the basketball team as they walk away. “This is my brother, Jonah.”

  “A pleasure.” Baal begins heading in the same direction through the trees. “I’d like to give you a tour of our school, and I’d be happy to answer any questions you have about it, or about demons in general. Unless you’d like to watch the game, of course.”

  “No, I’d love a tour,” I say. “If possible, I’d like to visit the library. I’m trying to research some of the darker, more dangerous fae relics for a paper I’m writing, and the Seraphim library isn’t cutting it.”

  Baal lifts his chin. “I’m sure their library is extensive, but heavily curated to protect the students from many dark truths. Here, we embrace such darkness. I’m sure you’ll find what you’re looking for among our shelves.”

  “Thank you.” I knew appealing to his ego would work.

  We emerge through the trees to a massive, emerald green lawn with a perfectly trimmed hedge and purple flowers leading to a courtyard with a large fountain. It’s dwarfed by an imposing, gothic building in dark grey stone with pointed arches, tall paned windows, and a black roof with a few stone gargoyles on the corners. Beyond it, I spot other smaller buildings in the same style, and a dark stone path leading to them.

  “Our grounds once belonged to a human university, but we took it over when they shut down during the Great Depression,” Baal explains, as he leads us past the main building along the winding path. “This is the main building, Archfiend Hall, which houses my office, the library, and some of the classrooms. You may notice this campus is somewhat larger than Seraphim Academy, and we have about double the students. Our other main differences from your school are that we start at eighteen instead of twenty-one, we hold classes year-round but give more frequent breaks, and our school is entirely optional.”

  “Demons don’t need to attend?” I ask, surprised. I was told Seraphim Academy was mandatory, and I assumed that was true of Hellspawn also.

  “No. In fact, many demon families prefer to train their young themselves, in particular the vampire houses and shifter clans.”

  “If that’s true, why do you have so many more students than Seraphim does?” Jonah asks.

  Baal lets out a haughty laugh. “Do they not teach you these things? Interesting. Demons outnumber angels on Earth by about four to one. We came here in much larger numbers throughout history and have been breeding here ever since. Vampires and shifters are the largest in number, while dragons are the rarest. We also teach many Cambion here—those who are half human.”

  I’m learning a lot of things they never mentioned at Seraphim, and it makes me wonder what it would be like to be a student here. I was treated poorly when people thought I was half-human—are Cambion treated any better at Hellspawn?

  Baal leads us on a quick tour around the massive school grounds, revealing a myriad of outdoor activities, including tennis courts and swimming pools. Behind the tennis courts, we enter a large indoor stadium that puts our gym to shame. We stand on the sidelines and watch a few minutes of the game, before heading outside again. Jonah keeps glancing back inside, dragging his heels as Baal continues the tour.

  “Go. Watch the game,” I tell him. “I’ll be fine.”

  My brother flashes a look at Baal with a frown. “I’m not sure…”

  “Olivia will be perfectly safe here on campus,” Baal says. “She’s under Lucifer’s protection, as well as my own. And unlike Seraphim Academy, we haven’t had an attack during any of our games in a decade.”

  Jonah still hesitates, but then a huge cheer goes up in the stadium, and he relents. “All right. As long as you’re okay with it.”

  “Very okay with it. We both know you’d be bored to tears in the library.” I’m actually excited to do this alone, without anyone watching over me. I can almost pretend I’m just another student here.

  Jonah heads back into the gym, and Baal continues our tour. He shows me the food court, which has a bunch of different restaurants, and the student housing, before adding, “We also have many classrooms and tunnels underground, in the dark depths below the school. We are demons, of course.”

  Of course.

  “As I mentioned before, our library is housed under Archfiend Hall,” Baal says, as he leads me back to the large gothic building we first saw. He opens a thick black door for me, and I step into a grand entrance with rich, dark wood and a sweeping staircase that twists around after splitting in the middle. The windows dim the bright afternoon sunlight from outside, and a huge black chandelier hangs above us with tiny crystals dangling from it.

  “This way.” Baal takes me around the back of the staircase to another one that leads deep underground. He stops in front of black double doors carved with intricate designs and opens both with a flourish.

  We enter a large circular space with tables in the center and bookshelves that stretch all the way up to the top of the very tall ceiling, complete with those skinny ladders that roll along the shelves. A few hallways lead off into other similar rooms with more massive bookshelves. It’s a shame Bastien isn’t here—he would love this place.

