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Kazan Page 8

by Starr Huntress

  “You’re so hard,” she whispered softly, tracing the contour of my erection with one finger. When she finally started peeling my underwear off, I coiled my tail around her waist, almost as if I had become afraid she’d try to escape.

  “And all because of you.”

  I felt my cock spring free then, and she immediately grabbed it by the root. With a lustful grin, she started flicking her wrist, her fingers moving up and down my hard member. I held my breath as pleasure unfolded its wings inside me, a wildfire consuming all my thoughts, and that’s when I saw red.

  Unable to rein in my instincts, I pushed my hips up and rolled to the side, pinning her against the sand. I looked into her eyes, enjoying the fire I saw there, and returned her lustful grin with one of my own. I positioned myself so that the tip of my cock was right against her entrance, then tightened my tail around her waist, allowing its tip to drop down from her belly.

  “Holy shit,” she breathed out, the tip of my tail wandering toward her clit and pressing down on it. The moment she closed her eyes, surprised by the way I was using my appendage, I seized the opportunity and went straight for the kill.

  One thrust and I was in.

  No mercy.

  “Fuck,” I groaned, enjoying the way her tightness hugged my hard cock.

  I eased myself in until all of my inches were inside her and let her wrap her legs around my waist, trapping me in place. We looked into each other’s eyes for a moment, enjoying the vibrant connection we had built, and only then did I start moving.

  I started by rocking my hips at a slow rhythm, but it didn’t take long before I succumbed to feverish lust. Keeping the tip of my tail pressing down on her clit, I went from a slow rhythm to thrusting as hard as I could, stretching her inner walls each time I buried myself inside her. She was so damn tight that I couldn’t even think straight.

  It was unlike anything I had ever experienced before.

  I didn’t know if it was just her body or if there was something else about her, but there was no doubt about it—I had never felt so much pleasure in my entire life. Finally closing my eyes, I let instinct take the steering wheel, my mind adrift in an ocean of pure ecstasy.

  “Harder,” I heard Elle say, her voice coming at me as if she were standing on the other side of the galaxy. “Harder.” Placing both her hands on my backside, she dug her fingers into my flesh and guided my movements, urging me to go even faster than before. I obeyed willingly, putting all of my strength behind my hips. “It’s so fucking good.”

  “Yes, it is,” I whispered, and kissed her as our bodies became one. Right then and there, I felt our minds blend, and there no longer was any barrier between us. We were no longer Kazan and Elle, but something new.

  Something better.

  Gritting my teeth, I felt a rising pressure inside me, my whole body tensing up as I tried to stave off the inevitable. It was useless; before long, I had no option other than to succumb to the tidal wave of pleasure coming my way. As Elle’s inner walls tightened around my cock, squeezing it with the intensity of a vise, I knew there’d be no resisting it. I thrust one final time, offering her all that I had to offer, and her moaning turned into a full-blown scream that pierced the night.

  I came then, my cock throbbing hard as I spilled my seed inside her. My mind spun in tandem with my body, and it felt as if I was being burned alive from the inside out. Fuck, it was wrong to say that I had come—no, I had exploded, every single nerve ending blooming like a supernova.

  We remained like that for a long time, just catching our breaths. Around us, the sound of the waves lapping on the shore brought us down from our madness, and soon enough I rolled to the side and sprawled my limbs on the sand. Not wanting to be away from her, I offered her my arm, and she took it gladly. Nestling herself against me, she laid her head on my chest, one of her arms draped over me.

  “This is nice,” she whispered after a minute of silence, and I couldn’t stop myself from agreeing. We were doing absolutely nothing, just enjoying the way our chests rose and fell while the canvas of a bright night sky hung over us, and it was all absolutely perfect. There was a sense of stillness in that moment, one that made me feel…happy?

  Yeah, that was it.

  Then and there, I was happy.


  Stretching my back, I stifled a yawn.

  The morning sun slipped past the curtains, tumbling over the bed with a warm rosy glow. I blinked once, then twice, as I tried to recall where I was. Then, the memories flooded me at once, and my heart tightened inside my chest as I remembered the moment I had shared on the beach with Kazan.

  Biting on the corner of my lip, I looked to the side and smiled, my gaze taking in the red-skinned Jorkan lying beside me. He was naked, but the sheet was pulled up to his waist. Immediately, my eyes took in the perfect contour of his muscles, and I found myself struggling not to pull the sheet down his body.

  After what had happened last night, I was on the verge of developing a pretty strong obsession with his body. I wasn’t what some people would call a prude, and I sure as hell knew my way around a man’s body, but I had never quite experienced something like what had happened last night.

  It’d be easy to chalk it up to Kazan’s advantageous traits—a tail he could use in surprising ways, and a long enough member for me to wonder about the mechanics of it all—but I knew that the pleasure I had experienced had nothing to do with those things.

  Fine, let’s be honest: it didn’t hurt that he was the absolute biggest I had ever experienced, but what really mattered was that he knew what he was doing. At times, it even felt as if he could read my mind, if not guess what my body needed of him even before I knew it.

  “G’morning,” he muttered, slowly opening his eyes.

  A lazy smile spread over his lips as he turned to me. One quick kiss and I found my eyelids fluttering, my body already begging for more of his. Yeah, to say that I was obsessed with the things he could do was putting it mildly.

  “G’morning,” I whispered back at him, enjoying the way his lips lingered on mine. He tasted of manliness—power, fire, and leather—and he—

  “Good morning,” I heard a familiar voice say, and I immediately pulled the sheet against my body. I sat up just in time to see Yilap, our assigned Jorkan guide, stroll into the cabin. He stood by the bedroom door, his white tunic flowing in the breeze, and he puffed his chest out, both hands on his hips. “Did you guys sleep well? Judging by what I’m seeing, we’re making some progress, aren’t we?”

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing, you damn creep?” Kazan growled, then he rolled to the side and grabbed the small holographic clock from the bedstand. With one quick movement, he flung it at Yilap’s head. The blue-skinned official just ducked, the clock exploding on the wall behind him, but his smile never wavered. “Don’t you know how to knock?”

  “Someone’s in a foul mood,” Yilap continued, his overly excited tone remaining as hyped as ever. “I wanted to surprise you, that’s why I didn’t knock. You two have a very exciting day ahead of you.”

  “Yeah, I think we’ll pass,” Kazan said. “We might stay in bed all day and—”

  Without giving him the chance to finish his sentence, Yilap strode into the room and yanked the covers back, leaving Kazan completely naked while I lay there in my underwear.

  “We must hasten,” Yilap said, throwing the covers over his shoulders. “The first activity of the day is about to start, and you don’t want to miss it.”

  “What the fuck, you idiot?” Jumping up to his feet, Kazan walked past the guide and grabbed the covers off the floor. He wrapped one of them around his waist, and threw the other over my half-naked body. “You come barging in here like that ever again, and I’m going to snap your neck.”

  “Duly noted, Colonel.” Clasping his hands together, Yilap performed a bow and gestured toward the door. “Shall we go now? I’d hate for you to miss what we have planned and I’ve been tasked to ensure you have
not one dull moment.”

  “Just let us get dressed, for God’s sake,” I said, and that seemed to be enough. One more bow and Yilap left the room, walking backwards until he disappeared from sight.

  What an odd guy.

  “Damn idiot,” Kazan grumbled, staring after Yilap with a frown. After a moment, he picked his discarded clothes off the floor and dressed while I rummaged through the drawers, trying to find something suitable. Once more, the closet and all the drawers had been fitted with clothing that matched my measurements. I settled on a pair of sandals, a white shirt, and a patterned sarong.

  “Any idea on these activities he was talking about?”

  “That’s what I’d like to know.” Shrugging, Kazan threw me one of his devilish smiles. “I know the one activity I wouldn’t mind doing all day, though.”