  Baal speaks to a redhaired woman behind a counter, and she nods and points to one of the hallways. Baal gestures for me to follow, and we pass some students who openly stare at me with a mixture of awe, fear, and hatred like I’m used to getting at Seraphim Academy. Will I ever fit in anywhere? Probably not. Not ‘til angels and demons have better relations, anyway. I want to make that happen, somehow.

  Baal takes me into an adjoining room and gestures to a large section of books. “These shelves house everything we have on
fae relics. You’re welcome to stay as long as you would like to do your research.”

  “Thank you.” My eyes scan the massive bookshelves. “Would it be possible to return here again? To continue my studies if I can’t finish up today?”

  Baal’s eyes gleam in triumph. “You are always welcome at Hellspawn. In fact, there’s still a spot for you here, if you’d like. We’d love to have you attend the school. Even for only a few days a week.”

  “Unfortunately, I don’t have time for that right now, but I’d love to come visit sometimes.”

  He nods. “Of course. You may use the doorway in the forest anytime you desire. Before you leave, I will show you how to open it from our side.”

  “That would be great, thanks.”

  “If you are satisfied, I will leave you to your research. Simply let the librarian know when you wish to depart.” He starts to leave and then pauses in the arched doorway. “Actually, there is one more matter to discuss. I’d like to invite you to Lucifer’s Ball.”

  “What is that?” I ask.

  “It’s the social event of the school year, similar to a high school prom, I suppose. The graduating class is presented to Lucifer by their parents and he gives them his blessing before they go out into the world. It’s a tradition going back oh, hundreds of years. There’s also food, wine, and dancing, of course. We’d love for you to come. If you don’t wish to be presented by your mother, I’d be happy to do it myself.”

  “That sounds nice,” I say, although it sounds terrifying too. A fancy ball surrounded by demons I don’t know, who will all be staring at me and wondering who my mother is? Hmm. “I’ll think about it.”

  “Please do. Lucifer himself has requested your presence there.”

  Well, shit. Now I can’t say no, can I? Not when I’m seeing his son.

  Baal gives me another nod and then departs, and I start pulling out some books. I probably won’t find anything today, but at least I have a new place to look, and it sounds like I can come back anytime I want. I’m not a student of Hellspawn Academy and never will be, but I have to admit, I like the idea of coming to visit sometimes.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  I slowly run my hands through Olivia’s dark curls, careful not to wake her. It’s a rare, wonderful thing to have her asleep beside me, and for once I’m grateful for my night owl tendencies.

  I haven’t seen Olivia in weeks, and it’s good to be back again, even if we have to meet in a motel room. After I was rescued, I wanted nothing more than to stay with Liv, but that wasn’t possible. For one thing, I’m no longer welcome at Seraphim Academy or in Angel Peak now that everyone knows who I am. More importantly, I had to report back to my father, especially since he dared to enter angel territory to find me. I was shocked when Liv gave me the run-down of Lucifer’s visit, but pleased that he seemed to like her. I hope to properly introduce them again someday. Maybe at the ball, if Liv agrees to go. I understand why she’s hesitant, but I think it’s important for her to start moving in the demon world too, and this would be a good start.

  Thinking about my father makes my stomach twist. He was relieved to see me alive, and although I gave him a complete report about what happened, I lied to him about the Staff. I told him Eveanna took it back to Faerie, going along with the story the others concocted, but even now I feel conflicted about it. I’ve never lied to my father before.

  At some point, my loyalty shifted from Lucifer to Olivia. I know why, of course. There’s no denying my feelings when I’m around her. But as a succubus, Olivia is never going to be satisfied with only one lover. I’ll always have to share her with the angels too. It’s not the sharing I have a problem with though, but the men themselves. I’m not sure they’ll ever accept me as one of them.

  A soft knock at the motel room door interrupts my turbulent thoughts. I slip out of bed, trying not to disturb Liv, and grab my sword. When I look through the peephole, I’m surprised to see Callan illuminated in the light in front of the door.

  I stand back with a frown, debating what to do, and decide to keep the sword handy. Unless there’s an emergency, there’s no reason for him to be here unless he wants to pick a fight with me for sleeping with Olivia.

  I unlock the door and slip outside, trying not to disturb Olivia. “What are you doing here?”

  “We need to talk,” Callan says, his eyes hard.

  I gesture at him with the sword. “Talk away.”

  “I know Lucifer didn’t kill my father.”

  His blunt declaration leaves me somewhat speechless. “Is that so?”

  “I was wrong about you.” He looks like the words leave a sour taste in his mouth, but he continues. “I was wrong to judge you based on what I thought your father did, anyway.”