  “Oh, stop it.” Laughing, I walked past him and headed out of the cabin. I agreed with what he was saying, but I didn’t want to sound too willing—or desperate, for that matter. As much as desperation was anathema for men, I didn’t believe that a desperate woman would score many points, either. It was better for me to play it cool.

  “Ah, very well,” Yilap chirped once we stood on the porch. “What a lovely couple. Please, accompany me, it’s only a short walk from here.”

  Kazan and I exchanged a curious glance and set out after Yilap. He led the way through the other cabins lining the beachfront, and we ended up on a small trail that snaked through the woods facing the ocean.

  It didn’t take long before we found ourselves in a large clearing littered with junk. There were empty oil drums everywhere, a shuttle that seemed to have burned down, and even the concrete carcass of an abandoned building.

  Standing at the center were a few other Jorkan, as well as other humanoid aliens, some of which I recognized from the club we had visited. The small group was a blend of different skin colors, from pink to pitch black, and there were limbs that went from resembling squiggly tentacles to tree trunks.

  “What’s all this about?” Kazan asked, warily eyeing his surroundings. His attention was quickly snagged by a large workbench at the edge of the clearing. On top of it were all kinds of weapons, none of which I recognized.

  “We have organized a holo-shoot session with a few of our other guests,” Yilap replied, waving one hand at the group standing a couple of yards away from us. Most of the aliens there smiled and waved, and I found myself waving back at them with a confused smile. One or two just hulked, expressions blank, and I wondered why they were present if the activity bored them. They stood out like a sore thumb, and at least one of them kept glancing at Kazan. “I believe the humans have something similar to this on Earth, Miss Ashby. They call it laser tag, or maybe paintball. This is similar.”

  “Uh, sure,” I muttered, not really clear on what to think about it. Was this the Jorkan’s idea of a mate-building exercise? Paintball? It didn’t strike me as being a romantic activity but, then again, what did I know?

  “Finally, something interesting,” Kazan said beside me, clearly more excited with the prospect of shooting up the other guests than I was. Without being told anything, he quickly moved toward the workbench and started checking out the guns. He tossed me one of them, some kind of sleek blaster-pistol, and chose a mean-looking rifle for himself.

  “Please, put these on,” Yilap continued, pushing a set of overalls and a vest into my hands.

  Shrugging, I started getting dressed while Yilap explained the rules. Meanwhile, Kazan was already busy barking orders at the other guests, splitting them into two opposing groups. He placed me into his own group, in which he obviously assumed the position of a leader. The two hulks with a distinctly killjoy aura, he placed with the others.

  Christ—men and their games. Thank God there was no intergalactic Playstation in the cabin, or he might not even notice me there.

  Leaning against the workbench, I sighed as I continued watching Kazan boss everyone around, his voice growing louder as he realized nobody in our group recognized the military jargon he was using.

  “What are you laughing about?” he asked, scowling as he honed in on me. “Care to assume the defensive position I assigned you to?”

  “Sure, fearless leader,” I replied, which only made him scowl harder. Crouching behind a pair of overturned oil drums, I waited until Yilap grabbed a small device from his pocket and pressed down on it, and a loud noise filled the entire clearing.

  Then, it was madness.

  Laser fire flew everywhere, red darts of light shooting from one side of the clearing to the other, and loud holographic explosions popped up at regular intervals. This whole thing was like a far too realistic war game. No wonder a jarhead like Kazan was excited about this stupid holo-shooting thing.

  Unfortunately for him, things didn’t go well.

  While Kazan expected some kind of military exercise, the tactical positioning he had chosen for our team members only ensured the other team quickly pinned us down. Without any training or fear of real death, our adversaries just rushed forward without thinking things through, annihilating most of our team.

  “We’re pinned! Charge, Elle, damn it,” he shouted, and I just narrowed my eyes at him. Who the hell did he think he was screaming at? I peeked over the oil drums and, realizing that I was staring at half the members of the opposing team, I quickly shook my head. No way I was going to sacrifice myself in such a stupid way. “Charge, Elle!”

  “You charge,” I muttered under my breath and gave him the finger.

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” he asked me, confused. Clearly, to flip off someone wasn’t a universal gesture. He probably thought I was doing some kind of military hand-sign.

  “It means ‘okay’,” I lied, doing my best not to grin. “I’m going to charge...but I’ll do it my way.”

  Before he could respond, I moved sideways and into the edge of the woods. According to the rules, we couldn’t step out of the clearing or we’d be disqualified. Our position was tracked by the vests, and so I quickly removed mine and hung it on a tree branch.

  Now out of the official game perimeter, I kept my body low as I moved through the thick vegetation. I flanked the other team and, once I could hear their voices, I started moving even more slowly. Once I saw them through the foliage, just a few steps away from where I was and with their backs turned to me, I jumped out from my hiding spot and gunned them all down with fake-laser fire.

  “Flawless victory,” I cried out, happily pumping one fist up while my defeated adversaries just stared at me with disbelief.

  “That was cheating,” a purplish squid-thing said, its tentacles awkwardly holding up one of those fake rifles. His teammates nodded in agreement, but I just smiled and shrugged.

  “The rules said that our trackers couldn’t leave the perimeter,” I said, and pointed to the vest I had hung on a tree. “My tracker never left the perimeter, and I didn’t break any rules. I just thought outside of the box and got things done.”

  Like a good lawyer’s supposed to do, I thought, but kept that part to myself.

  “Well, that was different.” With his rifle propped up over one shoulder, Kazan made his way toward me, warily looking at the disgruntled losers I had just shot down. “You got them good.”

  “Of course,” I said. “It doesn’t take a Jorkan Colonel to—”

  “Do you know why I told you to charge and not to flank them?”

  I hesitated.


  “Because they placed mines on their flanks,” he said, and a smile dawned on his lips. “You’re standing on one.”

  “I’m what?” I looked down and realized I was standing on some sort of metallic panel, a contraption of sorts that seemed to sink under my weight. Before I could think things through, I jumped back on instinct, and that was the end of me.

  Paint exploded everywhere, the panel flying up into the air as a wave of red paint washed over me. It got onto my holo-shooting overalls, stuck to my hair,
and coated every inch of my exposed skin.

  Grinning like a vindicated asshole, Kazan looked at Yilap. “I believe that I’m the last man standing, right?”

  “Indeed, Colonel.”

  “Flawless victory,” he said as he walked past me, slapping my paint-coated shoulder so hard that I stumbled forward. “It’s not always about skirting the rules, Elle Ashby, Esquire. Sometimes, war is about following orders.”

  Gritting my teeth, I flipped him the finger.

  He just smiled. “Glad you learned your lesson.”

  Damn it!


  “What kind of stupid bullshit is this?”

  Crossing my arms, I watched as seemingly all the females on the resort lined up on the floating deck, a large wood platform that floated near the shore. Most of them were busy placing little rubber mats in front of them, and some were already doing some warm-up stretches.

  Yilap stood in front of them with an idiotic smile, the palms of his hands joined together in front of his chest as if he were praying. He looked like one of those space-hobos who decide to live inside an asteroid, hoping to reach enlightenment.

  “It’s called yoga, Colonel,” Yilap replied in a soothing tone. “It’s a physical and spiritual practice I’ve learned from the humans. It’s very relaxing, although it’s also extremely demanding.”

  “You sure of that?” I asked him, narrowing my eyes as I analyzed all the women once more. They were of all shapes and sizes, but none seemed particularly capable of suffering through a demanding physical practice.

  “Afraid I might be better at this than you are?” Pushing a white mat into my arms, Elle laid hers out in front of her. She had spent the last couple of hours removing all the paint from her skin and hair, but it seemed like her efforts had finally paid off. She was now wearing a small tank-top and pants of a stretchy fabric that highlighted her curves in the most mouthwatering of ways.


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