  “I appreciate you saying that….” I’m not sure where he’s going with this, and I keep expecting a ‘but’ to show up somewhere, followed by a speech about how I’m evil and should stay away from Olivia. Although I’m told he went out of his way to help me after I was tortured, which never made sense to me. “And I appreciate your help rescuing me.”

  Callan nods. “You never broke. You didn’t give us up. I respect that.”

  “I would never do that.” I glance back at the closed motel room door. “I care about her too much.”

  His jaw clenches. “That’s why I’m here. I care about her too, and if we’re both going to be in her life, we need to come to terms with the arrangement.”

  I cross my arms. “I never had a problem with it, until you did.”

  “Well, I don’t anymore. Not exactly.” He gives me a challenging stare. “We want the same things—to keep Olivia safe and happy, and to destroy the Staff. And I think we’d both like to find out who really killed Michael.”

  One of my eyebrows arches up. “Yes, I hope to clear my father’s name someday.”

  “Our fathers wanted peace between angels and demons. Together they ended the war between Heaven and Hell.” Callan thrusts his hand toward me. “This isn’t easy for me, but I’d like for us to work together too.”

  I’m too shocked to move at first, but then I accept his peace offering. “I’d like that very much.”

  After we shake hands, Callan nods toward the door. “I’ll leave you to it then.”

  He walks away and gets into his red sportscar, while all I can do is stand there replaying the last few minutes in my head and wondering if they really happened.

  The door opens behind me, and a sleepy Olivia joins me outside while Callan’s car speeds away. “Was that Callan?”

  I wrap my arms around her and lead her back inside. “Yeah. He apologized…in his own way. He wants us to work together.”

  Her jaw drops. “Wow. I never thought I’d see the day. Maybe he really is trying to change.”

  I stroke her cheek softly. “I’m sure you’re the reason for it. He seems to truly care about you. In fact, he told me so.”

  “Did he?” She shakes her head, still in shock.

  “We all do.” I pick her up and carry her back to bed. “More than you know.”

  “Hmm, maybe you should show me,” she says with a naughty little smile.

  So I do. All night long. And when we’re both thoroughly worn out and satisfied, I curl up around her and whisper into her hair that I love her.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  What am I supposed to wear to dinner with Bastien and Uriel? I settle for my nicest pair of jeans and a silk blouse with the buttons done up all the way to my neck. After putting on a minimal layer of makeup and clipping my hair in a low bun, I’m ready.

  Ugh, I look like a librarian. I let my hair down and shake it out, then pop the top two buttons of my shirt and stick out my chest. Great, now I look like a sexy librarian. Oh well. It’s not like Uriel hasn’t seen me while I’m out and about on campus. I can’t help being a succubus. Being sexy is like breathing for me.

  I fly straight to Uriel’s Victorian house on the
far side of campus, worried I took too long and might be late. Landing on the porch, I smooth my shirt and tuck a flyaway piece of hair back. As I raise my hand to knock, the door opens.

  Uriel inclines his head at me. “Welcome, Olivia. Please come in.”

  “Thank you.” Now what do I say? Uriel has always treated me well, but our interactions were in a more official capacity before. “Hope you’re well.”

  He pauses after closing the door and the corners of his mouth tilt up. “Indeed.”

  Bastien walks down the hallway, saving us from further awkward small talk. Giving him a genuine smile, I step toward him, about to hold out my arms for a kiss, then stop myself. I can’t greet him like that in front of Uriel. “Hello, Bastien.”

  Bastien stands in front of me with his hands at his side. His gaze flits from me to his dad and back, then he kisses me lightly on the cheek. “Thank you for coming tonight.”

  Their dining room is gigantic, with an enormous cherry wood table with hand-carved decorations along the side of birds in flight. Bastien holds out a chair to the left of the head of the table, and I nearly laugh at how formal and awkward this is, except I wouldn’t dare do such a thing in front of Uriel.

  Bastien scoots the chair under me and then he and his father sit at the exact same time, like some sort of planned synchronization. Uriel’s seated at the head of the table, with the two of us on either side of him. The plates have gilded edges and the silverware looks just as fancy, and I’m pretty sure I’m in way over my head here. I swallow hard as we sit through the longest moment of silence ever.

  An angel I’ve never seen before walks out of a door in the back of the room carrying a large silver tray. She sets it in front of Uriel and removes the domed lid. An entire roast duck rests on the platter, and we watch as the angel carves the bird and serves us each a portion.


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